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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Fanfiction)

Started by Retronintendodude7, September 25, 2007, 08:20:18 PM

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Hey guys. ;) If you were on the old Nsider, you might remember my fanfictions there. I've decided to continue writing Super Smash Bros. Brawl since a few of my old readers are here. :P It could also give me a chance to get some more readers, even though the fanfiction board seems pretty...dead. :D

Anyways, here's the first chapter:

Chapter 1: Invitations

Mushroom Kingdom. 10:00 A.M.

?Bwhahaha!? An enormous turtle laughed as he ran off in his sphere shaped helicopter. The turtle had fiery hair and sharp spikes on his olive shell.

?Help Me!!? A blonde woman dressed in a blinding pink dress cried while she was being taken in the flying machine by the evil Koopa.

Before the turtle could start the engine of his Clown Copter, a short man wearing blue overalls and a red shirt arrived at the scene. His red hat with a giant ?M? sewn in the middle covered everything on his face but his stylish mustache.

?Well, well. If it isn?t my favourite plumber of the Mushroom Kingdom.? The Turtle snarled at the man.

?You?ll-a never get away with this Bowser!? the man yelled.

?Yeah, you?d think that you?d give up by now. After all, we?ve beaten you every single time you?ve done something?? a voice observed from above. Bowser looked up and saw a taller man in the same overalls as the other man standing on a brown block. He was wearing a dark green shirt rather than red and had a green ?L? sewn in the middle of his hat rather than an M. It was the shorter man?s younger brother, Luigi.

?That may be plumber boy,? Bowser started. ?But this time I have something that I haven?t had before!?

?A different plan?? the blonde woman asked.

The Koopa rolled his eyes. ?No! This time I have a special shield around my Clown Copter, so nothing can damage it or anything that?s inside!? Bowser exclaimed.

The shorter man jumped in the air. ?We?ll-a see about that!? he yelled as he hit a nearby block, knocking a feather out. The man grabbed it, giving him a mustard coloured cape.

Bowser laughed again. ?You think that your cape can defeat my shield??

The short man didn?t say anything. He just started to spin faster and faster as he got closer to his target. The blonde woman quickly jumped out of the copter when Bowser wasn?t looking.

?Gah! You got my bluff!? Bowser cried as Mario hit the Clown Copter, sending it flying back to his castle.

The woman dusted herself off before walking towards the man in red. ?Thanks Mario.? She sighed.

?No-a Problem Princess.? Mario replied nonchalantly.

Luigi pointed behind Mario and the Princess. ?Hey Mario, isn?t that Parakaryy flying towards us?? he asked.

Mario and the Princess looked over to where their friend pointed and saw a turtle with angelic wings flying towards them at a high speed.

?Looks like he has something important to do?? The Princess said.

Just then, the turtle stopped in front of the group. His blue goggles moved over his eyes with the sudden stop.

?Hey guys! I just got a letter for all of you and I?m supposed to deliver it ASAP.? He explained, catching his breath.

?What is it?? Luigi asked.

?I don?t know. The post office just gave it to me and said ?Give this to Mario and friends as fast as you can.?? Parakarry answered.

?Well-a let?s open it!? Mario exclaimed as he quickly tore open the envelope.

The letter inside was written on goldenrod paper. The group quickly read the letter and gasped in unison.

?Didn?t we get an invitation like that five years ago?? The Luigi asked.

?Yeah, I wonder what they want now?? The blonde woman answered.

Hyrule Fields 10:06 A.M

?Wow! That was a great adventure.? Link exclaimed as he sat down on a nearby rock. He was dressed in a light green tunic and had a sword sheathed on his back. His green hat covered his blonde hair and pointed ears.

?What are you talking about? Hyrule was almost completely destroyed, and you almost got defeated by Ganon. If it wasn?t for the Twilight Realm completely taking over his mind, you would?ve been toast.? A short black imp yelled at the man. Her red hair flowing behind her.

?So? We got out alive and saved Hyrule too! I don?t know what you?re complaining about. Isn?t that right Epona?? The man asked the brown horse beside him.
Epona just nodded in agreement with her master, her magnificent white mane moving with the slight breeze.

?See? She agrees with me!? Link said triumphantly.

The imp just rolled her eyes and looked into the clear sky. A small black hawk suddenly caught her attention.

?Hey isn?t that your hawk?? she asked.

The blonde looked up, and saw the hawk as well. ?Yeah, I think it is.? Link answered.

The bird flew onto the imp?s stone helmet. She had an irritated look on her face as her companion started to laugh at her.

?Get it off before I do.? Midna said, through gritted teeth.

The man sighed, slowly getting up from the rock. When he went over to the hawk, he noticed a letter in its talons. The blonde quickly grabbed it and read it. His eyes growing wider with every sentence. The hawk then flew off of the imp?s helmet. She noticed the blonde reading a letter and floated over to him.

?What are you reading?? She asked.

?Looks like we have another quest to go on!? Was his only reply.

Green Greens 10:09 A.M

?It seems that you are growing stronger every day, Kirby? A short spherical creature commented as he slashed his sword. He wore a metallic mask covering everything but his glowing yellow eyes.

?Pyooo? Kirby replied as he countered the slash with a lower swipe from his sword.

The knight?s sword flew into the air from Kirby?s strike. He jumped into the air and caught his sword.

?Impressive?? He said in a Spanish accent as he flew to the ground. ?I think that?s enough training for now Kirby.? He finished, staring at Kirby. Kirby was about the same size and shape as he was, his body was pink which made his large blue eyes stand out.

?Pyo!? Kirby shouted happily while waving his arms.
Just then, Kirby noticed a bright red balloon stuck in a nearby tree. He ran over to the tree and grabbed the inflated balloon.

?It seems that there?s a note attached?? Metaknight pointed out.

?Pyoo!? Kirby shouted after he read the note.

Metaknight gasped, ?What? You say that??

?Pyoooo!? Kirby interrupted.

Metaknight turned, ?I see?This should be a good opportunity to put your training to the test??

Angel Land 10:12 A.M

A young brown haired boy sat on a stone edge fiddling with a pink harp. He had a golden crown in his hand and bright white wings on his back. ?Just another normal day?same old things?? He sighed, his toga moving as he spoke.

?I?m very thankful for that Pit.? A green haired woman replied, walking towards him.

Pit turned to her. She was twice his size and had golden jewelry around her dress and hair. ?I know?but?? Pit drifted.

?What?? she asked.

?Well, ever since I defeated Medusa and the Orcos, there hasn?t been anything to do.? Pit answered.

The woman then froze, her eyes glowing a dark green. She seemed to be in a trance. ?Palutena? Are you okay?? Pit asked worriedly.

The Goddess fell to the ground, making Pit jump. He extended his hand and helped her up.

?What was that about?? The angel asked worriedly.

?I think?? Palutena started.

?Yeah?? Pit interrupted.

?I think?I?ve found something for you to do?? The Goddess smiled.

?What is it?? Pit asked anxiously.

Galactic Federation Base 10:15 A.M

?Another job well done, Samus.? A tall man dressed in green complemented.

Samus was wearing an orange robotic suit. There were large balls on her shoulders and a green cannon on her right arm. She nodded and walked towards her ship, which was shaped like her head.

A small blue screen descended from the roof of the ship. ?Where to now lady?? Samus? computer asked.

?Scan for some distress signals, Adam.? Samus said.

?Sure thing lady.? Adam replied.

While Samus was waiting for Adam?s reply, she took off her Power Suit since she didn?t expect him to find anything. She was now wearing a blue jumpsuit. She closed her sky blue eyes and tied her blonde hair back into a ponytail.

?There?s a message for you, Samus.? Adam said, surprising her.

?What does it say?? Samus questioned.

?It?s an invitation?? Adam answered back.

?Invitation? Could it be for???

Mystic Ruins 10:17 A.M

The trees started to move as a blue blur ran past them. The blur continued to move on until it came to a workshop. The windmill beside it wasn?t moving due to the lack of wind.

?I wonder what Tails wanted to see me about...? A human-like hedgehog wondered out loud.

The blue hedgehog waited outside of his friend?s workshop, tapping his red running shoes every second that he was waiting.

Just then an orange two-tailed fox came out of the workshop. It was the hedgehog?s friend, Tails. ?Hey Sonic!? He greeted excitedly.

?Hey Tails! What did you want to see me about?? Sonic asked his friend.

?I just picked up a transmission on one of my computers. It?s an invitation?? Tails explained.

?Invitation eh? What?s it for?? Sonic wondered, putting his gloved hand up against his chin.

?It looks like it?s an invitation for some sort of exclusive festival or something.? Tails continued.

?Heh, that sounds like something that I won?t want to miss!? Sonic exclaimed. ?I guess I?ll be going Tails!?

?Okay Sonic-? Tails started, but realized that his friend had already sped away. ?Bye?? He finished.

Chaos City, 2:10 P.M

?Time to wake up!? a plastic device shaped like Mario called. ?Let?s-a go!?

A red helmeted boy groaned as he hit his alarm clock with a nearby hammer. He looked at the clock?s scattered pieces through his green visor. ?It?s only two ten!? He exclaimed ?Or is it two after one??

?Retro! Come up here for a sec!? A voice called.

?Why?? Retro yelled back. As he tried to put his blue jeans on, but put his leg through the wrong hole.

?We just got an invitation!? The voice called back.

Retro fell to the ground. ?Fine, I?m going.? Retro sighed, as he got up and walked up the stairs.

When Retro came upstairs, he saw a hedgehog and sorcerer in front of him. The hedgehog wore a red mask with green eye holes. He wore a green shirt with grey sleeves and blue pants. The sorcerer was shorter than the two of them. He had bright red eyes and a dark green hat. His grey cloak covered everything on his body but his head.

?You?re up early?? The sorcerer said sarcastically.

?Hey!? Retro shouted. ?You try going through Paper Mario two in one night and waking up early!?

?Yeah, I stopped watching at midnight when he was facing Doopliss, so who knows when he finished?? The hedgehog added in.

?Anyways, what?s the invitation say?? Retro asked.

?Actually we think it?s for Tom Nook since we keep getting his mail?? The hedgehog explained.

?What do you mean think?? The sorcerer asked. ?The first line in the invitation said ?Dear Mr. Nook you are hereby invited to be a contestant in Super Smash Brother Brawl???

The sorcerer looked over at Retro who was surrounded by suitcases of different colours. ?Well, we can go anyways, right?? He pleaded

To Be Continued...


Great Retro2 ;). (Even though you joined before me, but I joined Nsider 2 before you. At least I think.) I'll count that as a yes.  :P

*Sticks tongue out and torments Retro2*

This is so much better then the first time you posted it. Still a bit heavy on dialogue, add some more detail. Cause me don't like piles of speech. Detail count me in. *Crosses talking box ticks detail box.*  :P ;) ::) ;D

It feels so weird that the fanfic board being so lonely. Least now I have something to bite my nails in excitement.

Well kudos for actually putting effort at rewriting it. But now you need to hear the bad news.

"Pyooo," Kirby replied as he countered the slash with a lower swipe from his sword.

Need comma. I'm no grammar queen but that's all I could find. *Throws confetti*

Ok didn't you say Peach jumped out of the helicopter wouldn't the impact kill her?  :( :O :'(Or does she have a parachute. Or she is Cat Women.  :P :O ???

Secondly: Description still needs to cover this. You explain the characters top-notch but the environment seems to be missing. For example:

Galactic Federation Base 10:15 A.M

That's the only thing you described about Metroid land (Isn't it Aether ???) Now are they in a room, outside, war in the back ground, in a toilet? Those details are missing. Add the weather, grass, food on the table. Every detail deserves its fair share. And these kinds of detail are the most pwnsome. :) We already know a fair share about what the characters hair doos look like. But were they live, what there doing that's a new experience.

Also try using words to describe people more. Don't use their names much, but a way of there name, which describes.

For Mario: Plumber, Hero, Saver, Friend, Awesome Guy.

See using all them can explain his job, how he saves people and that we realise he's kind of a nice guy.

You did well, just always add them. You can use there names sometimes. *I said sometimes*

Well my work here is done. :P *Dust hands*

Best of luck getting new readers and improving you're Fic. I can't wait until you get to the latest chapters. And yes I'll be reading all of the old chapters.


 hey again Retro!
This is alot better than the first time, keep it up!

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Not bad, not bad at all.  I do have to agree with Retronerd about certain things, but overall it's pretty good.  But the only downside is it reminds me of how badly I was brawl for wii and now its been delayed until Feb.!  >:( :P :D


Very nice! Could use more detail.


Wow, two months since my last chapter. O_O Sorry, but stuff came up...but that stuff's gone now. :P

Since there are two characters named Retro in the story, one's name will be in this colour to avoid confusion.

Anyways, here's the revised version of Chapter 2:


Chapter 2: Arrival

A lone road stretched out for miles through empty terrain. The stone pathway came to a stop at a gravel parking lot with an ancient Coliseum towering over it. The sun began to set as signs of different colours lit up around the Colisum. They were all saying in large letters, ?Contestants enter here.?

?Wow?there?s a lot less people here then I thought there?d be?? Retro whispered, looking around the barren Coliseum. A strong breeze passed through and carried some of the soft sand on the ground onto his helmet?s visor.

?That?s because we?re the only ones here!? The short sorcerer named Mage yelled, his voice echoing throughout the Coliseum.

?Well, when do you think everyone else is going to get here?? Retro asked.

?It should be about anytime now?? A high-pitched, female voice explained.

Mage and the two Retros looked around the Coliseum, but nobody was there.

?Uhh, are you still here?? Retro called out.

?Yes, I am. It?s best you don?t know who or where I am at this time?? The voice answered.

?And when would the best time be?? Mage asked.

The voice didn?t respond, causing an awkward silence among the group. They looked around the Coliseum once more and a cloud of dust in the distance with a blue blur carrying it towards them caught their attention.

?No way?is that??? Retro started.

?I think it is?? Retro replied.

The cloud of dust disappeared once it was close enough to the group. Once the dust cleared, it revealed a tall blue hedgehog standing with his arms crossed. His gloved hands were fidgeting as he was standing.

?You guys here for the party too?? The stranger asked.

?Sonic?? Retro questioned.

?Yup, that?s my name. Who are you guys?? Sonic replied, his emerald eyes gleaming.

?I?m Retro, the guy with the pointed wizard?s hat is Mage, and that hedgehog over there is named Retro too.? Retro said as he introduced everyone.

?Cool. Is anyone else coming?? Sonic asked.

?They should be. I doubt if it?s just you?? Mage replied.

?What?s in that box over there?? Sonic questioned, pointing to a brown cardboard box leaning against one of the immense Coliseum walls.

?I don?t know. We never noticed it before. Go check it out Retro.? Mage commanded.

?Why me?? Retro whined.

?Because, you?re spendable. If there?s something dangerous in the box, you can die while everyone else runs.? Mage explained.

?Okay?.? Retro replied worriedly.

Retro cautiously walked over to the mysterious box. He bent over to pick it up, but it moved to the other side. It left large shoeprints in the sand when it moved.

?Ookay?? Retro said to himself.

Retro walked over to the box a second time and tried to pick it up. The box decided to move back to its original place.

?Come on! Stop moving! I just want to see what?s inside you!? Retro complained.

?Who are you talking to Retro?? Sonic yelled.

?This box! It keeps moving!? Retro called back.

Sonic rushed over to Retro and the cardboard box. The hedgehog examined the box, looking at its sides. He kicked the box lightly and then picked it up. Retro yelled in triumph and then in confusion when there was nothing under the box.

?Looks fine to me?? Sonic answered, as he started to walk back.

Retro turned to follow the anthropomorphic hedgehog, but tripped over his feet. While the amateur hero got back up, he heard somebody cough behind him. He then walked over to the box again.

?Okay box, I?m going to pick you up. If you move again, you?ll be sorry.? The teenager whispered hoarsely to the box. Retro went over to pick the box up again. This time, the box didn?t move.  ?Ha!? Retro exclaimed as he picked up the box. A tall man wearing a grayish-blue jumpsuit emerged from the box. His dark green bandana and brown mullet moved in the breeze. ?Oh?crap?? Retro mumbled, after seeing that the bearded man was holding a type of gun.

The group looked over at Retro. They were too far away to see anything clearly, so it looked like Retro was talking to his shadow.

?What is he doing?? Mage asked in an annoyed tone.

The mysterious man pointed his gun downwards towards Retro.

?I guess you?ll want this box back?? Retro squeaked as he put it down and started to back away. The man?s eyes began to narrow as he moved his fingers on the trigger? Retro screamed as he flew back to where everyone else was. They all ran up to him to see what happened. ?Snake?s?here?? Retro whispered before collapsing to the ground.

The group turned around to see Solid Snake, yet another newcomer to the Smash Brothers Tournament.

?Did you get an invitation too?? Snake asked in a rough voice. The group could faintly smell cigarettes coming from him.

?Yeah, I?m guessing you smoke?? Sonic responded.

Snake lit up a cigarette, ?Is anyone else supposed to be here?? he asked, ignoring the blue wonders question.

?Yeah, a lot of people are. You know smoking is bad for you, right?? The hedgehog replied.

?I know, my health depletes every time I take one.? Snake shot back as he threw the cigarette away. 

Retro slowly got back up and walked over to the mercenary.

?Did anyone else come with you in that box?? He asked pointing to the upside down box that he was hiding in.

Snake looked down at Retro. ?Are you trying to be funny?? He hissed.

?No sir?? Retro replied as he mockingly saluted him.

Snake forcefully grabbed Retro by the shoulders and picked him up.

?Listen, I can already tell that I don?t like you. So you?d better keep your mouth shut around me if you know what?s good for you!? Snake roared.
?Okay! Okay! Put me down!? Retro coughed.

Snake angrily tossed Retro to the ground. Once he did, Mage saw a red blur speed past Retro. ?Sonic, did Shadow come with you?? he asked.

?No, I came here alone.? Sonic replied.

?Hey guys! Glad I could be here!? A confident voice yelled out.

?Who said that?? Snake called.

?I did!? the voice replied.

Everyone quickly scanned the coliseum for the source of the voice. Sonic noticed a red blur zooming by and followed it close behind.

?Slow!? the voice shouted as a beam of light emitted from him.

?What?!?? Sonic exclaimed after he realized he was running slower.

?What?s happening?? Retro questioned, his voice echoing across the coliseum.

?We?re stuck in slow motion!? Snake observed out loud.

?What do we do?? Sonic cried out while he continued to run slowly.

?Leave this to me?? Snake said darkly before pulling out a large rectangular gun. He tried aiming for the red blur, sticking his foot outwards in the process.

The blur ran past Snake and flew into the air screaming after tripping over the mercenary?s foot. The speed of time went back to normal before a man in a red jumpsuit landed on Retro.

The man quickly rose to his feet and dusted himself off. He was dressed in a fiery red jumpsuit and grey boots and gloves. He had a red helmet over his head and a metallic ?V? mounted on the front. There was a pink cape flowing behind him.  ?Now do you guys know who I am?? He questioned.

?No?? Snake answered, irritated. ?Just tell us who you are!?

The man?s yellow eyes narrowed before he smiled. ?Just call me?? The man paused. ?Viewtiful Joe!?

Before anybody could respond, a small red object came into orbit. The unidentifiable object flew down at an amazing speed, falling on Retro?s head.

Retro shouted after it bounced off his head with a metallic clang. ?What was that??

There was a small noise coming from the object, as if something was opening. Two small creatures emerged, making squeaking noises in an attempt to speak, but nobody could understand them because of the size difference.

Just then, lighting struck, and mushrooms fell from the sky. The vegetables landed on the creatures and they grew to everyone else?s height, making them jump. The creatures looked human and were less than half of everyone else?s height. They were both dressed in white jumpsuits and clear round helmets. The shorter man wore red gloves and a red backpack, while the other, taller man wore blue. The red-clothed man had three brown streaks of hair on his head while the blue-clothed man had blonde hair.

?Hello there. I am Captain Olimar, and this is my partner Louie.? The brunette said in a high-pitched voice, pointing to his partner in blue.

?Hi.? Louie replied lazily.

Olimar rolled his eyes, ?We received an invitation from somebody called the Super Smash Brothers. Do you know anything about it?? he asked.

?Yup, that?s why we?re here.? Sonic replied.

Louie looked up into the dark sky. Retro did the same and noticed a bright yellow light coming towards him. When it got close enough, he realized that it was a star. It landed on the ground inches away from Retro. There was now a large crater where it hit and a cloud of dust covering the driver. Once the dust cleared, it revealed the pink Star Warrior, Kirby.

When Kirby landed, he greeted everyone with a friendly, ?Pyoo!? and then looked in the sky.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw a round winged creature flying towards them ahead of a young angel-like boy. It was Meta-Knight and Pit.

As soon as their feet touched the soft sand of the coliseum, the ground began to shake and five spacecrafts were coming towards them.

The closest ship was rounded like a helmet and painted entirely orange except for a light green window. Another ship was small, and had a car-like quality to it. It was painted blue and had the number seven painted on it. There were two aircrafts that were very thin and were painted grey and blue and had a Pegasus painted on the sides. The final ship was the largest, and looked like an ordinary space shuttle painted red and white.

?What?re those?? Sonic asked.

?I know that one ship is Samus? Gunship. The blue car over there is the Blue Falcon. The two airplane things are Arwings. I don?t know what the other thing is?? Retro answered.

After Retro was done talking, all of the space vehicles landed. Everyone looked at them to see who would come out first. The Arwings were the first to open, revealing two animals, a fox and a falcon. The falcon had an average height and purplish-blue feathers. There were red feathers between his eyes and yellow beak and he wore a silver jacket over a red suit. The fox had brown fur except for a white tip on his tail. He wore green pants a silver jacket and a dark green lens on his right eye. They were Falco Lombardi and Fox McCloud.

?Late to the party again, eh Falco?? Retro asked.

?I don?t even know you?.? Falco shot back.

?Oh yeah?Well, we?ll do the introductions later.? Retro replied.

The Blue Falcon?s door opened, and a tall, muscular man with a violet jumpsuit emerged. He wore yellow coloured gloves and boots and a red helmet with a black visor covering most of his face. The man was Captain Falcon.

The roof of Samus? Gunship opened and the Bounty Hunter gracefully jumped out of the ship. She pressed a few buttons on her green cannon when she landed; making her ship fly away on its own.

Everyone looked at the bigger spaceship, wondering who or what was inside. The door started to slowly slide open, making some mist come out.

?It?s-a me Mario!? A voice shouted.

?Mario?? Why?d you come in a Spaceship?? Mage asked.

?I-a had to?? He started. ?If I wanted to bring everyone else!?

Just then other people started exiting the space vessel. Peach and Luigi were the first to exit. Then came Link, Midna and a blonde woman wearing a pink and white dress. A short, grotesque man wearing yellow fingerless gloves and a motorcycle helmet with a blue ?W? on it shoved his way past everyone else; making Bowser hit him across the Coliseum. A grey and purple cat-like creature started to float out of the ship as a yellow rat and pink balloon similar to Kirby followed. They were followed by a lot of other characters who really don?t need to be introduced in the story right now.

?That?s pretty lazy, even for me?? Retro muttered.

?How did you all fit in there?? Mage asked, ignoring Retro.

?I have a really good-a spaceship!? Mario answered, before closing the door to the ship.

?Well, looks like everyone is here!? Link exclaimed. ?Now what do we do??

?You mean you dragged me along with you and you don?t even know what we?re here for?? Midna yelled furiously.

?No, there?s just usually someone here?? Link replied with his head hung low.

?Yeah. Where?s the host?? Luigi asked with his gloved hands over his eyes to get a better view of the coliseum.

Everyone else started to look around the Coliseum as well and noticed that nobody resembling a host was there.

?Now what do we do?? Mage asked.

The coliseum?s walls began to shake and the sand erupted from the ground. A large stage appeared once the sand disappeared.

?Welcome players!? A voice shouted.

To Be Continued


This is an awesome fanfic amd you have earned yourself a new reader.


Nice Chapter Retro!

Looks like I got some competition... :P

J/K.. :D

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!




Quote from: wiiboychris on November 24, 2007, 07:25:38 PM
Humph. A parody of 24. :|
24 was stupid....and so was 300....and big the cat...and me...



Quote from: wiiboychris on November 24, 2007, 07:34:54 PM
Quote from: thunderhero4 on November 24, 2007, 07:33:02 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on November 24, 2007, 07:25:38 PM
Humph. A parody of 24. :|
24 was stupid....and so was 300....and big the cat...and me...
You're not stupid. :|
wow, youre the first one to say that! youre not stupid either! thanks! ;D


Quote from: wiiboychris on November 24, 2007, 07:25:38 PM
Humph. A parody of 24. :|

I never noticed that, since I've never watched 24. :P

I'm guessing you meant in the first chapter how I put the time when everything was happening? I just added that for effect, I didn't really think anything of it. :D