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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Fanfiction)

Started by Retronintendodude7, September 25, 2007, 08:20:18 PM

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This chapter is my last one that I have to just edit. It's just straight writing from here. :P The fight here is really short, but that's because I think the winner would destroy the other fighter in an actual match.

Anyways, here's the next chapter:

Chapter 15: Special Delivery

Toaster walked along a lonely hallway illuminated by blue tubes. He stopped at the first two to admire what was inside. The first tube had Falco floating lifelessly in a purple liquid; beside him was Marth in a similar tube with the same liquid slowly rising past his neck.

"W...why are you doing this?" The swordsman asked weakly.

The Toad smiled. "There's nothing wrong with being careful, is there? I just want to make sure that the revival succeeds without any interferences..." Toaster's eyes drifted to the empty tube next to Marth's. It had the words "Fox Mccloud" engraved in gold at the bottom.  "With few interferences..." He corrected.

Retro fished a quarter out of his pocket and put it in a thin metal slot. Lights flashed before him as Toaster's voice called out, "You're late...we've already start planning for the revival."

Retro rolled his eyes as he pressed a red button flashing beside him. "Yeah, well, I was busy watching a match. Give me a break..."

"There are no excuses. You will face the ultimate punishment for being late." Toaster yelled.

"You're the one who's going to be punished..." Retro muttered as he pulled a metal trigger on his right side. He released the trigger in a swift motion making a loud bang echo throughout the room. A silver ball shot towards Toaster and threw him to the ground. Toaster jumped back in the air and hurled the ball back at Retro, who was unable to return it.

"Will you please stop talking to that machine? We're trying to think." Olimar politely asked behind Retro.

"Fine...." Retro sighed as the words "Game Over" appeared in bright orange letters on the pinball machine in front of him.  "A quarter for one ball is a rip-off anyway..."

Olimar was sitting on a metal stool next to the lounge's bar. Fox and Louie were on either side of him. The Space Captain held his head up with his hands as he thought. "Now what would Fox, Falco, and Marth have in common with each other?"

"Falco and Fox are from the same game series..." Retro started. Everyone else in the room gave him blank stares. "Area...sorry..." He apologized.

Fox burst from his stool. "Two people have already disappeared and I was almost the third, and we're just going to sit here and wait for something to happen?" He shouted. "I'm going to go back to the coliseum and see what happened."

"That's foolish." Olimar observed. "If you go back there, you'll get caught by whatever was after you. You are in no condition to fight right now."

Fox exhaled as he took out his blaster. "That's a risk I'm going to have to take..." He muttered before he walked off.

Olimar sighed at the pilot's stupidity. "We barely got out of there the first time with the Pikmi-" He stopped. The captain's eyes widened when he looked around the room frantically. "Louie? Where did you put the onions?"

"Downstairs..." His partner replied lazily.

Olimar rushed to the first floor of the lounge and saw Yoshi sitting down on the couch clutching his stomach. "Excuse me," Olimar started. "Have you seen any coloured onions around? There were three: red, yellow, and blue..."

The dinosaur groaned while he sat up. Olimar noticed that his eyes were bloodshot. "The...yellow one's under the couch somewhere, but believe me, you don't want it..."

Olimar looked at the reptile questioningly, "Why wouldn't I want it?"

"I ate the other two and..." Yoshi started to explain.

"You ate them?" He cried.

"Yeah and..." He continued, but Olimar darted back upstairs.

Louie and Retro gazed at Olimar. "Did you find them?" Louie questioned.

Olimar's eyes started to twitch and he began to breathe heavily, millions of thoughts were running through his head. He jumped at Louie in anger. "Why? Why did I bring you with me on this mission?" He asked himself as he shook his partner violently. Retro sat down on a stool and waited to see how things would play out. Olimar grasped Louie's helmet and jerked it off of his head. Louie gasped for breath seconds before the angered captain smashed the helmet on the ground.

"Isn't oxygen poisonous to their species?" Retro whispered to himself. "Nah, Olimar wouldn't kill Louie...would he?"

Louie started to choke while Olimar silently watched him. Louie reached for Olimar's helmet but fell back to the ground. The space captain slowly turned to Retro with an insane look in his eyes. Retro looked around nervously as Olimar crept towards him.

Retro could hear knocking on the door downstairs and sighed in relief. "Well...that's probably for me..." He laughed worriedly and then bolted downstairs.

When Retro came downstairs, he saw Yoshi signing for a paper given to him by a burly man wearing a brown uniform. He handed the dinosaur a small rectangular box wrapped in newspaper and walked off.

Yoshi tossed the package at Retro, who barely caught it. "You owe me ten gold shipping and handling...and expenses..." He calculated.

Fox peaked inside of the coliseum. The ground was covered in wet sand, just like it was during his match. The pilot held his blaster firmly in his hand while he cautiously walked into the coliseum.

"Fox, Fox, Fox. Always the cautious one." A voice laughed in the shadows.

The pilot looked towards the shadows and saw a feathered hand. "Falco?" He asked while pointing the blaster at him.

The falcon sauntered out of the shadows. "None other." He replied confidently.

"W-what happened to you? Where did you go?" Fox inquired.

Falco laughed in response. "I was taken prisoner by Toaster and his cronies." He explained as he got closer to Fox. "They put me in a tube filled with some sort of purple liquid, but I managed to escape. You know why?" He asked in a mocking tone.

"W-why?" Fox stuttered.

Falco's eyes widened. He got closer to Fox while his eyes started to glow a light purple. "Because..." He started.

Falco jerked Fox's blaster away from him and crushed it with his hand. Fox stepped away from his friend and put his fists up, ready to attack. Falco sneered as he slowly walked towards his friend. Fox tried to punch Falco, but he caught his fist and squeezed until he heard a snap. Fox opened his mouth to yell, but he found himself gasping for air once Falco clutched his neck.

"I work...for them." He replied in a monster-like voice.

Retro sat down on the couch next to Yoshi. Before he could open his package, the dinosaur coughed and extended his hand.

"Are you still sick from the onions? Maybe you should get some rest before your match..." Retro suggested.

Yoshi angrily muttered something under his breath as he grabbed the remote. He turned the television on to see the next match about to begin.

"Sound system...Online. Stage system....partially online." A robotic voice announced. "System still needs thirty-seven percent more power to function without any bugs...."

The left half of the coliseum started to transform while the other half remained the same. The drying sand and stone walls on the left side were now flatter and lighter. A silhouette walked into the lighter side of the coliseum. He was entirely black and as flat as his side of the coliseum was. The stranger had a round head and long nose, his arms and legs were eerily thin.

A medium-sized man walked into the darker side of the coliseum. He had light red hair on his head and a goatee to match. He wore a beige hat backwards and a blue t-shirt with the letters "HMD" printed in white letters. The silver watch on his right hand started to glow.

"In the left corner, the multi-tasking Mr. Game & Watch." A voice yelled out. "In the right corner, the hero of movie land, Viewtiful Joe!"

Retro put the package next to him as he watched the television. "Why'd the voice's personality change?"

"Let's get ready to rumble!!" The voice continued.

Joe put his left arm in front of his head and smiled. "Henshin-a-go-go Baby!" He shouted making his outfit change in a flash of light. Instead of his t-shirt and shorts, he wore a bright red jumpsuit, and he wore a red helmet with a white "V" on the front rather then his hat. A pink scarf appeared around his neck.

Game & Watch made a rapid beeping noise. "Loading trash talk...Halloween's over, you know."

Joe smirked. "I was just about to say the same thing to you..."

The two dimensional character threw a turtle at Joe. When the turtle was near Joe, it became three dimensional. The V-Warrior slowly ducked and avoided the flying reptile. Joe pressed a button on his watch and ran at his opponent in a flash. Before Joe was able to land a hand on game & Watch, he was struck with a frying pan filled with burning hot sausages.

"Victory is futile." Game & Watch taunted before hurling a punch at Joe.

The V-Warrior nimbly pressed a different button on his watch before his opponent's attack could connect. Everything around the fighters was moving slower, and Joe was able to jump behind him. Seconds later, time went by regularly causing Game & Watch to stumble. When he turned around, he saw Joe sticking his tongue out at him.

"Pretty nifty, eh?" Joe laughed, before throwing a pink bomb at him.

Game & Watch dove to catch the bomb, but was only able to go in slow motion. He screeched before disappearing in a massive explosion. Joe started kicking an unlit bomb as if it was a soccer ball as he whistled nonchalantly.

"The right corner wins!" The voice cheered, followed by automated applause.

Yoshi sighed and turned off the television. "I have to go to the coliseum. Mario made me promise that I'd see Peach's match, even though they won't see mine..." He hinted while looking over at Retro. The dinosaur rolled his eyes when he saw Retro was too busy trying to open his package.

When Retro finally opened the package, he saw a black rectangular shaped object, a plug to charge his DS, and a note printed on worn paper on top everything. Retro eagerly grabbed the letter and read it:


The device inside the package is a recorder. Just press the big red button on it to record anything at any time.  Consider it a birthday present from me...

I heard that you guys went off to a tournament for a little while. I'm going to need a place to hide out soon, so I might join up with you tomorrow.

                     Happy Birthday,
                                  The Captain.

"He's coming here?" Retro whispered in surprise. He crumpled up the letter in his pocket and started to walk to the door with his gifts in hand. "I'd better tell Mage..."

"So this whole place is moving?" Mage asked as he walked with Snake along a long corridor.

"Yeah. There's also a lot of nuc-" Snake started, but quickly finished when the duo heard a door open.

"Who's there?" A deep voice echoed as the mercenary and sorcerer ducked into the shadows.

To Be Continued

I was deciding on whether or not to let Louie die from falling in the ground or stick to the way he did in this chapter. I thought this way was funnier and showed Olimar's dark side. :D


 :D  Poor Louie!  I've never played Viewtiful Joe before, but it sounds like a pretty cool game.  Mr. Game and Watch isn't so tough, anyway.   :P  And it looks like we have another Him to think about.   :P


This was a very good chapter. But Olimar really kill Louie like that? I mean, wouldn't he be charged by the company they work for? And Louie has a family that would brutally murder Olimar when they found out... Oh, well. It's still funny!


I know that it's been a couple of months since the last chapter, but this was the first chapter that I had to write since Nsider first closed down. I was also pretty busy with school and football, but I'm done with football for a year, at least. :P When I finally got back to writing the chapter, I had a bit of writer's block, which is the first time that's ever happened...Anyways, here's the next chapter if you guys are still interested at all. :D

Chapter 16: Hedgehogs are blue, Princesses are...

Sonic reluctantly entered the coliseum. He didn't want to participate in the next match because of his opponent's status. If he won, the people of her kingdom would probably hate him, but if he lost people would make fun of him. The hedgehog sighed and looked in the middle of the coliseum. He saw Fox and Falco talking to each other.

"What's he doing here?" Sonic wondered before creeping closer to him and hiding behind the stands.

"They put me in a tube filled with some sort of purple liquid, but I managed to escape. You know why?" A cocky voice asked in a mocking tone.

"W-why?"  A lighter voice stuttered.

"Because..." The cocky voice started. Sonic then heard a loud snapping noise and grunting.

"I work...for them." A deep voice said.

The hedgehog peered into the stands and saw the falcon carrying an unconscious Fox over his shoulder out of the coliseum. Sonic sped towards the falcon and yelled to get his attention. The bird leisurely turned his head towards the hedgehog, his eyes shining a deep purple. He curled his hand into a fist as Sonic's air was suddenly cut off. As the hedgehog tried desperately to breathe, he was hurled behind the stands of the coliseum. The hedgehog struggled to get up, but couldn't. He watched helplessly as the falcon continued to walk out of the coliseum before he blacked out.

"Who's there?" The voice repeated while Mage and Snake remained silent.

Mage turned his head so he could identify who was looking for them. The sorcerer saw a tall, cat-like creature hover past them. He had tubes connecting the back of his head to his neck and a long purple tail. His fingers had only three digits on them.

Mewtwo? Mage wondered before quickly hiding in the darkness again.

After Mewtwo disappeared, Mage and Snake suddenly floated in the air. The duo heard a deep laugh as they were hurled in front of the Pokémon. Snake opened his mouth to say something, but the creature interrupted, "I'm psychic." He said smugly before thrusting his hands forward.

The sorcerer and mercenary were slammed into the wall behind them. Mewtwo lifted his hands again and pointed at a different wall, effortlessly tossing the duo around like rag dolls.

The Pokémon slowly floated towards Mage and Snake. His eyes narrowed as he sent a message to them telepathically, I'd better not see you two down here again, understand? Mewtwo then turned to Mage, I'd tell you to warn your two friends, but you won't remember...

"What's that supposed to mean?" The sorcerer coughed. Mewtwo smiled while his eyes turned blue. Mage and Snake's vision then blurred to a white light.

"So what was in that package?" Yoshi asked as he stopped in front of a door beside Retro.

"A recorder and a letter from a friend of mine." Retro replied nonchalantly while he knocked on the door.

Before the green dinosaur could respond, the door slowly opened. Mage's head poked out of the opening, "What?" he whispered.

"What happened to you?" Yoshi inquired, seeing that the sorcerer's eyes were half-shut and his lime green hat was on backwards.

Mage sighed, "I have no idea. I have a headache and I can't remember the last couple of hours..."

"Yup, that's what happens when you get old!" Retro mocked.

"I'm younger than you!" The sorcerer snapped. "What do you want?" he questioned. Retro gingerly handed a letter over to his friend. Mage slowly read the letter, "As if I don't have enough problems..." He muttered.

Yoshi coughed, "Um, what's so bad about this guy?"

"He's a thief, and that's it." The sorcerer replied before slamming the door.

"Your friend doesn't like the guy in the letter does he?" Yoshi questioned. The teenager quickly nodded his head. "What did he mean by he's a thief?"

The amateur hero took a deep breath, "He's a pirate, for starters..."

A grey Velociraptor with a sky blue stomach quickly attached a metallic circle onto the large purple door in front of him. He darted behind a group of barrels before silently counting down.

"!" He whispered in an Australian accent. He heard a deafening explosion behind him as he hopped back to his feet.

The dinosaur dashed back to the door he destroyed and nonchalantly went through the smoke and debris. He put his scaly hand to his left eye, which was covered by a leather eye patch, and pressed it. The pirate heard a quiet clicking noise in his head as his vision changed to infrared. He saw three humans trying to hide behind a nearby crate.

"Is that him?" one of the humans asked. All three humans were dressed in grey spacesuits. The visor on their helmet was a light blue. They were tightly holding guns in their hands.

One of the humans shook his head, "He doesn't look like I pictured Jolly Roger, but he's infiltrating the base nonetheless, take him out."

The trio heard a sigh behind them. "Please, don't call me Jolly Roger, I hate that nickname. It's just Roger...or Captain. Jolly Roger gives people the wrong impression."

The humans pointed their guns at the intruder and rapidly shot at him. The raptor smiled as he jumped into the air and out of their sight. "What are you doing here?" One of the soldiers called out as the other two went behind his back.

"I'm trying to steal, but you're not making it easy." The pirate answered sarcastically. He ran in front of the three soldiers and chuckled as they shot at him and missed. "I'll tell you what," The dinosaur said as he stepped out of the shadows with his hands behind his head. "I'll give you mates each a free shot at me. If you can hit me, I'll come quietly and you can split the reward for capturing little old me."

"The reward is ten dollars, not worth our time." One of the soldiers said.

"Ten dol-" Roger started to yell, but closed his eyes and breathed deep. "Fine, just take your shot."

The three members of the Galactic Federation took their shot at the pirate at the same time. No bullets came out of their weapons, only loud clicking noises. The trio gasped. "You knew..." one of them muttered.

Roger thought for a second and nodded his head, "Yup." He stated as he walked towards them. "Imagine if I was wrong, that would've been ugly." He laughed while he mockingly slapped one of the soldiers before walking on.

"Shouldn't we stop him?" One of the Federation members asked.

"We can't like this..." Another replied. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small microphone, "Security Breach in Sector 7-G. Repeat, Security Breach in Sector 7-G."

Roger rolled his eye as he walked along a dimly lit corridor. "Why does everyone call me Jolly Roger? That's such a stupid name...nobody would be scared of pirates if they were called Pink Beard...or Jack..." The pirate opened the door in front of him and saw a small room with a computer in it. "I'm never jolly...pirates can't be jolly if they want to be taken seriously..." He muttered angrily as he started typing on the computer.

The computer screen started to flash. Words were rapidly scrolling along it as the raptor continued to type. "Please enter CD to copy data." A woman's voice called out. The pirate pulled out a small CD and shoved it into the machine. "Copying data..."

Roger impatiently tapped his foot as he waited for the data to copy to his CD. "And when I always show up they're all like, 'You're not like I imagined you.' Yeah, well when you hear Jolly Roger, you don't think pirate, you think of some fat guy in a red suit and white beard..."

"Data has been copied. Initializing lock-down." The voice stated as the doors locked and the room started to fill with a green gas.

The Pirate took the CD from the computer and walked to the door. He banged on the door three times before he started to yell, "Oh no, I'm running out of air. I guess the Federation will get to keep that data of theirs..." The pirate coughed loudly and started to rip out the wires of the computer with his claws.

The door slowly opened as the raptor darted beside it. He saw four soldiers wearing the same uniforms as the other ones he encountered run into the room. "Where is he? Nobody could last that long without air!" One of them exclaimed.

Roger slowly walked out of the room and pressed the button on the side of the door, locking it from the outside. He whistled as he walked off, "Yeah, well I'm something that doesn't need air..."

"So why's he coming here?" Yoshi asked as he sat down in the coliseum stand with Retro.

The teenager shrugged, "He probably stole something. He usually steals something, sells it to somebody and then hides out at my place for a week until he works again."

"So why does your friend hate him?" The dinosaur questioned.

"Mage hates most of my friends." Retro shrugged.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" A voice boomed. "Welcome to the newest chapter of Super Smash Brothers Brawl! Today we have the Princess from The Mushroom Kingdom, the classic damsel in distress, Princess Peach!!" The voice roared.

A tall blonde woman gracefully floated down onto the sand with a parasol in her white-gloved hands. She dusted the dirt off of her blinding pink coloured dress and winked as she adjusted her jewel encrusted crown.

"Against the fastest thing alive, the hero with the spines, Sonic the Hedgehog!" The voice yelled as applause filled the almost empty coliseum. The voice waited a minute for the hero to show up before repeating his line. "Where is Sonic the Hedgehog? He only has five minutes to enter the coliseum before he's disqualified! Can he make it in time? Or has he ventured all of this way for nothing?"

Retro buried his face in his hands, "God, he sounds like one of those voice-overs at the end of TV shows. I'm glad that we're not going to have to wait and see what happens in a week, we get to see what happens in a few minutes..."

To Be Continued...


It looks like Captain is shaping out to be an interesting character.  :P 

I get writer's block too sometimes, and it can be really annoying.  On top of that, you haven't really written a full chapter since Nsider shut down.  Once you get back into writing, though, it'll start getting easier.  Overall, I'm looking forward to the next chapter, as always.  ;)


Kind of short, but that's okay. Pretty good!


This chapter took longer than I though it would. I wanted to get it up by Christmas, but that clearly didn't happen. :P This chapter's a little bit shorter than the others, but I still like the way it turned out.

Chapter 17:

"Sonic the Hedgehog!" Sonic faintly heard a voice calling. "Sonic the Hedgehog!" he heard it calling, louder than the first time.

Sonic's eyes fluttered open as he slowly got to his feet. "I'm right here..." he answered, clutching his head. The hedgehog slowly looked inside the coliseum and saw a large stone castle surrounded by grassy fields. The castle's roof had red tiles and a stain glass picture of a blonde woman dressed in pink. The woman in the picture was standing on one end of the roof looking at her nails.

"Where is Sonic the Hedgehog? He only has five minutes to enter the coliseum before he's disqualified! Can he make it in time? Or has he ventured all of this way for nothing?" A voice asked enthusiastically.

"Uh-oh...better get over there. I'd hate to keep her waiting." Sonic said smugly. The hedgehog hopped over the stands and dashed towards the castle.

Toaster slowly scrolled through pages on a computer monitor, We have the times that the rest of the heroes will appear. We're still translating what you have to do once you get the three of them together. We should get it done by the time we reach our final destination. :)

"I wish Mimi wouldn't end each message with a smiley face..." The toad muttered before the door behind him opened. "What?" he asked calmly without turning around.

R.O.B wheeled into the room before speaking, "Mewtwo caught two trespassers and erased their memories. He suggests getting more help for security reasons."

"I already sent for them." Toaster shot back as he shut off the computer monitor. He turned around in his chair to face the robot, "Is there anything else I should know?"

"Falco managed to retrieve Fox and put him in a tube. We should be able to do the transfer within an hour. Marth's transfer was also completed with succession approximately sixty-one seconds ago." It replied

"And the trophies?" The toad inquired.

"Arranged in order as per your request. The three transferred bodies are awaiting your commands." R.O.B reported.

"Tell Falco to stay down here and make sure nobody else comes down. Marth can keep a close eye on Roy as long as he stays out of sight." Toaster paused suddenly, "Who's the third one?"

"The Kong, sir. We obtained him before everyone arrived." The robot answered.
"Tell him to keep an eye on those three kids who weren't invited. I want to know why they're here." The toad ordered.

Retro tapped his foot impatiently, "The match hasn't even started yet..." He rolled up one of his sleeves and looked at a black digital watch. "It's only been a minute, but it feels like three weeks!"

A large blue ball suddenly hopped onto the roof of the castle, it uncurled and revealed Sonic the Hedgehog. "You shouldn't keep a lady waiting, you know..." Peach said smugly.

"Sorry, I was a little tied up." The hedgehog said with a smirk.

"Three!" The voice began to count.

"No hard feelings if you lose, right?" The blonde princess questioned.

Sonic smiled, "We'll see..."

"Go!" The voice shouted.

Sonic quickly curled up into a ball and spun towards his opponent. He was suddenly stopped with a deep metallic thud before he could touch the princess. The hedgehog fell to the ground three feet from Peach and clutched his head.

"W-was that...a frying pan?" He yelled angrily.

The blonde princess smiled as she threw a grey frying pan into the air. "And there's more where that came from." She answered before catching her weapon.

Sonic jumped to his feet and dashed towards the princess with his fists clenched. Peach raised her hand to slap him, but the hedgehog was too fast and rolled into her. The princess looked up after landing on the ground and saw the blue hedgehog standing tall with his arms crossed and left foot tapping impatiently.

"Missed it by this much." He mocked while he held out his arms wide.

Peach grit her teeth and knocked on the ground while Sonic stood where he was. A set of green leaves popped out of the ground in seconds and the princess pulled it out. The leaves were attached to a white turnip with a smiley face. She then furiously hurled it towards the hedgehog.

The turnip hit Sonic in the head and bounced off. The blue wonder effortlessly caught it to examine it. "Where are you getting this stuff?" he questioned as he looked back up at Peach, only to be met with a pink body flying towards him. Sonic yelled as he was sent across the rooftop from a heart shaped explosion. He slowly got to his feet, "Al right, no more Mr. Nice Hedgehog..." he muttered.

Sonic rolled into a ball and quickly spun towards Peach, the hedgehog's momentum sent the princess into the air. Sonic swiftly jumped into the air and grabbed onto his opponent and threw her back on the ground. Wasting no time, he spun back into a ball and landed on top of Peach.

The princess pushed her opponent off of her with all of her might. The two fighters glared at each other until they both heard a faint clicking noise, "Did you hear that?" Peach asked. Sonic nodded his head as they both looked around.

The duo suddenly saw a large shadow quickly growing over them. Sonic looked up and saw an enormous bullet with angry eyes and razor sharp teeth inches over them. The hedgehog heroically grabbed onto Peach and dashed to the other side of the rooftop with her.

"Are you okay?" The hedgehog asked with concern.

"Yes, thank-you." Peach smiled.

Sonic flicked his nose with a grin, "It's what I do." He said while he turned around to watch the explosion that could've easily killed the both of them. "So, who..." The hedgehog started as he turned back to face Peach, only to see that she had disappeared. "won..." He finished.

"This game's winner is...Sonic the Hedgehog!!" A voice announced.

Roger spun the CD he had recently stolen on one of his claws as he whistled, "Draw the line and turn the time, taking back what was mine..." A smile crept onto the dinosaur's face, "I need to play Time Hollow again..." he muttered.

"Halt!" A voice cried out, just before Roger reached the end of the ship he was on.

The pirate turned around and saw a group of Galactic Federation troopers steadily holding their guns at him. "What seems to be the problem officer? Was I speeding?" He said sarcastically.

"You know what we want, Roger." The trooper at the head of the group shouted. The pirate's face gleamed when he didn't call him by his nickname. "The disc. It has very important information on it and could be dangerous in the wrong hands."

The dinosaur rolled his eye, "If I didn't know that, there would be no point in taking it, would there?"

"I'm not playing around, give me the disc." The trooper said firmly.

Roger thought about his situation out loud, "There's about twelve of you and one of me. You all have what I assume are fully loaded guns. The wind is going..." he drifted as he stuck one of his fingers in his mouth and stuck it in the air. "North-east. And you guys really want to kill me because you're probably still mad about the whole being locked in the computer room thing." He finished as he noticed something flying past him in the distance.

"I'm not going to say it again, give me the disc." The trooper commanded.

Roger pulled out a small gun and shot behind him, a long rope flew out of the gun and wrapped around something in the distance. "I'll think about it!" He called out as he flew off of the spaceship.

The dinosaur pressed a button on his gun, pulling him closer to what his rope wrapped around. He eventually went onto the tail of a large purple dragon too busy reading a letter to notice the pirate hitching a ride with him.   

"Sonic!" A high-pitched voice rang out.

Sonic turned and saw a pink hedgehog wearing a red dress run up to him. She wrapped her arms around him as he stood there and saw Tails behind her. "She insisted on coming with me." He explained.

"What are you guys doing here?" Sonic asked as he pulled the pink hedgehog off of him.

"I figured I'd come and watch your match since we're not that busy. Amy found out and wanted me to take her to see you." The two-tailed fox answered.

"Good job on your win, Sonic. I'm so proud of you!" The pink hedgehog squealed as she hugged Sonic again. Tails shrugged while his friend glared at him.

"Are you guys going to stay here?" The blue hedgehog questioned.

Amy's emerald eyes lit up when Sonic asked his question. "We weren't planning on it, but if you want us to we can."

Sonic sighed, "Anyway, what happened to Peach?"

"After that bullet exploded, she fell off the edge and disappeared in a coloured light." Tails said. "Just like everyone else has." He added.

"Speaking of that light, I haven't seen anybody who's lost yet..." Sonic drifted off.

Sylux dropped in his chair and looked at the circle of life-sized trophies in front of him. "So this is what happens to everyone?" he asked.

Mimi continued to type on the computer in front of her, "Yup, and there's apparently only one way to reverse it, 'Only the touch of the three heroes can put the trophies to what they once were...'" The girl quoted.

Sylux whistled, "I'm glad that's never going to happen to us..."

To be continued...


Pretty good job, despite the shortness.


It wasn't THAT short.  :P  I like how you used the bullet bill from the castle stage.


Sorry about the wait, even though you guys are used to it by now. :P I was busy for the past couple of weeks, I had to go to my uncle's funeral, I was pretty sick and then I had a few exams to write, but I still like how this chapter turned out, even though I think I overused the italics...

I've probably said this before, but there are two characters named Retro in the story. That's just because of a lack of originality I had when creating the characters. When the other Retro is mention his name will be in red, like this. Anyways, here's the next chapter:

Chapter 18: Thunderstruck!

Retro crumpled the empty bag of popcorn he had in his hands and tossed it into a nearby garbage can. He then wiped his hands on his jeans and pulled out a piece of paper. "The next match is Pit against Pikachu...I wish that we could bet on these matches because I'd be awesome at that!" He exclaimed.

"Why?" Yoshi asked.

"I've played Smash Brothers before and unless video games have lied to me, you guys should fight exactly like you do in the games." The teenager explained.

"Who do you think is going to win the next match?" The dinosaur questioned.

"Pikachu." Retro shot back.

"I bet he won't." Yoshi said as he got up from the stands.

"You bet?" The hero echoed excitedly.

Yoshi rolled his eyes, "Fine, I'll bet with you. It's not like you know more about this than I do because you played the 'games' I experienced this stuff first hand." The dinosaur looked across the coliseum for a moment before continuing. "Anyways, I see Mario and Luigi over there, so I'd better get going. We'll talk about the bet when the match starts." He smiled.

Snake slowly sat up from his bed as he groaned. Before he could think about his surroundings, he heard a familiar ringing in his ears.

"Snake!" Otacon cried. "What happened to you? We've been trying to reach you for an hour."

"I don't know..." The mercenary responded while standing up and looking in a nearby mirror. "I have a huge headache and can't remember the past few hours."

"Well, I guess I'll have to catch you up to speed. The area you're on is moving, it's apparently been moving for the past few years and you will be near your final destination within a few days. You've been passing by a lot of places, like Kongo Bongo and Dreamland. I also found out that the last known records of someone named Toaster lived hundreds of years ago and had the remains of dead fighters scattered across his castle...but after looking into him a bit more, I've found something else that was pretty strange." He breathed as he finished his explanation.

"What?" Snake asked impatiently.

"There's no record of his death...anywhere, actually. There are records of him being overthrown by some of the fighters in his tournament and losing both of his hands in the battle...but it clearly said that he didn't die." Otacon drifted.

"If it was that long ago, he must have died. Nobody could've lived for that long." The soldier answered.

"That's true..." The otaku trailed off. "I'll keep you posted, Snake."

Mage opened the door to the lounge and saw Retro lying down on a couch with a Gamecube controller in his hand and Retro playing with a recorder.

"Retro..." Mage started as both of his friends looked up. "What are you doing?"

Retro pressed a button on his recorder and held it out, "Retro...what are you doing?" it repeated.

The teenager laughed, "This thing's great! Now I won't have to remember anything as long as I have this thing on."

The sorcerer rolled his eyes and sat beside Retro. "Do you guys feel like you're being watched?" He asked.

"You've felt that too?" Both Retros said in unison. They both looked at each other in awe.

"Yeah, ever since Sonic's match I started hearing footsteps behind me and feeling that I wasn't alone..." Mage explained.

The door suddenly swung open, making the trio jump. Diddy Kong leisurely walked into the room and sat down on an empty couch not too far away from the three friends. His hat was pulled under his eyes and he pulled out a wooden gun. The Kong shot into the air and caught a peanut in his mouth. "Don't stop your conversation on account of me..." He said without looking up.

The trio nervously stared at the chimpanzee, "Hey Diddy, you ever get the feeling that you're being watch-" Retro started but was stopped when Retro threw the controller at him. "What? I was just asking!" He yelled.

Diddy pushed his hat up and gave the three teenagers a piercing glare. "You're not who you say you are, are you?" He whispered.

Retro looked around the room before responding, "I don't get why we're whispering."

The kong smiled, "You're not who you say you are." He repeated.

"Well you're not who you say you are!" Retro shot back. The sorcerer and hedgehog on the couch beside him sighed at their friend's response.

Diddy Kong smirked before getting up from the couch and heading upstairs. "I'd be careful if I were you...Tom Nook...or should I say Retro?"

Mage made sure Diddy was gone before speaking, "Were his eyes glowing?"

Retro quickly shook his head, "I never thought out of all the people here, Diddy Kong would scare me the most...wait, how does he know my name?"

"You told a lot of people your real name, it probably just got around...I hope..." Retro answered.

Sylux and Mimi were lazily typing on computers in a dark room. "I wish we'd get more breaks." The hunter yawned.

A nearby phone suddenly rang out making the two jump. The duo both grabbed for the phone, but Mimi got to it first. The girl stuck out her tongue before answering the phone. "Hello?" She asked politely.

"You can tell Toaster that those kids are no threat at all. Retro appears to be their leader and he is a complete idiot." A voice explained.

"Oh, I know..." She sighed.

"I'm still not sure what they're doing here, but I can tell you for sure that if they somehow get in the way it shouldn't be too hard to dispose of them." The voice continued.

"How do you know that?" The girl asked.

"From what I've seen, they don't seem to have any powers at all, or even a basic concept of combat. But I guess we'll find out pretty soon..." The voice finished before hanging up.

"Versus Pikachu!" A voice yelled across the coliseum.

A lightning bolt struck onto a stone platform floating above a thick cloud. The bolt faded to reveal a small yellow mouse with red cheeks and brown streaks across his back. The rodent's tail was in the shape of the same bolt of lightning he appeared in.

Retro quickly sat down beside Yoshi. "What'd I miss?"

The green dinosaur rolled his eyes, "It just started. Are you sure you want to bet against me?"

"Yeah, what have I got to lose?" The teenager quizzed,

"Ten gold coins, since I really don't want your money..." Yoshi responded, uninterested.

"You're on!" Retro shouted.

Pikachu cocked his head to one side and stared at his opponent. Across the sky from the Pokémon stood a tall boy dressed in a white toga and brown sandals. He had golden bracelets on both of his wrists and golden leaves in his hair. His snow-white wings were spread out behind his back.

"I guess they're letting anyone in now, eh?" He asked outloud in a high-pitched voice.

"He sounds like Curly! That's awesome!" Retro laughed.

The angel tightly gripped a twin blade that was gold and sapphire. "And just what is that supposed to mean?" He questioned through gritted teeth.

"In the tournament, I mean." The Pokémon explained. "The whole point of it was to have everyone come together to see who was the best fighter in our whole universe. By everyone I mean somebody's, people that matter. Folks that people know, ya' know?" He grinned. "Just who are you anyway?"

"I'm Pit, from Angel Land. What are you?" The angel questioned.

The rodent chuckled, "I'm Pikachu, I know you've heard of me. Can't say I've ever heard of you, though." A golden platform appeared under both fighter's feet and ascended into the air. "If all of these lights are scary, don't worry. It'll all be over in a couple of minutes Pat."

Pit turned red, "It's Pit." He huffed, blowing some of his hair back.

"Three! Two! One! Go!" The voice counted down.

Pit dashed towards the electric Pokémon and slashed it with both side of his blade. The yellow mouse quickly grabbed onto his opponent weapon and closed his eyes. The angel shrieked as he felt a strong shock course through his body. Pit flapped his wings and flew to a platform above his opponent.

"You know, if you were a Pokémon, you'd be totally screwed." Pikachu called out.

The rodent jumped up to where Pit flew to, but he wasn't there. He quickly turned around and saw a white light fly into him and knock him across the platform he was on. Pikachu groaned as he pushed himself up. Pit was hovering over his opponent and crashed down on him before he could get up. "Good thing I'm a nobody, then." Pit retorted.

The Pokémon yelled in pain as he felt the weight of his opponent begin to crush him. He started to surge with electricity but stopped when he felt himself get lighter. Pikachu jumped to in the air but stopped when he felt something grab his tail. He looked up and saw Pit smiling at him. "Oh come on!" The electric Pokémon yelled. The mouse stared at the ground and began to shake.

The angel was about to throw Pikachu but stopped when he felt his shoulder get wet. Pit lifted his opponent up to eye level and saw that his eyes were wide and filled with tears. "Aw...geez..."  Pit sighed while he rolled his eyes. "Why are you crying at a time like this?" he asked. Pikachu replied, but the angel couldn't understand him between all of his sobbing. The boy gently put his opponent on the ground, "Just try to calm down..." He said sincerely.

The Pokémon sniffed and wiped his nose across one of his arms. "I just thought an angel would be...nicer, you know? I didn't think that you'd have the heart to beat on a cute little animal like..." He drifted and looked up at Pit giving him a puppy-dog expression. "Me!" He yelled as he began to cry again.

The angel covered his face with his right hand, "Oh boy..." He sighed. "Listen..." He started while he looked down to see that Pikachu wasn't there. He yelled out in pain when he felt a sharp pain on the back of his leg. He felt it and looked at his hand to see blood. "You little-you bit me!" He shouted.

The Pokémon shrugged, "I know, but you taste weird so I guess we'll call it even."

"You were just faking it!" The boy continued angrily.

"Yup, no one can resist this." He explained as he pointed to his face and made his eyes grow wide.

Pit flew at his opponent and picked him up by the neck. "Watch me." He spat before throwing Pikachu as far as he could. The Pokémon screamed before it disappeared into a colourful light.

"This game's winner is...Pit!" A voice announced.

Retro burst from his seat, "Come on! He had him!" he yelled. "Double or nothing for the next match!" He suggested before turning to Yoshi.

The dinosaur rolled his eyes, "Fine, but why did you pick Pikachu in the first place?"

"He's one of the characters I use in the game, why'd you pick Pit?" He questioned.

"Because Pikachu has never made it past the first round." Yoshi smirked.

To Be Continued...


I always thought there was something I couldn't trust about Pikachu.  :P  Learning about Toaster's history is starting to get interesting as well.  And Diddy Kong is acting especially weird...


Pretty good, particularly the fight. If it could be called a real fight. It does raise some questions as to why Pikachu didn't just keep using Thunder.

Great job on this one!


I know that the updates are pretty far apart, but I've been a lot busier than usual. :P I'll hopefully get a new chapter up soon after this one...even though I say that a lot. :(
Anyways, enjoy this overdue chapter. And everytime Mewtwo talks it will be in italics so it will be like he's saying it telepathically. Just in case that isn't as clear as I wanted it to be. ;)

Chapter 19: I can kill you with my brain.

A black haired boy wearing a red baseball cap had his legs crossed as he was sitting on a couch near the door in the lounge. He wore a yellow and blue striped shirt and had blue shorts and red running shoes on. His jet black eyes were fixed on a yellow yo-yo that was tied to his right index finger.

The boy dropped his hand and the yo-yo rolled across the floor. He quickly flicked his hand back so he could have it return to him. "Three, two, one." He counted nonchalantly just before the door opened.

Sonic, Tails and Amy entered the lounge while the boy smiled. The blue hedgehog walked up to the boy, "Hey My name's-" He started.

"Sonic the hedgehog." The boy finished. "That's Amy and the other one is Tails. I'm sure that they'll be able to stay, since most of the rooms are vacant by now..." He drifted. The trio stared at the young boy with their mouths open in amazement. "Oh, I'm Ness, sorry about that." He apologized. "I'm psychic, if you haven't already guessed."

"Right..." The blue hedgehog sighed. "What do you mean most of the rooms are vacant by now?"

"Most of the players who've lost so far went back home. At least, that's what Toaster will tell you next time he makes an appearance..." The young boy explained.

"How do you-" The blue wonder began, but stopped when Ness smiled and pointed at his head. "Okay, but are they actually-" He started, but was cut off once again.

"Gone? No, of course not." The boy said while he rocked the yo-yo back in forth like a cradle between both his outstretched hands.

Man, being psychic sure makes you a jerk... Sonic thought.

"No it doesn't." Ness responded, making the hedgehog jump. "I just like messing with people." He smirked.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" Meta Knight yelled as he burst through a wooden door.

Toaster ignored the knight and stared intently at a small platform with a closed hole on the ceiling above it. "Would you rather have ultimate power or infinite knowledge?" He asked casually while his hands remained behind his back.

"Don't change the subject." The winged warrior said through gritted teeth.

"With ultimate power you could rule the world. When you're in charge of everything, you don't need knowledge. On the other hand, with infinite knowledge you could find out how to have ultimate power and have both. Knowledge really is power, wouldn't you say?" The toad turned to his associate.

"Why did you let them go to Dreamland?" Meta Knight questioned angrily.

"King Dedede didn't want to give us any support. An army not with us is an army against us, and we already have enough problems as it is." Toaster responded.

"You said if I joined you, Dreamland wouldn't get involved. Why shouldn't I just turn on you now?" The metallic knight inquired,

The black suited toad pulled his right sleeve out and looked at a silver watch on his wrist. "Go ahead, betray me." He smirked as the hole in the ceiling opened up.

Pikachu fell headfirst onto the silver platform on the ground. He groggily got to his feet and scratched his head. "He sure can throw..." The rodent muttered to himself before he scanned his surroundings. "Wait, where am I?" He wondered.

Toaster smiled as the sound of turning gears filled the room. In seconds the yellow rodent was shot with electricity and let out an ear piercing scream.

The toad ignored the tortured screams of the small animal and walked past Meta Knight. "But being dead is going to help Dreamland at all..." He finished before closing the door.

The electricity and screams suddenly stopped as a metallic thud hit the ground. Meta Knight rushed over to the Pokémon and saw a statue that looked exactly like Pikachu attached to a golden platform lying in his place. The winged warrior gently lifted the statue and put it off to the side. "What was that?" He wondered while he stared at the agonized face on the statue.

"So you can tell what I'm thinking?" Retro asked excitedly.

Ness sighed, "For the third time, yes."

The teenager put his hand on his chin, "Really?" he questioned.

"Yes." The psychic boy repeated. "I can do more than that, too. I can tell the future or I can know everything about you in an instant."

The amateur hero stared at Ness with his mouth open. "What colour am I thinking of?" He inquired.

The boy rolled his eyes and slumped in his seat, "Ninja Turtle green, which is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard someone think of."

Retro opened his mouth to respond, but was struck in the back of the head before he was able to. He screamed and turned to the assailant, "Fanks a lot Mage, a vit my tonf." He said incoherently.

The sorcerer's eyes narrowed. "Why don't you ask him something cool, like something that's going to happen in the future?" He asked before pushing his friend out of the way. "When's Retro going to die?" He wondered.

The teenager ran in front of Mage, "I don't want to know that!" He yelled worriedly.

Ness closed his eyes and held out his hand, ignoring Retro. "Huh," the boy muttered.

"What?" Mage questioned while his friend put his hands over his ears and ran around the room in circles.

"Lay down that boogie and play that funky music 'till you die!" Retro sang off-key extremely loudly.   

"I'd tell him to be careful. Everything I see can be changed if someone's lucky enough." Ness explained before watching Retro trip over a table.

"I vit my tonf again!" He shouted.

"Maybe he should stay locked in a safe, padded room for awhile." He suggested.

A shadow slowly crept under the crack in the door to Link's room. It materialized into a long, black ghostly figure with a grey mane of hair. The ghost had sapphire eyes and a blood red growth that looked like a set of teeth surrounding his neck. It floated over to the sleeping hero's bed and pointed at him with it's thin black talons.

"This will be too easy..." The creature muttered in a demonic voice. It closed his eyes and encased the Hylian in a light purple aura.

Link slowly lifted his head and saw that he was lying in a grassy field with a gentle breeze blowing through his hair. He looked around and saw a single tree in the distance towering over somebody. The hero cautiously walked closer to see who the person was.

When the Hylian got to the tree he saw a girl in a black dress that dragged on the ground. She had long grey hair and was wearing a ruby necklace. "Beautiful, isn't it?" She asked in an angelic voice while she watched the sun set.

"Yeah, sun sets are pretty nice." Link answered.

"No..." The girl drifted before turning around. "I prefer the darkness." She finished while her sapphire eyes began to glow.

Link shouted as the area was covered in blackness. He put his hands in front of his face, but couldn't even see them. "W-what did you do?" He stuttered.

The hero quickly ducked when he heard something whiz past his ear. "How much did they tell you?" A deep, demonic voice questioned.

"Who?" Link asked. He tried to look and see where the voice was coming from, but he couldn't see anything.

The hero screamed in pain as he felt something sharp cut across his left arm. "That's your sword arm, isn't it?" The voice mocked. Link suddenly felt a pair of claws grab his back and jumped forward. "Isn't it?" It repeated

"What do you want?" Link said while clutching his arm.

"I just want to know how much the Goddesses told you..." The voice responded.

"They didn't tell me anything!" The Hylian snapped. As soon as he answered, the hero was hurled to the ground. He then felt a pair of claws digging into his chest and pull him up.

"Don't play dumb with me!" The voice roared. "I can take as long as I want to get information out of you." The deep voice continued. "But there's an easier way..." The voice drifted.

Link was tossed against the tree he saw earlier. He felt for the bark on the tree to support him when he stood up. "And what's that?" He asked sarcastically.

The Hylian heard laughter behind him, "You heroes are all the same, you won't break until I go after someone you care about. Do you know what a hero really is? Someone who gets others killed..."

"Link?" Zelda's voice echoed across the area.

The Hero of Twilight looked up where the sky would've been when he heard his friend's voice. He suddenly felt a sharp sword go through his body and into the tree behind him. The Hylian looked back down and felt the hilt of a sword sticking out of his chest. He saw a haunting face with an evil smile creeping on it's face flash before his eyes before passing out.

"Link?" The Princess repeated before opening the door to the hero's room. The ghost hovering over Link's bed quickly faded back into the shadows just before the light from outside crept in the room. "Link!" She shouted, rushing to his bedside when she heard him gasping for air.

Retro turned on the TV in the lounge and jumped back on the couch in-between Yoshi and Mage.

"So you knew you were betting on this match and it never occurred to you to ask the psychic who would win?" Mage questioned.

Retro slumped in the couch and crossed his arms. "I stand by the questions that I asked him." He responded confidently. "I'm betting on Ness anyway."  He continued as he turned to look at the TV screen.

Ness was standing in a large stadium with a large flat screen monitor in the distance. The ground was green and he noticed a red and green ball painted in the middle of the stadium. The boy reached behind him and pulled out a wooden bat while he started to whistle.

"Versus Mewtwo!" A voice called out as the cloned Pokémon slowly floated down in front of his opponent with his arms crossed.

"Nifty entrance, bud." Ness smirked while he scratched his head with the end of his bat.

"Three. Two. One. Go!" The voice announced excitedly.

Mewtwo curled his hands and shot a purple blob at Ness who nonchalantly stepped out of the way of the attack. "We're both psychic, Mewtwo. Who do you see winning in the near future?" He asked.

The Pokémon lifted his hand and pulled Ness in front of his face. Me! His voice boomed angrily as he threw the boy air into the air. Mewtwo disappeared and then reappeared behind his opponent, about to throw another shadow ball at him.

Ness quickly turned around and struck the purple ball with his wooden bat, sending it back to the Pokémon who couldn't defend itself.

Mewtwo fell headfirst into the ground while Ness gently floated onto the platform above him. The black-haired boy put his finger to his chin, "Oh yeah, shadow ball really hurts your type, doesn't it?" He mocked while he jumped in front of his opponent. "What have we learned?" He asked sarcastically.

The psychic Pokémon swiftly got back to his feet and thrust his hands forward to push Ness backwards. As the boy struggled to keep his balance, Mewtwo shot a beam of ice at his opponent.

"PK Fire!" Ness yelled as a small yellow bolt flew out of his hand and at the beam, instantly melting it. "It's almost like I saw that coming." He smiled at the angry Pokémon. 

Mewtwo yelled as he rushed at the young psychic. Ness quickly pulled the yellow yo-yo out of his left pocket and tossed it at the genetic Pokémon. The toy quickly wrapped around Mewtwo's legs causing him to crash to the ground. The Pokémon saw Ness' red shoes in front of his face. He started to laugh as he looked up at the boy. Do you really think this is over? He asked as his eyes started to change purple.

Ness stepped back from his opponent, "Hey, what are you doing?" He asked before being struck from behind by a large beam of light. The boy shrieked as he was hurled to the ground beside Mewtwo. "Future Sight..." He muttered angrily.

The genetic Pokémon quickly broke the string that binded him and pulled out his hands to toss Ness in the air. The surprised boy was stopped by a purple ball coming out of the Pokémon's pale hands on the way down. You've obviously learned nothing on your journey, Mewtwo started as he pulled Ness in front of his eyes for the second time. if you thought that I would be that easy.He finished before closing his eyes and flashing a light green colour.

Ness rolled his eyes, "I thought you could only use four moves? I've seen you use like ten already!" The boy suddenly smiled. "Whatever...PK Thunder!" He yelled as a ball of electricity flew out of his hat and forced itself back into the boy's back. The sudden jolt of electricity made Ness fly into Mewtwo with extreme force.

The young psychic stopped at the edge of the stadium and spun around to see his opponent lying motionless on the hard ground with sparks still coming out of him. The Pokémon started to flash green and calmly rose to his feet. You might be able to see the future better than I can, but that doesn't mean you can win. Mewtwo's voice called out as he cocked his head to the side.

"See, I knew you were going to say that!" Ness smirked. The young boy jumped on the platform above him before pulling out his yo-yo. "I have a general idea of how this is all going to end. Not just this match either, the whole tournament. I know for sure I'm not going to win the whole thing, but I also know that you aren't going to make it past this round...." He drifted as he closed his eyes. A small green light slowly rose above the boy's head and drifted towards Mewtwo. "PK..." He started as the Pokémon was surrounded by a green light. "Flash!" He yelled as the light exploded and launched the Psychic Pokémon high into the air.

Ness pushed himself off the ground with his hands and flew over Mewtwo's head. He quickly kicked the genetic Pokémon with both legs to send him crashing back into the ground. The black haired boy gracefully landed on his feet next to his fallen opponent, "We about done here?" He whispered in his ear.

Mewtwo weakly got on one knee and disappeared. He suddenly reappeared behind Ness and hit him across the stadium with his tail. He laughed maniacally as he held his right hand out and flashed green, recovering from his wounds. You cannot beat me. I am death. I am destruction. I am...

A smile slowly crept on Ness' face. "Mewtwo, the ultimate Pokémon." The boy finished with his hands held out in front of him. The young psychic started to glow a cold blue as he floated in the air. He pointed at the grey Pokémon, preventing him from moving. "Psi Rockin'!" He exclaimed as a rainbow of colours shot at Mewtwo.

The Pokémon was launched into the air and hit with a barrage of colourful beams before being hurled to the edge of the stadium, barely keeping his balance. Ness crept up to his opponent with his wooden bat firmly in his hands. This is far from over, boy. This is just the beginning. You may win this battle, but the war hasn't even begun... The Pokémon said as he glared at him with the little strength he had.

Ness' eyes narrowed. "Yeah, I know Mewtwo, I'm psychic too. Things might get a lot tougher for us in the next few days, but it will work out." The boy explained as he pulled his bat behind him. "Trust me." He winked before sending the cold-hearted Pokémon out of the stadium with a single swing of his trusted bat.

To Be Continued.


I liked the whole psychic concept.  It made for an interesting and unique fight.  ;)  The only thing I can suggest is maybe putting a horizontal break when you are switching to a different place.  For example:

"I'd tell him to be careful. Everything I see can be changed if someone's lucky enough." Ness explained before watching Retro trip over a table.

"I vit my tonf again!" He shouted.

"Maybe he should stay locked in a safe, padded room for awhile." He suggested.

A shadow slowly crept under the crack in the door to Link's room. It materialized into a long, black ghostly figure with a grey mane of hair. The ghost had sapphire eyes and a blood red growth that looked like a set of teeth surrounding his neck. It floated over to the sleeping hero's bed and pointed at him with it's thin black talons.

"This will be too easy..." The creature muttered in a demonic voice. It closed his eyes and encased the Hylian in a light purple aura.

That's really the only suggestion I have.  Great job!  ;)


Man, I gotta catch up. XD

i'll read the entire fic on the weekend for sure. :P

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!