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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Fanfiction)

Started by Retronintendodude7, September 25, 2007, 08:20:18 PM

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Awesome. Pretty good chapter, loved the whole psychic thing.


Well, here's the next chapter. Almost two months later. School and me being lazy really delayed this chapter...sorry.

Chapter 20: Future drama

Retro burst from his seat, laughing happily. "Yes! I knew he'd win!" He cheered. The teenager jumped in front of Yoshi and extended his hand, "Pay up!" He sneered. "You've got to stop using the rhyming thesaurus..." The self-aware hero quietly jeered.

The green dinosaur rolled his eyes and gave a handful of gold coins to the dimwitted hero. "We're done betting from now on..." He sighed.

"Yeah, yeah." Retro responded while he admired his winnings. "Wait, what's the exchange on these? We don't use gold coins back home," He realized as he turned to Mage. "Do we?"

The sorcerer slowly nodded his head, "They're worthless when we get back home. How do younotknow that?" he questioned.

"Well, how am I supposed to know that? We never use gold coins at home!" The teenager snapped.

Mage buried his face in his gloved hands, "Because they're worthless, you idiot." He muttered.

The door to the lounge swung open and Ness casually walked in. The boy dropped onto one of the nearby couches and smiled, "What, no congratulations?" The psychic asked.

"Oh yeah, Ness. Great job on predicting all of Mewtwo's moves and dragging out the match as long as you could." Yoshi said sarcastically causing the young boy to glare at him. "What? I was being sincere!" He defended.

Liar...Ness' voice chuckled in the dinosaur's head.

"What was Mewtwo talking about before you beat him, anyway?" Retro inquired.

Ness smiled, "Oh yeah, he was just warning me about the stuff that's going on behind the scenes. I already knew about it, but I should probably explain it to you guys..." He started.


Toaster sat patiently on a leather chair. He unfolded his hands and raised his head, "What did our first hero tell you?" He asked casually.

A long shadow slithered across the floor and appeared at the toad's side. "He's stronger than I thought. I couldn't get any information out of him...yet. Just give me more time." The shadow explained as it formed into the black ghost that was in Link's bedroom minutes before.
I've heard that excuse before, Darkrai. Mewtwo's voice rang as he teleported on the other side of Toaster with his arms crossed. I'm starting to wonder if you really are as useful as you say you are.

A smile slowly crept onto the ghost Pokémon's face, "Ah, Mewtwo. Long time no see. Congratulations on your victory..." Darkrai's claws grazed his chin as he thought. "Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot that you were beaten by a mere child."

Mewtwo's pale hands clenched into fists at his rival's comment. You couldn't have done any better! His voice roared as he fiercely thrust his hands forward and sent a blue wave of psychic energy towards the ghost. The wave went through Darkrai and put a hole in the wall behind him.
"I'm a dark type, genius." The ghost snickered.

"If you two are finished bickering, I'd like to proceed with our plans." Toaster interrupted. The two Pokémon stopped to listen to the toad dressed in black. "Darkrai, try to get more information out of Link. I know that the Goddesses tried to contact him, but I don't know what they told him." The Pokémon nodded and faded out of the room.

You heard what Ness said during our match, didn't you? Mewtwo questioned.

Toaster nodded his head, "Yes, but I'm not concerned about it. He may know what we're planning, but he doesn't know how this is going to end. I don't care if he thinks he does or not."

The grey Pokémon started to float out of the room. Yet you still sent R.O.B after him? He asked with his eyes closed.

"The less heroes around, the better." The toad answered..


Ness took a gulp from a plastic cup of water and sat back on the white couch in the lounge. He looked around the room before continuing, "That's all I know so far. Explaining all that stuff made me pretty tired anyway..."

"If we know what they're doing in the basement, why don't we just go down there now and stop them?" Yoshi questioned.

"Toaster's been planning this ever since the last tournament ended. We can't expect to just walk down there without a plan. We'd all get killed." The boy explained before turning to Retro and Mage. "That's where you two come in."

"Why?" The two friends said in unison.

"You two are going into the basement later tonight aren't you? You guys are going to tell everyone else what I told you and make a better plan than just walking down there-" The psychic suddenly stopped before clutching his head.

Ness quietly stood in the parking lot outside of the coliseum as a strong gust of wind blew his hat off. "Okay, showtime." the boy smiled and suddenly dropped to the ground seconds before a bright red laser fired past his head. "You'll have to do better than that..." He mocked.

A grey robot slowly rolled towards the psychic. It stared at the boy before cocking it's head to the side, "You can read me, then?" It asked.

"Like your instruction manual." He smirked.

The robot rocketed towards the boy with his arms spread out. He quickly grabbed onto Ness with his metallic claws and started to squeeze him. Ness kicked the robot in the chest to get off of him and hurled a small lightning bolt at his assailant. The bolt ignited and surrounded the grey robot with flames. The boy sighed as he jumped to the side, narrowingly avoiding bright red and green gunshots.

R.O.B spun around to extinguish the fire surrounding him and looked at where the gunshots came from. He saw Fox and Falco simultaneously firing at Ness while he dodged each shot. "I don't need your help." The robot yelled.

Falco smiled and got down on his right knee. He disappeared in a blue light and reappeared behind Ness to tackle him. "Yeah, it doesn't look it." The falcon said sarcastically.

The young psychic crashed to the ground and struggled to get up. "Geez, between the three of you, you get one shot in on me..." Ness observed while he slowly got to his feet. "How're your new bodies, anyway?" The boy grinned. "As if I don't already know."

The blue bird grit his teeth. "You're pretty happy for someone who's about to die."

The boy looked around and saw Fox aiming his blaster at him and a blinking red light on R.O.B's head. He then turned back to Falco and saw his feathery hand on the trigger of his blaster. Ness jumped in the air as his three opponents fired at him, the boy looked from above and saw all three of his attackers on the ground.

"I'm just a happy guy, I guess." The young psychic replied as he gently hit the ground. Ness then heard a sharp whistle on his left side and then a needle pierce his arm. His eyes slowly drifted to a dark purple dart before losing his focus. "Crap..." He muttered before collapsing to the ground.

"You alright?" Mage asked, making Ness jump.

"Uh...yeah. Um...just think of a better plan, okay? And try not to get yourselves killed. Oh, and next time you see me, don't trust anything that I say." The boy instructed.

Retro put two of his fingers against his forehead and saluted Ness. "Aye Aye!.....Why?" He asked.

"Trust me, okay? Ness pleaded. "Yoshi, shouldn't you be going to the coliseum soon?

The dinosaur slowly sat up, "Yeah, I guess so..." He sighed.


Sylux and Mimi yawned as they lazily worked on two computers. The nearby phone suddenly rang, making the duo jump for it. The green skinned teenager grabbed the phone and put it against her ear, but Sylux swiftly grabbed it from her.

"Hello?" The hunter answered while smiling at his pouting companion.

"Is this the guy who wanted that disc?" A voice with an Australian accent asked.

"One of them..." Sylux responded. "What took you so long?"

"What do you mean? I got it done the day I was supposed to. It's not like I made you wait two months to show up and give it to you." The voice shot back.

"When can you be here?" The hunter sighed.

"Early tomorrow...I hope. It might be noon-ish." The caller explained. "I'm not sure where my ride's going yet."

The blue suited human was about to respond, but he heard the person on the other end hang up. Mimi slowly turned to him, "Who was that?" she asked sweetly.

"Whoever took the job to get that disc we need. He didn't say his name, but I kind of recognized his voice from somewhere..." Sylux thought.


"Versus Bowser!" An excited voice called out.

A large green turtle with silver spikes on his shell and a fiery red mane slowly walked onto the stone tiles of a large castle. The patches of lava around the area erupted as he roared. The Koopa stared hungrily at Yoshi who only smirked. "Is that supposed to scare me?" He inquired.

"Why wouldn't it?" The creature snarled.

The green dinosaur rolled his eyes and laughed. "Well, for one thing I've beaten you a few times already. Actually, everyone has at least once. Peach, Mario, Luigi...why should I be scared? You're all bark and no bite." He smiled.

"Go!"  The announcer interrupted.

Bowser wildly leapt at Yoshi and grabbed him with his right arm. He squeezed his opponent and raised his left arm to slash him with his razor sharp claws. The green dinosaur quickly kicked the Koopa in the stomach and jumped to the other side of the arena. When he knew it was safe, he stuck his tongue out at Bowser, slowly extending towards him until he could lick him. The scaly turtle wrapped his opponent's tongue around his hand and swiftly pulled the dinosaur towards him.

"That wasn't very smart, was it?" Bowser mocked before lifting his hand and swinging Yoshi around the arena.

The dinosaur gradually reeled himself towards the Koopa. He opened his mouth wide enough to swallow the Koopa King whole. He closed his eyes and loudly gulped as Bowser went through his body. Yoshi groaned as he pushed out a green spotted egg that was bigger than he was. "Ow..." He panted.

The large egg began to shake violently while Yoshi looked around the dark castle for something he could use against his opponent. A bright light appeared in the sky and a grey object fell into the dinosaur's green hands. He looked down to admire the grey bazooka with a small scope on top of it. The egg containing the Koopa king shattered into pieces as the hulking reptile glared at his enemy. He stampeded towards Yoshi with a mighty yell.

The green dinosaur soared into the air with cat-like reflexes before Bowser could touch him. The monstrous turtle crashed into a wall and shook his head before scanning the area for his elusive foe. Yoshi held down the trigger on the bazooka from the sky before the Koopa could find him. Large spheres of yellow light rapidly came out of the strange weapon and burned into Bowser's spiked shell.  The creature snarled and fiercely dove at his opponent again.

Yoshi pushed the trigger on his gun but only a puff of smoke came out. He quickly hurled the weapon at Bowser, but it bounced off without effect. The dinosaur then clumsliy rolled out of the way of the Koopa's razor sharp teeth and suddenly stopped when he felt his tail caught on something. He turned around and saw the Koopa King towering over him. Bowser lifted his hand and Yoshi to bring him to eye-level. Small bursts of fire flared from the turtle's nostrils.

"You shouldn't be scared, eh?" He questioned before smashing the green dinosaur into a nearby stone wall. He met eyes with his weakened opponent before grinning, "You should've given up when you had the chance." He whispered before dropping his adversary on the ground and leaping into the air.

Yoshi weakly tried to get on his feet, but fell to the ground. An ominous shadow quickly covered him. The green dinosaur yelled out in pain as he was pinned on the ground by an enormous weight. Bowser calmly sat on the injured dinosaur with his arms crossed. Loud cheering could be heard throughout the arena even though there wasn't anybody there. The Koopa slowly got off of Yoshi and grabbed him by the leg. He smiled as he swung him around in circles before letting him go and disappear into a coloured light.

"This games winner is Bowser!" A happy voice echoed out into the parking lot where Ness stood quietly. A strong gust of wind blew his hat off.

"Okay, showtime." The boy smiled before dropping to the ground to dodge the laser fired at him.


That was a pretty cool concept where Ness saw what was going to happen to him.  The horizontal lines also really helped me see when there was a scene change.  And Retro's stupidity is hilarious, as usual.  :P


Nice chapter. Wasn't expecting Bowser to win. Love the new horizontal lines. They really help in distinguishing when there's a transition in characters or location.

Keep it up!


Well, it's been over a month since the last chapter, which is unfortunately something you guys are used to. :P Hopefully I can update more often during summer, since I doubt if I'm doing much.


                                        Chapter 21: NiGHTS into Dreams

Ness? eyes slowly opened to reveal blurry figures surrounding him. He sighed as his vision started to come back to him and he saw that he was in a dim room with computers across the walls. ?Did you have to let me drop on my head?? The boy complained. ?It?s one of the best parts of me?? He smiled. The psychic looked down and saw that he was bound by a glowing purple rope. ?Is this from your followers, Toaster?? Ness yelled in the apparently empty room.

?What is he babbling about?? A deep voice snarled. Ness turned his head to see Bowser sitting in the furthest corner of the room with his arms crossed. He smiled to reveal his sharp teeth when the boy saw him.

A loud squeaking noise came closer as R.O.B wheeled in. His eyes shining a deep red as his torso started to turn towards the Koopa King. ?He means the Primid, comrade. He?s psychic, so he knows far more than he should about us and what we?re doing.? The robot explained.

?You should really oil your wheels?? Ness muttered.

?So he?s like our boy Mewtwo?? The evil koopa questioned.

I?m no ?boy? of yours, koopa? An irritated voice rang out. The psychic Pok?mon appeared in front of Ness with his back turned to him. And his abilities somewhat exceed mine? Mewtwo drifted.

"Somewhat?" Ness echoed in disbelief.

?Which is why Toaster wants him alive and not controlled?yet.? R.O.B explained, ignoring the boy. His head turned behind his body to stare at the young boy. ?We?re not sure if the Primid that would control him would have his unique abilities or not.?

?Why don?t we just get Mewtwo to look in the future and tell us?? Bowser questioned as he walked towards the center of the room where his two allies were.

My sight of the future is often vague, while the boy?s is almost always spot on? The Pok?mon started.

?If that?s true, then why are we still doing all this if he knows we?re going to lose?? The Koopa King asked.

His predictions can be changed, which is something you?d know if you didn?t interrupt me! The Psychic Pok?mon roared while Bowser just smiled.

Fox and Falco slowly waltzed into the room to join the conversation. ?We should be able to take control of him and be able to use his abilities.? They said in unison with their eyes shining a ghostly purple. ?The few that we already have control of have the abilities that the hosts had. This should be no different.? They explained.

Bowser rolled his eyes, ?Do you have to do that? It creeps me out!? He scolded.

?So do you all hang out in the basement?? Ness smirked.

?Shut up!? All of the villains shouted collectively.


Retro yawned as he slowly walked into his room. He opened his DS to check what time it was. ?Nine-thirty?? He whispered. ?I?ll just sleep for ten minutes then I?ll meet everyone to go to the basment.? He thought out loud. Before the teenager sat on his hammock, he saw a piece of paper on the pillow. The hero grabbed it and slowly read it:

If you?re reading this, I?m probably gone already. If my prediction was right, I got knocked out by Bowser after his match and I?m in the basement. I knew this was going to happen, but I didn?t tell anyone because I need to get down there. I?ll try to distract everyone in the basement when you guys get down there, but it?s bad guy central there. Just make sure that everyone is careful in the basement because it?s going to be really dangerous. You especially need to be careful because I can see your death in the not too distant future. If you?re careful, you should be fine. I just see what?s supposed to happen, not what?s going to happen. We?re all in charge of our own destinies and no matter what I see can change that.

The teenager?s eyes grew heavier as he put the letter on the ground. ?I don?t even get why I?m so tired?? He muttered. ?Wait?I?m going to die soon?? Retro realized.


Midna floated across Link?s room with her hands behind her back. ?So the Goddesses told you that the Smash Balls were bad after you touched one? And something was trying to get you to tell it what the Goddesses told you?? She questioned.

The hero of Twilight held his head in his hands, ?I know it sounds crazy, but I?ve been feeling strange ever since I fought Ganondorf and Zant a few hours ago. I think the Goddesses were going to tell me something else, but something stopped them??

?And you think that has something to do with whatever was trying to get information out of you?? Zelda asked.

Link nodded, ?It sounded like it really wanted to know what the Goddesses told me. If it can get into my dreams, then it obviously has pretty powerful magic at it?s disposal.? The Hylian explained.

?Well, I might find something out when I go down in the basement. We?re supposed to meet up pretty soon?? Midna grinned as she drifted towards the door. ?You two take care of yourselves. And good luck with your match Princess.? She smiled before leaving the room.

Link?s eyes widened, ?It?s time for you match already? How long was I asleep for??

The Princess of Hyrule laughed and gently put her gloved hands on Link?s shoulders. ?Don?t worry about it, Link. I just want you to get some more rest. You still don?t look very well.? She said worriedly before getting up and quietly closing the door behind her.

?Gee, thanks.? The hero muttered before sitting back down on his bed. He slowly closed his eyes and sighed, ?I?ve been sleeping all day, how much more rest can I get?? He asked himself.

?I can give you an eternity of rest.? A demonic voice called out. Link?s eyes shot open and saw the same ghostly creature in his dream hovering over his bed. It?s long black claws extended to the hero and encased him in purple rings. ?Just go to sleep again?? It suggested.


A cold gust of wind suddenly woke up Retro. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a bright blue sky filled with clouds quickly getting smaller. The teenager quickly looked down and saw that he was falling towards a grassy field. He started screaming and flailing his arms in an attempt to fly, but he fell headfirst on the ground.

?That?didn?t hurt as much as I thought it would.? Retro coughed while he struggled to get on his feet.

?If you could fly, that wouldn?t have happened in the first place.? A feminine voice with a British accent pointed out.
The hurt teenager shook his head and looked in the sky. He saw a thin human-like figure wearing a purple and pink jester costume flying in circles above him. His eyes were a lighter purple than the outfit he was wearing and he had white gloves on with a red jewel attached to his chest. The jester slowly touched the ground and smiled as he crossed his long arms.

?NiGHTS? What are you doing here?? The amateur hero questioned.

?A better question is why do you know my name if I don?t know yours? This is the first time I?ve seen you?and you don?t look like any of Wizeman?s henchmen I?ve ever seen before.? NiGHTS shot back as he got closer to Retro to get a better look at him.

The teenager thought for a minute before answering, ?My name?s Retro and where I come from?there are?uh?stories, I guess, about you. Where am I anyway?? He wondered.

The Nightmaren twirled in the air and started to fly around Retro again. ?Retro, huh? That?s a funny name. Well Retro, welcome to the dream world!? He exclaimed. ?A world where all of your dreams come true. We?ve been getting a lot more visitors here than we normally do, though.? NiGHTS drifted. He then extended his gloved hand in front of Retro. ?Do you want to take a look around? We can fly if you just dualize with me. Dualizing allows our bodies to assimilate with one another so you can fly with me!? He explained.

?Assim-look, we just met.? The teenager responded.

NiGHTS sighed, ?No, just touch my hand and we can fly around the Dreamwold.?

Retro looked at his hands and then slowly reached towards NiGHTS? hand to join them. He suddenly stopped when he heard screaming that made the both of them jump. ?Maybe later. Let?s go check that out!? The teenager shouted before running towards the screams.

The duo ended up on top of a hill and saw a shadow with a grey mane effortlessly tossing a blonde man with pointed ears and green clothes through the air. ?I?m giving you one more chance to tell me what I want to know, hero!? It roared as he hurled the man to the ground.

?Darkrai?? Retro whispered while trying to get a better look at the creature below him.

?Friend of yours?? NiGHTS asked nonchalantly, swimming in the air behind the teenager.

The amateur hero nodded his head, ?No, I just know him from?another story. Wait?if I?m in the dream world I can make anything happen here, right?? He realized. The purple clad Nightmaren silently nodded his head. Retro closed his eyes and held out his hand. A small red and white ball appeared in a bright light. ?Then I know how to get him out of here?? He finished as he tossed the ball in the air. 

Link felt his attacker?s sharp claws wrapping around his neck and lift him in the air. ?I?m getting tired of asking!? The Pok?mon bellowed. The hero of Twilight weakly looked back at him without saying a word. Darkrai?s sapphire eyes narrowed, ?It?s amazing I haven?t broken you yet. Normal humans go mad after my first visit. Most never even wake up?? he explained.

The dark Pok?mon suddenly heard a strong wind coming towards him and turned his head. He saw a large grey and white bird flying towards him with it?s wings spread wide. It?s chest was white with a black m-shape going across it. The bird also had a long piece of hair that was red at the tip. The hair was flailing wildly as it flew towards it?s opponent.

Darkrai dropped Link and turned his whole body to face his new threat, but he was too late. The bird slammed into the ghostly Pok?mon and knocked him into the air. The brave bird flew with it?s opponent and violently tore into him with it?s sharp beak and talons. Darkrai howled as he dropped to the ground.

Link was on his feet and looked to his right to see a tall teenage boy who wore a red baseball cap that covered his dark brown hair and wore a green shirt with the words ?1-up? on it. His hands were in the pockets of his jeans. The hero of Twilight also noticed a strange purple creature that resembled a jester floating beside him. The creatures had it?s eyes closed and casually played an invisible flute with it?s gloved hands.

?Who are you?? Link asked in astonishment.

?I?m Retro,? He smiled and pointed beside him ?and he?s NiGHTS.? The bird that attacked Darkrai gently landed beside the duo and grinned as it swung it?s long hair back. ?Oh, and this is Staraptor.? He finished.   

?And why are you in the dream world?? NiGHTS questioned.

?That thing keeps putting me in here.? The hero explained, pointing to Darkrai.

Retro saw the Pok?mon start to get back up and chuckled. ?Close Combat.? He commanded as the bird beside him rushed towards Darkrai and mercilessly attacked it again. ?Why would Darkrai do that?? He inquired, ignoring the cries of pain coming from the dark Pok?mon. ?I don?t see what a Pok?mon would want with you.?

?That?s a Pok?mon? I thought the toughest one was Mewtwo.? The hero said in awe before looking around. ?Where did he go?? He asked worriedly.

NiGHTS flew high in the air and looked around the area. He floated back down with his arms and legs crossed, ?I don?t see him anywhere, so he must have left the dream world. I?d like to know how he got here in the first place?I?ll go take a look around to see if I can find a way to keep him out of here and not bother you again. So long!? The Nightmaren winked before flying off in the distance.

?Do you have any idea what Darkrai would?ve wanted with you?? The teenager repeated.

Link thought for a second, ?He kept asking me what the Goddesses told me. So I?m guessing he somehow knows that they talked to me after my match?in a dream?? He realized. ?That?s probably why they left so suddenly! They must have known he was trying to listen to our conversation and left before they could tell me who would control me.?

Retro responded, but no sound came out of his mouth. He started waving his arms and jumping around to show what he was trying to say, but Link couldn?t understand. The teenager slowly started to fade away and disappeared in seconds.

The hero of Twilight?s eyes shot open when he heard a loud banging noise coming from the room below his. ?That hurt so much more than it did in the dream!? A familiar voice yelled in pain.


Hundreds of stars illuminated the dark sky surrounding a small round arena suspended in the air. In the middle of the area was a giant marble fountain that had a calm stream of water coming out of it. The grass and tall dark statues behind the fountain added to the calm aura of the area.

A tall dark blonde woman was standing at the left end of the arena breathing heavily. Her long white dress was soaked and her left glove that held a long steel sword was ripped. On the other end of the arena, a short pink ball was panting. His blue eyes were half closed and a large bruise was on his right cheek.

The two fighters both jumped in the air and flew towards each other. The woman raised her sword-arm high in the air and slashed at the pink ball of puff who opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath in. The sword slipped from the woman?s grasp and dropped into the pink ball?s mouth. When the two fighters landed, the woman turned to watch her opponent slowly swallow her sword.

?Is that all you got, Zelda?? He asked in a high pitched voice. The ball rolled in place and started to shine until he had a long green hat and a smaller sword in his hand. ?We?ve only been fighting for five minutes??

Zelda clenched her teeth. ?I know that Kirby!? She yelled as she thrust her hands forward and threw a fiery red ball at her foe.

The star warrior jumped forward to land on his head and narrowly avoid an explosion from the ball that was thrown at him. He started to turn clockwise and extend his legs to kick the princess when he got close enough. Zelda was knocked back and almost lost her footing at the edge of the arena. She quickly twirled around and disappeared in a rainbow of colours before a small sword could cut her diagonally.

Kirby quickly looked around the eerily calm area, but couldn?t see his opponent. He suddenly felt a heel hit the back of his head and a pair of arms push him to the ground. The star warrior was now under the water in the large fountain, his arms and legs flailing wildly as he tried to get air. The pink ball strained his body and turned into a flat purple rock with a small face on it. The sudden change in the star warrior?s shape caused Zelda to fall into the fountain herself.

The pink warrior quickly turned back into his normal form and jumped on the side of the fountain to run towards the fallen princess. He leaned over and grabbed her with both hands to pull her out of the fountain. Kirby smiled and flew high into the air with Zelda still in his arms. The two then came crashing down with the princess falling off the arena and the star warrior happily floating to the edge of the fountain.

?This game?s winner is Kirby!? A voice happily announced, making the pink ball dance on top of the large fountain.

                                                To be Continued.

*NiGHTS is actually genderless, but I just referred to it as "he" because it's easier and the game does too. ;)


Hmm... I wish the characters in brawl had as much personality as the ones here do. :P Oh, and I like Ness' sarcastic attitude.


Great chapter!

Ness is becoming my favorite character. Not really sure why.


I wanted to get this chapter done a couple of weeks ago, but I had a lot of distractions. Like birthdays and getting a PS3. :P

Chapter 22: Into the Basement

?Are you there Snake?? Otacon asked through the codec in Snake?s ear.

?Yeah, what is it?? The mercenary questioned leisurely as he loaded a pistol.

?I have some new information for you before you go to the basement. How many people are going with you anyway?? He wondered.

The soldier slowly looked around the room: He saw Samus standing on his right side pressing buttons on her arm cannon, Midna was casually floating around the couch in front of him, the two Retroes and Mage were sitting in a circle playing rock paper scissors and Sonic was talking with Tails and Amy across from him.

?Nine including me, but I don?t know how useful some of them are going to be.? He sighed while glaring at Retro.

?I?m sure you?ll do just fine.? The Otaku assured him. ?I did some more digging on Toaster and found some more information on him. He apparently had a split personality, which made a lot of people worry about him ruling The Mansard Kingdom, but he was the only male heir to the kingdom so they had no choice. His ?normal? personality made him a ruthless, power hungry ruler. He wanted everyone in the kingdom to know that he was their master and they were his puppets. His other personality made him a lot crazier. Many believed that this personality is what made him start all of the tournaments for needless bloodshed because he?d always laugh psychotically when he watched the matches.? He explained.

?And the people of this kingdom just blindly followed his orders?? Snake inquired in awe.

?They were forced to. He was the ruler when he was only ten because his parents were found dead in their bedroom with the Queen?s left glove and the King?s right glove missing. The murderer was never found because Toaster dropped the investigation when he came into power.? Otacon continued.

?He was only ten? No wonder he treated everyone like toys?? The mercenary muttered.

?And the last thing I found out was that he used his personal army to enforce all of his rules. They were elite warriors known as the Primid who were said to be created by some kind of magic used from the pyramids in Egypt. Which would be very believable in that time because The Mansard Kingdom was located pretty close to Egypt.? Otacon finished. ?Be careful down there, Snake. If this guy?s anything like the Toaster I read about, he?s going to be very dangerous?? He warned.

?I will. I?ll contact you if we need anything.? The soldier answered before walking into the middle of the room. ?Is everyone ready?? He asked.

Retro jumped to his feet and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. ?Ness gave this to me and said that we need a good plan. He?s already down there and says that there are a ton of bad guys down there.? He read from the letter before Snake snatched it from him.

The mercenary quickly read over the letter and gave it back to the teenager. He walked towards the staircase leading to the basement while everyone else followed. ?We have a plan.? He started. ?We?re using you as bait.?


A large red rectangular platform with various colours in the middle was floating above a beautiful tropical island. Directly below the platform was the shimmering ocean surrounding the island. Mario straightened his red hat and crossed his arms as the golden platform under him rose in the air.

A short, fat troll-like man wearing pink pants and a jean jacket had garlic in both of his hands and noisily bit into them at the same time. He loudly belched and smiled as he undid the straps on his leather motorcycle helmet. ?It?s Wario time!? He shouted triumphantly.

?Go!? A voice shouted while the golden platforms beneath both fighters? feet disappeared.

Wario put his left shoulder in front of him and rushed towards his opponent. The short hero leisurely jumped in the air and landed behind him. He threw a glowing red fireball at the grotesque man who swiftly turned around and ate it. Mario stared at his rival in disgust before he ran towards him and punched him in the stomach with all his might. Wario grinned while the plumber?s gloved hand slowly sunk into his fat folds. He then thrust his stomach forward making Mario bounce back to the other end of the platform.

?You?re-a disgusting!? The plumber scolded as he got back to his feet. The hero heard an engine start and loud laughter and quickly saw his opponent flying at him on a motorcycle. Mario reached into his back pocket and pulled out a yellow cape. He swung it before Wario could hit him, sending his rival in the opposite direction.

The motorcyclist jumped off of his bike before it drove itself off of the platform. Wario quickly looked over the edge and saw his large yellow motorcycle plunge into the ocean below him. ?My Hog!? He yelled angrily. ?Those aren?t cheap you know!? Wario turned around only to be met with an uppercut to his jaw. The man rolled to his feet and cracked his jaw back into his place. ?That?s it, you asked for it!? He said darkly through grit teeth.

Mario?s eyes widened as Wario turned around and bent over in his direction. He yelled out in horror because he knew what was coming and there was no way to stop it.


?Holy nut pluggers!? Retro wheezed as he covered his nose with both hands. ?Does anyone else smell that?? He asked.

Samus was rapidly pressing buttons on her arm cannon. ?I can?t, but according to these scans, whatever it is, it isn?t poisonous.? She assured. ?The smell should subside soon since it originated from the coliseum.?

Snake suddenly stopped in front of a long hallway with a single door at the end. ?Something doesn?t feel right?? He thought.

Samus pressed her hand to her visor, making it flash. ?There are lasers all along this hallway. Touching one will set off an alarm within the basement.? she explained.

?Great. How are we going to get passed that?? Midna asked, irritated.

Retro put his hand to his chin, ?Maybe if we could somehow turn ourselves into paper, we could be flat enough to slide under the lasers without any problem!? He thought before turning to Mage. ?Do you know any spells that can turn us into paper?? He wondered while Samus, Midna and Sonic held Snake back from beating him.

?Oh yeah, because everyone would be afraid of a Black Mage that could turn you into paper.? The sorcerer said sarcastically.

?I have an idea.? Samus interrupted. The bounty hunter tucked her arms and legs close to her body and spun in the air until she turned into a small ball with the same colours as her varia suit. The middle of the ball started flashing blue, ?I?ll get to the other side and see if there?s a way to disable the lasers.? She finished.

The others watched the ball intently as it carefully moved along the hall. After a minute of silence, Samus quickly uncurled and came to her feet. She opened the door and slowly entered.


Mario quickly surfaced from the ocean and gasped for air. The plumber swam to the nearby beach where his rival was waiting impatiently.

?You were lucky we were over water.? Wario muttered as the short hero got to his feet.

?This-a smell better come out of my-a clothes!? The Italian scolded before leaping at his opponent.

Wario slid under Mario and grabbed his legs from behind. The muscular man spun in circles with his enemy in his grip. He then hurled the plumber towards a nearby wall. Mario quickly put his feet on the marble wall to propel himself in the air and kick his opponent in the face. The biker staggered back towards the ocean, clutching his head. The plumber dashed towards his rival and punched him hard enough to send him into the clear body of water.

?Help! I can?t swim!? He pleaded while he wildly splashed in the water. Mario hesitantly plunged into the water to help his dim-witted rival. When he was within arms reach of his drowning opponent, he felt a punch to his stomach. The plumber struggled for breath as he glared at the smiling biker. ?Oh wait, I can!? He laughed before being pulled under the water.

Mario caught his breath and swam back to shore. ?You-a can?t fool me twice Wario!? He yelled out. He waited uncomfortably for his rival to resurface, but he didn?t.

?This game?s winner is Mario!? The voice announced excitedly.


Samus quietly closed the wooden door behind her before looking around a room lined with computers. She walked over to the nearest computer to find a way to disable the lasers.

Duck! A voice called out. The bounty hunter quickly obeyed the voice and narrowly avoided an electric beam shot at her.

The woman rolled across the room and pointed her arm cannon at her assailant. She saw a tall man in purplish-blue armor with green stripes across them. He had his right arm, which had an arm cannon, steadily pointed at the bounty hunter. ?Well, we meet again Hunter.? He commented.

?Sylux?? She muttered. ?What are you doing here??

?I?m here to make sure you don?t get any further.? He responded before firing another beam at his hated enemy,

Samus rolled to her side and fired sets of yellow beams at her attacker. Sylux dashed out of the way of each shot and curled into a green ball surrounded by sharp blue pieces of his suit. The blonde bounty hunter swiftly jumped into the air and morphed into a ball. She bounced on the hard flooring and rushed at her opponent who was knocked back by the sudden force.

Samus! Hurry up and disable the lasers so the others can help you! The voice from earlier warned.

?Who are you anyway?? The bounty hunter asked while she dropped light blue balls around Sylux. They exploded in unison causing a large blast to knock her opponent into the wall. The blue suited man groaned as he slid to the floor, unconscious.

It?s Ness. And you need to get out of here befo- The boy?s voice started, but was interrupted by a loud static noise.

It?s too late for that. A deeper voice echoed.

The bounty hunter cautiously looked around the area but was suddenly propelled in the air. She was then hurled across the room into the same wall Sylux hit moments ago. Before she could recover from the shock, she was thrown against another wall.

Samus dropped to the floor, dazed. The blonde saw a pair of grey feet in front of her. The bounty hunter slowly looked up to see Mewtwo hovering over her. The Pok?mon grinned as his eyes turned an icy blue; he extended his hand and shot a beam of ice at Samus, instantly freezing her.

?Mewtwo? Can you be a dear and put her somewhere while I get ready?? Mimi asked sweetly as she stepped out of the shadows. Her green skin and yellow dress almost lit up in the darkness.

The genetic Pok?mon?s eyes narrowed. I can kill people with my thoughts and I?m ordered around by children? He angrily muttered loud enough for the girl to hear. Mewtwo then lifted his hands in the air and disappeared in a white light with Samus.

Mimi walked over to Sylux and stared at him blankly. ?How can I do this?? She thought. ?Oh yeah!? The young girl exclaimed excitedly before slapping her partner as hard as she could across the face. ?Wake up!? She yelled.

The hunter cried out in pain as he sat up. ?Wha-what? Did I win?? He asked groggily.

The doppelganger rolled her eyes, ?No you lost. Miserably. Mewtwo had to take care of her.? She explained cheerfully. The girl slowly spun her head around, ?Mimimimimimi!? She chanted before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared, Sylux saw Samus admiring her suit. ?How do I look?? She wondered.

?Great.? The man said unenthusiastically. ?I wish I?d get as much fieldwork as you.? He complained as he typed on a computer to disable the lasers outside.


Ness leaned his head against the glass tube he was put in and grinned as Toaster walked in the room. ?Hello.? He smiled as a purple liquid rose past his ankles.

?I?m not here for you.? The toad said coldly while he walked past his captive. He stopped at a shiny silver platform and crossed his arms. He looked at the watch on his wrist and sighed. ?While I?m waiting, what do you want??

?I was just wondering how much money it costs to do all of this. I know that you just got a bunch of security lasers installed a couple of hours ago. It must have cost a pretty penny to get them installed that fast. Or did all of you guys use your discounts at Acme?? The boy chuckled while he glared at the glass in front of him. A small crack started to form the more he concentrated.

?I?m glad that most of your personality will be gone in a few hours?? Toaster responded. The toad heard air escaping above him and saw the silver circle above him start to open.

Zelda dropped out of the opening and fell to her feet. She slowly scanned her surroundings, ?What am I doing here?? The princess asked weakly while trying to stand up.

Toaster smiled and pulled out a remote from his pocket. He put his finger on a button but stopped when he heard a loud crashing noise behind him. The toad spun around to see Ness standing in a pile of broken glass with his arms crossed.

?Bullet Proof doesn?t mean psychic proof, you know.? He winked. The boy put out his right hand and the remote quickly flew into his hand. ?I think it?s time out for a while?? He smirked.

The black clad toad walked towards the young psychic, ?How long do you think you?re going to last against me?? He wondered as he inched closer.

Ness peered past Toaster to watch Zelda disappear from a large crystal. ?Long enough.? He answered.

To be continued.


Oh, dear, Ness is gonna fight Toaster. =O

Great chapter. Keep it up.


Hmm...  I wonder what kind of power Toaster has hidden, especially since I keep picturing him as a stereotypical 'intellectually superior but weak leader that bosses everyone around' .   :P


I thought I would get this chapter finished earlier, but I travelled a lot more than I expected to. :P Plus I had some writer's block...I knew what I wanted to happen for this chapter, but I wasn't sure how to get there. And I'm not sure if anyone's going to get the joke at the end of the chapter. :P

                                           Chapter 23: Here comes the cavalry.

?Is it true that psychics can?t predict their own death?? Toaster inquired nonchalantly.

?We?ll just have to see, won?t we?? Ness smirked as he rushed towards the toad with his baseball bat.

The young boy swung his wooden bat at his waiting opponent. Ness? eyes widened when he heard a metallic thud. Toaster had caught his bat with his right hand. The black clad toad raised his arm to lift Ness in the air and then hurled the psychic against the wall. Before the boy could get up, Toaster flew forward with his palm out and thrust his enemy through the stone wall behind him. As the dust and debris from the destroyed wall cleared, Toaster saw Ness clutching his stomach and smiling weakly in the middle of a room filled with computers.

?No smart comments?? The toad asked with a grin.

The boy shrugged, ?Hey, I didn?t think it would be easy.? He said before jumping in the air. ?PK!? He yelled as a green glowing orb emerged from his red baseball cap. The orb slowly grew as it closed in on Toaster. ?Flash!? Ness shouted, making the orb explode in a flash of light.

Ness? jaw dropped when he saw Toaster standing tall with his arms crossed. ?I don?t think you understand how hopeless this is.? He observed.

?You know, it?s been a long time since I fought someone who could prevent me from reading them.? The psychic said, ignoring Toaster. ?It?s an interesting feeling not knowing what?s going to happen??

Toaster lifted his gloved hand in the air and smiled as two green orbs rose from them. ?PK Flash Omega!? His voice echoed as both orbs exploded in front of Ness.

The psychic was hurled across the room and broke a wooden table lined with computers. He yelled in pain as each piece of equipment came crashing down on him. ?You can?? Ness said in between breaths.

?Use your powers?? The toad finished. ?Of course. Why did you think I started this tournament? I can use the Primid?s magic to use the powers from all of the heroes that come here. I?m surprised that you were all stupid enough to leave your home worlds unguarded. That just made them easier targets for the Primid.? He explained.

Ness staggered to his feet. ?They just trust you because they?ve been to your tournament twice already and nothing bad has ever happened. At least, nothing that you want them to remember.? He added as he limped closer to the toad, gripping his baseball bat. ?You?ve done this all before, Toaster. And we stopped you. What makes you think this time will be any different?? He wondered.

The mastermind chuckled. ?I was foolish enough to underestimate everyone?s power ten years ago. I was incomplete, and only had half of my power.? He muttered while images of a large glowing platform drifting in space started to flash before Ness. ?Two years later, I was able to get most of the heroes of this world together again. However, I was outnumbered by the time I was at full power.? He continued as the psychic saw more pictures. They were of two gloved hands flying in the air and attacking twenty-two small figures. ?This time I have more time and more help. You?re going to help me very soon?? He drifted before ducking to avoid a weak swing from a baseball bat.

?I?m not going to help you. A Primid?s going to take control of me. I?ll only be with you in the flesh. My mind and spirit will be on the side that takes you down.? The psychic coughed.

Toaster?s body was surrounded by a purple aura. ?I can do without your personality anyway.? He said coldly before shooting a purple liquid at Ness.

The psychic closed his eyes and put his arms out to create a large blue sphere around him. The liquid slowly sunk into the sphere and disappeared. Ness opened his eyes and the magnetic sphere he was encased in vanished. The boy had recovered from all of his injuries. ?You?re losing it Toaster.? He smirked. ?I saw that one coming.?

?You don?t find it odd that you can read me sometimes and not others?? The toad pondered. ?You must be stupider than I thought. I let you read me that time.? He continued as he walked closer to Ness with his hands behind his back.

The psychic?s eyes grew heavier and struggled to breathe. What was that? He asked telepathically.

?It?s the soul of the Primid from the tube you were in. It will act faster now that you absorbed it into your body.? Toaster smiled before Ness dropped to the floor.


The wooden door at the other end of the hallway slowly opened as Samus walked outside. She raised her arm to signal that it was safe for the others to follow her. Behind the door was a large room filled with glowing computers. There were papers scattered over the floor and some of the computers were broken.

?What happened here?? Sonic wondered out loud.

?I?uh ran into some trouble while I was in here. I took care of it, though.? Samus replied sheepishly.

Snake walked over to a computer and scrolled down on the page, ?Bring together the trio so space and time may meet. Only then can you begin to revive what you seek.? He read aloud. ?The rest of this looks like it?s in Egyptian?? The soldier drifted before hearing a voice in his ear.

?Snake, it?s Otacon. If you can send that file to me, I?ll be able to translate it within a few hours.? The scientist explained. Snake nodded as his friend instructed him on how to send the files.

When the soldier was done, he silently walked towards another door and opened it. He carefully looked ahead to see another dark hallway with large tubes along both walls. The others quickly followed when Snake motioned that it was safe. Everyone jumped when they heard the door slam behind them.

?Great, they know we?re here.? Midna muttered.

Sonic looked around the area for a way out, but his attention was drawn to the tube across from him. The blue hedgehog quickly walked over to it and admired his reflection before a gold plate at the bottom of the tube caught his eye. He kneeled down to read the plate easier. Sonic the Hedgehog

?Are you alright Sonic?? Amy asked worriedly behind the hedgehog. ?You look like you?ve seen a ghost.?

The blue hero shook his head, ?This plate has my name on it.? He answered nervously.

Amy and Tails both walked to their friend?s side. They each looked at the tubes beside his. ?Solid Snake?? Tails slowly read out loud.

?Viewtiful Joe?? Amy drifted. ?Is ?viewtiful? even a real word?? The pink hedgehog wondered.

?Oh God! It?s like that one movie with that bat?man?scarecrow?zombie?monster thing!? Retro exclaimed. ?We?re all gonna die. It?s game over man, game over!? The teenager continued between sobs. ?Ow!? He yelled after Mage slapped him across the face.

The sorcerer?s eyes narrowed. ?Calm down, you?re embarrassing yourself?which I didn?t think was possible at this point. And the movie was Jeepers Creepers.?

Retro cried out in pain when he was slapped again. ?What was that for?? He questioned, turning to Retro.

The hedgehog shrugged. ?Looked like fun.?

Everybody froze when they suddenly heard a buzzing noise from the other end of the hallway. A pair of glowing red balls started flashing and growing bigger as the sound of something rolling grew louder. ?You shouldn?t have come here.? A robotic voice said as the hallway was filled with a blinding light. The now bright area revealed a large grey robot with a round base and metallic claws with a blood red colour. It?s head was rectangular and had a black visor at the front and a blinking red light on top.

Snake swiftly pulled a pistol out of his belt and aimed it at the robot. He stopped when he heard something charging behind him. ?Drop it.? A female voice commanded. The soldier spun around to see Samus steadily pointing her arm cannon at him. Snake angrily dropped his weapon on the cold flooring. ?Everyone put your hands where I can see them. We have you surrounded.? She instructed.

The heroes looked around the hallway and saw Mewtwo sitting on the set of tubes on their left. A shadow crept beside the Pok?mon and slowly formed into Darkrai. On their right were Fox, Falco and Diddy Kong pointing their various weapons at the group.

?Game over man! The Konami code won?t help where we?re going because we are screwed!? Retro rambled. ?Ow!? He shrieked when Samus hit him across the face with her arm cannon.

?Thank-you.? Everyone said in unison.


Wario angrily stood in front of Toaster?s desk and pulled off pieces of seaweed from his shoulders. He rapidly shook his body, getting water everywhere around him. ?Why?d you do that?? He shouted. ?I would?ve won!?

The toad sat back in his leather chair and put his feet on his desk. ?No, you would?ve lost. There was no sense in me prolonging the inevitable when I need you to work.? He explained.

?How could I lose with these muscles?? The disgusting man questioned as he tried to flex. ?And now I can?t get the prize money for winning this stupid tournament!? He continued.

?For the last time, there is no prize for winning. The tournament is just to tire out the heroes.? The toad sighed. ?Now go make yourself useful and get a hold of Zelda. She managed to escape while Ness distracted me. Since we?re moving, she couldn?t have gone too far so even you could find her.? He continued, making Wario grumble before leaving and slamming the door behind him.

The guests have arrived. Mewtwo?s voice rang out.

Toaster smiled and walked out of the room. ?This is going to be easier than I thought.? He said before softly closing the door.


?Why did we give up so easily?? Retro asked as he marched in a line behind the other heroes. ?There are eight of us and seven of them, we could take them.?

Snake lit up a cigarette as he continued to walk behind R.O.B ?They had us outgunned. And you were too busy crying to be of any help anyway.? He explained, irritated.

The teenager nodded. ?No?that doesn?t sound like something I?d do.? He responded before coming to a sudden halt.

R.O.B moved to the side so Toaster was in plain view of the group. The toad had his hands behind his back and a sinister smile on his face. ?That will be all. I can handle things from here.? The black clad toad said coldly.

Samus quickly shook and formed into a young girl in a yellow dress and green skin and walked past her boss with the other henchmen following her one by one.

?If Falco is working for you, why did you go through the trouble of putting him through a trap door?? Snake wondered.

Toaster nonchalantly circled the group of heroes. ?He wasn?t always a willing participant in all of this. The contestants who fall through the trap doors are put in the tubes you see around you. The tubes are slowly filled with a Primid who will gradually take over their body and obey me.? He explained.

?Primid? So you are the Toaster from hundreds of years ago?? Snake asked in disbelief.

?Your friend has kept you well informed, Snake.? The toad smirked, making the group?s eyes widen. ?Yes, I am. I was once ruler of The Mansard Kingdom and I used the powers of the Primid to kill my parents to get on that throne. The Primid were once spirits that roamed every world. Since they didn?t have their own bodies, they had to possess somebody else?s. Once they had a body, they were able to commit some of history?s greatest evils. But the Egyptians discovered a way to seal the Primid away. A Pharaoh named Tabuu found out that the Primid were drawn to a certain shape and once they entered it, they couldn?t get out. He called these shapes pyramids and he made sure that they would continue to be built after his death.? Toaster recounted.

?If Tabuu was able to seal them away, how did you get them out?? Sonic observed.

The toad smiled. ?Most of the Primid are still trapped in the pyramids. But grave robbers made it possible for the Primid to get bodies and escape the pyramids easily. Being an heir to the throne, I was able to send many people to Egypt and free the Primid. I had ultimate power once I was on the throne?but three heroes stepped in and put a stop to that. I lost both of my hands in the fight and was sealed away in another realm for three hundred years. I managed to get out ten years ago, but my memory is filled with holes. I don?t even remember who the heroes were.? He continued.

?Then why are you doing all of this? Is it because your name is Toaster? Because you can get your name changed?? Retro pointed out before being punched in the stomach by Toaster. ?God?what are your hands made of, steel?? He asked between breaths.

The toad put his right hand around the teenager?s throat. ?Yes, actually they are.? He answered while he turned away from the choking hero. His hand was still wrapped around Retro?s throat as he paced around the room without his hand. ?And I?m doing all of this for world domination.?

?C?Clich?.? Retro gasped as his face started turning blue. Toaster raised his right arm and his hand flew back into place.

?That might be. But I have the power to do it, to become master of the world. All I need is the identities of the three heroes? ancestors, which is one of the reasons why I started this tournament. If I gather as many heroes as I can, I can take over their worlds and find out which ones I need!? The toad shouted before glaring at Mage and the two Retroes. ?But I really have no need for the three of you. I?m actually still wondering why the three of you are even here.? Toaster drifted.

?Shameless self-promotion?? Mage wondered.

?Because we?re awesome?? Retro chimed in.

?The post office sucks?? Retro added.

The toad inched closer to the three and raised his hands. ?It really doesn?t matter. I?m just going to kill you.? He smiled before being hit by a ball of fire. Toaster spun around and saw three silhouettes at the end of the hallway. He looked closer to see Mario tossing a fireball in the air and catching it, Samus charging up her arm cannon and Link clutching his sword in his left hand.

?It?s over, Toaster.? Samus said.

The black clad toad started to laugh maniacally. ?No, it hasn?t even started! By the time I?m done with all of you, you?ll forget all of this ever happened and you will all go back to the tournament to be turned into trophies or work for me!? He shouted between laughs.

?Okay, he?s officially lost it.? Mage muttered while the other nodded in agreement.

The shades on Toaster?s sunglasses started to turn a deep blue as he raised his palms in the air. The room started to spin while the heroes screamed in pain until they were engulfed in a flash of coloured light.


Retro opened his eyes and looked around to see he was standing on a sidewalk in front of immense flashing buildings. Lights were moving in the air and the teenager held his head up high to see a neon sign in front of a metal skyscraper. ?New Pork City?? He asked groggily.

?W-what are we doing here?? Midna asked as she clutched her throbbing head. She looked around to see everyone she had been with moments ago slowly waking up in the stands of the coliseum, which was peering into a large, futuristic city.

?Versus Roy!? A voice announced.

A purple hover car came to a sudden stop in front of Retro as the passenger door opened. A tall man with red hair and blue armor stepped out of the car before it flew off. He had white pants and blue boots and fingerless gloves. His purple and red cape danced in the wind. The man thrust his sword in the ground in front of him as he smiled evilly.
?Oh boy?? Retro muttered.


                                                   To Be continued.


That was a very interesting chapter.   ;) 

?Then why are you doing all of this? Is it because your name is Toaster? Because you can get your name changed??   :D


I wanted to get this chapter done last week, but school really screwed that up. :(

Chapter 24: New Pork, New Pork.

Retro opened his eyes and looked around to see he was standing on a sidewalk in front of immense flashing buildings. Lights were moving in the air and the teenager held his head up high to see a neon sign in front of a metal skyscraper. ?New Pork City?? He asked groggily.

?W-what are we doing here?? Midna asked as she clutched her throbbing head. She looked around to see everyone she had been with moments ago slowly waking up in the stands of the coliseum, which was peering into a large, futuristic city.

?Versus Roy!? A voice announced.

A purple hover car came to a sudden stop in front of Retro as the passenger door opened. A tall man with red hair and blue armor stepped out of the car before it flew off. He had white pants and blue boots and fingerless gloves. His purple and red cape danced in the wind. The man thrust his sword in the ground in front of him as he smiled evilly.
?Oh boy?? Retro muttered.


Ness was surrounded by a thick fog as he wandered around a strange new place. The ground felt unusually soft, even with his shoes on. Anything that he could see looked wavy and colourless. The boy squinted to see ahead of himself and saw a figure surrounded by a purple aura in front of a large flatscreen TV screen.

Is there a traitor in our midst? Toaster?s voice echoed.

Ness walked silently closer to the figure ahead of him. The fog began to clear as he saw images flashing on the screen. The psychic was able to get a closer look at the figure in front of the screen. It was the same size as him and had an olive green hat and torso. It?s arms and legs were thin and a short red antenna was sticking out of it?s head.

Yes? The being in front of the TV answered calmly in Ness? voice. It turned around to face the young psychic, it?s red eyes pierced through him. The psychic noticed the what looked like a Smash Ball was pulsing on it?s chest.

?You?re a Primid?? Ness questioned, making the creature nod. ?Then this must be?? He drifted.

?Your subconscious.? The Primid finished in the psychic?s voice. ?All of your thoughts, visions and powers lie here.? The creature?s eyes narrowed as it inched towards the young psychic. ?I?m in control is futile to fight it.? It explained in a deep demonic voice.

Ness grit his teeth. ?That?s it? You expect me to go by your word and sit back while you and Toaster plunge this world into darkness??

Who is the traitor?Toaster?s voice asked.

The Primid turned back to the TV and watched the images flash on the screen. ?I?ve gained most of your psychic abilities, so I know that you won?t give up. But soon you will lose all of your powers and will be unable to stand a chance against me.? It responded before closing it?s eyes.

The traitor is?.Ness? voice started.

A loud crash interrupted the Primid?s train of thought. It opened it?s eyes and saw a broken TV screen on the ground and Ness firmly holding his baseball bat. ?Bet you didn?t see that coming.? The boy smiled. ?I might be losing my powers, but I can use what I have to screw things up for a while.?

The traitor is?Ness? voice weakly repeated.

The psychic put his hands against his head and closed his eyes. The Primid quickly followed the boy?s actions. They both stood perfectly still concentrating on gaining control of Ness? body.

Is...Roy Ness? voice echoed.


?Ready?? The voice asked in anticipation.

Retro desperately looked for a way out of the fight as a golden platform lifted him into the air. The teenager tried to jump off, but was knocked to the ground by a force field. He quickly got to his feet to try again with the same result.

?You?re like a caged animal?? Roy said, annoyed.

?Is there any chance we can postpone the fight?? Retro questioned.

The red headed swordsman nodded his head, ?No. I have orders to kill you now?Retro.?

The amateur hero sighed. ?Somehow I always knew I?d get killed in a big city like this??

?Go!? The voice yelled as the platforms beneath the contestants disappeared. Roy gracefully dropped to his feet while Retro landed on his face.

The teenager quickly lifted his head and saw a sword swiping down on him. He screamed as he rolled to his right and jumped to his feet. Roy stabbed at Retro, making the teenager drop to the ground. Roy?s sword barely missed the frightened hero?s head, only managing to knock his hat off. Retro quickly grabbed the swordsman?s legs and pulled him to the ground.

?How much fighting experience does he have?? Snake wondered.

Mage thought for a minute. ?Not much?he?s as good as dead.? The sorcerer slowly turned to Retro, ?Dibs on his stuff.?

?I?m sure he values your friendship too, Mage.? The hedgehog responded sarcastically.

The sorcerer?s eyes narrowed. ?Oh come on, you care just about as much as I do. You?re just mad that I get all of his stuff now.?

Retro sadly turned his head back towards the arena. ?Maybe a little?? He muttered.

Roy angrily slashed his sword at Retro, who was barely avoiding his attacks. The swordsman continued to mercilessly assault the tired teenager until Retro hit a wall behind him. Roy quickly put his sword against the hero?s throat and smiled. ?You?re pathetic.? He mocked. ?Any last requests??

The teenager looked around before answering. ?Let me live?? He asked, making Roy inch his sword closer to his throat. ?Okay! Okay! Um?stab me in the chest so it will look cooler?? He answered hesitantly.

The red headed swordsman glared at Retro. ?Fine?? He responded bitterly. Roy pulled his sword back to pierce the teenager?s chest. He was about to thrust, but was knocked to the ground by a kick to his stomach. Roy furiously got to his feet just in time to see the cowardly hero run into an alleyway.  The swordsman angrily muttered as he walked after him.


?Is Retro dead yet?? Toaster asked as he walked into the computer room where Sylux and Mimi were watching the match.

?Not yet, he ran away.? Mimi explained as she reached into a bowl of popcorn.

?Good. I just talked to Ness and found out that Roy is going to betray us in the future. Make sure he doesn?t live through this match, we?ll take care of Retro later.? The toad ordered.

?I don?t know, boss. This kid?s going to need a miracle to win.? Sylux answered.

The black-clad toad walked towards the door. ?Then give him one. Release the Ultimate Chimera.? He suggested before leaving the room.


Retro stopped sprinting and began to walk. ?I am out of shape?? He panted heavily. ?I think I lost him for a while anyway.? He thought out loud after looking around the area. The teenager continued walking and saw a bright green hover car parked on his right side. He went over to the futuristic car and sat on the hood. ?This fight?s ridiculously one-sided.? The amateur hero commented. ?He has a sword and I?ve got nothing?? Retro drifted while his eyes wandered to the hover car he was sitting on.

?You can?t hide forever!? An angry voice echoed down the streets, making the teenager jump.

The cowardly hero ran to the driver door of the hover car, it was luckily unlocked. Retro sat in the car and locked the doors. He noticed that the interior had white leather seats and looked similar to regular cars, except that the volume knob on the radio was broken. ?I?m in over my head?I don?t know how to hotwire this thing.? He realized. ?But I know someone who does!? The teenager exclaimed before pulling out his cell phone.

Retro looked through the windshield and saw Roy at the end of the street, gradually progressing towards him. The teenager swiftly ducked below to seats to conceal himself.


Roger was spinning his recently stolen disc on his right claw. The familiar dragon that he was riding on still hadn?t noticed him and didn?t seem to be stopping anytime soon. The pirate?s phone started to ring, making him almost drop the disc.

?What?? He angrily whispered.

?Roger? How do you hotwire a hover car?? Retro asked quietly.

The dinosaur casually looked at his claws, ?What kind of hover car?? He asked. The pirate waited silently for a response. ?Retro? What kind of hover car?? He repeated.

?I don?t know! I barely know anything about regular cars!? The teenager yelled. ?The hood ornament looks like a jack o?lantern, though.?

?Then it must be a Specter. If I remember correctly, there?s a hidden door under the wheel where the wires are. Once they?re exposed, you just need to tie the green, red and gray wire together. I hate Specters because the engine?s connected to the radio for some stupid reason, so you have to keep it on.? Roger explained. ?Why do you need to hotwire a hover car anyway?? The Pirate wondered.

?Some guy with a sword?s coming after me and I need something to defend myself.? Retro answered casually.

The dinosaur sighed, ?Well that makes sense?good luck.? He said before hanging up.

?Do you think I?m too stupid not to notice something riding on me for hours?? A deep, sinister voice asked.

Roger tensed when the dragon he was riding on finished talking. ?R-Ridley? I thought you looked familiar?? He drifted nervously. ?Did your Space Pirates recover all of the data I stole from them a couple months back??

?No?they?re still working on it.? Ridley roared. ?Under normal circumstances, I?d have killed you as soon as you landed on me. But I received a letter telling me to be at the Galactic Federation base at the time you were to make your escape. Apparently, you have information that somebody wants, so I need you alive until I bring you to them.? He explained.

?Lucky me.? The pirate muttered before holding on tight to his ride as he sped up.


?Okay, let?s see?? Retro thought as he stared at a rainbow of different coloured wires hanging above him. ?Tie the green, red and gray wires together.? He repeated as he struggled to do so. ?There we go!? He exclaimed before a small spark jumped off of the connected wires.

The teenager breathed a sigh of relief when the car?s engine revved up. He jumped when he heard an explosive voice start singing, Here in my car! I feel safest of all! I can lock all my doors! It?s the only way to live! In cars!

?Shut up!? Retro screamed as he sat up to adjust the volume, only to remember the knob was broken. The teenager slowly looked out the windshield and saw Roy turn around and run towards the car with his sword in hand. The red headed lord then jumped onto the roof of the car when he was close enough.

The amateur hero cried out in fear when he saw Roy?s sword go through the roof of the car and pierce through the seat beside him. ?You can?t escape!? The swordsman called out.

Retro sat in the driver?s seat and looked at a stick to his right. It could be pulled in different directions where there were different letters. ?R? Like, Really fast?? He wondered before pulling the stick towards the letter. The teenager put his foot on the pedal below him only to be quickly thrown in reverse.

Roy lowered his head to peer into the windshield. His eyes were burning with rage. Retro turned the wheel in different directions in an attempt to shake his attacker off of the hover car. The two screamed in pain when the car suddenly backed into a brick wall behind them. Roy was hurled off of the hover car and onto the hard cement while an airbag deployed in front of Retro.

The angered swordsman got to his feet and walked towards the struggling teenager. He stopped when the ground started to shake and he heard an explosive roar behind him. The red headed lord spun around to see an enormous pink dog-like creature running towards him. It had crimson coloured eyes, purple bat wings and a pointed red tail. There was a small yellow bird calmly sitting on it?s head. ?What is that?? Roy asked worriedly.

Retro finally conquered the airbag and walked out of the damaged hover car. He turned to see the raging creature dashing towards them. The teenager screamed, jumped back in the car and locked the doors.

Before Roy could run away, the creature flung the small human into the air. It opened it?s wide mouth to reveal it?s razor sharp teeth. Retro closed his eyes and covered his ears to drown out the cries of pain, crunching noises and the music still blasting from the radio.

The teenager remained still when he heard the screaming stop. He heard heavy breathing and loud footsteps outside of the car. The amateur hero tried to hold onto something when the hover car suddenly flipped over. The driver door broke off of the car and sent the frightened hero flying out onto the sidewalk.

?No! I don?t want to die as food!? He yelled as he tensed and covered his face. After a few minutes of silence, Retro looked around and saw a deserted road with a single fingerless glove on the sidewalk across from him. ?Oh?.yeah, you better run!? The teenager called out confidently.

?This game?s winner is?Tom Nook!? A voice announced, making the hero scream in terror.

To be Continued?


Poor Retro!  :D  His stupidity made the battle that much more hilarious.


I finally got around to finishing this chapter. I had it about half way done for awhile. :P
I'm done football for the year, so the only thing that's going to get in the way now is hopefully that'll mean shorter waits...

Chapter 25: Remember when...

Retro slowly opened his eyes to see the quiet, sandy coliseum grounds instead of the enormous city he was just in. He sighed with relief before standing on his feet. "Boo!" A voice yelled out, causing the jumpy teenager to cry out and drop to the ground. The cowardly hero turned around when he heard laughter behind him. He saw the group of people he was with in the basement before his match surrounding him.

"This is going to be a fun night." Mage smirked.

"That's not funny!" Retro spat. "Have any of you ever been that close to a scary monster that wanted to eat you?" He asked.

"Yes." The group answered nonchalantly.

"Well...the important thing is that I won and I can live to annoy another day!" He announced triumphantly.

"Yeah...congratulation, Retro. I always knew you'd win." Mage complimented, causing Retro to shoot him a dirty look. "You do realize that means you have to fight in the next round?" The sorcerer questioned, holding back chuckles.

The teenager started to turn pale. "Heh...I didn't even think of that..." He laughed nervously. "Great, now I won't be able to sleep tonight." Retro muttered.

"All joking aside, does anyone remember what happened in the basement?" Midna interrupted.

The group remained silent in deep thought. Their faces twisted in a vain attempt to remember anything that happened in the past hour. "I...can't remember anything!" Sonic exclaimed. "What could've happened down there?" He asked, without getting any response.


Toaster opened a small transparent bottle filled with pills that had different colours on each side of it. He grabbed two of the pills and held both of them between his fingers. He sighed and swallowed both of them before continuing to skim through a large, worn out book. He suddenly heard a knock on the wooden door across from him. "Come." He announced without looking away from the book.

"Retro won, boss." Sylux informed before slowly walking towards the toad. He cocked his head to the side to try and look at the old book Toaster was reading. "Is that the book you're making us translate? It's bigger than the dictionary!" He complained.

The short mastermind carefully closed the book, making dust fly out. The cover had some faded Egyptian letters on it. "Yes, this is the book. It was written by Tabuu's ancestors and used by the three heroes to seal me away for so many miserable years. The fools actually wrote of a way to revive my power for their own use because they were certain I wouldn't get out and find it." He explained. "Speaking of reviving my power, has Wario found Zelda yet?" Toaster asked.

Sylux nodded his head. "Not yet. We checked with Mewtwo and he can't even get a read on her energy. It's like she's just disappeared..."

"That's impossible, even with her magic she wouldn't be able to go anywhere. Tell Falco and Fox to help Wario find the princess. We need her for the revival along with Princess Peach." The toad ordered.

The hunter nodded and turned to leave the room. His left hand grasped the doorknob to close the door behind him, but he suddenly stopped. "What did you do with everyone that was down here?" He wondered.

Toaster lowered his head and grinned. "I erased their memories and sent them back to the coliseum. I've also changed the next round so we can get rid of the heroes faster." He explained menacingly.


The morning sun's rays slowly sank into the main room of the lounge. Sonic was sleeping on one of the couches surrounded by everyone he was with the night before. His emerald eyes fluttered open and saw the door across from him was slightly open. The blue hedgehog silently creeped outside so he wouldn't wake the others.

Snake was staring intently at the sunrise with his arms crossed and a lit cigarette hanging in his mouth. Sonic could tell that the mercenary was in deep thought and quietly inched closer to him. "Couldn't sleep, huh?" He asked after a few minutes.

The soldier lightly tossed his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it to put it out. "I don't see how anyone can, we still don't know a thing that happened last night. We can't even be sure if we did go in the basement last night." He said doubtfully.

The hedgehog put his hands behind his head leisurely. "Think of it this way; if we can't remember anything, then somebody probably doesn't want us to remember something. I bet we found something really important down there that we weren't supposed to, which means we'll have to go back down there and not give up." He explained with a smile.

The duo suddenly heard a loud clanging noise coming from the lounge. "Come on, Mage! I said I was sorry!" Retro pleaded before they heard him screaming, followed by a deafening bang.

Snake and Sonic rolled their eyes when they saw Retro run outside and slam the door behind him. Some parts of his clothes were burned and his red hat had a small flame on the tip of it. "What did you do now?" Sonic questioned.

The burned teenager waited a minute to catch his breath, "Nothing! I was using my recorder, but it's apparently too full to record anything new so I had to delete some stuff. I thought to myself, 'I haven't even recorded that much, I wonder if Mage was using it?' So I wanted to wake him up and ask him, and then he gets really mad at me yelling stuff like 'Why would I use your stupid recorder?' or 'How didn't you die fighting Roy?'" Retro narrated.

Sonic's eyes narrowed, "Why would he get so mad at you for waking him up?"

The amateur hero shrugged and threw up his arms. "I know! All I did was bang two cymbals together on his head, but that's just because I saw them lying around and wanted to know if that would actually work!" He defended himself, causing Sonic and Snake to give him a puzzled look. "I like Mage and all, but he can be pretty dangerous and unpredictable a jack-in-the-box." The teenager finished before pulling out his recorder. "And now I have to go through this and find things to delete on it!" He whined before pressing a button on it.

The trio jumped when they heard a noisy thud coming from the recorder: "Ow! What did I do?" Retro's voice questioned.

"You wouldn't shut up the whole time I was forced to watch you this afternoon!" Samus' voice roared.

"You'd think that I'd remember recording this...I must've been hit pretty hard." Retro pointed out.

Snake snatched the recorder from the dim-witted teenager, "Do you even realize what this means?" He questioned, only to receive a blank stare from the hero. "Of course you don't..." The mercenary sighed. "You must have recorded everything that we can't remember!" He exclaimed.

"What can't you remember?" A voice echoed behind the trio, making them all jump.

The three heroes turned to see Toaster standing in front of them with his gloved hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. The toad was still wearing shades, even though the sun had just started to rise and he wore a slight grin on his face. He noticed Snake trying to hide a small device behind his back, but he chuckled and ignored it.

"I don't remember much of last night, but I think it's because I got hit really hard." Retro explained, making Sonic and Snake glare at him.

"Yes, I would imagine fighting here would be quite different than running a little store, Tom Nook." The toad responded.

"What the he-" The teenager started, but was knocked out of breath by a quick elbow by Sonic. "Oh, right...yeah." He answered weakly.

A loud beeping sound suddenly came from Toaster's pocket. He casually reached into it and pulled out a small PDA. "If you'll excuse me..." He said before walking into the lounge.

"All advancing players must now report to the coliseum." A familiar female voice announced. There was a hint of urgency in the way she spoke.


The wooden door behind Sylux and Mimi slowly creaked open. The two villains were
too focused on their work to hear anything besides the sounds of their typing. Sylux peered over at Mimi's computer screen, "We're only on the hundredth page?" He sighed. The hunter suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and exploded from his chair with a yelp.

Mimi giggled at her partner's cowardice. She turned to the person behind the now empty chair and almost screamed. "W-who...or what are you?" The teenager stammered as she started turning pale.

A large gray velociraptor walked nonchalantly in-between the duo, his tail dragging across the floor. He had his long, thin arms crossed over his sky blue stomach. His left eye was covered by a leathery eye patch and his right amber eye casually looked around the room. The dinosaur's talons tapped impatiently on the steel flooring of the room.

"Captain Roger." He introduced aimlessly in an Australian accent. "I was hired by your boss a few days ago to steal information from the Galactic Federation...One second." Roger paused before ducking to avoid a wild swing from Sylux. The pirate quickly swept his tail under his attacker's legs, knocking him to the ground. "Can you tell him I'm here?" He asked, ignoring the injured hunter.

The teenage girl frightfully nodded and turned back to the computer. She started typing on the keyboard until a small microphone lowered from the ceiling in front of her. "All advancing players must now report to the coliseum." She announced.

Roger sauntered over to Sylux and crouched in front of him. "It's been awhile since I've had the pleasure of talking to you, Sylux." He noted.

"You know each other?" Mimi gasped.

Sylux slowly got to his feet while he angrily muttered under his breath. The hunter slumped in his chair and turned away from the two to work on his computer. "He's a wanted criminal where I come from. I've run into him a few times when he's tried to steal equipment from me." He explained with contempt in his voice.

The pirate chuckled, "I'm a wanted criminal all over the universe, not just where you come from. And I don't 'try' to steal equipment from you, I succeed."

The door opened behind the bickering enemies. "What..." Toaster started, but paused when he saw Roger standing beside Sylux with a grin on his face. "Are you the one with the information I need?" He inquired anxiously.

The velociraptor pulled out a disc and spun it on one of his talons. "Are you the one who's going to pay me?" He shot back.

Toaster absent-mindedly reached into one of his pockets and tossed a small brown sack at the pirate, who opened the bag to see that it was filled with various gems and diamonds. Roger closed the bag and threw the disc at his client as if it were a Frisbee.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Jolly Roger." Sylux grumbled, making the dinosaur glare at him.

"Actually, I noticed that you're trying to translate something. I learned how to read Egyptian back when I was stealing from tombs and I think I can translate whatever you want better than..." He drifted while he walked over to Sylux's computer and opened one of the windows. "Google Translator..." He finished, holding back laughter. "Of course, this service wouldn't be free."

Toaster glanced over at Sylux, who was violently shaking his head to say "No", but he ignored him. The toad pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Roger. "Read this, I already know what this says. If you can prove that you can read Egyptian, I'll allow it." He said interestedly.

The pirate skimmed through the piece of paper and lowered it to his side with a confused look. "Gather the Heroes from all the lands to gain control and revive the Hands." He cited. "Do all of these rhyme? Because if they do I might want more money..."


"No, it hasn't even started! By the time I'm done with all of you, you'll forget all of this ever happened and you will all go back to the tournament to be turned into trophies or work for me!" Toaster's voice shouted between laughs.

Snake uneasily put Retro's recorder in one of his pockets and lit up another cigarette. He looked around his circle of allies, making eye contact with each one of them. The group of heroes were all gathered behind one of the walls of the coliseum so they could hear if they were needed but still be safe to have a conversation.

"Wow...we really didn't last long against him." Retro sighed, only to be struck in the back of the head by Mage. "Ow! What? It wasn't my fault!" He cried.

The sorcerer glared at his friend. "That was for the cymbals." He retorted.

"We can't let anyone else no that we remember what happened last night." Snake started. Everyone he was in the basement with nodded in agreement. "It sounds like Toaster can somehow control people so we can't really be sure who to trust. We'll need a way of recognizing each other in case we get controlled by him." He explained.

Retro put his hand to his chin to think. "How about a phrase? One of us can start it and the other has to finish it so we know it's really them." The amateur hero suggested. Everyone stared at him, completely baffled. "What?" He wondered.

"That's...actually a good idea." Mage answered in awe.

The teenager smiled, "Yeah, I sometimes get those. Anyways, I've been listening to Burning for You lately, so we should use some of the lines from that. How about one of us will say, 'Burn out the day. Burn out the night.' And the other one will say, 'I can't see no reason to put up a fight?'" He sang.

The others rolled their eyes. "Fine, it's easy enough to remember." Snake answered.

The group then heard the sounds of gears turning inside the coliseum. The ground started to shake with the same rhythm as the turning gears. "Good morning, fighters." Toaster's voice rang out. "Today is the second round of the third Super Smash Brothers tournament. I'm sure you will all be surprised by how you will all be matched up today. And one lucky fighter won't fight in this round." He continued.

The group of heroes silently slipped into the coliseum's stands during Toaster's speech. They were the only people on that side of the coliseum, everyone else was in the middle stands closest to Toaster. The small toad was calmly standing in the sand of the coliseum with a remote in his hand. There was a large blue holographic screen floating behind him. The toad pressed a button on the remote and a picture of all of the advancing fighters appeared on the screen.

"The next round will be a doubles match. You will randomly be paired with a partner to fight another team. Both of the winning partners will advance and the losing partners will be out of the tournament." Toaster said with a slight grin before pressing another button on the remote. The pictures on the screen all started to flash and quickly disappeared and reappeared.

"Solid Snake." A robotic voice said as the soldier's picture appeared on screen. "And..."

Don't let me be paired with Retro Snake thought as the pictures continued to move.

A picture of a red suited man appeared on the screen beside Snake's picture. The man had a red helmet with a large white "V" on the front of it. He had a confident smile on his face and a red goatee under it. "Viewtiful Joe." The voice continued. "Versus...Meta Knight and Ike. The match will be ath 3:30 P.M."

At least I'm not with Retro... Snake thought with relief. He jumped when he felt an elbow poke at his ribs.

"Looks like you're fighting first again, Snake." Retro commented.

Thank God I'm not with Retro. The soldier corrected.

"Captain Olimar and Bowser versus Ness and Diddy Kong." The voice continued while the fighter's pictures appeared on the screen. "The match will be at 5:37 P.M."

Sonic thought crossed his arms and laid back in thought. "I've heard that voice somewhere before..." He said outloud.

"Sonic the Hedgehog and Samus Aran versus Pit and Kirby." The voice interrupted. "The match will be at 7:45 P.M."

"The final match of the day is Captain Falcon and Luigi versus Mario and Link. The match will be at 9:00 P.M. The lucky contestant who doesn't fight today is...Tom Nook!" The voice said in a surprised way.  "Congratulations."

Retro sighed with relief. "Thank-you eerily familiar computer voice." The teenager thanked.

"It's that voice who always announces the fights, genius." Mage responded sarcastically.

Sonic's eyes widened. "Yeah, but that voice also belongs to somebody we met in the basement!" He realized.


"R.O.B?" Toaster's voice asked calmly. "Do you mind telling me why Retro was the one who didn't fight in this round?"

The large grey robot rolled along a dark hallway. "I'm not sure, sire. Ever since I was hooked up to the computers, I've lost control of myself for brief periods of time...and I've had a compulsion to collect sixty-one scissors. I think I will need a status check in the near future." He replied analytically.