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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"We don't now the gem's location. Therefore, we comb each country in the search, until it is found."



"Ah, but you came here. And if I recall correctly, it was from the hint of a man named Zaroff, but you two weren't there for that, who was shortly after killed by someone," the voice replied. "Could it be because someone didn't want anyone knowing where the jewel was hidden? And then, that same someone led you here, into the depths of this mountain. You can't stand there and say that this certain someone had no idea what was going to happen, and just decided to climb a giant mountain for the hell of it?

"I am here to help you and show you the truth. When you piece all of the clues together, there is no doubt who the real theif is. Why, he was born a theif to begin with, with a clan to follow him. All he needed to do was get his clan members to steal the gem, and come take it after disposing of all of you. Quite simple, really. Now, think back on all the events you have expierenced. Who seems to be the obvious choice to fit my descriptions?" the voice finished.


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 22, 2007, 10:39:53 PM

"Ah, but you came here. And if I recall correctly, it was from the hint of a man named Zaroff, but you two weren't there for that, who was shortly after killed by someone," the voice replied. "Could it be because someone didn't want anyone knowing where the jewel was hidden? And then, that same someone led you here, into the depths of this mountain. You can't stand there and say that this certain someone had no idea what was going to happen, and just decided to climb a giant mountain for the hell of it?

"I am here to help you and show you the truth. When you piece all of the clues together, there is no doubt who the real theif is. Why, he was born a theif to begin with, with a clan to follow him. All he needed to do was get his clan members to steal the gem, and come take it after disposing of all of you. Quite simple, really. Now, think back on all the events you have expierenced. Who seems to be the obvious choice to fit my descriptions?" the voice finished.

"Well, as you say 'thief' and I know it's not me, the obvious choice would be..." Venice started. Then he realized where this was going. "Solon?!"


Ooc// You guys had fun last night........So, are you on Nimbuslus land?

Spongebob does not approve



((Okay, summary for the both of you: After finding out that the gem they were tracking down was a fake, they got a hint from some evil guy named Zaroff, who Solon soon killed, that the gem was really in Nimbuslus Land. So, the ship ride was uneventful, and they got to the very mountainous land of Nimbuslus. Lanbar and Tanbar are out getting drinks, Solon (being the idiot that he is), decides to climb to the top of the mountain for the hell of it, and Jas follows. When he gets to the top, a hole opens up and he falls through a black pit.

Meanwhile... Harver is tinkering with the Emit gem (no one else knows that's what it is, yet), yet somewhat powerful, and teleports down the falling pit Solon is going through. He lands softly on the ground (thanks to the gem) but Solon gets knocked out from the huge drop. Jas goes down on a rope, ready to take us back up, but a voice closes the peak up so we are stuck. Venice followed unannounced and slipped down the rope before the peak closed.

There is also the conversation, which really is only a page, so you guys can read that if you want. I don't really want to make this summary too long, but I'm bad at short summarys >.>... Anyway, I'd suggest getting off the ship and looking for Lanbar and Tanbar or something.))


((Also, I left the group. I wasn't with it long, but whatever. Boogie was hungry!))


Ooc// Thanks.

Ic// Nimbus got off the ship to look for the twins.

Spongebob does not approve


((Oh yeah, instead of finding the twins you could run into Boogie :P))


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 23, 2007, 10:03:58 AM
((Oh yeah, instead of finding the twins you could run into Boogie :P))

(( Yes, you could.

Also: BoA, what time does this RP take place? Like, do CD/MP3 players exist?


((The setting is Medieval, sorta, since there are castles and swords, but basic electronics like television and iPods etc. are around. Also, even more complicated items like that marble Jas has and these gems we are trying to get.

Which gives me an idea... There should be a gem for each place.

Crescent Gem- A crescent shaped silver gem.
Emit Gem- (the one we have).
Cloud Gem- A pure white and cloud shaped gem.
Scale Gem- A scaly and sharp red gem.

Then there is the one we are looking for... The gem that you need to harness the power of all the gems. With all the gems, you get invincibility. And, Scalus is looking for them so they can become immortal and take over the entire planet Vulcum, but we've gotta find all of them first, or something. I already have a story for the Crescent Gem, so leave that one to me.))


Ooc/The Cloud Gem would be in Nimbuslus, correct?


((Maybe... Scalus had that Emit gem, so who knows where the Cloud gem went... But that was where it originated. I was thinking that the guy we are talking to, instead of having Jas's gem, has the Cloud gem. And that's when we figure out about all the gems and what Scalus is planning. Or not, it's just a suggestion.))


((That gem of all gems would be the one that belongs to Jas', right? Makes sense.))

Jas bites her lower lip. "You could be lying..."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Yep, that'd be the one. Man, where do I come up with this stuff :P?))

Solon hearded muffled voices all around him. He kept his eyes closed tight, clinging onto the best dream... His parents had still been alive, talking to him. They had told him how proud they were, that they thought he was doing the right thing. He had felt so good, knowing that maybe he was on the right track after all. But then, they began to fade, giving him an ominous warning he ignored, too busy calling their names out, wanting them back.

Then, he heard Jas's voice more clearly, "You could be lying..."

Then a deeper voice replied, "Yes, I could be lying. But, the facts all lead straight to one man. You can either stay here, oblivious to it, or eliminate the problem."