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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Solon narrowed his eyes, thinking. "Who stands in our way?" Though Solon could name one person that stood in his way of accomplishing his goal...


"I'll leave that to you,, but if you betray me you can rest assured you will die"


The ship continued sailing at a slow speed, Solon wondered where the ship was headed next...

"I won't. But don't think just because I haven't been trained in some big shot military that I'm weak."


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 17, 2007, 11:12:46 AM
The ship continued sailing at a slow speed, Solon wondered where the ship was headed next...

"I won't. But don't think just because I haven't been trained in some big shot military that I'm weak."
" Still, your skill with the blade is not perfected, I will train you starting Now" he drew his falchion


Solon was surprised at this gesture. He drew his sword as well. He had the time to practice, didn't he? Jas's leg wasn't infected, and they were on a moving ship. Solon couldn't see what the others were doing, but he expected they were sleeping by the crates. So, he took the lighter and placed it by him and Kai, so he could see somewhat when facing him.

"Bring it on," grinned Solon.


"Alright, Don't hold back" Kai sliced at Solon's stomach


Solon back from the sword and aimed a jab, at first at Kai's neck, but brought it swoopin down towards his leg.


Kai Moved his leg back and kicked at Solon's stomach.


The swift kick surprised Solon, and it hit him square in the stomach. In surprise, he swung his sword around, going right for Kai's cheek.


The sword scraped Kai's cheek "Well one more scar is not a problem" he sliced at Solon's arm.


Solon whipped his arm out of the way and mimicked the move at Kai's sword arm.


Kai parried and sliced at Solon's Sword hand


The result was their blades locked together. Solon pushed against Kai's sword, hoping to over power him.


Kai Leaned to his side with all his might but could'nt over power Solon, He kicked at Solon's Stomach again.


This time when Kai kicked, Solon slid his blade down, aiming for Kai's leg.