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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Jas sees the girl leave. "Hmm... he probably couldn't work it," she mumbles, going up the stairs to her room.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Yeah, you laugh now. But I'll be waiting until Jas finally shows her true colors. She can't be perfect all the time :P))

Solon ran out of the room, hitting Lanbar hard over the head on the way out, after the girl.

"Come on, you're listening to that drunk guy over me!?" he called after her. "Give me a chance, here!"


"Ow...that hurt...-hic-" He said rubbing his head after being hit.


((I haven't been perfect in the first place. =P))

Jas laughs at the conversation she hears.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((You're the least screw up here XD))

Solon turned around, bright red when he heard Jas. He heard the hotel doors slam behind him. "Oh shut up," he said, playfully hitting her on the back of her head as he headed back to his room. "She wasn't my type, anway!"


"Sssure Ssshe wasssn't...-hic-" Lanbar said in a joking manner.


Ooc/ Venice has yet to screw up.


"Oh puh-lease," Jas rolls her eyes and leans against a wall. "You know you wanted to get all up on her."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"No way, you could tell from her looks that she was way too much of a girl who gets her own way and has the money to buy whatever the hell she wants. But, if I wanted to, I could have. She's just not my type," Solon replied, to both Jas and Lanbar. "And Lanbar, if you are still in my sight in the next 5 seconds... You are so going to be a dead man!"


"Ssssure I will...1...2........what'sss -hic- after two?" Lanbar said.


"5," Solon replied, turning over to Lanbar. "I still see you." He cracked his knuckles and narrowed his eyes.


"Oh, thanksss...5!" Lanbar said. "Well...I'm not a dead man yet! -hic-"


It suddenly dawned on Solon what he had forgotten in the woods. "Oh, my sword!" he exclaimed. "I'll get it later, right now, you are going to pay, big time!" Solon said before jumping at Lanbar.


Jas gives Solon a look that says 'Whatever you say,' and starts to go inside her room... but she wants to see what happens to Lanbar.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"You may have forgot-hic-ten your sssword." He said side-stepping out of the way of Solon and then pulled out his sword. "But I didn't! -hic-"