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Darkrai's Plot: A Pokemon Role Play: Signups Open!!!!!!!

Started by jnfs2014, January 15, 2008, 05:39:44 PM

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Kyle readied himself. "Shock wave!" He sent many bursts of electricity at Ozymandias.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Ozymandias knew that he couldn't dodge Shock Wave. He took the brunt of the attack and grunted. He steadied himself and cried, "Flame Wheel!" He engulfed himself in flame and charged at Kyle.


Kyle tried to dodge out of the way, but his left arm got slightly singed by the fire. "Urgh." He turned and faced the Chimchar. That's not a horrible injury... I can manage.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Ozymandias smirked when he noticed the wound. "Fire Spin!" he cried as the Flame Wheel died out. The usual tornado of flame issued from his mouth.


"Thunderu Bolt!" Kyle released a large burst of electricity at the Chimchar, meeting with his flames. The two energies nulled each other, and they disinegrated. "It seems we're evenly matched."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"It would appear so," said Ozymandias. "Flame Wheel!" With that, he charged at Kyle again.


"Extremespeed!" Kyle rushed towards Ozymandias at breakneck speed, and hit him with full force.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Ozymandias was knocked out of his own flames and stunned. He slowly got up and with a cry of "Fire Spin" sent more flames at Kyle.


Kyle also got injured from his Extremespeed hit, as he got slightly burned again from the Flame Wheel. I can't keep this up much longer... crap, I should have sent Kristal into the Square to get help...

Kristal was watching the fight through one of the windows. I have to help somehow... I know! I'll go look for help! She ran out the back door towards Pokemon Square.

"Extremespeed!" Kyle ran away from all the shots, and then rushed at Ozymandias again.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Ozymandias was too slow to dodge the attack and was sent flying. He got up again.

Can't keep this up, he thought.

"Dig!" he cried, and burrowed into the ground.


"Coward!" Kyle shouted at the hole. He quickly ran to a tree and climbed up a branch. If he's going to attack, then I should at least not be on the ground.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Ozymandias poked his head out of a little hole at the base of the tree. He looked around and noticed Kyle was on the tree. "Fire Spin!" he cried again, and the familiar gush of flame flew up to burn the tree down.


Lucas sighed. He was at Pokemon Square. All of a sudden he saw a flame.
"Fire Spin," he said to himself. He ran to see where it came from.
He saw a Pikachu battling a Chimchar. Kyle. " Do you need any help?," Lucas shouted.


((Uhh... How the hell did you get there so fast? Kristal left before you did to go to Pokemon Square, and she hasn't gotten there yet. Therefore, it is impossible for you to be there already. However, I won't mind it this time, as Riolus could be faster than Treeckos))

Kyle jumped down from the tree quickly. He was too busy to notice the newcomer.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.