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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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((Damn, I thought I found a way around the jokes!))

Solon was done watching the battle. He had places to be, and it looked like Harver wouldn't be able to stand much more. Solon hopped from the hole, while Zaroff was spinning out of control. He threw his grappling hook at him, and it caught onto Zaroff's shirt. Zaroff was still spinning with the rope going around him, until he completely tied himself up in the grappling hook. Zaroff was dizzy and confused.

"What the hell just happenend?" he panted, trying to get his vision back. Solon walked up to him and pointed the gun to the side of his face.

"Hasta la vista, baby." Next second there was a gunshot and Zaroff lay dead on the floor. Solon unraveled the grappling hook and put his items away. "Now that that's over with, I say we check out Nimbuslus Land."


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 22, 2007, 03:34:40 PM
((dang, I thought I found a way around the jokes!))

Solon was done watching the battle. He had places to be, and it looked like Harver wouldn't be able to stand much more. Solon hopped from the hole, while Zaroff was spinning out of control. He threw his grappling hook at him, and it caught onto Zaroff's shirt. Zaroff was still spinning with the rope going around him, until he completely tied himself up in the grappling hook. Zaroff was dizzy and confused.

"What the hell just happenend?" he panted, trying to get his vision back. Solon walked up to him and pointed the gun to the side of his face.

"Hasta la vista, baby." Next second there was a gunshot and Zaroff lay dead on the floor. Solon unraveled the grappling hook and put his items away. "Now that that's over with, I say we check out Nimbuslus Land."

((The first part of that post sounded like some sort of twisted cartoon...))


Ic// "Alright, Nimbuslus it is!"

Ooc// Why does that land sound like my name?  ????

Spongebob does not approve


OoC// Yaaawn. Man, that is a long list of pages I have to read. What'd I miss?


Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on December 22, 2007, 03:40:47 PM
Ic// "Alright, Nimbuslus it is!"

Ooc// Why does that land sound like my name?  ????

((A "nimbus" is a type of cloud. After reading the first post, the name "Nimbuslus" and the cloud type "Nimbus" must've stuck in your subconscious. Then, when you signed up, the factors shown above stuck and provided you with inspiration, causing you to use the name "Nimbus" for your character.))


Quote from: Joeofmars on December 22, 2007, 03:42:39 PM
OoC// Yaaawn. Man, that is a long list of pages I have to read. What'd I miss?

OOC// All I know is some guy called Zaroff attacked the group in the castle and is now dead. Now Harver, Lanbar, Tanbar, Nimbus, and Solon have to get Venice, Kai, Jas, adn anyone else, and sail to Nimbuslus.


OoC// K, thanks!


"Look out below!" Boogie screamed, as the ship crashed into the land. The boat was destroying the land, as it crashed into a castle.


Quote from: Joeofmars on December 22, 2007, 04:11:25 PM
OoC// K, thanks!


"Look out below!" Boogie screamed, as the ship crashed into the land. The boat was destroying the land, as it crashed into a castle.

OOC/ No problem.

IC// As Venice followed Jas, the soldiers disappeared. Before he could ponder this for too long, the castle shook as if a boat had crashed into it. "What the-?!" he cried.


The castle bricks began to crumble all around.

"Take cover!" shouted Solon, diving as a particularly big brick almost toppled him. It seemed one whole side of the castle was breaking into pieces. Solon looked up to see a boat halfway through the castle wallls. "This day keeps on getting weirder and weirder..." Atleast Jas and Venice are okay. The boat only hit this side... Solon walked over to the boat, which was completely wrecked.

"Who the hell is driving that thing!?" Solon yelled up to the ship, wondering if he should take out his sword or not.


"Hiho cherrio!" Boogie screamed down, as he jumped down from the wreckage.

He looked around at everyones puzzled faces. He turned around and looked up at the wall.

" Woh, what happened here?" He asked, sarcastically.


"Eh, it's just a scratch," Solon joked back. "So... Who are you?"


" Me... I'm..." He paused about five seconds to think. " I'm Captain BlueButt MaGee, captain o' this ship. And I'm hungry! Got any grub around this place?"


Solon shrugged. "I don't know. This is the castle of Scalus, so they probably do," Solon replied. "But, Scalanders hate intruder so-"

"Hey, the noise came from here!" yelled a soldier, running into the room with a gun.

"INTRUDERS!" another one cried, looking at all of the people and the giant boat.


" Hey everyone. Check out the funny man with the gun." Boogie sat down, laughing.


The soldier got angry. "What did you say?" he yelled. He aimed a bullet and shot it. It whizzed right past Solon who jumped out of the way, heading towards Boogie.