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One Simple Murder.

Started by Red, June 30, 2009, 05:25:12 PM

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One Simple Murder is a new story I am currently writing, but unlike others, I'm actually going to finish this one! :O

I'm still writing it, so the story is not actually here yet, but the first page should be updated soon enough.

Synopsis: None. Read it when I update it. If I write a synopsis, I risk spoiling the entire story. Nary told me to write one, so I am. Something bad happens to  guy, he tries to find out who did it, adventure ensues. Ted -insert last name here- is about to be married, when his wife is murdered the day before their wedding. While I can't say the rest, (mainly because I haven't written it yet) I can say this, "One Simple murder has one complicated ending."  (Let's face it, I only chose that title to coin that phrase.)

                                                            Chapter 1:

            Ted was sitting there, emotionless. He had earlier gotten dressed up for his big day, when he had heard the news. Today he was going to get married to an energetic, smart, and attractive woman by the name of Michelle. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of his life, but instead it became the most tragic.
            A doctor walked in, looking at his clipboard. The doctor was the first to speak. ?The autopsy reports are fairly obvious. Several blunt wounds to the back of the head, and the spine.? Ted took a deep breath, and looked down. He felt his eyes becoming glassier. ?Any idea when this happened?? he asked, biting his thumb. ?Sometime between two and four this morning. Now, if you don't mind, I have other patients to attend to. After all, I am a world renowned doctor.? the doctor replied, leaving the room.
            ?What a vagina cleaning device bag.? Ted thought to himself, but his mind quickly went back to more important matters. He opened his cell phone and called his friend, Jim. Ted's phone stopped ringing, and heard noise on the other end. At first it was just the sound of a city street. With cars honking at each other, people talking and bargaining, Ted could barely make out what was going on. Waiting for a while without getting a response, Ted hung up. He assumed Jim was busy, and he'd call him back later.
            Ted slowly stood up, and left the hospital. He walked all the way across the parking lot to his car, and went in. As he buckled his seatbelt, the buckle pierced his tuxedo. He looked at it for a second, but with his spirits already down, decided not to fix it. Instead, he continued to start his car, forgetting to turn his radio on.
            While driving down the highway, Ted noticed he was nodding his head to a beat that wasn't there. He went to turn on his radio, when he felt a sharp pain in his forehead. As his head grew lighter and lighter, his vision began to become blurred. He knew he had to get off the highway, or risk an accident.
            Ted took the nearest exit, one before he was supposed to. He pulled over to the side, and cleared his eyes. He looked down at his car's clock; it was getting late. ?Just get home, and then you can have a good night sleep,? he tried to persuade himself.
            After a fifteen minute drive home, taking the side streets, Ted arrived at his home. As he walked  up his porch, he found that his door was locked. ?Dammit, I must have left my keys in the car,? he thought in dismay. Ted's car seemed to be miles away at this point. ?I'll never make it there and back,? Ted said aloud, as he felt the physical and emotional exertion of the day take its toll.
            Ted's knees started wobbling uncontrollably, when he eventually collapsed. The last thing Ted saw before he passed out was the baseball bat he used to hit twenty home runs on his varsity team. ?What's that doing out here...?? were the last words he thought before fading to black.
            Ted was running, and he didn't know to where, or why. He saw someone in the distance, running also. He noticed he was gaining on the person in front. He was soon within five feet from the person in front. The figure ahead fell, with a loud shriek. Ted's right arm began beating the victim senseless. He tried to restrain himself, but it was too late, she was dead. He flipped her over, to see her face, when he felt his spine tingle. It was Michelle. He took a few steps back, and dropped the object in his right arm; a baseball bat.
            As he began to cry, everything except him, and Michelle turned dark. He saw Michelle's glasses begin to sparkle. As he picked them up, he saw his reflection. He wasn't himself, he was his father.
            At that moment, Ted found himself sitting up on his porch again. The sun was just coming up;  it must have been around six in the morning. Ted looked down,and found himself covered in sweat. ?A dream,? he thought, ?It was all a dream. I can't believe it...Could she have been trying to tell me something?? Ted had always believed in the paranormal, ever since he was a kid. However, he never thought something like what he had read in stories would happen to him.       




Edit post three. That's all of them, so post away.


How does that count as a synopsis?
That's every adventure novel ever written in one sentence! XD


Fine, I'll change it again, since I actually came up with a good one.


Quote from: Red on June 30, 2009, 05:42:03 PM
Fine, I'll change it again, since I actually came up with a good one.
Better, I suppose it'll have to do until you get the first chapter up. XD


This will go great with our summer long spectacular, Mysteries of the Campfire.


Chapter one updated. Comments and criticism welcomed.