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Pit's Journey: Most recent chapter: Chapter 15:Sonic's Twighlight Journey

Started by fredrickthethird, December 15, 2007, 10:21:12 AM

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Should I reveal how many Key shards there are in the intro to Chapter 9

My Vote Only


Quote from: wiiboychris on December 21, 2007, 10:15:55 PM
DA*IT! I WAS GOING TO USE DIMENTIO IN LATER CHAPTERS OF MY FAN FICTION!.......But I'll choose him still, let me guess, Tiny will appear later, right?
I don't know I just make it up as I go usually, that's why new charecters are added every chapter cause the idea pops in at the last second


Quote from: fredrickthethird on December 21, 2007, 10:18:26 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on December 21, 2007, 10:15:55 PM
DA*IT! I WAS GOING TO USE DIMENTIO IN LATER CHAPTERS OF MY FAN FICTION!.......But I'll choose him still, let me guess, Tiny will appear later, right?
I don't know I just make it up as I go usually, that's why new charecters are added every chapter cause the idea pops in at the last second
You will add her, I knew it.


Quote from: wiiboychris on December 21, 2007, 10:23:38 PM
Quote from: fredrickthethird on December 21, 2007, 10:18:26 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on December 21, 2007, 10:15:55 PM
DA*IT! I WAS GOING TO USE DIMENTIO IN LATER CHAPTERS OF MY FAN FICTION!.......But I'll choose him still, let me guess, Tiny will appear later, right?
I don't know I just make it up as I go usually, that's why new charecters are added every chapter cause the idea pops in at the last second
You will add her, I knew it.
I might I might not, I might have a cameo appearance by the real William Shatner and I might not


Me: Go back to the first page and check out the newly added group names. (it's just easier than typing in all these names)

Chapter 10: E. Gadd's best troops and the second power source
Yoshatner: Last time Zelda trophyfied Dimentio leaving E. Gadd without an apprentice, How far will he go for revenge. Oh and I am not completely following subspace so don't expect the arena with zelda peach mario and kirby with the petey fight.

E. Gadd: (just recieving the message from boo bot 1) What, that freak trophyfied my apprentice, I will trophyfy her, Boo bots one and two come here.

Boo bots one and two: Yes E. Gadd.

E. Gadd: Take these to Wario and Bowser with a message, trophyfy Zelda.

Boo Bots 1 and 2: yes sir.

E. Gadd: Now to get Fox to come and work in the back to save Dimentio, he'll have to travel with them for a while but I have plenty of troops. (makes the call to Fox, will skip dialogue) Boo bot 3 get the giant computer with all the henchmen on it.

Boo bot 3:(the boo bot of king boo) Yes right away.

E. Gadd: Ok Let's see, Bowser jr., Grunty, Andross, and the imp boy with majora's mask (who will be reffered to as Majora) that should have enough moon tears to power my lab. (the moon tears are equivalent to 50 Key shards in power. Calls the four and the four arrive at his house as ordered)Hello guys, I need you four to team up and capture this girl Zelda and whomever she maybe teamed up with and bring them to me. (the four introduce themselves to eachother)

Grunty Andross Majora and Bowser Jr.: (They will be E. Gadd's Zelda mercenaries) How you doin.

E. Gadd: well be on your way

Grunty: You guys can come in my broom tank (flying tank shaped like a broom) crafted by E. Gadd.

E. Gadd: I have made everyone of your gadgets and gizmo's since Banjo defeated you the second time.

Andross: Well see you big E. (heeheehee :P)
Zelda: Who are you two?

Banjo: I'm Banjo and this is Kazooie

Kazooie: Hello

Zelda: Hey have you seen a Strong monkey that's afraid of everything.

Banjo: No, But I'm friends with a monkey named Diddy that has a cousin like that named Chunky.

Zelda: That's Him.

Banjo: Hey maybe we should look for Diddy and then you can find Chunky and I can catch up with an old friend.

Zelda: I'll bring them here. (teleports them here by finding Diddy with her mind)

Diddy: What the Crap. Banjo!

Link: Zelda!

Banjo: Diddy

Zelda: Link and Chunky! Who knew you were with my partner and his cousin. (E. Gadd's Zelda Mercenaries Arrive)

Andross: Zelda, and lots of others.

Grunty: Banjo, Yes now I can defeat you. (Andross explains)
Banjo and Kazooie VS. Grunty in broom tankB+K: Gernade egg at vent and a sneek of a clockwork carrying a motion sensor. (wich is placed on ground)Clockwork explodes without harming the motion sensor. Grunty HP 900

Grunty: Does an amazingly powerful blast Banjo HP 15

Suddenly:(drum roll) Kazooie gets away from Banjo goes Dragon and a smash ball appears, Kazooie gets it and goes inf yellow feathers and becomes invincible and damages the tank enouh so grunty has to come out and Kazooie gives an amazing blow to Grunty decreasing her HP by 800. Grunty HP 100

Banjo: Uses sleep technique healing himslef and goes back to 700 HP.

Grunty: Asks wich family member she kidnapped last game (sister) and then launched an easily doged attack.

Banjo+Kazooie: They start using heavy fire gernades KOing Grunty.
Banjo and Kazooie VS. Grunty in broom tankTingle: (E. Gadd's Zelda Mercenaries leave) Who were they.

Zelda: Probably the people E. Gadd sent after me.

Chunky: Huh, what happened while I was gone?

Zelda: Dimentio tried to trophyfy me and I trophyfied him instead and sent him the gun, Dimentio, and his boo bot back to E. Gadd with a message that I had defeated Dimentio.

Pit: Nice. Wait we might need the gun for defence.

Zelda: Another one will come soon, and another with that, I can tell.

Palutena: (From the sky) She's right you know.

Pit: Wo, well I always belive Palutena.
Waluigi: Bowser, the fleet ready?

Bowser: Kamek was getting it ready. Kamek!

Kamek: The fleet is ready

Kamek; Hopefully the master will not find out that the Bowser Jr. commanding the fleet is actually 3 koopalings morphed together by my magic to become like bowser Jr. but with the shadow Mario Function a bit slower and weaker. I wonder where he is. (this fake Bowser Jr. will be reffered to as K Bowser Jr.)

Wario: Then lets prepare the attack. These guns will sure come in handy.
E. Gadd: Ok, Fox just work this machine over there for long enough with K. Rool and Ganondorf and Dimentio should be freed by tomorrow evening.

Pit be gones: Yes sir.
Boo bot 1: Guys, I've got all of the needed supplies lets get out before E. Gadd finds out we're escaping.

Boo bot 3: Ok, just let me pack this last ghost portrait so we can release them all with the help of Count Bleck.

Jim: What are the 3 Boo Bots planning? Will the Pit be gones get angry at " Big E."? How bad will the attack be? Find out next Time.

Chapter 11: Bowser's Amazing Fleet


Me: Names Updated. Don't look til after chapter

Chapter 11: Bowser's Amazing Fleet

Yoshatner: This is a big chapter, those portraits are very important to the story.

E. Gadd: Oh fools I need someone else to free Dimentio. Itsy!

Itsy: Yes Gadd.

E. Gadd: Try that bike out over there to free Dimentio, I finished the machine to get your memory back but only he can work it.

Itsy: Ok. (gets on the machine and frees him within the minute) Dimentio come on this machine can get my memory back but I need you to work it, your the only one who can.

Dimentio: Ok. (puts the helmet onto Itsy and brings back her memory)

Tiny: I remember everything, my name is Tiny Kong, Banjo found me in the woods, Grunty blasted me here and erased my memory, and I got to the woods beacause someone else blasted me, umm, it was,  :O Dimentio!
Tiny VS E. Gadd and DimentioTiny: Launches E. Gadd with a kick doing 50 damage and KOing the wimpy old man.E. Gadd lands on Dimentio does 90 damage. Dimentio HP 110

Dimentio: launches a beam but it being 2D Tiny easily doged it. Dimentio followed up charging at her and she shot him with her feather bow stunning him but only doing 10 damage. Dimentio Hp 100

Tiny: Then grabs Dimentio and beats the other 100 HP out of him.
Tiny VS E. Gadd and DimentioTiny: Weaklings. (she sees the boo bots and escapes through the window stealing a trophy gun) Hey you guys work for the old geezer in their.

Boo bot 2: Not any more we're leaving this place, guess we're not the only ones who realized he is evil.

Tiny: Well let me come with you guys.

Boo bot 2: Ok

Boot bot 1: We're looking for a fleet to destroy it for fun, everyone on it is with E. Gadd.

Tiny: Good, I'd like do all the damage I can to that guy.
Fox: Look at that fleet in the distance, lets sneek on, they might leed us to Pit, he is a huge enemy of E. Gadd.

K. Rool: There's probably a window in their plenty big enough if it belong to who I think it belong to. (the group flys up there and goes in through the window) and I'm right, there even two hallways to to escape through, and food!
Pit: Look it's a huge fleet. Lanky go check it out

Lanky: Ok. (flys up there sees Bowser Waluigi Wario Kamek The Pit be-gones and something in the distance. He gets shot with something and falls back down to the group)

Chunky: Hey whats that in your behind? A feather, Tiny!( flys up and finds Tiny) Tiny hey come down here for a minute. (brings her down so everyone can plan the infiltration)

Pit: Hey what's that bag you got there?

Boo bot 3: It's a bag of portraits, a guy named Luigi stuffed all of these portraits of ghosts with these cool shiny thing, 1391 to be exact. But we need  Luigi who went missing 2 months ago to get them.

Tiny: If he is clothed in green and Italian then he became K. Rools slave and was then eaten.

Lanky: K. Rool is up there.

Zelda: I can deal with him. (teleports up. With Bowser's voice) Why is there so much weight over here?

K. Rool: Split one of us will have to stay here. (Fox and Ganondorf immediately run off)

Zelda: (teleports behind K. Rool knocks him out and extracts the Luigi and teleports with Luigi back down)

Pit: Ok we sabotaged the engines teleport us to the island where the Kongs live. (she does) Ok give me the portraits, Luigi vacuum these guys out.

Luigi: That was destroyed by a pirahna plant.

Boo bot 1: We'll have to use Count Bleck or something to contradict the being portraits.

Tiny: I stole a trophy gun from E. Gadd.

Boo Bot 1: That could work.

Tiny: Woohoo (shoots all the portraits destroying them but receiving 1391 key shards)

Zelda: I'll piece them together. (the key complete itself and teleports Pit amd the gang The Pit be- gones E. Gadd's Zelda mercenarie and E. gadd Dimentio Bowser Waluigi Wario and Kamek to the Smash Mansion)

Master Hand: Welcome enter. (evryone enters)

Crazy Hand: Lets go hide before someone comes outside.

Snake: (to Pit and Chunky) What are you doing in the main foyer you'll get pummeled follow me. Okay if yoy go down there you will get seriously injured.

Pit: What?

Snake: This is a very violent game of capture the flag and the only one to ever score a point is Lucas over there. You have to go into someones base so the bases are usually quite quiet. If you got shot three times down there you have to go back to your base but if you get hit in bases you have to go to jail wich is very hard to escape, and if you can't escape someone has to bust you out.

Chunky: (grabs to pineapple guns and flies away) Up to side three. (grabs the flag)

Zelda: Hey you come back here punk. Hey everyone Chunky if flying off with our flag. (everyone gets up and chases him)

Chunky: Crap. (turns aound shoots at everyone. He barely makes it to his side) Point number 2.

Snake: Woh

Lucas: Hey where is our flag. (Pit Snake Lucas and Chunky fly down there) It's gone.

Chunky: Ugh (angrily shoots at a black wall revealing Mr. Game and Watch holding their flag)

Lucas: PK Fire Pk fire Pk fire. ha our flag.

Pit: Here comes Andross coming down from side two lets get back up stairs.

Jim: When will the real tourny start? Who is on wich teams? How much chaos will ensue with the new smash members? Will the hands join the fight? Will Bowser, Wario,and Tiny release the power of the trophy guns? Who else will arrive at the mansion? Find out next time.

Chapter 12: Capture the Flag Smash Style, the Never Ending War


This is WAY too odd....GOOD WORK! *Thumbs up, show his teeth, shining*


Chapter 12: Capture the Flag Smash Style, the Never Ending War
Yoshatner: Now the hands leave for vacation and leave a succesor, who. And someone didn't but wants to make it in smash, he needs to blow off some steam in sunny hawaii.

Score: team 1: 5    team 2: 3    Team 3: 6

Master Hand: Me and Crazy are taking a vacation in Hawaii so we're leaving our best smasher, Lanky in charge, bye. (hurriedly leaves)

Lanky: Ok I think it's about time for a side three, everyone upstairs. (calls 12 buddies, switches anti gravity to foyer on, and removes the entrance on the cieling to Crazy's and Master's secret hideout)

Side 4: *members enter* Members: Geno Klonoa Guntz Lloyd Genis Dark-Samus Ridley WW-Link Little-Mac Classic-Mario Lucario Claus.

Lanky: Hey guys you are the new team four I explained the rules already up there is your base and this foyer has anti- gravity. OK EVERYONE COME TO THE FOYER!!! This is new team 4, I'll be down stairs everyone to your bases and then come down if you feel like it.

Pit: They look tough.

Snake: Well know one can beat me.

Chunky: I'll shot 'em good.

Lucas: I say three of us go in and one of us save all our butts if we get jailed.

Pit: I'd stay but I still can't fly.

Lucas: I'll fix that. (uses a smash brand healing device)

Pit: Guess I'll stay.

Snake: Let's go.

Lanky: Ok new rule, you can challenge someone to a smash match and we'll put it in the records, the person you defeat also go to your jail unless it's a fight between team mates.

Snake: (Lucas Snake and Chunky arrive)

Lloyd: Hey get out. (easily captures all 3)

Lucas: Ah crap. (Message to Pit) Save Us.

Pit: (phone's text ring goes off) Didn't expect that. (barely saves the three)
Mega Man: Ah, this takes the stress of no smash away. (sees hands in the distance) Oh how sweet revenge will be. (sneeks over to the hands and easily knocks out master hand with his surprise attack)

Crazy Hand: No, my brother. (Smash Ball appears. grabs Smash Ball)

Mega Man: Oh no

Crazy Hand: Good Bye. (turns into Crazy Giga Hand. Grows in Size strength speed and weight)

Crazy Hand's attack: Grabs Mega Man throws him in the air slaps him twice and launches him with a punch

Crazy Hand: ( uses up Crazy Giga Hand form to Heal Master Hand) hey bro.

Master Hand: What just happened?

Crazy Hand: Mega Man came, but I sent him flying.
Klonoa: Guntz you want to come infiltrate base 3 with me.

Guntz: Nah you go.

Klonoa: Ok.

Tingle: Hey a side four guy. CHALLENGE!!!

Tingle's Attack: uses a Tingle Bomb FOLLOW UP: throws rupees at him. COUNTER:  Klonoa launches a cyclone. COUNTER: Uses balloons then drops 12 bombs all hitting.
Smash Ball
Tingle's Attack: Gets Smash Ball. KOOLAH LIMPA: Throws big rupees Then drops bombs. Then he goes around as the tingle tuner constantly bombing and making opponent float throwing off his game, finishes off with a really big rupee.

Tingle: Jailed, he thinks he's so strong.

Lucas: woh, you just beat a side four guy with ease.

Tingle: Hey it's all about my resources.
Guntz: (reading text from Klonoa) Lucario, Lloyd, Ridley, we need to bust Klonoa out.
Kazooie: I sent a clock work and side fourers are coming to get Klonoa.

Tingle: Well too bad for them. (goes Tingle Tuner)

Lloyd: to the jail.
*ex-I'll escort myself

Tingle: Hah
WW Link: Hah (saves buddies)

Tingle: Revenge
Mega Man: Revenge
Lucario/Klonoa/Guntz/Ridley: Revenge

Jim:Revenge I mean, How will Tingle plot his revenge? How will Mega Man plot his revenge? How will Lucario plot his revenge? How will Klonoa plot his revenge? How will Guntz plot his revenge? How will Ridley plot his revenge? How will I plot my revenge? Find out next time. Maybe a bomb.

Chapter 13: Revenge is 40 Letter Word
Mail Man: TOO MUCH!!!



Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:14:06 PM
Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 04, 2008, 07:40:12 PM
Please Comment
Let me guess, did you have THIS idea.....FROM MY STORY?!
And of top of that......YOU JUST USED LUCARIO BEFORE ME!...........But, you know, you should add this "!" and "?" more often, it makes the feelings come out.


Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:18:25 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:14:06 PM
Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 04, 2008, 07:40:12 PM
Please Comment
Let me guess, did you have THIS idea.....FROM MY STORY?!
And of top of that......YOU JUST USED LUCARIO BEFORE ME!...........But, you know, you should add this "!" and "?" more often, it makes the feelings come out.
I have bad memory when puncuation comes along
and I like using characters before you


Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 04, 2008, 11:20:08 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:18:25 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:14:06 PM
Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 04, 2008, 07:40:12 PM
Please Comment
Let me guess, did you have THIS idea.....FROM MY STORY?!
And of top of that......YOU JUST USED LUCARIO BEFORE ME!...........But, you know, you should add this "!" and "?" more often, it makes the feelings come out.
I have bad memory when puncuation comes along
Come on! Use them! All the caracters sounds like robots, that isn't so funny!