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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"Oh Harver...right." Tanbar said looking down. "It's sort of hard to say this...But...He's the...traitor."


"Traitor, eh. Wonderful, I've been looking for reason to kill something a traitor will do"


...Is he serious? I just told him that one of our crew members is a traitor and he believes me right off the bat and wants to kill him without any hesitation! "So you're willing to kill him right now?" Tanbar said. "Even if he were to magically appear right next to you, you'd just kill him without any hesitation or regrets?"


"Maybe" Kai said camly.


Well he sure was quick to answer. " that'd be it, you'd kill him." Tanbar said. "But there was something about him before he left us once and for all...It almost seemed as if he didn't want to betray us." Like Jas said before, "If you want to kill us, then here's your chance."...She was right but Harver didn't kill us...he also gave something to Jas...


"Like I said Maybe I'd kill him""


"Well...okay then..." He said walking down to his brother's room.


Kai stood up on the railing of the ship when he slipped and smashed his knee, breaking the rail.
He fell in the ocean, his knee was broken and his trusty falchion floated away.


Tanbar ran back up and looked at the rail. "Damn! He broke the SAME RAIL!" Tanbar said running over there and jumping in the water to get Kai.

((Are you swimming or sinking right now?))


((sinking)) "I think my knee is broken!" Kai Shouted to Tanbar


"Oh great! Just perfect!" Tanbar said sarcastically as he grabbed Kai and swam him to shore.


"Thanks" Kai said coughing up water.


"You welcome...So what did you do to break the rail AND your knee." Tanbar said. You know what...I think I'm just going to stop fixing that part of the rail.


"I fell, And now i need to make a new sword for myself"


Serves you right for breaking my rail! "Well...let's get back onto the ship." He said standing up.