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It was a really good idea to add Sonic in Brawl? Annoying Zelda.........or Sheik

Started by DededeCloneChris, December 19, 2007, 11:18:49 AM

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...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Chapter 3: Annoying Pikachu

It was yet another peaceful (you already know) day in the Smash Mansion, we see Pikachu running around the Mansion's yard happily, until.


"AHHH! WATCH WERE YOU STAND!" Shouted happily the electric rodent.

"Hey, it was your fault!" Said our hiperactive hedgehog.

"Oh yes? Then I'm Mary Sue!" Said Pikachu.

"Really?" The hedgehog asked.

"NO!" Said Pikachu.

"Awww....oh well, do you mind if I take these cookies?" Said Sonic with cookies in hands.

"Hey! Those cookies are mine, give them back to me!" Said Pikachu with joy, but the cookies were already in Sonic's belly.

"What did you say?" Said Sonic with curiosity, as he was licking his toes.

"My...........cookies...........are.........gone......."Said Pikachu with a great relief.

"Oh snap!" Said Sonic as he saw Master Hand approaching to them, he thought quickly and what did he do? Simple, he took the little cookie pieces of the ground and gave them to Pikachu.

"Good day Sonic and......what is Pikachu doing?" Asked Master Hand with curiosity.

"Sir, Pikachu ate my cookies!" Answered Sonic with happiness.

"WHAT?!" Said Pikachu with great entusiasm.


"Good luck cleaning the yard Pikachu!" Said Sonic as Pikachu was in his way for the broom.

"(Must kill Sonic soon)" Thought Pikachu as he was entering the mansion.


Chapter 4: Annoying Yoshi

Another peaceful (Really, is peaceful know) day in the Smash Mansion, Pikachu was still cleaning the yard for his punishment and swearing under his breath, but do you care?

Well, let's see what is Yoshi doing, ok? Yoshi was watching all the cakes Peach has done, and he was drooling like crazy just seeing all the cakes for Master Hand's party, and since he is a good boy (No, is not Tobi, Naruto fans) he just waited for the party..........which was the next day.

He didn't tolerate at all the waiting, so, he just simply touch a little the cake to see how does it tastes, yeah, such a wonderful plan (Really, everyone do that, do you?)

So what happened then? He went to the huge kitchen of the mansion to taste a little every last cake, how many they were? 50.

But as soon he was there, many huge pieces of cake were missing! Who is the one who took them?

He was in shock just as seeing every cake missing a huge piece of bread and cream, he then turned to du du duuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn, EMO! (Just kidding, Yoshizilla :P)

Well, let's change to another situation, forget what did I said before this, he was in shock just as seeing every cake missing a huge piece of bread and cream. Then for his bad luck, Peach and Master Hand appeared from the other side of the huge kitchen. Then Peach said this with every word of joy and happiness:


"It wasn't me! I swear!" Said Yoshi proudly.

"No, I saw him! He was eating every cake!" Sonic appeared from nowhere, blaming Yoshi, with suspiccious cream from around his mouth and gloves. But since Master Hand and Peach were having eyes problem in this day, (yes, Peach made the cakes before this day, so she didn't have any trouble with the cream) they can't see white things very clearly, and no, Master Hand can see himself in the mirror.

"Look! He even has cream all around his mouth!" Said Yoshi, hoping for a present.

"I don't see any!" Said Master Hand with entusiasm.

"Wahhh! Yoshi is trying to blame me of something I didn't do!" Said Sonic with fake tears.

"WHAT?!" Said Yoshi in his defense.

"Yoshi, YOU WILL NOT EAT DINNER FOR THIS MONTH! Said Master Hand, with angel's wings around him.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Said Yoshi for his last words of defense.

"And you will help me make the cakes again!" Said Peach with a smile and pointing towards Yoshi.

"I wish you good luck for this month Yoshi!" Said Sonic, leaving the huge kitchen.

"(Must kill Sonic soon)" Yoshi thought mentally while he was searching for the cream and plates.


Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.





Chapter 5: Annoying Fox

Another day, another trip to the hospital, no no no, that is another story, oh well, this can be used for this, Yoshi was still making all the cakes he had "eated", he was in cake number 14 now, but let's leave him alone ok?

Instead of watching Yoshi, let's see what is our favorite Fox doing ok?


"Oops, wrong Fox" I said.

Well, what a problem where is that lurkey Fox now? He probably is in the Shooting Range room. And bingo! There he is!

Fox was shooting down targets with his blaster, and he was doing it perfectly, the same perfect score of everyday, Falco, Samus and Pit were a little jealous because of this, but for today, he was praticing alone, yeah, it was heaven for Fox to be practicing alone.

Until now..........

"Phew, another perfect score for this day" Said Fox proudly (No, really, this time is proudly)

"Hey! What are you doing?" Said Sonic, who appeared out from nowhere, scaring Fox half to death.

"AHHHH! STOP DOING THAT!" Said Fox happily.

"Ok, I'll stop. Hmm, can you teach me how to use your gun please? Asked the blue hedgehog.

"Hmmm..........fine, take it" Answered Fox, giving Sonic his blaster

"Thanks! Now, how can I shoot?" Asked with curiosity Sonic.

"Well, first you need to press this bu-" But the blaster was already shooting!

Yep, every laser was flying towards the wall, Fox ducked instantly by the lights of "happiness". Sonic was enjoying firing to all the walls of the room, leaving the targets untouched. Then Sonic heard something coming to the Shooting Range room, he then fired at himself with the blaster above his head, and a little flame was on top of it, and.....

"Here, sorry to cause all this problem" Said Sonic, giving back the blaster to Fox.

"Sure, maybe you should get away from guns" Said Fox with a smile.

Then our favorite Master Hand was cheking the room, and well, he was too happy and said this:


"IT WAS HIM! HE SHOOT LIKE CRAZY TO ALL DIRECTIONS! LOOK! HE EVEN SHOOTED MY HEAD!" Said Sonic pointing to Fox and then to his head with the red grass.

"WHAT?!" Said Fox with joy.

"Fox, YOU WILL STAY IN THE MANSION DOING LAUNDRY! Said Master Hand with a halo above his head.

"WHAT?! THAT IS SO GIRLY!" Said Fox with entusiasm.

"QUIET!" Said Master Hand, grabbing Fox out of the room.

"Good luck with Wario's clothes!" Said Sonic happily.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! (Must kill Sonic soon)" Said and thought Fox, while he was being dragged away by Master Hand.


You should make it so Wario annoys Sonic but doesn't get him in trouble. thta would be funny
...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...




formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Quote from: Ridley on December 20, 2007, 11:27:53 AM
You should make it so Wario annoys Sonic but doesn't get him in trouble. thta would be funny
That for later chapters, ok?