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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"Little!?" Solon unsheathed his sword, ready for a fight. "Bring it on!" Solon growled, aiming a shot at the enemy's neck. Then there were male screams coming from the alley.

"Wait, it sounds like your soldier friends are in trouble," smirked Solon.


Kai drew his falchion and sliced at Solon chest " You call those idiots my friends"


Solon jumped back, the swords curved tip ripped his shirt. The screams had distracted him for a second. "What, you don't like your fellow Scalanders?" joked Solon, aiming a nasty blow on his right shoulder.


Kai  moved his shoulder away from the blow " well they are better than theiving Bastards " He said slashing at Solon's stomach


Venice obeys and stabs one of the girl's enemies.


Solon jumped back, shot his grappling hook onto the top of a building nearby and flew into the air, aiming a kick at Kai's head. "Atleast we don't kill for fun!" he shot back.


Jas stays on her toes despite the pain in the back of her right leg. 'Gotta keep moving so they can't aim' One of her blades deliver another fatal blow to another soldier. She takes a quick look past one of the enemy she's currently fighting and sees Venice. Jas considers telling him to stay out of her fight, but ignores him for the moment instead.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Venice took out three more soldiers with his knife. A soldier escaped his notice and aimed his gun. Venice managed to escape the bullet and stab the man. With that, he wiped the blade and turned to watch Solon and Kai duel for a moment. Then, he turned around and slit another soldier's throat.


Jas finishes off the last soldier in the area, and starts trying to get away before more show up.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


With the lack of soldiers apparent, Venice watched the onfolding battle of Solon against Kai.


Solon was on the rooftop now, and he could see blood swelling from Jas's leg. Solon didn't have time for the battle with Kai anymore. He used his grappling hook on the building over by Jas and Venice and flew over.

"That wound could be infected," he said quickly. "You need to get to a hospital right away." But he knew no Scalander would give a Cruscian help, especially with the nearing war. Unless they could get help from an insider. That was it, their only hope was Kai.


Jas slides down against the wall of a building. "We're in Scalus," she says through gritted teeth. "Do you really think that anyone would help me?" She bites her lower lip, trying not to sound mean, or yell.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Such riveting banter," muttered Venice sarcastically under his breath as he listened to the exchange.


"Look," Jas tries standing again. " I appreciate you guys' help, but getting involved with me probably isn't the smart thing to do," she says, injured leg shaking.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Solon was dying to ask why, but he wasn't sure if he should. He leaned against her, hoping to give her some support.

"There's a Cruscian Ship down by the docks. They are bound to have some medical assistance," Solon realized. "And I'm the king of stealth. We can get you there unharmed." I hope, Solon added silently.