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An Inside Job: The Revival.

Started by Joeofmars, December 29, 2007, 06:46:32 PM

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"Well, you know what they say, 'the more the merrier!'" He said adding to Martin's comment. "By the way, I'm Zaroff."


"Well, let's go!" Martin said as he started walking.

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Quote from: Pokemaster944794 on January 10, 2008, 06:19:40 PM
"Lucas.I'm glad to meet you."
"Same here." He said as he started to follow Martin


"So, where is the poketech lab exactly?" Martin asked Lucas.

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"...That was odd...Oh well!" Zaroff took the map and looked at it. " we're here...and there's the lab! So lets go!"

"Rio!" Riolu said excitedly.


"That was strange.."

Martin walked with Zaroff.

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" we are." Zaroff said looking at the poketech lab.


"Well, let's go in shall we?" Martin said as he opened the doors.

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"Alrighty then." He said following Martin in.


As they walked in, a big handsome man in a pinstripe suit came up to them.

"Hello fine people! How may I help you?" He said in a booming voice.

"Umm, we wanted to see if we can get a poketech?"

"OHOHOHOHOHO! Of course! We're having a special event today, you can get a free poketech, IF you can find three clowns in the city who will give you a riddle, answer the riddle correctly, and get a coupon, collect all three coupons, and bring them to me, TO WIN A FREE POKETECH! Are you up to it?"

Martin looked at Zaroff.

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"Oh boy! I've always liked riddles!" He said excitedly. "So what are we waiting for?"


"I did it!" Boogie yelled as he crashed through the door of the of the Poketch company.

"Good job!" The man in the suit said as they exchanged their items.

Boogie eyed his new Poketch.


"Woah, someone got one already..LET'S GO!" Martin said as he raced out of the building.

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"Wohoo!" He shouted following Martin.


Kyle walked into Jubilife City, having trained his Treecko a little on the outskirts of the town. He walked into the Pokemon Center, and handed the Nurse Joy his Pokeball. When he got his Treecko back, he walked into the Poketch Building. He whispered something into the president's ear, and the man nodded, handing him a blue Poketch. "Thanks." Kyle said, and went to walk out the building.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.