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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Jas smiles at Harver. "That works," she leans back against the rail again.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."

Max Headroom

((How long does it take to conclude an RP? Seriously)).

Mira rolled over, then pushed away from the ground, allowing him to stand up. He stood up, however, he was still drunk.


((Not long... we're just addicted to this one and can't let it go. >.> That and BoA's never here anymore.))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."

Max Headroom



Quote from: Sh0rTi on July 05, 2008, 10:43:21 PM
((Not long... we're just addicted to this one and can't let it go. >.> That and BoA's never here anymore.))
(( Too addicted... I'm locking this now. You can take the rest to PMs if you really want to. Or just assume how everything ends. I'm most likely not coming back here, so there won't be a sequel.

*insert end-of-an-RP-goodbyes here* Oh and, ha ha, I didn't give you guys a chance to get your last words in :P ))

Flying Chickens

Zarani stood on the mast of his ship, overlooking the sea. "Another bloody adventure finished, and me without my money." He said to himself, a map in his hand. "Now where's the rum..."

((I win.))


(( Okay, guys. I've revived this thread for the epilogue. Until I make the sequel, we can continue RPing here. You can use this thread to discuss what you want in the new RPG, what is now happening with our characters, or whatever else that suits your fancy. But, you know, keep it relevant.

The epilogue begins a month after finally destroying the Dead Men, their leader, and getting rid of all the gems. Peace has finally came to Slander, the gems are back underneath their respective countries under the sea, and the Dead Men have all been wiped out. Now we need to figure out what happened with our characters. Since, in the sequel, your old characters will be allowed to be used, keep that in mind when doing the epilogue. You know, keep things open for some plot twists and fun for the sequel  :P ))


((A month later, and our favorite ninja is already preggers! 0.0 j/k))

That one month later...

"Come on!" Our favorite ninja is watching young kids train. "Put more body into those punches! You're not gonna do any damage like that," though while walking around, she does complement a few who are doing what they should be. A fang can just barely be seen as she sighs. 'It's gonna be a long two hours...'
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Is she training them indoors or outdoors?))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Max Headroom

A month later, Mira was sleeping on the deck of a medium-sized boat. A sound hitting the side of the boat woke him up. He felt force pulling away from the starboard rail. He looked in that direction and noted a pirate ship moving next to his boat. The starboard rail of Mira's boat had a grappling hook clinging into the wood. Then even more grappling hooks clung to the rail. Mira smiled. He walked over to that rail and watched the pirates run the ropes to his boat.

"Hey! It's a kid!" A pirate yelled.

"A kid?" Another pirate asked. "This will be easy. Let's take the kid AND the loot!" The pirates cheered at the idea. That's when Mira pulled out his knife and cut the pirates' ropes. They yelled as they fell into the water. Mira was happy. He hadn't had that much fun since he got himself involved with the Dead Men.

He looked at the pirates, then their boat, then at the pirates again. He had an idea. He used his grappling hook to attach his boat to the pirate ship, pulled the boat closer, and before boarding, dropped a grenade over the group of floating pirates, in hopes that some of them would drown, if not dazed and confused, disorientated by the water splashing into their eyes.

Mira sailed a bit of ways before he boarded the pirate ship. He then lowered the emergency escape boat down to his boat, then jumped down his his own boat. He loaded the cargo from his original ship onto the emergency boat, climbed up the ropes, then raised the boat back up.

He then unloaded the goods from the emergency boat onto the pirate ship. He was confident he had taken over the ship. He then fell asleep with his cargo, only to wake up due to a collision with the port of Scalus.

"Oh crap..." Mira saw some soldiers coming. "I'm not a pirate!" Mira yelled, as he rushed to lower the sails of the ship. "I'll trade you this ship's sails for a sail from another boat. Some gold and rum if it has a nice design!"


"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


After the defeat of the Dead Men, Sye had disappeared. There were no records of him ever living in Crescent Island, not a single receipt, no debts, nothing at all. Not a trace. It was as if he never existed. Some wondered if he ever did truly exist. Perhaps the legend of the Dead Men Crusaders was just a myth. Those were the non-believers. Other people with faith thought that Sye and the others were still out there, under assumed names or hidden until another crisis irritated society. A handful assumed that the Dead Men Crusaders became Dead Men, and were recruiting new henchmen to reign the dark side once more. But, those were mainly Star Wars fanatics.

Solon put down the newspaper, grinning. It looked like his idea of telling the public fake names had worked. No one knew who had saved their lives. Solon, or Sye, sighed. The article was funny because even if they searched his real name in the registry's, they would come up with nothing. He had made sure to make it look like he had never existed. "Looks like they were kind of on the dot when they made this article," he mumbled, staring out onto the ocean from his ship. "And now we sail..." He looked back at Crescent Island, his old home. He thought back to all the friends he had made during their conquest to destroy the Dead Men.

"Goodbye," he whispered, wishing he could have seen any of them before he left. It must have been at least a month, on their final day, that he spoke to any of them. "Goodbye forever..."


((So, if I wanted to join the sequel, would I have to read 350 pages before I could get in?))

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Quote from: Marth Xero on January 12, 2009, 03:23:35 PM
((So, if I wanted to join the sequel, would I have to read 350 pages before I could get in?))
(( No, no lol. That would suck ass. The sequel really has nothing to do with the new one. Different story line, different villain, different plot. Plus it takes place 5 years later on a different continent on Planet Vulcum. The only thing the same is people may use their same characters from the last one. ))


"Well this sucks," said Venice out loud, despite the fact that he was alone in the jail cell in which he was currently held. Less than a month than saving the dang world, and his only reward was a jail cell after being caught thieving a darn jewelry in Crescent Island. In retrospect, this might have been some delayed karma for trying to get away with the Cloud Gem. But that would be ridiculous.

Of course, the guards who had locked him up were also drunk and unconscious at the moment. Convenient. And they had neglected to take away his knife before passing out. These guards were actually bigger idiots than Solon, Lanbar, and Tanbar combined. And he had thought that that was impossible. To make things even better, he realized that the guard closer to his cell door had keys in his hand, lying only inches away from the bars. He easily reached the keys from his cell, and quickly made his escape.

Crescent Island was too boring for him, really. There really wasn't much to steal anymore, or at least nothing exciting. Everything had seemed kind of boring ever since the whole Dead Men affair. He looked out at the sea, and noticed a boat not too far from the shore.

And then an idea popped into his head. If he could just get onto the boat, things might get a little exciting after all.