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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"A ghost only drunks see?" Kai asked.


While they were running, Zaroff found them and started chasing after them too. "Quick! Run faster!" Tanbar said.

"No really? I thought we should stop and say 'hi!' Of course I'm going to run faster!" Lanbar shouted back. They head into a dark ally way and climbed some latters to get onto the roof. Zaroff followed them but the latter broke since he was so big.

"Ha ha. Can't get us now." Lanbar said sticking out his tounge at Zaroff.

"Grah!" He said as he started punching holes in the wall that he used to climb up.

"Oh crap!" Lanbar and Tanbar started running accross the rooftops as to escape Zaroff.


Harver stared at Zaroff. Didn't Solon kill him?!
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Kai saw Lanbar and Tanbar running from Zaroff and began climbing up the buildings.
He made it up and punched Zaroff


"Whoa, I thought I killed him!" Solon gasped, limping over to help.


Zaroff didn't even flinch when Kai punched him. He continued to chase after the other two.

"Woah! Did you see that?" Tanabar said looking back for just a second.

"Yeah, that punch didn't even make him budge. And he's not wearing any armor!" Lanbar said. He then drew his sword.

"What do you think you're doing?" Tanbar shouted.

"Face it, we were going to fight him sooner than later so why not sooner?" He ran up and slashed at Zaroff's neck but that bounced off too. What the hell? I just hit his neck with a sword and there's not even a scratch!

"Not only did the gem give me great strength," He said pulling out his giant sword. "But now my skin is as hard as steel!" He swung the sword at Lanbar who had to bend back to dodge the sword.

poop! Maybe I should have kept running!


Solon realized no attack would hurt Zaroff, so he'd just have to try something else...

"Hey, big fat thing... Over here, I'm an easy target!" Solon yelled, hopping around on his good leg.


Hey You with the poop for brain" Kai shouted at Zaroff


Zaroff went straight for Solon with his giant sword in an overhead swinging possition. Once over there he swung the sword right down the center of Solon.


"Solon, look out!" Harver called.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Solon hopped to the side.

"Wow, you're one sad slow fat thing!" Solon joked, jumping to the back of Zaroff. "Come and get me!"


kai quickly hopped between Zaroff and Solon and began slicing at him


Now I have an idea! Harver joined Solon, prepared for anything. "Hey, over here!" He stood right next to the edge of the sea.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Heh, my idea was to get him dizzy and buy you guys some time, but that's better))


Lanbar and Tanbar had ran off into town and found a cannon. "Hey...Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lanbar said with a smile.

"Yes. Yes I do." Tanbar said smiling back.


Zaroff turned around and grabbed Kai and threw him at Harver. "Really guys. Do you think I'm THAT stupid?"

"Actually, we do." Lanbar said as he and Tanbar wheeled the cannon  up behind Zaroff.

"What did you sa-...Oh uh." Zaroff said in a scared tone.

"FIRE!" Lanbar shouted. Tanbar lit the fuse and the cannon ball blasted at Zaroff that pushed him off the side of the cliff into the ocean.

"This isn't the last you saw of meeeee-" He was cut off by falling into the ocean.

"How's that teamwork for ya?" Tanbar said as the two brothers high-fived eachother.