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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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Max Headroom

The soldiers aimed their guns at Mira. That prompted him to quickly reload his own cargo onto the escape boat. He didn't bother to ransack the pirate ship, but focused on leaving with the escape boat and his own boat. He rowed as fast as he could, hiding from the soldier's line of sight, then made his way back home.

Mira thought on the way there. he hadn't been home in how long? Wait, that was Nimbuslus Island. Oh well, too late to turn back now.

After a certain amount of time, Mira saw Crescent Island, along with a boat that was closer to shore. He looked at the escape boat with goods, then looked at the boat closer to the island. An idea popped into his head. He looked at his escape boat, then sighed. He hadn't had the time to offload properly. He took about 30 minutes offloading his cargo from the escape boat to his boat.


The redhaired young man looked onward at the love of his life, his body encased in the shadows the tree he was standing next to cast. He chuckled slightly. How does she ever put up with all of them? He asked himself, staring at the children whom Jas was training. I'm sure I'd never be able to do it, right, Emit?... No response. Right... I almost forgot about that.

Harver had stayed in the Land of Emit for a few weeks, trying to repair the damaged land. The burnt houses and ravaged land would take years, maybe decades, to clean up. But, he had no doubt that eventually, it would be restored. But that was for another day. He simply watched Jas as she instructed. There's nothing else he could have wanted. No one else.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Jas holds back a sigh, and watches the young ninjas for a few more minutes, instructing them to do strike their targets several other ways before moving on to a completely different exercise. "Okay, you get a minute break," if they had been a bit older, she would have pushed them further, but the oldest one in this particular class was just ten.

'Who's bright idea was it to stick me with the little kids again?' She wonders, pulling out some equipment from her bag. Things aren't as bad as they could be though, in fact it's far better than predicted. Maybe it's that authoritative aura that demands respect... or maybe it's just the scary fangs. 'I think I'll go get a tequila after anyways...'

The ninja turns around, having sensed Harver near by for a while. "Hey!" She motions for him to come her way. "What'cha hiding from?" She asks playfully.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Oh, nothing," Harver said with a playful smile at his lips, stepping out of his comfortable shady spot. "I was just remembering our time with Solon and the others a month ago," he explained. He touched the shoulder that had been injured during his "fight" with the blond. "He left me quite a nasty scar. Hasn't fully healed yet." By this time he was standing next to Jas, pondering about what had happened to all of their friends. "Where do you think they are, now?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Knowing them," Jas puts a finger against her chin, thinking. "I'm gonna guess that Venice is in jail, the Doublemint Twins are running and wrecking their own bar, Zarani and Kei are partying, and Solon's managed to fall so far into a hole that he's ended up on the other side of the planet." She says laughing at the images that went with each description.

"But really... I hate how everyone disappeared without a word." After half-expecting one of them to pop up out of nowhere Jas looks at Harver's injured shoulder. "Hmm, I could massage that better," now the girl is bearing that familiar grin of hers.

((to anyone still here, I g2g))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Harver smiled back. "Your impeccable timing never ceases to astound me," he said. He looked over the trees as the sun shone brightly above the field. He imagined himself being on the ship again, hearing Tanbar & Lanbar's drunk laughter... Zarani looking for the beer Tanbar and Lanbar had already consumed... Venice, being the wallflower he usually is... and Solon, being... well, Solon. There was no other way to describe the fool who constantly fell down holes, but was still a naturally born leader. Solon in a nutshell.

"...You know," he began, laughing again. "I have to say that your last theory actually happened. Somehow."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Wallflower? Should I be offended? <_<))

Venice looked around for a boat or something to "commandeer" and ride to the bigger boat. Lying on the beach was a rowboat. How incredibly convenient. He found the oars discarded nearby and set off, rowing at a fast, but leisurely pace. As be travelled, he thought back on his previous adventure. In retrospect, it could actually be summarized fairly easily.

Solon falls down a hole, Solon falls off a roof, wild drunken party in hotelroom, random encounters with the servants of Michael Jackson's apprentice, Solon falls down holes, Jas is oblivious, the Wonder Twins get drunk, and Solon falls down holes.

He chuckled to himself. They had been idiots back then. Soon enough, he neared the boat. He quickly scrambled up the side, using his knife to make things easier by stabbing it into the side of the wood and pulling himself up. Soon enough, he made it to the deck and glanced around, doing his best to remain unseen.

Max Headroom

When Mira finished offloading, he noted that the boat was sailing away. Mira was furious! I'll get you! Mira thought, as he turned his boat towards the boat sailing away, with the intend of boating the ship and killing whoever stole his boat! He could have made a nice amount of money from his growing collection of boats! He replaced his grappling hook with the boat's rope, then used his grappling hook to climb over to the boat that could of been his.

He made his way to the deck when he felt something weird. He carefully made his way to the source of life he was sensing. He pulled out his blades, just in case the subject was armed. The subject seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember why.


Solon began sliding down the mast, only to do what he always does, and slip and fall. "Crap!" he shouted as he did a flip in the air before landing on his feet. He stood there, completely stunned, and blinked a few times. "...Did I just... manage to... not fall while falling?" he asked himself. A grin escaped his lips, and soon he was full on laughing. "Oh man, I wish Venice had been here to see that!"

"Ahhh," he sighed after he he calmed down from his initial shock laughter of the feat he had just accomplished. "Er... Better go do some sailing stuff... Hope what Tanbar taught me about it will be enough to actually control this huge thing!" He was using the same ship that they had all been together on. With all the memories, he couldn't let it go. "...And I really need to stop talking out loud to myself," he mumbled, remembering he was alone.

He took one step forward before tripping over his own foot. "Whoa!" he shouted before falling flat on his face. "Ow... And thank god Venice wasn't here to see that..."


Venice turned around suddenly, and became aware of what appeared to be a ninja kid. He seemed familiar, though he couldn't quite remember from where. Then something clicked in his brain.

"MIRA?!" he exclaimed.

Max Headroom

"HEY!" Mira exclaimed, as soon as he saw Venice. "What are you doing here?" He asked.


"Eh... Trying to escape sheer boredom," Venice admitted. "Stealing a boat was the first thing I could think of."

Max Headroom

"After trying to steal a pirate ship (only to take the ship's escape boat)," Mira pointed to the grappling hook that was hooked on to a boat, which had a rope connected to another, smaller, rowboat, "I wanted to try to steal this done, then sell it later." Mira told Venice. "Oh! Speaking of which, is the owner of this boat onboard?" Mira asked, looking behind him after asking.


((Lulz Harver = oblivious to Jas' flirting.))

"Really? How would-" Jas is cut off by one of her more daring pupils.

"Jasi's got a boooyyyfriend! Ooooh look look!" The kid pokes at Jas, nimbly dodging her swipes. "Careful, she bites!" Then, some of the others start giggling a bit. The ones who have been learning under Jas just watch, mouths hanging open, waiting for what could happen next.

"You get back over there," Jas points in the direction of the other children, growling. "Or you're getting more push-ups. NOW!"

"Yes ma'm," the boy quickly runs off. He's gone faster than he appeared.

Jas sighs, then looks back up at Harver. "Their minute break is way past up. Guess this can wait until after the class. Gonna hang around?" She asks, nodding her head at the tree she spotted him standing by.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Of course," Harver said, but then realized something else. "Actually, I just remembered that I have to pick up a few things from the stores downtown. I'll be back here before your lessons are over."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.