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The World of Super Heroes

Started by THEBIRD, December 22, 2007, 06:44:29 PM

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Note: Reading everything isn't necessary. Just read up on your role.

This is the city of New Slate City. New Slate City, or NSC, is a city a lot like New York, with the crowded streets, skyscrapers for buildings, and important people. But here, Super Heroes and Super Villains are born. The city is spending most it's time trying to uncover who are the heroes... And who are the villains. Reporters and photographers are constantly trying to get shots of the Heroes, and keep themselves safe from the Villains. Townsfolk are being held hostage, needing saving, and growing bonds with the Supers. Now you get to live your Super Hero fantasy...

1. No Godmodding
2. Don't kill other characters without permission
3. Don't attack directly, give others the chance to dodge.
4. Don't dodge every shot >.> In all the movies, the heroes and villains are constantly getting beaten back and forth.
5. Be realistic... You know, in 'Super Standards'.

You can be...

News Reporter- A reporter for a daily network. Any time there's a crime, you run with your network team to get to the scene so you can report it live! Your job is to get the best angles and most reports, to bring your network rating up!

Photographer/Journalist- A photographer who works for newspapers. Your job is to get the best pictures from anyone else, try and find the identity of the super hero/villain and get your newspaper to the top!

Townsfolk- A person from the town that doesn't have a job that has to do with getting pictures or reporting about the super heroes. You are the normal people who go about town. You usually are the subject needing saving, and have the best chances of growing bonds with super heroes.

Super Hero- A person with special powers. Your job is to keep your identity hidden, make sure no one dies, and keep the world safe from the villains. Of course, if you fall for a normal person or just want the world (including villains) to know who you are you can show your true identity to them. But, that'll make it easier for villains to find and kill you.

Super Villain- An evil person with special powers. They're job is to rid the world of super heroes so they can take over the world. If they show their identity, then they can never walk the streets normally again. So, unlike Super Heroes, they must be more careful of revealing their identity.

More info on the propoganda people...

Once a week, I'll post the Weekly Network Ratings and the Weekly Newspaper Ratings, WNR. As a news reporter or photographer, being on the top is your job! I will play your boss. This is because I'll be the person 'scoring you' to see who gets the top ratings and who gets the lower ratings.

How many people per network? There can be up to three photographers doing one newspaper, and two anchors/reporters for a news channel. After that limit is succeeded, you'll need to make a new channel or newspaper to get a job.

What to do as a reporter- When heroes and villains are fighting, you'll be nearby, giving commentary and getting the best camera angle to see the fight. I'll be watching how you present everything and then give a score and add it to the ratings. Your score is based on how accurately you portray the fight, how much you report, and how good your angle is (you may have to fight for the best spot against rivaling networks).

What to do as a photographer- First of all, photographers have a better chance if they are good using gimp or photoshop. You give me the pictures, as I am your boss. Either describe them in detail, or Google an image that looks like the hero or villain and photoshop it to look more like them. It doesn't have to be exact or that great, but something so I can distinguish who it is. The best pictures will get the best ratings.

More about the towns people...

Townsfolk are always the people in distress. They are the only people who can form bonds with the Super Heroes or Super Villains. They lead normal lives... Except for occasionally being attack by a villain and needing saving from the hero. These people are like MJ from Spiderman or Lois from Superman. They can be guys, too, just so you know.

More about the Heroes and Villains...

Heroes main job is to keep the world at peace from the Villains. But, the villains job is to try and take over the world, so there is constant fighting. Heroes and Villains can not have really confusing (like time warping...) powers or anything that renders them even close to immortality. They may only have ONE power with ONE SECONDARY power. And they need ATLEAST TWO WEAKNESSES.

NOTE: *= Must fill in.
The Character Sheet (for Heroes and Villains)
Name: *
Super Hero/Villain Name: *
Hero or Villain?
Age: *
Gender: *
Costume (Emblem): *
Looks: *
Item (If any):
Item 2 (If any):
Ability: *
Secondary Ability (If any):
Weakness: *
Weakness 2: *
Extra info:

Character Sheet (For Photographer or Reporter
Name: *
Age: *
Gender: *
Looks: *
Name of Network/Newspaper: *
Extra info:

Character Sheet (For Townsfolk)
Name: *
Age: *
Gender: *
Looks: *
Job: *
Extra info:

NOTE: Your character must be approved before you can start.





Alright, now I can add my character.

Name: Andy

Super Hero Name: Fresco

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Costume (Emblem): (Spandex) Light blue, with dark blue stripes up arms and legs. White gloves and boots. Head section, white upside down triangle over facial features, the rest is dark blue.
Emblem: It looks just like Mr. Freezie, without the face.

Looks: Blonde, spiky hair. Ice blue eyes. Muscular.

Item: A white and cerulean blue snowboard.

Ability: Ice shoots out of hands

Secondary Ability: Can blow really strong winds.

Weakness: Heat weakens powers

Weakness 2: High altitudes, lessens breath strength.

By the way: If anyone can think of a better name, please tell me... I suck at titles >.>.

In content Andy laid on his bed that night, thinking back to only a week ago... He had just finished college, and was going out for drinks with some friends. They got really drunk, but... Andy's mind blacked out after that. He remembered waking up with a hang over in some strange lab where ice was being stored, even though it was June. Suddenly, a lazer had hit him, sending ice flying at his body, and pain ran through his veins. Next thing he knew, he was laying on ice, but could not feel the coldness in the room. In fact, it felt like room temperature. He had come home to find out that if he threw out his hand, palm outstretched, ice shot out of it.

"What happened to me?" he had cried. Today, he had bought himself a blue and white snowboard. Then, he spent the day pretending to be at a SSX tour, going off ice ramps he made, while drinking large quantities. He knew he was just doing that to try and keep the mood light, even though he was freaking out. Now that he was sober and in bed, all he could help but think was, What the hell happened to me?


Can we have two characters?

Name: Nathan Tanbar
Super Hero Name: OverShadow
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Costume (Emblem) : Dark green and brown clothes (pants and long sleeve shirt) under a black cape with a hood. The emblem is on the back of the cape Emblem: White diamond shape with dark specks throughout.
Looks: Pale skin and black hair, blue eyes.
Ability: Empathy: He can feel the emotions of others and control them to a certain extent. He can also create physical manifestations for emotions. (water for sadness, fire for rage, and many more.)
Second Ability: Limited Psychokinesis: He can manipulate objects and people with his mind to a certain extent.
Weakness: Using his powers for too long without rest tires him out easily.
Weakness 2: He is still practicing with his powers, so if someone has a stronger will than him, the mental link necessary for his powers can be exploited, and used to control him.
Extra Info: He can use Psychokinesis to fly, but he is agoraphobic. That is, he is scared of open spaces.

If you have a better name idea, please share. I suck at naming things.


((You can have two characters, but only one of them can have super powers. That means, the other one would have to be a townsperson or photographer/anchor.))


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 22, 2007, 07:18:12 PM
((You can have two characters, but only one of them can have super powers. That means, the other one would have to be a townsperson or photographer/anchor.))

((Okay, so am I accepted?))


Name: Alex Wright
Super Hero/Villain Name: Admiral RAWRGUS.
Hero or Villain: Hero.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Costume (Emblem): Grey visor over eyes. Red button-up shirt with a black belt, gold belt buckle. Black pants.
Looks: Light skin, spiky orange hair.
Item (If any): Space Pistol
Item 2 (If any): 2nd Space Pistol
Ability: Flight
Secondary Ability (If any):
Weakness: Intense heat.
Weakness 2: Radiation.
Extra info:


@T_L- You need a Super Hero name, then you're accepted.

@Joeofmars- You're accepted.


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 22, 2007, 07:32:04 PM
@T_L- You need a Super Hero name, then you're accepted.

@Joeofmars- You're accepted.

Sorry, forgot. Edited.


((Alright, now you are accepted.))

Andy had fallen asleep thinking about what he was going to do with his powers. He woke up early that morning. It seemed hot, although it was only 70F degrees. He turned the AC on and pondered why he felt so hot. He had a feeling that it was because he had now become some... Icy freak. Andy sighed, wondering what he was supposed to do. Well, now that I have it... I could learn how to control it? he thought. But where? Then Andy remembered the deserted skate park right on the edge of town. Now everyone went to the newer one closer to the center of NSC. Andy picked up his snowboard and headed for the skate park.



((It would be good to either start with getting your powers, or a little intro of how. Then, you know, do Hero stuff. Once we get some Villains, it will be easier. But it can't get far without them.))


Nathan woke up and looked out the window drowsily. There was a little girl with a broken toy, tears in her eyes. As Nathan saw her, his heart was filled with sadness. For a broken toy. He sighed. That always happened when he looked at someone without concentrating too much. He felt their emotion. He had actually controlled someone once, just by sensing their emotion and focusing. He had made that person like a puppet, controlling him with his mind. He had been able to do these things as long as he could remember. He sighed again and quickly got dressed. He raised a hand and the door opened. That was another thing. He had been born with his psychokinesis, though he didn't know how he had received these abilities. He went outside and sat against a tree.