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An Inside Job: The Revival.

Started by Joeofmars, December 29, 2007, 06:46:32 PM

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Ic// Martin heard Jake calling out to him.

"Um...Yeah I'm Martin, and this is Blast. My zangoose." Martin said nervously.

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Jake looked at the Zangoose. It was intimidating, but a very cool looking Pokemon. "So are you a new trainer?" Jake asked, expecting he was.


Zaroff had just caught the Raltz. "Yes, my first pokemon..."

"Riolu!" said that Riolu in an angry tone.

"...Oh, my first pokemon that a caught!" He said patting the Riolu on his head. "I almost forgot."


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Zaroff saw Martin and walked up to him. "Hey, I saw you at the Prof's place and we never got to introduce each other." He said with a smile. "I'm Zaroff."

"Rio!" Said the Riolu.

"And this is my Riolu."


"Ah, then you must be a beginner, too," Jake said to Zaroff.


"Hi Zaroff..I'm Martin." Blast was feeling a little nervous with all of the pokemon and trainers around him.

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"'re very lucky to have a shiny pokemon as your fist pokemon." Zaroff said kneeling down and Riolu jumped off his shoulder and walked up to Blast both to get a closer look at Blast. "I heard the odds of getting one were like...1 to 8,000!"


"Yeah..I guess I am pretty lucky..." He said, starting to feel a little less nervous than before.

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"Rio?..." Said the Riolu cocking his head to the side at the sight of the oddly colored Zigzagoon.


Blast moved back behind Martin's leg.

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The Riolu followed still curious about Blast.


Blast kept on moving back. "It looks like it needs to get used to people and other pokemon some more." Martin said.

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The Riolu continued to walk towards Blast and started walking at a faster pace. "Looks like someone's trying to make a friend." Zaroff said smiling.