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Christmas traditions? (other holidays apply too)

Started by Logheck, November 20, 2007, 08:23:18 PM

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What I mean by other holidays, is if you celebrate Hannukah or anything, still post your traditions.

My family's tradition is to wake up early Christmas morning, open presents, go to my grandparents' house (mom's side), turn a Christmas Story on the tv (you'll shoot your eye out :O)  eat breakfast, open presents there (with a Christmas Story going the whole time), then we visit for a while, go back home, then head to my other grandparents' house, eat dinner, then open presents. Then we all go back home ;D. What are your traditions?

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We used to go visit my grandmother at the nursing home on Christmas eve.  Dunno what we're going to do now instead of that.

Other then that, nothing.


since last year my cousins come over and bring some pot for me and them to smoke, the entire day is full of epic LULZ


on the 24 we all open presents because where such bastard we  can't wait a noter day. We eat and have fun sense i live in a Ukraning family but they brain washed them selfs to be russian they think that 25 should only be openning present days back in mother land russia we celebrate the 31. So thats means I got to stay with my parents who believe in magic and hear them tell me how this year is going to be good. MA ass its going to be good -.- and so on and so on then the russian music kicks in holy intercourse ing poop believe me its not the new kind of russian music maybe you can actully lison to no this the old poop that makes 0 intercourse ing sense and you just want to tear you hears off ! Sense my parents where so smart to moving from Canada to America they got 0 friends to be with on the holidays :) Thats because there so smart you know. They believe that magic will save them and on holidays smoke like there is no tomorrow because you know some people smock all there life and don't get cancer -.- Oh so i guess magic will make it so you don't either ? Some times i just want to beat my family up with a stick :(


  • Have uncle come over from Texas and visit our house a few days before Christmas, stay for a few after
  • Get a live Christmas tree about 3-5 days before Christmas
  • Open one present on Christmas Eve (last year it was Pokemon Diamond for me)
  • Share presents between whoever is in the house (me, sister, mom, grandma, uncle)
  • Go to cousin/aunt/other uncle's house (usually, another one of my aunts, her husband, and daughter visit them. Whole family includes me, sister, mom, grandma, two aunts who are twins, my 8-year-old girl cousin, my 7, 9, and 16 year old boy cousins, one blood-relative uncle, and two uncle-in-laws.)
  • Open presents from the rest of the family at the other house
  • Spend most of Christmas Day at my aunt's house
  • Go home relatively late
  • Visit again on New Years


On Christmas Eve, my family drives back to the country from which we spawned, and I spend a very uncomfortable, albeit fun, evening under the scrutiny of my conservative relatives. After partying like it's 1608, we come back to the city and then drive around looking at Christmas lights and displays (Main Street is particulary impressive). At about 12:00 midnight, we head back home and my parent goes to bed while my sister and I stay up watching old PBS Christmas movies until we fall asleep. Then, at 5:30 Christmas morning, we all wake up and spend about an hour opening gifts. At about 12, my sister and I go to my other parent's house and spend an hour opening presents there. We then spend the rest of the day with that parent's family and eat dinner accordingly...

......... :(