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Pokemon Snap vs. Pokemon Farm

Started by Jaden10, November 30, 2007, 11:31:56 PM

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Which is Better

Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Farm


Please Say What You Voted in a Spolier Box!!!
[spoiler]I voted Pokemon Snap.  Farm looks boring.[/spoiler]


Who voted pokemon farm? Tell why you voted it.


[spoiler]considering nobodys played it yet, pokemon snap is way better, and pokemon farm has pokemon that look stupid...[/spoiler]


exactly what i thought
my little bro will probally get both because he loves pokemon


I voted Farm. First off, you're forgetting that the two things are rather different. Farm isn't designed to be a game, it's WiiWare. If it's what its been lead to be, it's very similar to Pokémon Box, which 4th Gen desperately needs, and is of much more use to me.

Snap is an actual game, one of which I've already played. It was fun, but I feel it held little replay value. An updated Snap would win out to Farm, but the original doesn't cut it for me.

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Quote from: 7Deadly$ins on December 01, 2007, 10:46:05 PM
I voted Farm. First off, you're forgetting that the two things are rather different. Farm isn't designed to be a game, it's WiiWare. If it's what its been lead to be, it's very similar to Pokémon Box, which 4th Gen desperately needs, and is of much more use to me.

Snap is an actual game, one of which I've already played. It was fun, but I feel it held little replay value. An updated Snap would win out to Farm, but the original doesn't cut it for me.
[spoiler]I said to use a spoiler box![/spoiler]


-.- It's not like it really matters. Besides, I'm not to only one who did it.

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