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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Solon got up and shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Uh, yeah, hang on," Solon yelled back up. He took out his lighter so he could see better in the hole. "I... I think the ring broke." Solon wasn't sure if Mira would understand that, or even knew about the ring. Jas is going to kill me! he thought as he picked up the band, the jewel on it completely broken off. Solon looked up and realized he was farther down then he expected, 10-20 feet at best. "Thank god for my grappling hook," he muttered as he searched for the other pieces of the ring.


Tanbar gave himself a nice small, casual laugh to himself seeing that Solon fell into the new hole in the ship. serves him right to fall into the hole that he made in MY ship.

Max Headroom

"I can help you if required."


Venice watched Solon fall and restrained a laugh.


((Wait a minute...If Solon is back on his trend of falling...does that mean that Jas will go back to being oblivious? [/logic]))


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on March 23, 2008, 07:37:12 PM
((Wait a minute...If Solon is back on his trend of falling...does that mean that Jas will go back to being oblivious? [/logic]))

((What do you mean by Jas "going back to being oblivious"? I mean, when did she stop? :P))


((Jas was never oblivious in the first place. XP))

Jas comes out of her room upon hearing something crash. "... Probably Solon being stupid again..."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


(( When had she stopped? And what do you mean Solon being stupid again D=. Everything happens for a reason :P ))

"Well, if you wanna help me look for the missing pie-" Solon stopped mid sentence and stared at the gem lying on the floor in front of him. That definitely wasn't on the ring before... He picked up the blue gem and stared at it for a couple more seconds before grinning triumphantly. "Heh, falling has finally paid off in the end."

(( That's not 'pie', it's 'pee' as in 'pieces'. ))


((Mmm...Pie...Oh, I'm sorry, what'd you say? :P))

Lanbar walked over to Jas was. "So...did Solon fall down a hole again?"


"Yep," Jas sighs and stares down the pit in the middle of the ship. "Hey, Solon, what are you doing now?"
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Heh, figures." Lanbar said also taking a look down.


Harver walked across the docks of his city, and looked out to the open sea. He felt the wind ruffle against his clothes, and brushed his red hair out of his face. And so the end is nearly at hand... well done, Solon.
Unfortunately, your best won't be good enough... Harver pressed a button on his shirt, and an image of Kerow appeared before him. "Assemble the men. Solon and his gang have found the Scalander Gem." He felt the presence of the gem slowly come closer. "Prepare to ambush them at the Land of Emit. Once you have done that, bound them. I want to see their defeat for my own eyes..."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Solon wasn't bothered by the comments, he was too busy smirking wildly at his new find. He used his grappling hook to get back up, the other parts of the ring forgotten in the pit. "Does this look familiar?" Solon asked, holding the Scalander Gem in front of Jas, but out of reach. "And I think we can say it's all thanks to me falling."

Max Headroom

Mira jumped into the hole and looked for the missing parts of the ring.


Lanbar burst out laughing while saying. "Well whaddaya know! Solon's constant falling has finally paid off!"

Tanbar squinted his eyes to see what Solon was holding. "What!? How'd you get that gem!?" He shouted down at Solon.