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The Anatomy of a Thread/Life

Started by Super, April 12, 2013, 03:29:42 PM

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Clicking on a thread may seem like an ordinary part of an ordinary day, but what it really is is something entirely unique. Something, concocted by someone, somewhere, is within the constraints of your abysmal life. The experience you experience by clicking on that thread cannot be found elsewhere, even if the content contained inside it is of a similar quality to other experiences on the web. It is like the congregation of planets you have stumbled upon. You were there at the right time and the right place to see such an event, the event being the thread. But let us move on.

You click on the thread title to see what it is that your dear life is missing. You were swayed by the powerful intensity of the words chosen for the thread to lure in viewers like you. There are many people like you, after all. But just remember that there is only one of you.

You enter the thread, clamoring to see what joys and wonders could possibly be contained inside. You take in the first post like you were being delivered a message from God. It is then you realize the true meaning of life. To learn. To wonder. TO BE.

Shaking from the life-changing event unfolding around you, you discover the true promises of the thread; the visitors. You realize that others, like you, are entranced by this wondrous occurrence. Like the conglomeration of planets, you become one with the community of like-minded souls. A further understanding of the nature of society is now within your grasp. It is then the inspiration hits. YOU could make a thread. YOU could further connect with your society. YOU could be a deliverer of joy. You make the decision to make your own thread.

It is at this time you ponder: What could I possibly create that would stimulate the very fabric of our existence together? Do I have what it takes to provide a meaningful service to humankind?

Your commitment to provide your peers with emotional sustenance brings you to create a work of art; a thread of your own. You await tirelessly to see the feedback from your well-deserved trustees.

