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Nibankari (Posting ready, SIGN-UPS CLOSED FOR NOW)

Started by X_Hero, December 17, 2007, 09:29:27 AM

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Ooc/ Um, when does this become closed? I want to join, but am currently unable.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on December 18, 2007, 04:43:47 PM
Ooc/ Um, when does this become closed? I want to join, but am currently unable.
((Well, we can certainly hold a spot open for you. And we're also about ready to start up, so you made it just in time. :)))


Could you hold a spot? I do not know when I could join.


"About ready to start up" could that possibly mean that we will be RPGing soon? Great, I've been curious about this one.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on December 18, 2007, 05:27:12 PM
Could you hold a spot? I do not know when I could join.
Of course. I'll put it in now. :)



Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 18, 2007, 05:31:35 PM
"About ready to start up" could that possibly mean that we will be RPGing soon? Great, I've been curious about this one.
Yes, we'll be starting soon. :) As soon as I close up the sign ups (which is in a few seconds), we'll be able to start.


((All right, we are now officially open for RPing. :)))

Akutai looked out over the almost endless fields o chrysanthemums, watching as the wind made them gently ripple in the breeze. His scarf quivered as it was being blown back. Akutai brushed some of his hair out of his face.

"Better be heading back to town..." Akutai said as he got up and turned back towards town. He straightened his vest and began walking back. The view of the town soon came into view, the small buildings already awakened in the hours of the morning. As he walked down the small street, he looked around. Today was when he would finally be ready. The day that he could go out and see what the other islands were like. He made it to one fair-sized house, which was apparently his own, and walked in.

"Back so soon?" Came the voice of Akutai's mother from the kitchen. She was cleaning some of the dishes in the small metal tub where a working sink had been three years earlier.

"Oh, I just need to get a few things, then I'm heading over to Kaito's to see if he's finished getting my pistol and sword ready." Akutai answered as he was a bout to head up to his room to pack a bag. His mother just thought a moment as he went up. Akutai came back down with his pack and was about to head out.

"Akutai?" His mother said, walking up behind him. He turned his head to face her. There was a moment of silence. "... Don't forget to come visit once in a while, okay?"

Akutai smiled. "Don't worry, I will." He replied, as he opened the door, and then headed out.


((I'll have my other char come in later))

"And those rags! Those are supposed to be clothes? They look so... ew!"

"Tch," Jas rolls her eyes at the conversation a group of girls were having next to her.

"Hey, Jas, sit over here!" One of them says.

"Nah, ya'll go ahead," Jas heads back for her house. "I got stuff to do," she knew better. They probably said stuff about her behind her back, too cowardly to say it to her face. Jas puts the ear pieces to her music player on, and listens to the sounds coming from it.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Solon sat on the top of a tree branch, letting the sun soak up his face as he carved a plank of wood with his dagger. He would begin as a full recruited assassin soon. He had waiting so long... Training so hard...

His mind flashed back to the incident, causing him to become a member of the crew much later then the ones starting after him. He shook his head and absent mindely rubbed his left shoulder. Even though he was loyal to Norobu, some memories would always belong with a different group...


The sun had risen a bit more, and some of the light reflected off some of the windows of the town. Akutai squinted a bit until he had gotten out of the way of the reflected light. He had come up to a large shop, with a sign that read "Kaito Blacksmithing". Akutai waled through the large sliding doors of the barn like smith shop, he could hear the sound of a hammer hitting against steel. He came around the corner, and there was Kaito, just putting the last touches on Akutai's sword. Kaito looked up at him.

"Ah, perfect timing, Akutai. I just finished your sword." Kaito said. He placed the blade of the sword in a large bucket of water to cool it off the rest of the way, since it had already cooled off for a bit as he was hammering it. He took it out and wiped it down with a cloth before handing it to Akutai. "I gave it a stronger core, just so it won't break quite as easy. You have yourself a very strong sword there..." He leaned over to a post and took a long-barrel pistol off of a steel peg and handed this to Akutai as well.

"Thanks, Kaito." Akutai replied to him.

"Ah, don't mention it." Kaito said back. "Well... Guess this is it, eh?"

"It sure is..." Akutai said.

"Well... I wish you all the luck I can, Akutai. Bring back something nice for me, eh?" Kaito said with a bit of a laugh.

"Sure will, Kaito." Akutai replied again. "Well, see ya..." He turned and headed back out the way he came.

"See ya." Kaito said back. Akutai raised his hand in response.

He headed back out of town, and now he was staring back out across the great fields of chrysanthemums. It was going to be a while before he saw them again. Quite a while. All memories of what happened in those fields rushed through his mind as he himself began to rush along a path through the miles of beautiful flowers.



Ryuki walked out of the Ishizo Library. Several other mages stood at the steps.

"Good bye, Ryuki. Don't forget to come see us sometime!" one yelled and waved.

"I won't. I've learned to much here to forget you guys. And I may need to research a few things every now and then, so expect some visits from me here and there." he smiled, waving back. He left. Walking down the street, passing a few people, he thought about what a great time he had there. All of the friends he was leaving. Sure, he was a Rurousha ever since he left Shigeru, but he missed having people he knew he could truely trust. A friend. He had several friends across a few of the islands, including his own, but the only time he saw them is when he decided to go visit that island again, for whatever reason. His thoughts were interupted as he walked right into a pole. Wham!  His head collided with the steel beam and he fell to the ground. A large red mark was sitting proudly on his forehead.

"Owww...." he muttered, rubbing the spot on his head.

"Five minutes away from us at the library and you've already hurt yourself." came a fimiliar voice.

"Aya! What are you doing here?" Ryuki asked, bewildered as to why one of his friends had followed him.

"Well, you left in such a rush, you forgot your spell book and staff." she reached behind her back, pulling out a blue and white book and a staff. The staff was a gift given to him by the main Sage at the Ishizo Library on his fifteenth birthday. It had a Blue orb at the top of it with a ring of Moon Stones around the center of the orb. The orb was held in place by a crescent moon with even more Moon Stones on it. On top of the crescent was another, much smaller sphere, a white one. Under the sphere-holding crescent, supporting it, were a pair of white wings, with a stone in the center of them. The Master Sage had made it himself.

"Oh, thanks, Aya." Ryuki replied, taking the book and staff from her. She helped him up.

"Well, I'm going back to the library now. See you around." she turned and started walking off. She stopped after a short distance. "Oh, and Ryuki..."

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Please be careful..." she said, audible to where only Ryuki could here it.

"Don't worry. I will. After all, you were the one who always helped me out with my spell homework, so I think I'll be fine." he replied in a cheerful, confident tone. Aya just continued on her way after hearing Ryuki's reply. If Ryuki would have seen her face, he waould have seen her crying.


"We have gathered here today to welcome our newest assassin, heart set on destroying the Atsushis. Solon," began a man in the traditional black assassin robes. Usually, cheers came thundering through at this point, but there were only a few half hearted grunts. Solon stayed in his place with a straight face, he knew why they resented him so much.

They were in a cathedral-like room. Every black robed assassin stood around the altar where the leader and Solon were placed. Solon had to stand through speech after speech, and each cheer afterwards was feebler then the last. Solon sighed, he knew what they were thinking. What if his task is to kill that one guy...? Is he completely loyal, with a bond like that? Solon wondered the same things sometimes. But he was angered by his old friends and teammates distrust in him. He had been good friends with these people once.

"You are now, an official assassin of Noboru. Serve us well," finished the leader. He was a bald man with black eyes, never showing feeling within.

"Thank you," replied Solon, bowing his head. The leader, whose name no one knew, gave Solon the Harness of Respect. I don't deserve this. No one respects me... Solon thought with self pity. It was a black leather sword holder, with a Khopesh blade inside. Solon would probably never use the sickle-sword, but it was the Norobu assassin's signature weapon. After doing their duty, they were taught to make a special cut with the Khopesh to honor their "work".

After the ceremony, Solon went out to the tropical forest, hoping to get a chance to just lay down and think...


Ryuki continued down the street. If he was going to make it to the next transportation area, which on this island was a magic circle created by the Head Sage of the Library (if that's okay that is), he was going to have to hustle before the portal closed for the day. He started running down the street. His book was in a bag tied to his belt and his staff was safely strapped to his back. His white cloak fluttered behind him as he approached the portal.

"You made it just in time." the guard smiled as the portal was slowly shrinking. "Hurry, jump on it before it dissapears!" the guard laughed as he warned Ryuki.

"Um.. Yes, sir." Ryuki replied as he stepped onto the continually shrinking portal. A wave of energy enveloped Ryuki as he randomely thought of a random island to go to. The energy closed in around him and he arrived in a different place. There where flowers he had never seen before all around him. He noticed a town not too far away. He decided to head to it.