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It was a really good idea to add Sonic in Brawl? Annoying Zelda.........or Sheik

Started by DededeCloneChris, December 19, 2007, 11:18:49 AM

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...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...



...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...



Chapter 10 (Yay!): Annoying Jigglypuff

The same day at the same mansion, and Luigi still buried under the couch, but who cares now? Our protagonist for this chapter is our favorite lullaby singer, Jigglypuff.

And where was she? She was in he Karaoke room, singing as usual, our maybe training for the next tournament, and that was the perfect place.............for sleeping.

And why sleeping? Because every person who was entering the room while Jigglypuff was singing was instantly sleeping with the Mareeps, but everyone already know to avoid the Karaoke room while Jigglypuff was doing her song in there, everyone except from 1 person. Just then, Sonic wanted to blame Jigglypuff of something she didn't do, so what did he do?

He was entering the room while Jigglypuff was singing with eyes closed, but Sonic was feeling drowsy mysteriously and he crashed to the floor, snoring like a Naruto or something.

Then Jigglypuff stopped singing when she saw Sonic dead on the floor, and what was her reaction? Well, Jigglypuff inflated herself and the "mic" she was using was in fact a scoreboard, and she began doodling the entire face of the dead Sonic. And the she proceeded to left the room.

When Sonic was revived, he didn't saw Jigglypuff in the Karaoke room anymore, and he gave up to blame Jigglypuff, leaving the room.

But that was a bad idea, because just passing by, Ness and Lucas were talking to each other while walking and holding lollypops, and when they saw Sonic's face, they bursted off laughing like crazy and throwing away their lollypops and dropping themselves to the floor, still laughing like crazy.

A interrogation have formed over Sonic's head, and there was a mirror just behind him, he saw his reflection, and then he was now yelling happily, yelling happily what? This:

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I DOESN'T HAVE LONG GIRLY EYEBROWNS!" Said Sonic in a female tone.

Then he was now running towards the kitchen to clean his face, but unfortunalely for him, the scoreboard paint was PERMANENT. Then he was screaming with joy:

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Must take revenge)" Thought Sonic, while Mario and Pit were in the kitchen and when they saw Sonic's face, they were now laughing hard enough to break the windows.





Chapter 11: Annoying Capt. Falcon.

Our favorite female hedgehog, wait, that person is not Amy? Oh, yeah, is Sonic, sorry. Was now with Dr Mario to help him remove his "fake girly eyebrowns", but was hard for Dr Mario to remove those, no, not hard to remove the eyebrowns, but hard to resist the inevitable laugh, but he finished removing the eyebrowns, which was a very bad idea, why a very bad idea? Because of this:

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! IT HURTS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!" Said Sonic with entusiasm.

"*Shuckles* Now you are fine, you can leave now, the blue hair will eventually grow in less than one month" Said Dr Mario with a smile. But now, the blue hedgehog have dissapeared before Dr Mario's result.

Now the scene changes with Capt. Falcon, who was now repairing his super fast F-Zero racer in the big technological garage of the mansion, well, his racer was the only one there before Master Hand noted the lack of F-Zero characters. :P

But that didn't matter for Capt. Falcon, in fact, the whole technological garage was his favorite place, besides his room. And then, the empty eyebrown place blue hedgehog appeared from nowhere, making Capt. Falcon's heart doing little quakes inside his body. Then Falcon said this with relief:


That didn't sound too good to the empty eyebrown place blue hedgehog, because he was now saying "good" words under his breath.

"Hey, sorry Capt. Crunch, is there something I can help you?" Said Sonic.

"My name is.....ugh, that doesn't matter, I need you to stay in that chair overthere or out of here" Said Capt. Crunch- eh, I mean, Falcon, pointing towards a chair.

"You know, I better get out of here for the best" Said Sonic with a smile.

"Good, get out now" Said Capt. Crun- Falcon. And then, Sonic has dissapeared out of the room.

Then Capt. Falco-Crunch-I mean, Falcon was now checking the engine in front of the racer, but something was now making sounds like a countdown or something. But he said:

"Nah, must be a Kricketot or something" Said Capt. Falcon.

1 second later, there was now a very black place where the technological garage was supposed to be, with a black Capt. Falcon with eyes rather big.

Then Master Hand was heading in a hurry to the very black place, and saw a black Capt. Falcon standing ratherly stupid. And the big hand said:


"MY NAME IS CAPTAIN FALCON!" Said the black Capt. Falcon.


Then Capt. Crunch-Falcon saw something very rare where the racer was supposed to be, he found blue little eyebrown hair near the self-destruct button, then he thought with joy:

"(Must kill the empty eyebrown place blue hedgehog soon)" And then, Capt. Falcon went to the kitchen to eat a cereal, and what cereal that was? Capt. Crunch's cereal. :P


...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Quote from: wiiboychris on December 21, 2007, 12:29:26 PM
Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 21, 2007, 11:59:48 AM
Why do they always talk happily >.>?
I said sometimes the contrary of what they are really feeling or making to make it funny.

Actually, he is just using that as a cover up.




Chapter 12: Annoying Ness

It was a peaceful (chaotic) day in the Smash Mansion, Captain Falcon talking to the phone to bring the Toads to repair the damages. But let's leave him and his wallet for now, ok?

Now let's see what is Ness doing, shall we?

Ness was happy eating his candys, where did he got those candys? Well, Lucas has a ton of them in his room, so, as good kid he is, he gave some of them to Ness, like hundreds of them, oh yes, Ness was happy.

Or that happiness will end soon?

Maybe not, Ness was now eating the most delicious candy of all, Nerds of Willy Wonka. (Seriously, who doesn't love eating those?) And for now, Ness was eating the last one, and oh boy, that was a big one!

In slow motion, Ness closed his eyes to think about the taste of the coming candy to his mouth, yeahhhhhhhhhh, that will sure be a prize for eating the others.

He then grabbed the big Nerd and throw it above his head, the big Nerd was coming downwards, in a perfect position to his mouth, he closed his eyes and opened the hole in his face.

In slow motion again, just another meter to reach the hole in the face, but that was the real destination for the big Nerd? Just 10 cm to reach it, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-THUD! Another mouth has appeared instead of Ness's mouth, and that mouth was of Sonic, now with the big Nerd inside the blue hedgehog's belly.

And what happened to Ness you ask? Let's see again the tape where the moment Sonic appeared and what happened to Ness.

The big Nerd was about to enter Ness's mouth, but then suddenly, very suddenly, Sonic pushed with great force to Ness, making him crashing into the wall. And the big Nerd now in Sonic's belly.

And worse for Ness, he crashed into the wall and crossed literally the other side, and that side was horrible for him, and why horrible? Because the other side was Zelda's bathroom, and she was taking a bath in that moment, but when she saw Ness looking at her..........

Let's see what happened 10 minutes later.

Lucas was a little worried because he asked why Ness has a big black eye and band aids all over his face, then the citizen of Onett said with a smile:


"Ohh, I know what happened after" Said Lucas putting his hands in his mouth to avoid realising 2 letters repeatly at high voice.

"(Must kill Sonic soon)" Thought Ness while he was now heading to complain to Master Hand.