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The World of Super Heroes

Started by THEBIRD, December 22, 2007, 06:44:29 PM

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Man, that Matt guy is an enigma....Why did he want to fight me?

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You that I think of it, I'm pretty bored right now. He continued walking through the city. Should I go and change into my costume and just fly around...nah...So what is there to do?


After awhile, Zach turned the TV off.  He put his suit on, and started walking around invisible.

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((:D new char!))

Name: Ron deLite (but otherwise known as MaskdeMasque)
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Looks: He's very slender and his clothes are that of a regular person. (But when he goes on a heist, he turns into the notorious theif, MaskdeMasque. His clothes are very classy and he wears a cape, gloves, and, you guessed it, a mask)
Job: Theif (but he doesn't tell anybody)
Bio: He grew up in a family of theives. He learned that he was not to do this as to gain wealth but to have just enough money to live a decent life. He is now the well known MaskdeMasque
Personality: He's a very nervous guy and his mind tends to drift when he's talking to people.
Extra info: He's just a regular, but well known, theif with no super-powers. He's so good that he even sends calling cards to the place he robs to let them know of his presence.

Ic// Matt heard the bells of an alarm go off while walking past a bank. "Now I wonder who that could be?"


Lucid heard the alarms. He rushed to where he heard them.

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"Ahahaha! Once again, MaskdeMasque has won!" He said as he ran away from the bank with the security baffled as how he got past them.

"...Maybe I should help." Matt said thinking for a moment.


Lucid kept on running after MaskdeMasque. He conjured a ball and Chain on his leg so he could slow down.

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deMasque was suddenly slowing down. He looked behind him and saw the ball and chain. Now how'd that get there? He searched around in his pocket and took out a lock pick and unlocked the shackle setting him free. "You can never let me down." He said pocketing the lock pick and sped up to his origional speed.


After he took the chain off, he conjured a hole in his bag. 

Ooc// My brother needs to get on. >_>

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Andy had gotten into his costume and became Fresco once again. He flew around, then noticed the theif.

"Hm... A regular person trying to corrupt this city?" Fresco thought outloud with a smirk. "Not this time..." Fresco created ice on the path ahead of MaskdeMasque, then turned MaskdeMasque's feet into ice, so he was frozen to the ground.


deMasque quickly grabbed the bottom of the bag to prevent money from coming out. He was then stopped in his tracks by his ice. ", do you think you can capture the great MaskdeMasque this easily?"

By now, Alex had rushed to the scene with his news crew. "Well, it seems that MaskdeMasque has attempted yet, another heist. Surely the super heroes like Fresco could stop him."

Matt walked up to the scene and decided to just watch instead of interrupt this.


Fresco landed next to MaskdeMasque.

"I think I just did," Fresco smirked. "Want to hand over that cash now, or do I have to take it from you?"


"That's right." deMasque said with a glint in his eye. "You think you've caught me..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a smoke bomb. "But you haven't." He threw it at the ground creating a large cloud of smoke.

"W-what's going on now?" Alex said trying to see through the smoke. "I can't see a thing!"

when the smoke had cleared, all that was left was deMasque's boots that were still stuck in the ice, and a card that read on it, "So the great MaskdeMasque makes off with the treasure again!"

"I...I don't believe this..." Alex said in an astonished, yet every quiet voice.


Fresco growled in anger. "Dang it!" Fresco quickly jumped onto his board and used his wind to carry himself over the city, looking for MaskdeMasque. It's great how well I've learned to use my powers in these past few weeks... Fresco thought. And yet the normal ones get away!


Alex ran up to a civilian who was watching. "Excuse me sir, but what is your opinion of what just happened?

"Well...I thought it was pretty cool." Matt said with a smile. He mouthed, "hi mom." when he saw that he was on camera.

"But that was a theif that was taking the money, a bad guy." Alex said to him.

"...Well I've always thought MaskdeMasque was pretty cool." He said. "You can almost say he's sort of my role model...Oh look at the time, I've got to run." He said dashing off before the new reporter could ask what he ment by 'role model'

"Well...there you have it folks." Alex said. "The infamous MaskdeMasque makes off with the money again. Can nothing stop him?"