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Winter Sun (PG-13 for Fantasy Violence and Some Innuendo)

Started by X_Hero, December 25, 2007, 03:59:29 PM

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All right, I also have chapter five for ya, so here you go. ;D

Author's Note: This chapter contains some innuendo. Viewers 13 and under are advised caution.

Chapter 5: History Lessons

     Everyone just looked at her in amazement at what she had said. All except for Kazuki, who now looked a little ticked off.

     "Greeeat... More stuff I don't understand..." Kazuki said after a few moments, slightly annoyed that he didn't know about anything that she was talking about. Kagizaki just looked right back at him with the same expression that he had.

     "Anyway..." Kagizaki started. "Since you all have no clue to what happened here, I'll take you to my grandfather... He can probably explain all of this better than I can. Besides, I think your parents are already there talking with my dad."

     "All right, sounds fine to me..." Kazuki said as he walked past the others and began to follow Kagizaki. They just stood there a moment.

     "Wow..." Shiori said, amazed at the sight of the two. "They're... They're so..."

     "Fluffy." Hibiki said out of nowhere. The other two just looked at him weird as an awkward silence began to set in.


     The five of them were now near the center of the city. Kazuki began to notice that the signs of people still living there were becoming more and more increasing and noticeable. Make-shift walls kept out the cold on some of the buildings that had the windows completely shattered out, and now, people were finally seen walking around. It seemed as if they've been living like this their entire lives.

     "Most people decided to live close to the center of the city and use what ever buildings are left as protection." Kagizaki started to explain. "Now, those demons with a high enough intelligence level have decided to help out the humans that are still living on the lower surface of the planet."

     "Wait... Lower surface?" Eiichiro asked in a confused tone.

     "Yes. Where we are now is basically the original planet, but all the rich humans live up in flying cities completely separated from all the demons that are here on the base ground." Kagizaki told him. "The cities up there are supposed to be absolutely beautiful..."

     "And... What cities are up there?" Shiori asked as well. "I'm guessing that they took the important cities of Earth?"

     "Exactly." Kagizaki answered. "They found that some of the greatest of cities were too important to let go to waste from all the Rogue Demons, so they took them to the skies."

     "What? So they just took the big cities and left all the other people down here for dead?" Kazuki said after a while. The three looked at him, then at Kagizaki.

     "Well... That's putting it bluntly, but yeah..." She answered.

     "Feh... That's just like those rich snobs..." Kazuki said a bit angrily.

     "We're here." Kagizaki said out of nowhere. They stopped and looked up at the building that they were in front of. Kazuki just stood there in amazement.

     "Wait... This is my old apartment building..." Kazuki said in shock.

     "Yeah, fancy that, eh?" Kagizaki said with a bit of a laugh. "Now let's head on up."

     It took a little while, but they made it up, and as another surprise, the place where they were going was the same apartment that Kazuki had lived in before. The door was gone, and as they went in, they saw that the wall separating this apartment from the one next to it was completely gone.

     "Wow... Talk about remodeling..." Kazuki joked a bit as he looked at the new open area.

     "Kazuki?" The sound of Kazuki's mother came from another room. She came out, along with Kazuki's father. They were basically like him, but they had only one tail like Kagizaki, and their fur was a bit darker than Kazuki's. When they saw him, they froze.

     "I..." Kazuki's mother started.

     "Well... Who knew you'd be the fourth?" Kazuki's father said with a calm, yet disbelieving voice.

     "Huh? The fourth?" Kazuki asked in more confusion. "Will someone please tell me what the heck everyone's talking about?!"

     "The boy must be informed, and I will do such..." A voice said from out of nowhere. They all turned to the doorway, where there were two more kistunes. They both had the same fur color as Kagizaki, one seemed aged quite a bit, while the other was a bit taller and around the same age as Kazuki's parents.

     "Dad, grandfather!" Kagizaki said as she rushed over to them.

     "Kagizaki, what did I tell you about time travel techniques?" Her father said, sounding somewhat serious. She stopped and looked at him surprised.  She had never heard him like that before. "... Ah, I'm just kidding! Come here!" Kagizaki sighed with quick relief and they embraced.

     "It would seem that greater powers intervened in this, as well..." Her grandfather said as he looked at Kazuki and his parents.

     "All right, so now can we figure out what happened?" Kazuki asked a little impatiently. Kagizaki looked back at him a bit annoyed.

     "Right then..." Her grandfather said. He walked over and sat down on an old chair that was still very intact. "This is how it began... 2010 was a year where disputes across the planet caused severe distrust among humans. As all things occur, war started. Cities were heavily damaged, and many people died. This war raged on for an entire 23 years. No-one knows who started it exactly, but it is very clear who did...

     "In 2033, there was an air-raid in a town far from here. All but one survived. The survivor was a young girl, around the age of 16 at the time. She had become highly traumatized, and wandered into a forest nearby. The town was in the northern part of the world, so there was much snow.

     "After several hours of wandering farther north, the girl came across a pack of wolves that were completely safe from the ensuing war. She had stayed with them for only a few days before she had become even more distraught from her horrible experience. Soon, she had succumbed to strange feelings, and allowed the leader of the wolf pack to have his ways with her."

     Eiichiro, Hibiki, and Shiori were just looking at him in confusion, while Kazuki had an awkward and somewhat horrified look on his face.

     "Whoa, wait..." Kazuki interjected. "So... What you're basically saying is..." They all looked at Kazuki for a moment, wondering what he was going to say. "... This girl let herself get done by a wolf??"

     The others suddenly got what was being said, and they had the most disgusted look on their faces. Kagizaki glared at him angrily before she got up and landed a punch to the top of his head.

     "Never speak about the Mother like that!!" Kagizaki shouted at him as Kazuki held his head from the pain.

     "Kagizaki..." Her father said to her. She sat down, still angry about what he said.

     "Well... as blunt as that may have been, he's right..." Kagizaki's grandfather continued. "But it was this act that brought about the rebirth of all demons. She even bore a child of her own that was a demon. Because of her act, she is now known as the 'Mother of the New Demon Era'.

     "The reappearance of demons brought a quick end to the war, and also the uprising of the Kohaku Guard as the new world power. They saw the demons as a complete threat, and began to hunt down the Mother. Meanwhile, she began to teach those demons that were intelligent enough to follow a set of rules for them, called the 12 laws of the demons.

     "Two years later, the mother was of proper age of execution. The Kohaku Guard had finally found her and captured her. Before they killed her, she recited a poem written many years earlier. The year of her death was 2035, which marked the beginning of a secondary calendar. Right now, it would be the year 164 of that calendar."

     "... Wow..." Hibiki said. He really wasn't much for words, but he always said just the right thing.

     "Yeah..." Shiori started. "...Well, at least we got to skip past the war!" She laughed a bit as the usual awkward silence followed afterward.

     "Well, that's all I can tell you for today..." Kagizaki's grandfather said. "I'll explain some more tomorrow, but for now, I must rest..." He slowly got up, and Kagizaki's father following suit and helped him to the door.

     "Hmm... I got some info..." Kazuki began to think to himself. "But what's with this Winter Sun stuff?" Kagizaki's father came back in as his thoughts had finished.

     "All right, since that's over with now, it's time to get you your Akkiken." He said to Kazuki.

     "Wait, my what??" Kazuki said in confusion.

     "You were supposed to get it on your 16th birthday." Kazuki's father began. "But given where we were, we couldn't."

     "But what is it? That's what I'm asking!" Kazuki said, still confused.

     "It's your weapon. The last weapon you'll ever need." Kagizaki's father answered him.



Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on January 19, 2008, 03:56:11 PM
Way to build up suspense!
Yeah, expect a large majority of the chapters to be cliffhangers... XD


Wow... There's like... Nobody on this board. I really need more readers for this... :'(