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are you too old?

Started by supermario156, January 02, 2008, 07:54:23 AM

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not famy

i am too mature for such childish activities


Never too old to play in the snow...however, I haven't had the "right" kind of snow for building anything in a long time. I live up on a mountain, and we always get either ice, or the kind of snow that's soft and fluffy. The crap that sticks to your skin and "burns" you with coldness. :D Haven't had good packing snow in years.

Daft Pink

Quote from: Kita on January 02, 2008, 08:00:27 AM
*copies my post from NS2*

In life we go through fazes. From about 15-21 you might feel you are too old to do some of the things you did when you were younger, but after 21 you just start to act silly all over again and soon realize that you don't care what others think.

I'm 26 now and NO I'm not to old to play in the snow LOL. I still have snow ball fights. A few weeks ago my room mate who is 61 BTW and I had a snow ball fight LOL.

What the intercourse ? 61?