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An Inside Job: The Revival.

Started by Joeofmars, December 29, 2007, 06:46:32 PM

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This RP was originaly FearItselfs. This is not my story. She left and the topic ( sort of) died. I have revived it for our newer RP members, so they are not intimidated to sign-up.

The era of Ash, Misty, Brock, May, Dawn, and the rest of 'em has long since passed, along with the originals themselves. With the passing of time and the continual beat-down of the evil orginizations by the twerps themselves, the regions began to grow seemingly peaceful, feeling as though the threats were now miniscule because those troublesome evil orginizations could be beaten down by mere children. That happened to be only a false sense of security.

Team Rocket, Team Magma, Team Aqua, and especially the more advanced Team Galactic all thrived in their home regions of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Despite being beaten down so many times, their evil productions continued, and they started to harvest Pokemon for their growing "armies" in this secrecy. But, what good would harvesting Pokemon do without harvesting trainers to train them as well?

As the four orginizations realized that each of the four of them were aiming for the same goals of regional domination and total control over the world of Pokemon, they started to join forces. Not necessarily combining, but creating alliances. Yes, even Team Magma and Team Aqua settled their land and water differences in order to be able to join to influence both.

Team Galactic began the pursuit of new trainers in none other than Professor Rowan's laboratory. They didn't interfere with Rowan's procedures of handing out Pokemon to sprouting new trainers, but they certainly had influence afterward. As Team Galactic's influence grew, they began to position hidden stations along the routes that the new trainers began traveling on. Thus, the harvesting began. Team Galactic started offering new trainers membership, and their orginization grew.
Of course, old habits die hard, and the other three grew jealous. Over time, as well, Team Rocket, Team Magma, and Team Aqua set stations in Sinnoh along their own designated routes, with main headquarters in different cities. Team Galactic's headquarters was, of course, in Veilstone City; Team Magma's in Jubilife City; Team Aqua's in Canalave City, and finally Team Rocket's headquarters is in Eterna City.

Thus, the secret trainer harvest began. Which side will you join? Rocket, Magma, Aqua, or Galactic? Or will you choose your own path? As the roleplay drags on, it may be more and more difficult to walk the path alone. With the more influence the evil organizations are having over the region of Sinnoh, the human mind can't help but give in. Will you?


General Rules

-Please use punctiation, spelling, and grammar to the best of your ability. Type in complete sentences, use capitals for proper nouns and whatnot, and use quotes around speech (no asterisks ** around actions, either.).
-You know very well that you can't have more than six Pokemon in your party, even with one out of its Pokeball. You can, though, have other Pokemon in your PC, not with you. You can interchange them during the roleplay if you wish.
-Be reasonable when finding Pokemon in the wild, on routes, in forests, etc. Obviously, you wouldn't find Golem on the route south of Snowpoint, would you (Though for some reason, you can find Machoke there...).
-Pokemon from all regions are acceptable. No made-up Pokemon.
-Fight battles between trainers and battles between wild Pokemon fairly. Don't do the whole fight in one post and not even give the other person you are roleplaying against a chance to fight back. Take turns with attacks, or something similar.
-No, we will not be keeping track of levels here. That's too tedious. If you're wondering on when your Pokemon evolves after a couple battles, use your better judgement. I'm trusting you to know better.

Character Profiles

For now, everyone here is a beginning trainer, just starting from Professor Rowan's laboraty and making your way towards your first Pokemon-filled traveling route.

Here is the profile you must fill out for your character. As of now, evil Team members will be roleplayed when they're needed, but right now, our trainers are pretty much just starting on their Pokemon journey, getting used to battling, maybe fighting in a few gyms, etc.

Name: ( Your character's name. Only a first name is needed, but you can add a last name too. )

Age: ( Your character's age. )

Gender: ( Your character's gender. )

Personality: (Your character's personality. )

Appearance: ( A sprite, anime picture, or typed description of your character is acceptable. You can use to help you out. )

History: ( A brief summary of your character's past. This is optional. )

Starter Pokemon: (Yes, you're starting out as a new trainer. You can pick any unevolved or single-evolution Pokemon as your starter. Please provide a sprite from to support.)
[[ sprite here, you can delete this and put the sprite in this spot ]]
Breed Of Pokemon - (What Pokemon is it?)
Nickname - (If any)
Gender - (Male/ Female/ None)
Moveset - (Check for possible movesets for your starter Pokemon. Please be reasonable, because your Pokemon will only be at level 5 when you receive it from Professor Rowan. I know four moves seems dull and limiting, so I'll let you have eight moves max.)

Favorite Pokemon Type: (This may help you decide what Team you may eventually join)

Other: (If I left anything out, feel free to add it here)



If your profile is posted here, that means you are accepted..

Name: Martin
Age: 14
Gender: Boy
Personality: Pretty shy, but in battles,can become excited. He will open up to people he knows.
Appearance: He's in my sig.
History: His dad was a gym leader. When he dissapeared one day, Martin became very shy, and kept to himself.

Starter pokemon: Zangoose(Shiny)
Nickname: Blast
Gender: Male
Moveset: Scratch, Swords dance, Quick attack, Focus energy.

favorite type: Normal.

Other: his future team is gonna be what's in my Trainer Card in my sig. Except for the shiny Staraptor.


Name: Zaroff

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: although he looks very elligant, he usually is goofing off somehow or joking around. He is nice and optimistic about how things (especially battles) turn out. He likes to be quick and swift in battle.


Starter Pokemon:

Breed Of Pokemon: Riolu

Gender: Male

Moveset: quick attack, foresight, endure, force palm, reversal, and dark pulse

Favorite Pokemon Type: Steel or electric


Name: Kyle Starla

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Determined, serious about his Pokemon and his training, and can sometimes lose sight of his goals.

Appearance: Average height. Caucasian. Not too skinny, not too fat. Short blonde hair that is combed back. Blue eyes. Wears a brown jacket, white shirt with a blue stripe across the middle, jeans, and black sneakers.

History: Kyle's parents had died when their house caught on fire when he was young. He was moved to an orphanage with his younger sister, Kristal. Eventually, an elderly couple picked him up, and he had to say goodbye to his sister. When he was about 14, he ran away from his home, hating the people he lived with. He ended up settling in Twinleaf Town.

Starter Pokemon:

Breed Of Pokemon - Treecko

Nickname - Will sometimes call her Kristal, remembering his sister. He does not do this often, however.

Gender - Female

Moveset - Tackle, Tail Whip, Razor Leaf, Thunderpunch

Favorite Pokemon Type: Electric


Name: Jake Havings

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: He's a joker. Not much of a serious guy and very stubborn. He hates getting help, and constantly wants to do things himself.


History: Parent's died when he was four. They were great Pokemon trainers and he wished to be just like them. His dad's Pokemon was an Arcanine. The Arcanine breeded and had puppies. Only one of them survived. This Growlithe is now his.

Starter Pokemon:
Breed Of Pokemon: Growlithe
Gender - Male
Moveset - Bite, Firespin, Roar, and Body Slam (Some of those are moves you get from breeding, and my Growlithe was breeded).

Favorite Pokemon Type: I don't have a favorite type. I like any Pokemon that looks cool, I guess >.>... But, if I had to choose... I like Water, Electric, and Flying, I guess.


Name:Alex (Nickname: Boogie)

Age: 16 (Looks younger then that, though)

Gender: Male

Personality: Boogie is very hyper. He always is happy and hates being alone. He tries to hide his sadness. He treats everyone with kindness and never holds a grudge. The only time he is serious is in battle or when someone does something extremely horrible.


History: Boogie had an accident as a little kid with his brother (Now deceased) that he doesn't like to talk about. After the incident he didn't want to ever feel bad or sad or mad, so he hides his emotions by pretending he never feels them.

Starter Pokemon:

Breed Of Pokemon: Elekid
Gender: Male
Moveset: Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Cross Chop, Thundershock

Favorite Pokemon Type: Electric and Fire

Other: Boogie hates evil.


Name: Will Parry

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Jovial and outgoing, though intelligent.


History: A rather boring history. His mother died when he was three years old, ut he doesn't remember her well. He had a sister named Lyra as well, but she had a heart problem and died when they were both seven years old. He misses his sister, but doesn't like to talk about it.

Starter Pokemon:

Breed of Pokemon: Buizel

Gender: Male

Nickname: Pantalaimon (Pan for short.)

Moveset: Aqua Jet, Pursuit, Swift, Iron Tail,

Extra Info: Has an odd fettish for naming Pokemon rather strangely.


looks something like that, but taller
Name: Marth Xero (will go by last name if Marth and Martin are too similar)

Age: 13, but looks a lot  older, and acts older too.

Gender: Male

Personality: (decided I didn't like my first personality)  Marth doesn't have too many firends, because he doesn't alk much, but when he does it's beyond what anyone would believe would come out of this boy's mind (in a good way).  He's really smart, but thinks a little slow.  He will care deply for his pokemon, but won't always show it.  The rest ir hard to explain, you'll see once I start, that is, if I am accepted...

History: He's had some troublesome things happen to him, nothing big like Poverty( though he is a bit on the poorer side) or a serious crime, but things that still hit him hard.  His firends weren't there for him, so he rejected them.  His one true friend moved away when he was young.

Starter Pokemon: (switched from aron to Bagon)
Breed Of Pokemon -#371  Bagon
Nickname - doesn't usually use nicknames unless he can think of a really good one.
Gender - Male
Moveset - The egg moveset on serebii seemed a little unfair so some of these moves aren't accurate.
attack1: headbutt
attack2: twister
attack3: thrash
attack4: growl
(will learn more later)

Favorite Pokemon Type: Will take any type of Pokemon as long as they have strong moves of that type

Other: As said earlier, Marth is a loner so he sticks to himself


You know my profile, but I will post it.

Name: Martin
Age: 14
Gender: Boy
Personality: Pretty shy, but in battles,can become excited. He will open up to people he knows.
Appearance: He's in my sig.
History: His dad was a gym leader. When he dissapeared one day, Martin became very shy, and kept to himself.

Starter pokemon: Zangoose(Shiny)
Nickname: Blast
Gender: Male
Moveset: Scratch, Swords dance, Quick attack, Focus energy.

favorite type: Normal.

Other: his future team is gonna be what's in my Trainer Card in my sig. Except for the shiny Staraptor.

Spongebob does not approve


Name: Zaroff

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: although he looks very elligant, he usually is goofing off somehow or joking around. He is nice and optimistic about how things (especially battles) turn out. He likes to be quick and swift in battle.


Starter Pokemon:

Breed Of Pokemon: Riolu

Gender: Male

Moveset: quick attack, foresight, endure, force palm, reversal, and dark pulse

Favorite Pokemon Type: Steel or electric

Wait, are we completely starting over?


First of all, in your post that shows the characters, it says "excepted" instead of "accepted". And you also pasted Dr.Hobo's question along with his character sheet.

I've got a question, is this all taking place in the 4th generation place?


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on December 30, 2007, 05:49:44 PM
First of all, in your post that shows the characters, it says "excepted" instead of "accepted". And you also pasted Dr.Hobo's question along with his character sheet.

I've got a question, is this all taking place in the 4th generation place?

No... It says accepted... >_>

Sorry, didn't realize his question. Yes, we are starting over.

Yes, this takes place in Sinnoh.


Now it says accepted :P. And, I might join this... I'll have to see how it does. But, I don't know anything about the Sinnoh region, so I might not.


((Well...This is a really exciting start...XP I guess I'll start.))

Zaroff was getting out of bed and getting dressed sleepily...Until he saw what day it was.

"WHAT! I was supposed to get up yesterday!...Maybe I shouldn't have tried to go without sleep for the week...Oh! Right!" He finished dressing, combed his hair, brushed his teeth, rushed downstairs and grabbed a breakfast before running out to Prof. Rowans house.

Wow. I know I do plenty of stupid things but this ones the worst one yet!


Martin woke up groggily. He was used to getting up real early. But today seemed different. Then he realized why. HE WAS GETTING A POKEMON!!!!!

He sat up, got out of bed, got dressed, brushed his teeth, etc. And went down to professor Rowan's house.

Spongebob does not approve


Zaroff got his Riolu that he asked for and turned around and saw Martin coming. Hm...And I thought I had pretty strange clothing.


Martin stared at the strange boy, then quickly turned away. Not wanting to start a conversation.

He entered the lab. He recieved his pokemon, and went back outside. He went to a remote area, where no one was. He let out his pokemon.....

Spongebob does not approve


"Hm...I suppose I check on my Riolu." He tossed the pokeball and out came the Riolu.

"Rio!" It said with excitement.

"You know, I can just tell that we are going to be the best of friends!" He said giving a warm smile.


Martin opened the pokeball.

Out came a Shiny blue Zangoose. He was startled that he had received a shiny pokemon. He reached out pet him. The Zangoose watched carefully. Somewhat...Confused at why this human looked like another Zangoose.

As Martin's hand reached out to touch him, the Zangoose pulled back slightly. Martin, was startled. But he tried again. This time the zangoose was reassured, the human seemed about as shy as himself.

This time, he was able to pet him and it seemed as though they would get along.

Spongebob does not approve