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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Solon's eyes followed Harver's and he saw Jas/Keisha as well. "Damn!" he said, his eyes widening with horror. "She's turning into that demon thing!" Solon rushed off the ship and over to where Heronn, Zarani, and Jas/Keisha were. "We've gotta stop her from taking form!" Solon exclaimed. Heronn just laughed.

"I'd like to see you try to stop her," he snickered. When Jas came at him, he sent a powerful wind blast at her, though he didn't think it'd be strong enough to send her flying.
Sweeney took in the bullets, but as soon as Mira came close enough, he grabbed him and the two twins and teleported them to where the demon Jas was. Sweeney collapsed onto his knees, blood pouring from his chest after the teleportation.
Steph nodded and ran at Venice. He grabbed him and brought him to the same place Sweeney brought the others.

"We're all here," Sweeney gasped before collapsing to the ground, presumably dead.

Max Headroom

((o rite :V Sorry)).

"Hey! Sweeny, who is this? Why did you bring us here?" Mira asked, completely oblivious to the fact that the demon was Jas. "Sweeny?! Eh, screw it." Mira took out his gun and fired his last bullet shot at Sweeny's head.


"Hey! Let go!" struggled Venice just before getting teleported. He looked around. "Where are we, exactly?"


"Well...they're all here." Zaronn said to Kerow. "Now their time has come."


Harver ran over with Solon, prepared for anything that what would happen next. Kerow saw them all in one place, and began to release his power.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Jas just roars, becoming more beastly by the moment. She brings her hands up, and a massive fireball begins to form above her. She slams downwards, and it goes flying at Heronn.

((*Smacks LS upside the head* In the middle of a fight here...))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((*gets smacked upside the head* Sorry 'bout that...))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."

Flying Chickens

"Keisha!" Zarani yelled at her. "Hang in there!" He looked away. "Bloody pirates..." He grumbled.


(( Never fear! Boa's h- *falls down hole* ))

Heronn used the wind to jump high over the fireball, and he landed right on Jas' back. "Let's go for a ride! Shall we?" he called out, pretending to be riding a horse or bull.


"Kerow! We must end this now! Take them to Mage Riolo now!" He said to Kerow growing extremely impatient.

Max Headroom

"As cool as it was to kill Sweeny, can I go kill that other guy on top of Demon Jas/other person?" Mira asked one of the crew members nearby.

Flying Chickens

"Heronn... Time for this to end." Zarani leaped up behind him and swiped at him with the cutlass.


"Zarani, move!" Jas manages to yell. The ground shakes, and more flames erupt from it, directly under Jas and Heronn in a massive explosion.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"The Destroyer is almost unleashed..." muttered Venice.