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Soul Calibur: Link's Journey

Started by Triforceman22, September 26, 2007, 06:11:06 PM

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*2 years ago,*

"Rhys, what are you doing in there?" Kilik asked, as he opened the door to his room.

Rhys was reading an onyx coloured book with red writing on the cover.
Kilik noticed the familiar book.

"What are you doing with the forbidden book?" Kilik asked.
Rhys spotted his friend, and put the book down.

He got out of his position, and walked up towards Kilik.
"I know it's forbidden, but think of possibilities..." Rhys told him.

"Imagine all the envy the others would have, if I could master these moves inscribed here."
Kilik shrugged away from his friend.

"You aren't thinking of mastering dark arts are you?" Kilik asked sternly,
"You worry too much!" Rhys told him, "and call me Shadow."

"No, I will only call you by your real name!" Kilik yelled.
"whatever." Rhys said, as he walked towards the onyx book.

Kilik grumbled, as he slammed the door shut behind him.


*A month later*

As the people in the mess hall were about to dig into thier dinner, Rhys walked into the room.
"Rhys?" asked one of the men,
"We havn't seen you for a week!"

Rhys had a funny looking grin on his face.
He walked towards Kilik, who was about to stuff his face with corn.

"Come with me, I got something to show you," Rhys said, as he grabbed Kilik's jacket, and pulled him out of his chair.

Kilik was still holding onto his half eaten ear of corn, when Rhys dragged him into his room.
"So where have you been?" Kilik asked.

"I have heard legends of the eight gold rings of Schedar. It has been said that whoever can master them, they can harness thier immense power." Rhys said, as he scurmaged through his pockets.

"So what?" Kilik said, "It isn't like you found them."
That was when Rhys showed Kilik the rings.

" did you?!" Kilik said, dumbfounded.
"I found them in a ditch about 3 days ago." Rhys said, as he put them on his fingers.

"they have to be mastered through anger, so don't talk to me for a while." Rhys said, as he shoved Kilik out of his room, and locking the door behind him.

"I wonder why is he so determined to get stronger?" He asked himself, as he walked towards the mess hall.


Shadow Roared, as he wacked Link with his tail once again.
Link flew into the air, and hit a nearby wall.

Once Link hit the ground, the dragon came in for another attack.
Link pulled out the green crystal, and threw it in the air.
It glowed a familiar green glow, and fell down.

Once it hit Link, he vanished.
The dragon hit the wall with his tail.

Link reappeared behind Shadow.
As he spit out some blood, Link took out the fairy's bow.
Link aimed the strung arrow at the dragon's head.

He fired. The arrow hit it's target dead on.
But the arrow disintergrated once it hit one of shadow's golden scales.

"what?!" Link said, shocked, as shadow's enourmous hand flew at Link.
Link tried to dodge, but the claws slashed across his body.

Link flew to the ground, with three giant gash marks across his stomach.
As Link squinted in pain, shadow breathed in as much as he could, and blew.

Blue fire came racing out of his mouth.
Link quickly took out the red crystal, only this time, he didn't slam it to the ground.
This time, he cupped his hands together, and a beam of orange fire flew out of the red crystal.

The two rays of clashed. They were hitting eachother. Evening out the range of both attacks.
Link could feel his power fading, from the amount of magic power he was using up.

Then, Link held the red crystal in one hand, while he took out the blue crystal.
It was a risky move, since Link couldn't use both magic attacks at the same time.
He would have to put away Din's fire, and quickly cast nayru's love before shadow's fire scoarched him.

Link decided to take the risk, and put away Din's fire.
Shadow's blue ray of fire started to move again, and at a speeding pace, the fire blasted towards Link.
The blue crystal shone brightly, as Link yelled the spell's name.
Then, the fire hit Link with a gruesome force, a bright light shone bright, as it lit up the entire room.


*18 months ago*

"AAAARGH!" Why can't I pull it off!!!"
Rhys yelled in anger, as he slammed his hands on the desk.
The golden ring's glow faded away.

Just then, Kilik swung Rhy's door open.
"What are you yelling about?!"
Kilik said to the fuming Rhys.

"It's nothing," Rhys said, as he calmed down a bit.
"Just leave me alone!"
Kilik frowned, as he closed the door quietley.

"I won't be strong enough to defeat him if I can't master these Ring's power."
Rhys said to himself.
"I will avenge you sister, even if it takes me my whole life!!!"


Once the lighting went back to normal, Shadow's Crimson eyes looked in disbelief, as he saw Link
encased in a blue diamond.

Link thought to himself, "Should I use it on him?" he thought, "no, it's too risky. I will just use Soul charge."

Link walked towards Shadow, he blew fire at the hero once again, only to be deflected by the crystal's magic. Then, Link took out the fragement of Soul edge. He tightened his fist around it, and a blue, green, and yellow glow surged through Link's body.


Soul edge's eyes opened, as it started to glow.
Nightmare noticed the viens appearing on his mutated right arm.
"hmmmmmm... So, he's finally using it...." He said to himself.

"The fool.." Isuka said to Nightmare telepatheclly.
"The more times he uses it, more power will flow through my viens."

"yes.." Nightmare said, as he vanished into thin air.
Just then, a girl garbed in green peaked around the house's corner.
She saw Nightmare teleport.

"ooooooo... that's quite fancy nightmare.." She said with a cute voice,
just then, a crow came and landed on her left shoulder.
"I just hope your little lackey of yours does his job..."


Link drew Soul Calibur. It glowed with the colours of soul charge.
Shadow's eyes widened, as Link got closer to him.

Link then slashed at Shadow's Golden stomach.
As Shadow writhed in pain, Link took out the Megaton hammer.
Link slammed the hammer down on Shadow's right foot.

Shadow roared in pain, as he toppled over.
As Shadow hit the ground, Link jumped onto him.
Link swiped on the iron boots so Shadow couldn't get up.

Link took out Soul calibur, and started hacking away at his stomach.
Link yelled, as he slashed again, and again.
Blood was flying onto Link's face, he didn't care as he swiped at the dragon's defenceless body again and again. The Triforce mark glowed on Link's hand.
Shadow screamed. All of a sudden, Memories were flowing through his corrupted mind.


* 11 months ago *

"Finally, it's finished," Rhys said, as he grabbed the hilt of his new sword.
"I'll call it Mobius, the cutter of wind." He said, as he sheathed the brand new broad sword.

Kilik rushed into his room.
"What is it now Kili-"
Rhys was cut off.
"Rhys, were being attacked!"
Kilik yelled at his friend.

"Attcked?!" Rhys said, with a worried look in his eyes,
"Yes, thieves have been wanting to take this temple for thier own." Kilik yelled.
"5 have already died, we need your help!"

"I have to stain my new blade in blood already?" Rhys asked, as he drew Mobius,
"Oh well, lets go!"

Kilik nodded, as the two ran out of the room, to join in the brawl.


As Link was about to shove Soul calibur into shadow, Kilik ran into the room.
"STOP!" he yelled.

Link looked at Kilik, and then looked at the almost dead Shadow.
The triforce mark faded on Link's hand, as he slided off the dragon's body.

The dragon transformed back to human.
Link looked at unconcious body of his foe.

Then, he sheathed his sword.
Kilik ran towards Shadow.
He opened his mouth, and poured a red liquid into it.


* 11 months ago *

"We Won!" Rhys yelled, as he took his sword out of a lifeless body.
Kilik ran up to him.
"Good job Rhys!" Kilik said, as he patted his friend on the back.

"How many have died?" Rhys asked him.
"About 23," Kilik told him.

"We will hold a ceremony in honour of them." Kilik said, as he walked off to treat to the wounded.

Rhys walked out side, and looked at the horizon.
"did you see that?!" Rhys yelled out,
"I am a force to be reckoned with!"
"Next time we meet, It will be I who is victorious!"
He shouted.

"I will kill you Nightmare, if it is the last thing I do!!!!"






"ugh...where am I?" Shadow asked himself, as he sat upwards.
He opened his eyes. He found himself still in the arena.
With a pool of blood emmiting from him.

"W...what happened?" he asked himself, as he held his head in pain.

Just then, Kilik opened the door, and entered the battle arena.
"Looks like you finally came to..." He said, as he walked over to his friend.

"W..where is he?" Shadow asked him.
Just as he said that, Link strolled into the room.

"YOU!" Shadow yelled, as he looked around frantically for his sword.
"Calm down Rhys," Kilik said, as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"He's not here to kill you. He was just passing by, and we thought he was a thief planning to take over our temple." He said, as he took his hand off Shadow's soar shoulder.

He looked at the Hylian in disgust.
"Why did you let me live?" he asked angrily,
"I was about to ,when your friend over there stopped me." Link said to the fuming Boy.

Shadow then spat on the ground.
"You should have killed me when you had the chance!" He blurted out.

"Before you turned into that...thing, you yelled out I will avenge her," Link told Shadow.
"I..its none of your business!" Shadow yelled.

"I think he should know," Kilik said.
"Shut up Kilik!" Shadow yelled at his companion.

"Your going to tell him.." Kilik yelled at Shadow,
"He holds the legendary Soul Calibur. He may be able to aid you," Kilik told him.
"Fine..." Shadow grumbled...

*5 minutes later*

"And that is why I must kill this man called Nightmare." Shadow concluded.
Link stood up, "You should come along with me." Link said to Shadow.

"No!" Shadow yelled, "I belong here!"
"I can take over," Kilik said.

"You have a better chance of meeting Nightmare again if you follow me," Link stated.
Shadow thought for a moment.

He then looked at Link.
"Fine, i'll come." He said, "its only because I have a better chance of fighting Nightmare!"
"Thats fine!" Link said. "two fighters are better than one!"

"okay then," Kilik said,
"First we feast, then you two can head out."

*2 hours later*

"So, your name is Rhys huh?" Link said to Shadow.
"Don't call me that!" Shadow grunted.
"Okay then Rhys," Link said, as he chewed some chicken.
Shadow grumbled all through dinner.

Once dinner was done, Link and Rhys gathered thier weapons, and headed off.
As Kilik was waving behind them, Link took out his map.

"So, where are we going?" Rhys asked his new companion.
"We are headed towards the country of Alioth." Link said, as he put away his map.

Rhys looked at Link strangely.
"Are you insane?!" Rhys asked Link.
"Alioth isn't a country, it is a fortress the size of a country!" Rhys yelled.

"Thier leader, Taki is one of the three edgemasters!" Rhys told him.
"What is an Edgemaster?" Link asked him.

Rhys had a dumbfounded look on his face.
"You don't know about the legendary three ones?"
He asked.

"No," Link said.
"well, then you must have lived under a rock all your life, if you havn't heard of them."
Rhys said.

"The three Edgemasters, otherwise known as the mortal gods of strength, are the three strongest humans that live on this planet." Rhys told, "Taki, Maxi, and Xianghua, are the names of these destructive humans." Rhys said, "Taki is the one who commands Alioth. And you think we can defeat her and her army?"

"There's a will, there's a way," Link said.
"You are hopeless," Rhys said.

The two swordsmen were about to confront the three edgemasters of Asia. Thier toughest challenge yet.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!




A guard stumbled, into an alaborate looking room.
"M..master Taki!" the guard yelled out, informing he was there,
"We have just spotted two men wielding swords coming towards the citadel."

A woman sitting upon a throne looked at the trembling guard in disgust.
"One of the men carried an odd looking sword," the guard told her.

"Soul calibur?!" the woman asked, as she lunged out of her seat, towards the guard.
"What did it look like?" the woman asked.

"It had a decorative onyx coloured hilt, and it had a splitted blade," he told her.
"so, the old fool knew what he was talking about," the woman said to herself,
"He is the one he told us about. You! tell the guards to approach on the defensive, I want to see if they are strong enough," the woman yelled at the guard.

"Y..yes master Taki, right away!"
Once the guard was out of the giant room,
the woman jumped back into her seat.
He tight red jump suit gleamed in light from the windows in the room.


"Now that were going to have to fight the edgemasters," Rhys said to Link,
"It means we are very close to Asia's border."

"The three edgemasters, Taki, Maxi and Xianghua, protect the Asian border at all costs.
But there is said to be a fighter that is stronger than all three combined," Rhys said,
"He is called the grand edgemaster. He protects the Europiean border." Rhys exclaimed.

"So, even if we somehow defeat these three edgemasters," Link said,
"There is an even stronger edgemaster, waiting for us in europe?"
Yep," Rhys responded,
"Great," Link said under his breath.

The two could see the large structure on the horizon.
It was true, the building was indeed as large as a country.

"Wow, I didn't think it would be this huge!" Link said, as he stared at it in awe.

Just then, a guard on a horse came galloping towards the duo.
Rhys put his hand on Mobius's hilt, as the horse came to a stop.

"Halt! You shall come no further!" the guard said, in an angry tone.
"By the order of Master Taki, you shall not pa-" The guard stpped talking, as Rhys took his sword out of the man's stomach.

As the man hit the ground, Link looked at his companion.
"What did you do that for?!" Link asked.
"He talked too much," Rhys said, as he sheathed the broad sword.
"He was just doing his job, oh never mind, lets use this horse to get there faster." Link said, as he pointed towards the black stallion.

Once the duo was in range, the guards shot off thier catapults at them.
They were barely dodging the flaming Trebutchets, as the came towards the front gate.

"How do we open this thing?!" Link asked.
"We don't," Rhys said, as his hand started to glow with a blue aura.
And in a flash of light, the door was destroyed. Pieces of wood flew every where, and the smoke blinded some of the guards on the other side.

Just then, the guards could hear two swords drawing in smoke.
As the guards readied thier weapons, a large bolt of lightning shot out of the smoke, and hit a defenceless guard.

As the guard lay dead, Link and Rhys jumped out of the cloud of smoke.
As thier swords gleamed in the rays of the sun, the men were terrified for thier lives.

Link attacked to the right, and Rhys attacked to the left.
As numerous guards hit the ground, one guard ran for his life.
Just then, Rhys flew on top of him, and stuck mobius into his head.
As blood splattered everywhere, Rhys looked at Link.

"This is way too easy," he said to the hylian.
"They must be planning something.." Link responded, as they infiltrated the Citadel.

"Master Taki!" Aa guard yelled, as he entered her throne room.
"What is it?" the woman asked,
"Its the two men, they have infiltrated Alioth!" The guard yelled in terror,
"hmmmm... they are good, but they still have a long ways to go if they are to defeat me!" Taki yelled.


Nightmare shoved Soul edge into another man.
As his blue soul was devowered by Soul Edge, Isuka let out a sigh.
"I will be fully restored soon." Isuka said.

Just then, a raven circled around Nightmare's head.
"As Nightmare was about to kill it, he noticed who it was.

"Death?" Nightmare asked, just then, the girl garbed in green appeared out of no where.
"You still remember his name huh?" the girl said, as the raven landed on her left shoulder.

"Tira..." Nightmare said under his breath.
"Whats scum like you doing walking around these parts?" he asked.

"Scum? at least i'm not a puppet that is being controlled by a sword!" Tira yelled out, as the raven jumped off her shoulder.

"Calm down Tira," Isuka said, as he appeared in his shapeless form.
"Incase Nightmare here dies, you'll be the puppet, and he'll be the scum."
Nightmare looked away in disgust as Tira smiled.

"What makes you think i'll be your little pawn in your plan to rule all dimensions?" Tira asked him.
"Remember our deal?" Isuka asked.
"...yes..." she mumbled.
"Good!" Isuka said, as his body went back into Soul Edge.

"Well, i'm gone. Goodbye Siegfried...oops I mean Nightmare." She said on purpose.
"Siegfried...why does that name seem so.... familiar...?" Nightmare asked himself, as he teleported once again.


As Link and Rhys burst open another elaborate looking door, they saw before them, a giant man wielding two giant Butcher Knives.

"You won't go any further!" the man yelled out.
"I will cut you up!"

"check out this loser..." Rhys wispered to Link.
Link ignored his companion, as he drew Soul calibur.

Rhys sighed, as he drew Mobius.

The man's knife came crashing down, Link and Rhys jumped out of the way of the slow attack.
As the man turned around, Rhys jumped towards the man, and grabbed his face with his hand.
Then, his hand started to glow yellow, and Rhys blasted a bolt of lightning out of it.

As the bolt singed his face, the man held it in agony.
Then, Link came in for the finishing blow.
He stabbed the man's back, and ripped the wound downwards.
Blood spewed everywhere.

The fell to the ground.
"Good, he's out, now lets kill him." Rhys said, as his hand started to glow red.
"No!" Link said.
"I let him live on purpose!"

Rhys looked confused,
"Why? he tried to kill you, you should repay the favour," he told him.
"I only kill monsters, not humans." Link said.

"Fine..." Rhys grumbled, as the glowing in his hand stopped.
The duo blasted the next door open.
expecting of what would be waiting for them on the other side.



As the pieces of the wooden door hit the ground, Rhys, and Link saw a giant stairway leading up.
Link was concerned about the ridiculous amount of stairs they would have to go up.

"We can't even see the end of them!" Link told Rhys.
"Stop complaining..." Rhys grumbled, as they slowly walked up the stairs.

Just then, they saw a knife come flying at them.
They dodged it, but Link lost his footing, and fell down ten stairs.

"What was that?!" Link yelled, as he held his head in pain,
"That was a knife genious," Rhys said, sarcastically, as they kept going up.

For some reason, it was getting foggy, and now the duo couldn't see infront of them.
Just then, another knife flew by, and cut Rhys's left cheek, as it flew by.

Rhys got angry, and his hand started to glow yellow. He shot about half a dozen of lightning bolts into the fog.

Then, there was silence.
"I guess I killed them," Rhys said victoriously.
Then, about eight men carrying swords, burst out of the fog, and charged the heroes.

Rhys saw this coming, so he unsheathed Mobius before this happened.
He thrusted his broad sword into one man's stomach.

he pulled it out, crimson stains on the golden blade of his sword dripped, as he slashed another man in the chest.

"Nothing will stop me from getting revenge..." Rhys thought, as he decapitated another man.
Link pulled out his fairy bow, and strung an arrow, he then put a bomb on the arrow head, and then lit the bomb.

"Rhys! fly out of there!" Link yelled, "for the last time, call me SHADOW!" Rhys yelled, as he turned his head to Link.
He then saw the arrow he was going to fire, and then teleported in the air, and flew upwards.

As the men were wondering what was going on, Link fired the arrow.
it hit the ground, and exploded.

Link hit it close enough, so that the men could escape with thier lives.
Unfortunatley, Rhys had something diffrent in mind.

His hand glew blue, and he fired a beam of ice out of it.
The beam froze the men where they layed.

Link looked at his companion once again.
"Why?!" he yelled, "can't you just let them live?"
Rhys looked at Link with a stern look.

"No." He said, as he continued walked up the plight of stairs.
Link sighed, as he followed.


Nightmare stopped running.
"Whats the matter?" Isuka asked his minion.

Then Nightmare let out a terrible scream, as he held his head in agony.
"Fredrick!!!!" He yelled, as he hit the ground.


*4 years ago.*

A man got out of bed. A strange noise had woke him up.
He walked around his small house for a bit.

Then he entered his Father room, to see if it woke him up too.
When he turned on the light, he was terrified of what he saw.

He saw a lifeless body, impaled. Blood stained the bed sheets.
"Father?!" the man said.

"who did this to you? please don't leave me...... FATHER!!!"

The man rushed back into his room.
He opened his closet, to find that the Zweihander he found, had blood on the tip of it.

" no what have I done?!"
he asked himself, as he dropped to the ground.
"I killed my father without even knowing it... It's YOU! you used me to kill him!"
He yelled, as he pointed to the blade.

Just then, he heard a voice.
"join me..." it said, in a moaning tone.

The man got scared, and he ran away from it.
Then, the eye on the sword opened.

Then, long withered branches shot out of the sword and strapped around the fleeing man.
Then the sword started to suck in all things.
It started to pull him in. The man tried his hardest to pull away from it, but couldn't get a good grip.

He was very close to the sword now. The man felt his right arm twitch. He looked at it, and it grew into a giant brown monstrosity replaced it. The man screamed in terror.
The middle of the mutated hand, had a mouth with giant teeth on it.

The man tried to look away in disgust, as he could see all of his father's studies fly into the sword.
And on impact, they disintergrated.

The man's eyes, widened, as he tried to grab the bureau that was beside him.
But he slipped, and continued to get closer to the sword.

He heard the voice again.
"You will be my new host!" it said,
"I hope we kill to no end!"

then, when the man's body hit the sword, a flash of light emmited from it.

When the light faded, a man in dark armour stood where the man used to.
He looked at the sword, and grabbed the hilt.
The voice called out to him again.
"From now on, you shall be called Nightmare!" It said

"What should we do first.. master?" the man asked the sword.
"first we shall kill all the people in this village."
He said.

"Good... Nightmare said,
"just killing my father didn't satisfy me."

As the night went on, Nightmare killed over an over again.
Until the whole village was slaughtered.

The blue souls of the people were sucked into the sword.
"I need to be restored, if I am going to rule all worlds."
It said.

"Do not worry," Nightmare said.
"I will kill in your name.. Isuka."

and in a flash of light, he was gone.
A girl jumped out of a nearby tree once the man dissapeared.

"What do we have here?" she chuckled.
Her crimson coloured eyes gleamed in the moonlight.

"Someone who loves to kill? I thought I would never find someone as evil as me!"
She said, with a devilish grin on her face.

Then, she vanished.


As the duo finally got to the top of the stairs, Link took out a bottle filled with water.
"you want some?" Link asked Rhys,
"I have my own water..." Rhys said.

"But i'll use your bottle once your done."
Rhys put the bottle on the ground, and put his hands out.
He shot out fire in one hand, and ice in the other.

Once they hit, water poure out of the collision, and poured into the bottle.
" can keep that bottle..." Link said.

"I have three more."
Once they were done, they walked over to the side of the building.
"That was alot of stairs!" Link said.

They couldn't see the ground from where they were.
"Well, I guess the edgemaster is in there." Rhys said, as he pointed to the structure before them.

As they walked towards the building, they drew thier swords, incase anything happened.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!




Rhys blasted the elaborate door open. Inside were ten guards, all ready to attack.
Rhys's hand was still glowing red, he saw a man charging at him in the corner of his eye. Rhys turned around, and impaled the guard with a spear of fire.

The man fell to the ground, as the other guards charged at the duo.
Link drew Soul calibur.
He could see three guards running towards him.

He readied his blade, and in one giant swipe, all three hit the ground.
Rhys had killed the last of his guards.

Link walked by the fallen guards.
"I didn't hit any of your vital points, you'll live," he said.

As they were walking, Rhys turned around, and saw the three surviving guards run towards him.
He sighed, and readied his fire.
He fired the beam, and it engulfed them.

As the guards screamed in agony, Link looked at Rhys again, "...never mind..." Link said, as he looked away from his companion.

As they entered the main throne room, they saw about two hundred guards at the bottom of a few stairs.
On the top of those stairs, was a giant throne. Someone was sitting in that throne.

"So," Rhys said, as he grabbed the hilt of Mobius, "we finally fight one of the edgemasters."
The guards all took thier fighting stance. The woman stood up.
"Stop," she said, and in one quick fashion, all the guards dropped thier weapons.

"So, you have come.." The woman said, as she jumped high into the air, and landed onto the ground.
Link was drawing Soul Calibur.
"So I guess he was right after all..." she said to herself.

"Who's he?" Link asked her.
The woman looked at him...
"You mean the grand edgemaster?" Taki asked,
"Yes," Link said, "who is he?"

"The grand edgemaster's identity is only known to few, tell you what, if you can defeat me, I will tell you his identity." She said, as she took out one of her ninja swords.
"Sounds fair to me!" Link said, as he fully took the holy out of it's sheathe.

Rhys also, took out Mobius.
As the guards stood back, Taki took out her second ninja sword.
And the battle begun.


Tira kept following the black knight wherever he went.
"hmmmm..." Tira thought, "I wonder who he'll kill next?"
Tira looked at her raven, it's feathers as black as night.

"It's not my fault I kill," Tira said to her raven,
"It was how I was raised."


*3 years ago*

"Tira!" A man called out, "you have another mission!"
Tira was in her room. She was playing with her little pet raven.

Then, a giant man barged open the door.
The raven got scared, and flew out the now opened door.
"Do you want to be killed?" he asked in an angry tone,
Tira looked at him with no response.

"We are the birds of passage!" The man yelled,
"we can't have people slacking on the job!" he yelled.

"fine," Tira said, as she jumped off her bed.
"Good," the man said, "meet us in the conference room."
He closed the door.

As Tira grabbed her Ring blade, she opened the door.

She opened the door to the conference room.
There, she saw about ten people sitting in chairs around a large wooden table.

"Tira your mission is to kill a man called Vercci," the man said, he lives in the country of Aldebaran.
Tira was somewhat dissapointed.
"All the way in Asia?" She asked,
"but were in Europe! and besides, how am I supposed to get pass the edgemasters?"

"you'll get around by using the sea.' He told her.
"Then you'll travel by foot there."

"Fine." Tira said, "i'll head out tomorrow."

* 3 months later *

Tira entered the underground society once again after her long mission.
"The target was eliminated," Tira called out, but no one responded, "did you hear me?"
Tira asked. Still no reply.

Once she opened the door to the conference room, her eyes widened, as all of her accomplises lay dead on the ground.

Tira looked at her lifeless master. She saw a glowing metal fragement beside him.
She picked it up, "I wonder what this is?" She wondered, as she put it in her pocket.

"I no longer have to work for this stupid society!" She said with a happy grin on her face,
"I'm free!"

She then set out into the world, only this time without an objective she had to complete.

She had finally settled into a quiet family, and all went well, for now.
Until one day...

"Fly home my friend!" Tira said, as she set a caged bird free.
Just then, her family came home from the market place.
The little boy was ready to greet his new bird.

As he walked over to Tira, he saw that there was no bird in the cage.
The boy started to cry. The parents ran over to thier son.
They looked up at Tira with angry faces.

They started to scold her. All the commotion was starting to get to Tira, it might have been the crying, or the scolding, then everything went black.

When she woke up, she saw her familie's corpses lying on the ground.
It had awoken her inner killing spirit.

After about 5 months, Tira was starting to go crazy.
She had no reason to live in the world.

She would stumble into villages, and slaughter every single resident that lived there.
She killed and killed, until one day, she heard the slaughters of Nightmare.
"somebody like me...?" Tira said to herself, as her faith skyrocketed.

Tira then used all her time to track down the black knight.
Until one day, in the country of Cepheus, she confronted a familiar man.

"If you are searching for Nightmare, the man said, "Then you should track down the sword. nightmare is just a puppet." This crushed tira's dreams.
"Zasalamel, you fool!" She yelled at him. "I just want to be with someone who enjoys to kill!"

The man's scythe gleamed in the sunlight. "Tira, you will regret it sooner or later." He said.
"It will turn it's gaze towards you if Nightmare is killed."

Tira was already gone.
"fool," the man said to himself, and in a flash, he was gone.


Link spit the blood out of his mouth, as Taki rushed towards Rhys.
Rhys tried to block, but taki was too fast.
she kicked him in the side.

Rhys fell to the ground, holding his side in pain.
Link got back up, and attacked once again.
Taki slashed link's stomach with her ninja sword.

As Link flew backwards, he thought of an idea.
He pulled out Lehran's Medallion, and threw it at Rhys.

"Rhys, catch!" Link yelled, as Rhys caught the circular object.
"Try to get angry!" Link yelled.

Rhys remembered the day when his sister died.
And if he were to die, all of his training were to be for nothing.

Rhys screamed in pain, as his teeth grew, and eyes turned red.
The medallion glew with red aura, and then shot inside of Rhys.

Rhys screamed again, as his skin turned golden.
And in a flash of light, he transformed into a dragon once again.

Link jumped onto his back, and directed him.

They finally stood a chance once again.
As Taki readied her blades, she was ready for anything.




Taki flew in the air, as Rhys whacked her with his golden scaled tail.
The ninja hit the ground.

Link was still sitting on Rhys.
"Having trouble?" Link asked sarcastically.

"Silence!" Taki yelled out.
"I will kill you." She vowed, as she unsheathed one of her ninja swords.
This time it glew with a strange blue coloured aura.

"Prepare to die!" Taki yelled, as she dashed towards the duo with high speed.


*4 years ago*

Taki had already hunted down, and destroyed another demon,
that resided in mizar forest.
At that same time, Nightmare was born.

This caused a reaction, all across europe and Asia.
Taki could feel the evil everywhere, just then, a small metal fragement came crashing to the ground.
Taki heard this, so she jumped back to where the sound was made.

She inevitably found it.
When she picked it up, she could sense great evil in it.
She decided to make another sword from it.

She embedded the fragement in the ninja sword.
After 3 days, it was finished.

"Finally," Taki said, as she held the powerful blade in her hands.
"I shall call you Rekki-Maru."
She said, as she sheathed it in it's scabbard.

It started to glow emensley, even though it was in it's sheathe.


Taki's sword started to shine brightly, as it left an after image of her.
Link was starting to get somewhat dizzy.
Then, Taki jmped high upwards. She took out suction cups, and landed on the celing.

She hid in the shadows, so they couldn't see her.
Link and Rhys looked around for her.

Then, two sharp kunai knives flew out of the shadows, and stabbed Rhys in the chest.
As Rhys let out a roar, two shurikens flew out. They were aimed at Link.
Link took out Soul Calibur, and smacked them away.

Then, Taki flew out with a ball and chain.
She threw it around Rhys's scaly neck, and pulled.
Link looked up, and about 10 kunai were holding it up.

The chain was starting to choke Rhys.
Rhys then, fell to the ground.

He reverted back to human.
The kunai knives were still in him.
As blood gushed out, Link knew he had to finish this now.

Link then noticed, wen she charged up her sword, the aura was the same colour as soul charge's aura.
She was using Soul charge.

Link took out his metal fragement, and squeezed it in his hand, he could feel the power flowing through his viens.

Link dashed towards the edgemaster with all of his speed.
He took out Soul calibur, and the Hylian shield.

Link got close enough to her.
He then bashed her with the shield. As she was recovering from the blow, Link jumped up.

Then, link slashed at Taki's shoulder. It made a deep wound.
As Link backflipped away from the edgemaster, she fell to the ground.
Blood was squirting everwhere.

As she cried in agony, Link sheathed Soul calibur.
Taki looked up at him.

"Why did you spare me?" she asked,
"I need to know who this grand edgemaster is.." he told her.

"Well, a promise is a promise," she said, as she wrapped a cloth around her shoulder.
"The grand edgemaster goes by the name of Heishiro." She said.

"Iv'e never heard of a man named Heishiro before..." Link said.
"Trust me." Taki said, "you have seen him before."

Link walked over to the fallen Rhys.
He took out the two kunai, and then popped a blue mushroom into his mouth.

Rhys opened his crimson coloured eyes soon after.
"w..what happened?" he asked.

"don't worry," Link said, " we can pass."

Taki then walked over to the two.
"You have passed the first gate," Taki said, "there are two more gates that stand in your way, good luck."

Once the two exited Alioth, Link checked his map. They were headed towards the country of Castor, the second gate.

"They say Maxi is the edgemaster who resides in Castor." Rhys told Link.
"Then I guess it's going to be more difficult than ever." Link replied.

The two entered Castor's border, unbeknowest to them that they were being followed.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!




Link and Rhys had already entered Castor's border.
Where another edgemaster awited for them.

"Maxi is said to reside in the infamous temple named the "Swordsman's grave,"
Rhys told him.

"How do you know all this information?" Link asked,
"iv'e been around," he replied.

Link checked his map.
"Before we can get to this "Swordsman's grave, we need to pass a large open field called Castor's eye,
Link told Rhys.

"That sounds like a good oppurtunity for thieves to ambush us." Rhys said, as Link put away his map.
"Well, we can't go around it," Link said, pointing to the mountains on each side of the field.
"Lets, just hope no one spots us."

As the duo entered the vast field, Rhys heard something, and stopped moving.
"Whats he matt-" Link said, but was cut off by Rhys's large shushing noise.
"Be quiet," Rhys said, as he tried to hear the sound again.

In the mountains, archers strung thier arrows, ready to fire at any sudden movement.
Rhys grabbed the hilt on his sword. The archer pulled back on the bow string.
Rhys slowly pulled out Mobius, and then the archer fired.

The arrow hit Rhys's unsheathing sword dead on.
Rhys looked at Link.
"RUN!" Rhys yelled.


Tira followed Nightmare wherever he went.
An it was starting to annoy him.

Isuka was thinking to himself,
"I'm sensing a strong power near us..."
he thought.

Just then, a man clothed in white appeared behind them.
Nightmare readied Soul Edge, and turned around to meet his opponent.

"You are on the road to defeat," the man told him.
"The boy is getting stronger everyday." He said.

"So what?" Nightmare snorted back.
"I will kill him."

Tira turned her head towards the man.
"Zasalamel," she murmered.

"Prepare for your defeat." The man said, and in a flash, he dissapeared.
"Nonsense..." Nightmare told himself, as he sheathed Soul Edge.


Link and Rhys were running for thier lives, as arrows skimmed past them.
Link looked up, and saw a small house.
"Rhys, if we can get to that house, were safe!" Link yelled happily.

Rhys ran as fast as he could, and reached the house first.
His hand glew red, and blew the house door open.
Link ran inside, and so did Rhys.

They saw some furniture inside the house.
"We use this to block the entry." Rhys said.

The duo pushed all the furniture to where the door used to be.
They could hear arrows hitting the wooden appliances.

then, the arrows stopped firing.
Link and Rhys were waiting for something big.
But it never came.

It was already dusk, and it was starting to rain.
Link lit his lantern, and put it between him and Rhys.

They tried to go to sleep, but all the strange noises kept them up.

"Tomorrow morning, we make a run for it." Rhys told his partner.
"Agreed," Link replied.

After about 5 hours later, the strange noises were starting to get more frequent.
Rhys looked at Mobius, and grabbed it, Link did the same.

Then, the furniture exploded.
and about twelve thieves ran into the small house.

Rhys blasted lightning bolts into three of them.
Link slashed a thief in the arm.

The eight thieves then charged at them.
As they clanged swords for a while, Link and Rhys were getting fatigued from lack of food and water.

Then, with all his might, Link charged up a Kai-ten-giri.
And ripped through four of them.

Rhys swiped Mobius, and ripped two thieves in half.
The two guards were frightened, and ran out the door.

Link sheathed Soul Calibur.
Rhys shot off two fire balls at the escaping thieves.

They hit them dead on.
The two were engulfed in flame, and then hit the hard wet ground.

Link looked at Rhys.
"What?" Rhys asked.
Link turned back. "We should head out as soon as possible," he said.

"Right," Rhys said back.
The two gathered thier things, and ran out of the house.

Just then, a man hiding behind the house stepped out.
"Impressive," the man said, as he saw the two run towards the mountains.
"You have gotten stronger since the last time I saw you Link,"

The man continued to follow them.
Hoping he could show his face to them sooner or later.




Link took out his map, they were only a few miles away from thier destination.
"Boy, is it ever humid," Rhys told Link, as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Stop complaining," Link told him, "we only have three more miles to go!"
Rhys grunted, as they kept on walking.

Rhys was kicking a pebble along, to keep him occupied.
The clitter-clatter of the pebble was starting to get to Link.

"Will you please stop that!" Link yelled.
"Fine..." Rhys yelled, back, as he stopped kicking.

After, walking over a giant hill, they finally saw the infamous swordsman's grave.
"Finally!" Rhys said with relief.

Rhys saw the gate that sttod in thier way.

After the sharp parts of metal fell to the ground, Rhys's hand stopped glowing.
As Link and Rhys entered the mysterious dungeon, they wondered if the name of the temple was real.

A man spotted the two, as they made thier way into the temple.
He then, ran off in a hurry.

The man then barged open a large door.
"Sir!" The man said, as he saluted.

A man was sitting cross-legged on the ground.
A nunchaku was lying beside him.

"What is it?" asked the man, who didn't even bother to turn his head at him.

The man replied, "two men have just breached the temple!"
The man now had a grin on his face.

"So, Taki failed. These men are stronger than we anticipated," he said.
"rally half of your men to the front of the temple, the other half will be with me."
He said, as he stood up out of his previous position.

"y..yes sir!" The man said, as he walked out of the room.
The man grabbed his nunchaku.
"The old geezer was right after all..." The man said to himself.


The man clothed in white kept following Nightmare wherever he went.
"Want do you want with us?" Nightmare yelled at the man.

"You will be defeated by him." The man said,
"And then you, will need a new host."

Isuka pondered over this for a moment.
Then, he felt a surge of magical power flow through him.
"What was that?!" Isuka asked himself,

"Whats wrong master?" Nightmare asked,
"I think we have found a new vessel,"
Isuka said, as he tried to get a lock on who is releasing the magic.


"Just a little more..." A woman said, as the triangular portal was starting to appear.
She lost control, and fell to the ground.
She got back up. "I'm too fatigued to try it." She told her self.

Just then, a light in the castle's dining room lit up.
Then, the knob on the door turned, and out came a man in armour.

"Princess, what are you doing up so late?" The man asked.
The woman pulled her hood down, revealing her long blonde hair.

"I couldn't sleep." The woman told him.
"Princess Zelda, please don't lie," the guard told her.
"Your worried about Link, aren't you?" he asked.

The princess of hyrule, turned her head away from the guard.
"He's been gone for almost a year, I wonder if he's alright,"
The guard walked towards her, "don't worry, Link is alright, I can feel it."
The guard told her.

"You'd better get back inside," the guard said,
"The weather is getting worse."
Zelda walked back inside, with a concerned look on her face.

" careful..."


"Curses, I lost it." Isuka yelled to himself.
"Do not worry master," Nightmare told him,
"you will get it again, i'm sure of it."

The clothed in white was now sitting on the largest branch of an old tree.
His scythe gleamed in the summer breeze, and he jumped to the ground.

"remember this, puppet," the man said to the dark knight,
"You will lose everything."
Nightmare took out Soul Edge quickly, the attachment branches broke in an instant, as the eye of the blade squinted in pain.

"I have already lost everything!" He yelled in an altered voice.
Then, a piercing sensation of pain, flowed through Nightmare's head.

Isuka looked at his pawn.
"The man he once was, is trying to get out."
He told himself.

"It will only be matter of time, until my grasp turns to another more powerful being."
As Nightmar writhed in pain, the man in white dissapeared. a few leaves in the tree fell off, and hit the ground.


Link and Rhys had just entered a rather large room.
"The temple looked smaller from the outside," Link told his partner.

Just then, the burst open, and fifty guards came running out.

They stared at the two warriors for about ten seconds.
Link looked at Rhys, and smiled, Rhys smiled back, as they drew thier blades at the same time.
The battle has begun.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!




The men dropped thier weapons, as thier lifeless bodies hit the ground.
The duo sheathed thier blades, and continued to walk the large catacombs of the temple.

"I wonder what weapon this Maxi guy will use.." Link pondered,
"they say he uses nunchaku," Rhys answered.
"Oh, then this will be pretty easy," Link exclaimed, as he let out a large breath of air.

A guard burst open the doors of the room where Maxi was.
"Sir, the men have wiped out Hector's squad! And they are approaching at a fast pace,! the man said worringly.

Maxi grinned with joy.
"That means, they are worthy enough to be killed by Soryuju." He said.
"Soryuju sir?" asked the man.

Maxi leaped at the unsuspecting guard, and grabbed him by the neck.
"Thats the name of my weapon." Maxi yelled angrily, as the man's feet raised from the ground.
"Get your men ready to attack," Maxi yelled, as he threw the man to the ground.

"y-yes sir," the man said, as he got up, and dusted off his pants.
"Idiocy," Maxi muttered to himself.

Link and Rhys had turned to a very long hallway.
"I can barely see the end of it." Link said to his partner.
"Wait," Rhys said, as he put his arm infront of the hylian.

"I can hear marching at the end of the hall way."
"I don't hear anything," Link said.
"Thats wierd, you have big ears, but yo still can't hear it?"
Rhys said.

Link grumbled, as Rhys could hear the sound of it getting closer.
Just then, many armed men came in sight, and were charging at them.
Link and Rhys drew thier blades.

Link charged up for a Kai-ten giri, while Rhys put up his hand.
And in one swift move, they pulled off both of thier moves.
twenty soilders hit the ground in an instant.

A large pool of blood was emitting from the bodies.
Just then, more guards came running out.
"hmmmm, I say we take the head-on approach," Link said to Rhys.
"Agreed, Rhys said, as he readied Mobius.


Zelda tossed and turned in her bed.
She was having a terrible nightmare.
As she started to moan, Zelda could feel an uneasy feeling around her.
Link she wasn't safe there.

Then all of a sudden, everything in her sight went black.
Then, fire emitted from the ground.
She turned around, only to see that the fire had surrounded her.

As she paniced, she heard a bone chilling voice.
"I... sssseeeeee... yoooouuuuu..." said the voice.
Zelda turned around quickly.

There was a giant flaming head floating before her.
yellow flame shot out of it's eye sockets.
Zelda was horrified.

It got closer towards her.
Zelda tried to cast her magic, but nothing happened,
as she looked down, she could see the ground cracking.
The creases then burst out in flame.

Zelda could see the omnious presence getting closer with every second.
Then, the entity opened it's mouth. Inside the firey whole, a giant blood shot eye appeared in the middle of it.

Zelda tried to walk back, only to have her back scorched in flame.
As she bent down in pain, she raised her head, and saw that the head was about ten eet away from her.
"Joooooiiiin... meeeeeee.." It said, as it's mouth got wider.

Zelda started to breath deeply, as she didn't now what to do.
The head was now five feet away, and getting closer.
Zelda held her head in fear, and closed her eyes.
Waiting for something terrible to happen.

Just then, She raised her head out from the sweat covered pillow.
As she blinked a few times, she saw that there were guards standing right outside her room.
"Princess, whats wrong?" asked one of the guards.

"Nothing, I was having a bad dream, thats all," Zelda told them, as she put her hand on her chest.
"alright then, but if we hear more groaning from you, were going to have to call the doctor!" the guard joked, as he walked away.

Once the guards were out of range, Zelda let out a large sigh, and hit her wet pillow.
She was too scared to fall asleep again that night.


As another wave of enimies hit the ground, a giant man wielding an axe came rushing towards the duo.
"You guys are dead!" yelled the man as he swung his giant axe at them. They jumped out of the way.
As the man was recovering from his attack, Link took out his fairy's bow.

He strung an arrow, and fired.
It impaled the man's right shoulder. He screamed in agony, as het kneeled to the ground.
He looked up, only to see Rhys stab his sword into his fore head.

As blood squirted down, the man's head hit the ground.
As Rhys was wiping the blood off of the golden blade, Link started to walk towards the end of the catacomb.

"Wait up!" Rhys yelled, as he ran towards his partner.
Link looked up at the giant door that sttod before him.
Rhys finally caught up to him.
"your'e a fast runner aren't you?" Rhys said.

"ts a natural gift," Link said, as he opened the door.
Once they opened the door, they saw a man waiting for them.

"I'm guessing that you are Maxi." Link said to him.
Maxi took out his nunchaku. "Correct," he responded.

Ten, in a fast move, Maxi jumped at Link, and whacked his hand with his nunchaku.
Link grunted, as Soul calibur flew out his hand.
Link turned around to grab the onyx hilt, only to get kicked in the back by the edgemaster.

As Link tumbled to the ground, Rhys charged at him, and swung horizantally with Mobius.
Maxi blocked, and jumped out of the way of the attack.

"Too slow!" Maxi said, as he counter attacked.
Rhys flew to the ground as well.

Link rose again, and grabbed the holy blade's hilt.
He swiftly swung the blade at the edgemaster.
the sword grazed his left arm.

Maxi held his arm, as he walked back from the hylian.
Blood was starting to drip down.

"Thats not good enough," Maxi said,
"then how's this?" Rhys asked.
Maxi was startled, he looked at the spot where he had fallen.
nothing was there.

Then, a giant golden blade struck out of Maxi's stomach.
"As maxi looked at the blade in fear, Rhys's head appear beside him.
"You should have pay more attention," Rhys said, "you could have lived."

Maxi tried to say something, but whenever he opened his mouth, blood would spew out.
Then, Maxi's eyes went white, and the edgemaster hit the ground.
Rhys took his blade out of him.

"These edgemasters are getting way too easy..." Rhys said, s he sheathed his broad sword.
"Oh well," Link said, "we should head out towards the final gate."
"Finally, we'll be in europe soon," Rhys said to himself.

The two made thier way out of the temple.
Link checked his map. The final gate was a country named Algol.
Once they were out of sight, a man appeared out of the shadows,
"it's a shame that Maxi died," The man said, as he kicked his corpse.

"You have grown stronger my boy," he said to himself.
He then dashed towards Link and Rhys's direction, keeping his pursuit intact.
"We will cross blades soon," he said to himself, as he kept running.




Zelda woke up with a large yell.
She had the same dream she had yesterday.

Zelda sighed, as her head hit the soft pillow.
"It's only a dream," she repeated to herself, as her eyelids got heavier and heavier.
Her eye lids finally closed, and she went back to sleep.


Link and Rhys have finally made it to the final gate of Asia.
"Were almost to Europe!" Link shouted happily.
"Who cares?" Rhys grunted, "it isn't like the whole world is diffrent, if we step into another country."

"Have you ever been to Europe?" Link asked his partner.
"Nope," Rhys replied back.

"Why are we going to Europe anyways?" Rhys asked,
"The fragement I have, glows brighter and brighter by each day. It's a part of Soul edge, and I guess it attracts each other's where abouts." Link said, "It seems that Nightmare stays in one part of Europe most of the time."

"People say that Nightmare travels to an old castle in Germany daily," Rhys exclaimed.
"Why?" Link asked, "they say he goes there to repent of his sins. But other people say there is a portal to the underworld located there, and Nightmare comes once a day to feed on the souls that reside there,"
Rhys said, as he spat on the ground.

"Then I bet the castle is where wer'e going to have our little duel." Link said.
"Yep, and i'm ready for my revenge," Rhys said, with a devilish grin on his face.

Link took out his map.
"It says that we are headed towards a bunch of mountains called the corridors in the sky." Link said, as he pointed his finger on the picture of mountains on the map.

"There's no way to go around them either," Link said.
"Great," Rhys grumbled sarcastically.

"We'll be able to see them in about another four to five miles," Link told him, as he put his map back in one of his many pockets.

"Another big walk," Rhys said, with his arms folded.

"The next edgemaster is called Xianghua, right?" Link asked,
"yeah," Rhys said back.

"I guess we'll have to see how strong she really is," Link said to himself, as the two kept on walking.


"Master, I need to go back to Osthrienburg, to collect more souls." Nightmare said to the demonic blade.
"Fine," Isuka said back, "I hope hades doesn't mind..." He said jokingly, as the two vanished in a flash of light.

Tira had finally caught up with the black knight, only to see him teleport again.
Tira sighed, as she sat on a large rock, to catch her breath.

"They are probably headed towards Osthreinburg again, to do thier daily routine.." she said, as she stood up. A black Raven landed on her shoulder.
"Come on death, lets go." Tira said to it, as she kissed the black bird on the wing.


"I finally see them!" Link shouted out, as he pointed towards the mountains on the horizon.
"For once, your right!" Rhys shouted back.

"Were running low on water," Link told him, "I hope theres a pond at the bottom."
"Yeah," Rhys said, as they continued to walk towards their next destination.
The sun had already setted, and they could see the stars in the radiant night sky.

Once the two finally reached the base of the mountain, Link saw a small pond on the right.
Link ran up to it, and pooped the lid off of his water canister.

"Rhys, you should fill up your canister." Link shouted over to him.
Rhys was thinking of a way to gey up the tall structure, with only minor injuries.
Rhys heard a bit of what Link was saying, but he still ignored him.

Link frowned, as he squeezed the lid on the brown canister.
He ran towards his partner, to see what he was thinking about.

"We should wait until morning, until we try to climb this thing," Rhys pointed out.
"Good plan," Link said, "I'll get a fire started."


Nightmare could see all the blue orbs being sucked into Soul edge.
Once they stopped coming, he grabbed it's hilt, and took it out of the castle's floor.
The castle has seen many battles before.
Most of the walls have been blown off, exposing it to the outside.
A large organ was located on the only surviving wall.

A large bell was located in the tallest tower of the castle.
It never rang again.

"Well, we should go to Belgium, to steal more lives," Nightmare suggested.
"Good plan," Isuka commented.
Nightmare vanished into thin air, waiting to see the terrified faces of people, when he impaled them with his sword.


Link opened his eyes, it was morning.
Rhys was still snoring away.

"No wonder I couldn't get a good night sleep," Link pondered, as he rolled up his hand made sleeping bag.
Rhys finally rised up. Yawning, as he stretched for a moment.

"Well, we should start climbing." Rhys said, as he gathered his belongings.
"Yeah," Link replied.

Link could barely see the summit of the mountain.
Link groaned, as he latched his hands to the bedrock of the mountain.

Link was very high up now, and was worried, he would slip, and fall to his death.
"I havn't heard Rhys in a while," Link wondered to himself.

Just then, he saw Rhys fly up beside him.
"Whats the matter?" Rhys asked,
"having trouble?"

"Go away!" Link shouted, as he swatted his hand at his companion, almost falling in the process.
"i'll meet you at the top." Rhys said, as rose upwards.
Link grumbled, as he could feel his hands starting to lose grip.

"Come on, just a little more," Link said to himself, as he grabbed another ledge.

Just then, the ledge crumbled under the hylian's weight, and Link was now free falling.
Link screamed, as he started to think of a way out of this.
He then pulled out the green crystal.

He chanted the speel, and the crystal glowed brightly.
And in a flash, Link teleported.
He then reappeared at the top of the mountain.

Rhys was there waiting for him.
"I heard a loud scream..." Rhys said, "but i'm not going to ask about it."
Link grumbled, as they looked around.

The top of the mountain was like being on solid ground. There were trees, and plants, and a small pond.
"Now, lets go down," Rhys said, as he walked over to the opposite ledge.
He jumped off, and slowly levitated to the ground.

Link grumbled, as he climbed down the mountain.

Once he got to the ground, Rhys aid to him, "Why didn't you use your teleportation device?"
"I can only use it once a day," Link said, "and I already used it."

Rhys shrugged, "oh well, at least we can contine on..." he said.
And the two headed deeper into the land of Algol, waiting to challenge the edgemaster Xianghua.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!




After thier treachorous climb up the Corridors in the sky, Link and Rhys finally spotted a small town in the distance.
"A town? all the way out here?" Asked Link.

"Yes," said Rhys, "its called the city of Ashera. The last city in Asia."
"Its the town where edgemaster, Xianghua resides." he explained.

"Then I guess were only a few hours away from entering into Europe." Link said cheerfully.
Rhys shrugged, as the two headed towards the city.

After an hour of travelling, Link and Rhys finally reached Ashera.
Link went and knocked on the gate's dark wood.
"Um, could you please open the gate for two weary travellers?" Link yelled, as he kept knocking on the door.

Just then, a yellow beam came out of nowhere, and blew a hole into the door.
Then, five more blasts came, and obliterated half of the gate
Link turned around, and saw Rhys, lowering his smoking hand.

Link sighed, as he turned back around, and entered through the destroyed gate, clearing all the singed debris out of his path.

Once they entered, they could see all the citizens of the town stare at them.
One teenager shouted out at Rhys, "Hey big hair! why'd you go and destroy our gate?"
Rhys turned to him wit an evil look, "what did you just call me?" asked the annoyed warrior.

"You heard me," The boy yelled, as he picked up a medium sized stone.
"i'll let it slide, this time..." Rhys said to the boy, as he continued to walk past the people.
"Now leave here!" he yelled, as he threw the stone at him with all of his might.

Rhys caught the stone without even turning back.
He crushed the stone with his bare hand. He then eyed the youth, with an evil stare.
The boy got frightened, and then ra for his life.

As the two walked the bustling streets of the city, Link's stomach grumbled.
"We should stop, and eat before we fight Xianghua," Link told his companion.
"Yeah, i'm getting hungry too," Rhys said, as he put his hand on his stomach.

Once they saw the nearest eatery, they entered through it's door.
There were many people sitting at the wooden tables around them.

The two sat at the nearest table, and waited for the waitress to come out.
After five minutes, a girl wearing a red apron approached them.
She handed out menu's to them.

"I'll have a well done chicken," Link said, as he gave the waitress the menu.
"I'll have a steak, and a small bottle of whisky," Rhys said, as he passed the menu over to her.

"Your food will be ready in a moment." The girl said happily, as she walked away.
Link turned over to Rhys. "Youre not old enough to drink!" Link yelled,
"I won't get drunk. I promise." Rhys said back.

Afte thirty minutes of waiting, the waitress came out with thier plates.
"Enjoy!" She said, as she put the plates in front of them.

"Well, bottoms up!" Rhys said, as he popped off the lid of the beverage.
"I better not be the one to drag you out of here." Link said, as he bit into his chicken.

*thirty minutes later*

Rhys was almost falling out of his chair. Link couldn't bare to be seen with him.
"I thought this would happen." Link sighed, as he finished the last bit of his chicken.

Then, Rhys fell out of the chair, and hit his head on the table as he was falling.
He was out cold.

"So, what did he have?" said the man sitting beside Link.
"a small bottle of light whisky," Link said, humiliatingly.
"This guys pathetic!" The man said.
"He's underage." Link said back.

"Well, good luck waking him up." Said the man, as he turned around.

Link ate the rest of Rhys's steak, and then dragged him out of the resturaunt.
Rhys looked dead, the way Link was dragging him.

As they got outside, Link poured some water on Rhys's face.
Rhys woke up in a daze.
"Man..... I.....don't....feel......alright..." Rhys muttered, as he was having trouble getting up.
"Serves you right!" Link yelled.
"We should get info on where Xianghua is."

After fourty minutes of gathering info, and stuffing his face into a bucket numerous times, Rhys finally started to feel better.
"So, we know that the edgemaster lives in an ampittheatre," Link said,
"now we need to know where the ampittheatre is located."

"Iv'e heard that the theatre is located at the edge of town, right before the large tunnel." Rhys said.
"Tunnel?" asked Link, "The tunnel of Algol is pretty much the border that divides Asia and Europe." Rhys explained.
"That doesn't sound too bad..." Link said, as he remembered being thrown into the Gerudo's dungeon several times, while trying to save the four carpenters.

After a long walk through town, they finally reached the old ampittheatre.
"It looks, a little run down," Link said, as he pointed to all the broken windows.
"Oh well, we should probably enter." Rhys said.

Link knocked on the door.
He almost put a hole through it doing so.
Link knocked lighter, until a man in a black tuxedo came rushing to the door.

"May I help you?" asked the man.
"We would like to see Xianghua." Link told him.
"hmmmm.... right this way sirs." The man said, as he opened the door.

As the two walked into the theatre, they were ready for anything.



Link and Rhys stepped into the large building.
Suprisingly enough, it looked quite radiant inside the theatre.

Link stared in awe at all the large paintings, hung up on the wall.
Rhys didn't pay them no mind though.

The man in the tuxuedo, finally came to a halt infront of a black door.
"She's in here, sirs," said the man politley.
He opened the door. The large creaking noise would have caught the edgemaster's attetion by now.

As the two walked through the entrance, they found themselves in a giant auditorium.
They looked around for a moment, there was a sea of leather chairs, lined up facing the center stage.
The stage was enormous. On the stage, was a girl, swinging her small sword around at air.

"I wonder who that is?" Link asked, Rhys swatted Link on the back of the head for his stupitity.
"Idiot, thats Xianghua." Rhys yelled.
"Geez, sorry," Link said sarcasticaly, as he rubbed his now bruised head.

As the two walked down one of the aisles, the young woman spotted the two.
"Who are you?" asked the woman, as she stepped down the stairs to get off the stage.
"I am Link." Link said cheerfully, as he pointed to himself, "and that's Rhys!" He said, as he pointed towards his grumbling companion.

"What do you want?" asked the woman.
"We need to get into Europe." Link told her.
"Why?" she asked suspiciously.

Link then drew Soul Calibur. It's blade glew off of the mirrors around the theatre.
"Oh, I see..." She said, as she grinned.
"Your the one our master has told us about." She said.
"You must be strong, to defeat Taki and Maxi," she said, as she readied her sword.
Link eyed her, and then took his fighting stance.
Rhys had already drew Mobius, waiting for her to make a move.

"Let us begin!" Xianghua said, as she thrusted at Link.


Zasalamel jumped to tree to tree, as he kept on the dark knight's trail.
"If Nightmare does die," he said to himself, "then I will have to take matters into my own hand."
Just then, Zasalamel, felt a sharp pain in his heart.
He stopped, and clung to his robe with his right hand.

"Don't worry," he said to himself, "it will all be over soon."


"Zasalamel!" yelled a large man.
"Come over here!"
"Yes master, said a young boy.

"We have finally found the holy blade!" the man said happily.
"Soul Calibur?!" asked the youth.
"Yes!" cied the man.

As the young boy followed the man, they came to a large group of people, hudled around something.
As the youth pushed his way into the group, he spotted the onyx hilt of the sword.
"It really is Soul Calibur!" said the young boy.

The man pushed his way through the crowd also,
"get this artifact to a safe place!" yelled the man, as two men came over, and picked up the sword, and walked away with it.

After about a day, the young boy tried to peek at the pearlescent blade.
"No! you are not authorized to go in there!" yelled one of the guards, as he pushed the boy to the ground.
"Just a little look." Whined the boy.
"NO!" Yelled the guard, as he pointed his lance at him.

The next day, the boy snuck into the building while the guards were occupied with other business.
He walked up to the sword of men.
"Iv'e heard rumors, that you can grant immortality..." The boy said to himself.
"I can live forever.. all I need is you..."

The boy grabbed the hilt of the sword. But since he wasn't pure enough to control it,
the sword gelw brightly. It blinded the boy for a minute or so.
Once the glowing stopped, he heard a voice call out to him.
"Your wish, has been granted..."

"I don't feel any diffrent..." the boy said to himself..
"Lousy piece of junk..." The boy threw the sword on the ground.
Just then, a man walked into the building.

"Zasalamel, what have you done?!" yelled the man.
"This piece of garbage is nothing..." yelled the boy angrily, as he kicked the handle of the sword.
"How dare you!" yelled the man.
"You are hereby, banished from our tribe."

"Fine!" yelled the boy.
"I don't need you." And with that, the boy stomped out of the building.


"That was four hundred years ago..." Zasalamel said to himself,
"I was a fool, to not believe in that cursed sword's power."
He held his chest tightly.
"I will not make a mistake like that, ever again.


Link blocked another of Xianghua's devastating blows.
Rhys came running behind her, and was about to swipe at her.
Rhys swung at thin air.

Xianghua appeared behind him.
She grabbed Rhys's Red vest, and lifted her up.
She jumped, and landed on Rhys's shoulders. Her high heels were digging into the pressure points on his shoulders. As he howled in agony, Xianghua, then jumped off his shoulders with alot of force.

Rhys hit the ground, face first. As blood was running down the corner of his mouth, Rhys could feel a pain in his back. Xianghua had just made a large horizontal slash across his back.

Then Link came out of nowhere, and kicked the edgemaster in the stomach.
As she was sent flying, Link ran up to her. She got back up quickly, and readied her blade once more.

Link and Xianghua clanged swords numerous times.
As Rhys got back up, he saw that his companion was having some trouble.
Rhys then took out Lehran's medallion.
As he grasped it, he could feel the power run through his viens.

Rhys lunged at the unsuspecting edgemaster, and slashed at her left shoulder.
Blood was spilling ot of the wound, as she hit the ground.
As she screamed in pain, She looked up at Rhys.

He was holding his broad sword right above her head.
"Good bye," Rhys said, maniacally.
As the sword was coming down, Link jumped in, and blocked the attack with Soul Calibur.
"What are you doing?!" Rhys yelled.
"You can't kill an innocent woman!" Link yeled. "She's only doing her job!"

Rhys was getting a little annoyed.
"Step aside Link!" Rhys yelled.
"If you want to kill her, you'll have to kill me also," Link yelled, as he stepped infront of the injured fighter.

Rhys sighed, as he sheathed Mobius.
"Fine, i'll be able to do some killing in Europe anyways," he said.
Link threw a mushroom at the fallen edgemaster.

"Eat it." Link told her,
"it will heal you." Xianghua looked at the mushroom, and then at Link.
She then popped the mushroom in her mouth. She could feel the large wound on her shoulder dissapear.
Link helped her back onto her feet.

"Thank you," Xianghua said.
"It was nothing," Link said back, "I was raised good."
"Well, thats good, unlike your blood lust friend over there." She said.
Rhys snorted, as he wiped the blood off of his mouth.

"Well, you have gained access to Europe." She said happily.
"All right then," Link said.
"We should get going then."

"Good luck!" Xianghua yelled out, as the two walked towards The tunnel of Algol.

Once they were out of sight, a man walked into the auditorium.
"So, you lost eh?" The man said,
"Oh, its you master Heishiro," Xianghua said.

"You think they are ready of the challenges ahead?" he asked.
"I think they'll do just fine..." Xianghua said.
"I'll still follow them, just to make sure..." The man said.

"Well, carry on." He said, as he dashed in Link and Rhys's direction.
"Don't go too hard on them..." Xianghua said.


And thus, Link and Rhys have finally made it into Europe.
Thier skills will be put to the test, as they are getting closer and closer to thier goal.


QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


*Souls and swords*

Location: Crystal mines, Merak, North eastern Ukraine, Eastern Europe.



As Xianghua lost sight of her master, she started to think about the man who almost kiled her.
"Rhys..." she said softly, as she closed her eyes.


"You almost done packing Kilik?" Rhys asked, as he put small packets of food in one of his many bags.
"Almost!" Kilik yelled back, "I just need to pack some extra clothes."

Just then, the door of the house swung open. And a girl walked in.
"Xianghua..." Kilik said to himself, as he stopped packing.
"Kilik!" yelled the young girl, as she dashed towards him.

She opened her arms, and with them, hugged Kilik tightly.
Rhys rolled his eyes, as he ignored the two.
"Please don't leave me!" she yelled as her hug grew tighter and tighter.

"Don't worry," Kilik said, as he pryed the young girl off of him.
"I'll be back in three years." The girl's eyes started to drip with tears.
"I can't wait that long!" She yelled.

"Get a life..." Rhys snorted.
Xianghua looked at Rhys with a cross look.
"Shut up!" She yelled at him, but Rhys was no longer paying attention to her.
She grumbled as she turned back to Kilik.

"Promise me you will be back in three years." She said.
"I can't pro-," "PROMISE ME!" Xianghua yelled, as she cut off Kilik.
"all right, I promise." He said. The girl smiled happily.

"I'm going to Alioth, to be in the edgemaster project." Xianghua said,
"being the daughter of the leader of Merak, I need to go."
"You'll do fine." Kilik said.

"Good bye!" Xianghua yelled, as Kilik and his band traveled off to Schedar.
Rhys grumbled, as he turned around.

"And good luck..."


"So this is Europe..." Link said to himself, "it doesn't look any diffrent.."
"Thats because it isn't!" Rhys said in a loud tone.
"geez..." Link said, as he backed off a bit.

Link took out his map.
"It says, that we are in a small piece of europe called Ukraine," he said, "inside Ukraine are two little countries, Merak, and Pollux. Thats where we are headed."
Rhys was completley ignoring him.

Link sighed, as he put his map back in his pocket.
"It said we are headed towards the crystal mines." Link said.
Rhys still ignored him.
"Its like talking to a brick wall..." Link said, as he kept on walking through the european country side.

They kept walking until they reached a small tunnel.
"I guess these are the mines," Link said.
"We should keep moving," Rhys said, "I have an uneasy feeling about this place."
"I thought you had an uneasy feeling about every place." Link said jokingly.

A small stone hit Link's head quite hard. Link twitched, as he turned to Rhys, who was lowering his hand, and grinning evily.
"hmph," link growled, as he entered the mine.

Link lit the candle on his lantern, as they ventured through the dark caves of the mine.
Water was dripping off of the stalactites that were located on the celing.
Link heard the flapping of bat's wings. He held his lanttern up high, and saw a flock of bats hanging upside down from the celing.
They reacted to the light, and they all flew towards Link.

Link covered his face with his hands, as they passed him.
"Dip stick..." Rhys said, as he walked past his companion.
"Link grumbled, as followed Rhys.

As they continued, Rhys's sensitive hearing, heard the crumbling of rock.
Rhys stopped. Link also stopped.
Rhys quietly, emitted a small red beam of energy, and fired it into the distance.
They then heard a large banging noise, and then they heard a body hit the ground.
Link's eyes widened, as numerous arrows shot out of the darkness.

Link quickly took out his hylian shield, and quickly put it up.
About eight arrows hit the shield.
Rhys was blocking only with his broad sword.
As he kept parrying, numerous bent arrows fell to the ground.

He then quickly shot five lightning bolts into the darkness.
Then, Link took out his bow, and strung a bomb arrow.
He pulled back on the string, and fired.
A large explosion came seconds later.
They could hear the screams of the assasins, as they died.

All of a sudden, the floor started to rumble.
They heard explosions all around them.
"There must have been buried dynamite under this mine..." Link said innocentley.
Rhys turned at Link with an angry look.
"Idiot! now the whole cave is coming down!"
Link frowned, as he dashed towards the exit, with Rhys following close behind.

As they could see the exit, they ran as fast as they could, because the celing was caving in behind them.
Just as they were about to get out, the celing caved in, infront of the opening.
They were trapped.

Link cursed, as he strung another bomb arrow to his bow.
He fired. The explosion cleared about half of the wreckage, but it wasn't enough to escape.
Link reached into his bomb bag, only to find out that it was empty.
Link paniced, as he turned to Rhys.

Rhys had several thoughts running through his mind at the moment.
"I can't die here!" Rhys yelled, as a red coloured disc appeared in his hand.
Rhys yelled, as he threw the disc of energy at the rubble.
The impact made the disc explode.

The explosion was much bigger and stronger than Link's bombs, so the rubble was reduced to dust.
"Come on!" Rhys yelled, as he ran out of the cave. Link came running after him.
As they got out, they saw the mines literally collapse on itself.

"That was close..." Link said, as he tried to catch his breath.
"You almost got us killed!" Rhys shouted.
"Be careful next time!"

"Are you telling me to be more careful Rhys?" Link said,
"You go around destroying anything thats in your way!"
"Don't call me Rhys!" he yelled.

"touchy," Link said under his breath.
Rhys came and punched Link in the shoulder.
"Next time you call me Rhys, it'll be your face, not your shoulder!" Rhys yelled.

"Okay, okay, sorry "Shadow" " Link said.
"Thats better." Rhys said with a grin on his face.
"We should be heading out."

Link stood up And stretched for a minute, then they headed out towards the next city in Merak.
And thus, started thier journey into Europe. They knew they would be fighting Nightmare soon.
what they didn't know was that thier greatest challenge was just up ahead.




Link and Rhys have been travelling for hours on end, without stopping once.
"Man, am I hungry..." Link said, as he rubbed his stomach with his hand.
"Stop complaining..." Rhys shouted.

Link walked a few steps back from his angry companion.
"I wonder why he's so fed up nowadays," Link thought, as he scratched his fore head.
after another minute of walking, a small city was visable over the horizon.

"I guess that solves our eating problem..." Link said, with relief.
"I hope we have enough gold..." Rhys replied, in a softer tone.
"Link's hand scurmaged around his pockets, and took out four hundred gold.

"I guess it's enough," Rhys sighed.
As the two entered through the front gate, they were surrounded by the town's many citizens.
"hey there, stranger," a man called out, "welcome to Dubhe."
Link turned to the man. "Hey mister, do you know where the closest eatery is?" he asked.

"You mean Farley's Inn? its just around the corner." The man replied, as he pointed to the left street.
"Okay, thank you." Link said, as they headed out towards the man's given directions.

"WHAT?!" Link yelled, as he gasped at the menu.
"five hundred gold for just a measly drum stick?!"
"Is that a problem?" Asked the owner.

"Yes! at the other inn's I have been to, a drumstick was only seventy gold!" Link yelled back.
"Well, why don't you go back there, and enjoy a disgusting meal!" he screamed.
Link reached for Soul calibur's hilt, but Rhys stopped him, by grabbing his arm.

"Idiot! were here to eat, not kill!" Rhys shouted.
"I'm suprised you would say something like that. Considering you kill almost everything in sight!" Link growled.

Rhys was starting to get really mad now.
He stood up out of his seat quickly, and drew Mobius. "You wanna say that again punk?!" Rhys yelled, as he pointed the golden blade's tip at Link's neck.

"Whoah, easy there buddy..." Link smiled innocentley, as sweat started to drip off his chin.
"Come on, you don't want to get innocent people involved."
Rhys was clentching his teeth so hard, that he was wearing them down.

"ummmm... Link said, as he put his hand in one of his pockets, just then, he felt the metal surfaces of a few golden coins. He grabbed them, and took them out.

"Well, look at that..." Link said. "Some more gold..."
Rhys had a dumbfounded look on his face. The owner was already hiding behind the counter for safety.

Rhys ran Link out of the inn. Once they stopped, Link turned at his companion.
"Why are you so angry all of a sudden?" Asked an impatient Link.
"I don't know why..." Rhys confessed, "I just seem... more frustrated than usual...."

"Well, don't take it out on me!" Link said.
"Take it out on our enimies."
Rhys sat down. He took out the medallion ink gave him when they were in Alioth.

Then Link remembered what the guard told him back in the Altair desert.
"If you don't have a pure enough heart, it will soon make you go beserk." He said.
Link looked at Rhys, and saw an unpure look in his crimson coloured eyes.
His heart had been corrupted by the will to avenge his dead sister.

"Rhys, I think I know whats going on..." Link finally spoke out.
"Whats the matter?" asked the warrior.
"I think its because of-"

"We'll i'll be..." said an unkown voice.
Rhys quickly jumped to his feet, and unsheathed his giant broad sword.
"Who's there?" he asked, as he held the sword with both his hands.

"Easy there." Said the voice,
"I won't bite..."

Link recognized the familiar voice, and turned to where it was coming from.
A man wearing a red vest came walking out of the shadows.
He had long blonde hair, and blue eyes. Almost exactley like Link's.
On the side of his belt, was a scabbard that contained a Japanese katana in it.

"It's been a while Link..." The man said.
"This guy knows you?" asked Rhys.
Link ignored his companion, as he kept staring at the man, and then whispered to himself.


Nightmare was just leaving Osthreinburg, when he felt yet another sharp pain in his head.
He fell to his knees, and held his head with his hands.
"Not again," Isuka sighed.


"Come on boy," a man called out, "if you want to join the ranks of the german knights, you need to do better than this." The two were located in a vast forest. Each fighter had a sharpened stick, to replace a real weapon.

The boy's wooden sword came down on the man, but he easily dodged. The boy flew, from the weight he put into that attack. He hit the rough dirt, and skid.
"Well, Siegfried?" asked the man. "Had enough?" The boy stood up, and grabbed his wooden sword.
He lunged at the man.

"Fredrick!" yelled a man in armour, as he came running towards the two.
The man's attention switched to the man who appeared. The boy's sword slashed at the man, but he dodged again, the man used his sword, and hit the boy in the back. He went flying again.

"Aren't you going a little hard on him?" asked the man in armour.
"he'll need to get used to it." said the other man.
"just because he's my son, doesn't mean that he'll become a general of the army. He needs to work for that title."

"Anyways, I have something to tell you..."

The boy finally woke up.
He was back in his room. The boy got out of bed, and went to another room in his house.
He eventually found his father forging a sword.

The man noticed his son, and looked up.
"So, your'e awake huh?" asked the man.
"I'll never make it into the miltia," the boy said, as he strarted to cry.

The man got out of his seat, and walked over to his son.
He knelt down, and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Keep training," the man said. "You will get better in no time, I promise."

The boy wiped the tears from his cheeks, and looked up to his father.
"Okay!" the boy said with a big smile on his face.
"I'll go train right now!" With that said, the boy raced through the door, and ran outside.

"Get strong Siegfried..." the man said, as he sat back into his seat.


Link ran towards his old friend. "It's good to see tat your still alive..." Link said.
"yeah..." Leon replied.
"So, did you find Nightmare yet?" asked Link, but he already knew the answer.
"....." Leon didn't answer.

"I guess thats a no..." Link sighed.
"Hey, since your here, why don't we travel together?" Link suggested.
"Three swords are better than two,"

Leon looked into the distance, ignoring Link.
Link frowned a little. "Leon? whats wrong?" Link asked, as he reached his hand out towards his friend.

Just then, Leon quickly drew Wa dao, and swiped ferociously at Link.
Link back flipped out of the way of the swipes, not believing what was happening.

"Leon?" Link asked worringly.
"I'm sorry Link." Leon said. "But it is time for you to sleep.
Rhys quickly took out Lehran's medallion, and screamed.
He quickly transformed into his golden dragon form.

Rhys started to swipe at Leon with his claws. Leon easily dodged the attacks, and leaped towards Rhys's right shoulder. He then impaled Rhys's shoulder with his katana.
The sword went right through the other side. He then slashed down wards, and cut Rhys's whole arm. Blood spewed every where. Rhys roared in pain, as he reverted back to normal.

Rhys coughed up huge amounts of blood, before he went unconcious.
His right arm was practically coloured red from all the blood spilling out.
Link looked at his fallen comrade, and then looked at the landing Leon.

Link growled, as he drew Soul Calibur. He leaped at his former friend.
He swiped with all his might, only to see Leon dodge every move.
Leon then kicked Link in the stomach, sending him flying backwards.
As he hit the ground, he could see Leon walking towards him at a fast pace.

Link almost got up, only to be almost killed by Wa dao.
Link looked up, and Leon was standing there, with the tip pointed to Link's chest.
ink thought it was a dream, but then realized that dreams don't hurt that much.

"Why?" cried Link.
Leon looked at Link's bulging ble eyes.
"I knew once you obtained Soul Edge, you wouldn't destroy it." Leon began to speak.
"You would take it for your own, and become the new Nightmare! I had to take you out, but I couldn't take the chance of Nightmare killing me first, so I made a deal with him."

"What?!" Link asked terrified.
"Now that I was working with him, I wouldn't have to worry about him, so I could work on my real objective." Leon said, as he chuckled a bit.
"Once you were dead, I would take your metal fragement, and fuse it with mine. So that I could be able to defeat Nightmare. And when that comes, I will use the evil blade to conquer all life!"

"I'm not out to use it!" Link yelled, "i'm here to destroy it!"
"talk is cheap boy," Leon snorted.
"Now all I need to do is this to kill you, and I can be one step closer to my goal."

Leon raised his Katana, he paused for a moment, and then the blade started to come down.
Link closed his eyes, waiting for it all to be over.
"Zelda, I am sorry I failed you..." he muttered.
But then, instead of hearing metal cutting flesh, he heard the sound of swords clanging together.
Link opened his eyes, only to find that someone blocked the fatal blow.

"What?!" Link and Leon both yelled. The man's sword pushed Leon back a few steps.
"So you have come, Grand edgemaster!" Leon said in disgust.
"The grand edgemaster? he's the grand edgemaster?!" Link reapeated.

Just then, the man turned around.
Link was shocked to find out who it was.
"You all right kid?" aked the man.
"Its... you!" Link yelled.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


sorry that was so long.....
Now the chapters will be up daily.  :P

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Hey! It's been a while since I dropped by O.o


Wow, I havn't done any of this in a while. O.o
maybe I should continue this....

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!