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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"Yeah, you guys ready?" Solon replied. They all had their fair share of injuries. Solon had a few bruises and cuts, but other then that is seemed that all of them were going to get out of here alive.


"Yeah let's go."

Nimbus had quite a ew bruises and scratches, but that was it.

Spongebob does not approve


Jas flicks the blood off her swords. "Lets go."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Well, I think we should leave from that big hole in the wall," Solon said, since it was the obvious and easiest way out.


Jas was already at the gap in the wall. "Naw really?" she asks sarcastically. "How else are we gonna get out without a poopload of trouble?"
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Solon sighed and followed her out. "Nothing's impossible," he said.


Harver quickly followed, with the false Gem tucked away in his pocket.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


" Weeeee!" Boogie ran along with everyone, holding his arms out like a plane.


Harver gave Boogie a glare. "Must we be so immature?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: LightningSword on December 22, 2007, 06:52:24 PM
Harver gave Boogie a glare. "Must we be so immature?"

" Must we be so immature? " Boogie mocked, sticking his tounge out.


Solon stopped dead in his tracks, memories rushing through him.

"Don't..." Solon started, but shook his head. Ignore it... He told himself. Control your mood for once...


Harver ignored the childlike person, and decided it would be best to press on, and worry about the kid later.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Lanbar and Tanbar had already ran onto the ship to leave the place. While doing that, they were having their own private conversation.

"So, do you think that Zaroff is really dead?" Tanbar asked.

"Knowing him, no. He probably had some sort of trick up his sleeve that we didn't see." Lanbar said. "He'll be back. I can just tell."


Solon led the group back onto the ship, seeing Tanbar and Lanbar were already there.

"Hey guys," Solon greeted, leaning against the railing. He was wiped out from the days events. He yawned and said, "So, can we turn this ship down to Nimbuslus Land?"


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 22, 2007, 07:19:59 PM
Solon led the group back onto the ship, seeing Tanbar and Lanbar were already there.

"Hey guys," Solon greeted, leaning against the railing. He was wiped out from the days events. He yawned and said, "So, can we turn this ship down to Nimbuslus Land?"
((So you leave me to die? ><)) Nvm. -.-;; ))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.