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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -- Justice For All

Started by Kita, December 28, 2007, 05:42:13 PM

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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -- Justice For All

Developed by: Capcom
Genre: Adventure
Release Date: January 16, 2007

Law Firm in need of a quick witted Ace Attorney!  Must be good on your feet and able to over come any and all objections!  If you're up to the challenge report to the office of Phoenix Wright where you will battle for top position!


Upon reading the ad, I sprung into action.  As a young child it was always my dream to become a lawyer and here was my chance, but what is this challenge in reference too?  Arriving at the office now face to face with Mr. Wright.

Phoenix: "So are you the one I've been looking for?!" He points to me with his stern finger.
Me: In a rather timid voice trying hard not to stutter I reply, "Sir, YES Sir! I am here in regards to the posting.  What is this challenge?"
Phoenix: "You MUST review my game and over come my objections to your comments!"
Me: "Right away Mr. Wright!"

Standing tall and clearing my throat I begin the discourse on the game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice For All.

"If you ever dreamed of becoming an Attorney here is your chance!  Four cases will leave you on the edge of your seat while you investigate crime scenes gathering evidence to prove your clients innocence.  One false move and it's curtains for you!"

Phoenix: "OBJECTION!!! I find a contradiction in your last statement!"

"Well sir, I was trying to be more dramatic." Now looking down at my feet.

Phoenix: "Be truthful! And NEVER look down! That is a sign of low confidence! When you present your case, you must do so with conviction!"

"YES SIR!" Taking a deep breath I continue on with my review. "As I was saying, you are only given a number of chances.  Evidence must be submitted in sequential order and it has to go along with your contradiction.  When standing in front of the judge you will hear the witnesses testimonies, listen closely for any contradictions that may be present."

"Even outside of the court room you will be able to question people that may have seen something.  Many times people will try to hide information or mislead you.  Not to worry though because you have the ability to see these locks at which point you will know that you need to gather more information so that you may press the person for further information."
Phoenix: "What a fine synopses of how the storyline works.  Now I want to hear about the graphics and controls."

"Anything you ask Mr. Wright!" Pulling out some photos from my pocket I present them as if they were evidence in a case.  "Exhibit A shows us how Mr. Wright presents his evidence during the cross examination."

Phoenix now thinking to himself ~boy do I look good~ with a smile across his face. "Did you have anything to say Sir?" Shakes his head "No go on!"

"As we can see here, the facial expression is very stern and well captivated.  Expressions are key when presenting evidence and this game clearly shows this." Putting the image aside, I move on to exhibit B.  "Here is another photo I would like to show you.  This one is a photo taken from a crime scene."

"Now when photo's are presented, you must look at them carefully.  Each photo could be means for a contradiction in the case.  Even when on the crime scene you can zoom in to locations for a closer look.  Be sure to check everywhere, the details in the game are very well laid out.  Although the lips do not move when speaking it is no distraction to how the game is played."

Phoenix: "Please explain."

"Well like I was saying, the game uses the touch screen to move about.  There is no free roaming, instead you select the location you wish to visit and use the touch screen to enter your commands for zooming in, talking, and presenting from the record file."

Phoenix: "No one is going to know what a record file is unless you tell them!  If you wish to be an Ace Attorney you have to be more detailed!"

Taking another deep breath I proceed with a nod of the head.  "The record file is an inventory of all the evidence collected.  These items, pictures, or profiles can be used to over come objections in trial and break the locks on those with holding information." Pulling out another photo I place it on the deck.

"This is what a person looks like when they are keeping something from you.  If you don't have enough information to break a lock, do not press for information.  This can hinder your case and cost you time and energy."

Phoenix: "Okay that's enough about graphics and game play.  What about the music?"

"Ah I was just getting to that.  The sound is very pleasing and fits in well with the game.  You can hear the sounds of the locks and chains when someone is hiding something.  There is some chilling sound changes as you examine crime scenes, and who could forget the wonderful sounds of being in a court room.  Whispering of juniors, the smashing of the mallet on the hard wood desk, or the shouting of both the prosecutor and the defense as they object to evidence presented."

Just then Phoenix cringes and gets a look of distress upon his face.  Looking him straight in the eye and now placing both hands on his desk I lean in.  "Ah yes, your nemesis and her whip.  The sound it made has it slaps close to your person.  She was a wicked one wasn't she!" Pulling out her photo I slam it on the desk.

"Now what was her name.... Ah yes, Von Karma" Before I could continue Phoenix glares at me now getting angry.
"ENOUGH! We don't need any details about her!"
Taking a step back now I smile.  "I can see I've touched a soft spot." 
"Yes you have, and never let that effect you while in the court room!  A lawyer who is on his A game can loose face if not always on guard and keeping his emotions in check.  Be sure to remember that when you are in the court room."
Now with a shocked expression upon my face. "WAIT! I got the job?!"
Phoenix now smiles back.  "Yes, that was a fine presentation! Now get out there and SOVLE THE CASE! I don't want anyone of my clients going to jail!"

I walk out of his office now with a huge smile upon my face.  Dreams of the past now flashing before my eyes with a gleam of hope for the future.  I can see it now

~Kita Ace Attorney~

This game is truly fun to play.  With such an enjoyable story line for all four episodes, it's like watching an interactive law and order show.  If you're like me and have a great memory then the game doesn't have the greatest of replay value; however, it is fun to go back and see how much you can remember.  I actually found the game to be quite difficult at times so I must admit gamefaqs became a close friend in some cases.

Over all I would give this game an 8/10.  The graphics could have used some work, but for the type of game it was very well done.  Just make sure when you get into an episode you have a good 2 hours of time.  You don't want to be in the middle and not be able to save, which I found I had to sometimes start over because of the lack of saving in the game.  It's a really good game for long road trips and the whole family could actually enjoy the storyline.

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I remember this review when you put it up on Nsider. It was truely one of the best ones you ever did. The style is just perfect for this kind of game and it was very well done. I am glad you decided to put this up it was nice to read again. I look forward to seeing more of your reviews in the future.


Nice job on the review Kita, the style is refreshing and unique. I look forward to reading any future reviews that you write ^_^.