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Mario Bros. Military: The Revival

Started by MarioGamer, September 23, 2007, 10:18:58 PM

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"Okay. Then the insults shall stop. You're right. I have no right. Now...Fire. Blade." Shizure stretches out his hand and grasps the air as if going to hold a sword. In the empty space, a blade of shifting flames appears. He crouches down and pushes off the ground and launches at his enemy.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.


nah pax it pretty much is
he probably would beat me most of the time if we ever finished our i guess it's good for me that we don't :p

Pax Romana

He jumped to the side. Quit far to the side. He summoned a mighty wall of water infront of the dashing swordsman. He also summoned various other "waterfalls" around the area, where mana created wata.

Kuro Tsuwamono

Kuro Tsuwamono paced himself into this supposed "Mario Bros. Military". He was unfamiliar with the people around him, but that did not change his agenda. "I was told there were opponents here willing to face me. Come out..."


EDIT: "Pax", don't use that attack. It's too advanced. >_>


Quote from: Kuro Tsuwamono on September 27, 2007, 03:22:39 PM
Kuro Tsuwamono paced himself into this supposed "Mario Bros. Military". He was unfamiliar with the people around him, but that did not change his agenda. "I was told there were opponents here willing to face me. Come out..."

A voice could be heard coming from within the base.  MarioGamer spoke mockingly out at Kuro.  "Geez, you're a pretty impatient guy.  You know, we do have other fights taking place right now.  But..since my opponent hasn't shown up yet.."  Silence followed for a few moments.  Footsteps could be heard moving around the shadows of the room.  From one of the shadows, two red eyes could be seen glowing.  A small metallic orb was then thrown from the shadows at kuro."


(Too advanced? I doubt it.) "Reverse. Freeze. Shatter." A few of the surrounding "waterfalls" began to glow and suddenly, they burst into blue flame. Almost instantly after this, they began to freeze from the bottom-up. Then, they shattered. The fragments flew towards Pax. "My power lies in words. Written, spoken, and other ways. And yours seems to lie in 'Mana', a concept I'd long forgotten about."
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.

Pax Romana

(Why can't I use it? He basically took my bait.)

(And, two, stop being cocky -- this was the attack I planned to use ~

{Pax watched as Shizure had deluded himself into thinking the "waterfalls" were the main course, when, in fact, they had a much different purpose. The waterfalls were intended to cause Shizure to overestimate his abilities and underestimate Pax's ability as he drifted straight into a trap.

Pax would seal Shizure in an oblong spherioid of with an uneven radius, as a doubly effective coat filled with prismatic/psionic energies as well as mana would define the area of effect for his "spell." Defined within this area of effect was the reversal of second law of thermodynamics (entropy) and hastening of the reversed entropy. This would mean that cold would flow to hot, quite fast. Basically, all those little water molecules required more energy to heat up and cool down than normal fluids -- which meant more heat would be flowing outwards of them at a fast rate. This would mean that all those molecules and atoms would begin to rapidly cool down, nearing absolute zero, while Shizure would heat up to an amazing temperature. I'm quite sure he'd have more than a fever. To assist the transfer of heat, all paths of energy that would cause hot to flow to cold were overpowered with so much resistance, it was unprofitable to take that route -- and energy takes the route with the least resistance. Well, that could be the basic definition of spell, but that is really just a back-up mechanism. The motions of the  disorderly prismatic energies ordered the dimensions and planes to create this little section of chaos -- and to make sure the energy flowed towards Shizure -- if at the cost of a tiny bit of speed.

But wait, that's not all. Ice exerts more pressure as it freezes, and heated objects generally do as well. Basically, the wall of ice and frozen solids would be pushing against the remains of Shizure, which would be pushing against the wall of ice like a balloon. Simply, the disorder within this little section became so great that Pax ordered the prismatic energies to increase the rate of reactions and chaos (much like enzymes) -- eventually, Pax's wall would fall, but the magical materials of the wall would be swept into the growing cyclone which was growing more chaotic by the minute (while being under Pax's will, as more of his energies were absorbed into it). Pax had also, apparently, allowed a leak of the astral plane to drain some spiritual energy into the cyclone so that it may whip against Shizure's flesh.

When the cyclone had ended, it would expand simply in an explosion. :D

Lastly, Pax would release a simple bolt of spiritual lightning with a particular enchantment -- exorcism. Let's hope Shizure's body is intact and stable enough to overpower this rune.}

Kuro Tsuwamono

((...I told you it's too advanced. Now he is gonna think you're god moding. Oh well, onto my fight.))

"Red eyes. How overused," said Kuro, amusing himself with his opponents appearance. He merely stood still, reading off the energy signature MarioGamer gave off like a book. Kuro didn't need to see this silver sphere in order to realize its presence. The sphere would not take flight to anywhere near Kuro before he engulfed himself in shadows, and vanished. But where was he?

But just then, MarioGamer would feel a dagger on his lower spine. Kuro Tsuwamono had appeared behind MarioGamer, not uttering a single word. Whatever of his face that could be seen from the shadows were blank. The previously mentioned dagger was in his right hand, very close to his body. It only took a small effort to thrust it into the spine...


"Hmmm....Quite impressive actually. And quite dangerous..." He said. The compliment was real, it had been a very long time since he had seen something this complex used. "Such intricacy. Complete destruction of the target...Hmmm..." He admired the spheroid surround him. However, he began to feel the surge of the spell's effects. "I must be quick..." Instantly, he began to trace markings in the air with a glowing finger. It left a trail making all the runes, words, and symbols visible. Within seconds he had about 100 things enscribed all around him.

"Black petals dancing on open space, nothingness scarring reality. From whence the universe began, the others opened too. Open up that space and let my being through." His body began to ripple and fade at the fingertips. He became blurred and flickered in and out of existance in this realm. Within a moment his being blinked out.

Another moment, and a flash of light burst forth from an area about 10 feet away from his previous prism. "I wish you wouldn't make me do that. I hate going to that other dimension, its rather harsh on my body." He was covered in minor scratches and bruises from the journey, but otherwise unharmed.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.


Quote from: Kuro Tsuwamono on September 28, 2007, 01:38:54 PM
((...I told you it's too advanced. Now he is gonna think you're god moding. Oh well, onto my fight.))

"Red eyes. How overused," said Kuro, amusing himself with his opponents appearance. He merely stood still, reading off the energy signature MarioGamer gave off like a book. Kuro didn't need to see this silver sphere in order to realize its presence. The sphere would not take flight to anywhere near Kuro before he engulfed himself in shadows, and vanished. But where was he?

But just then, MarioGamer would feel a dagger on his lower spine. Kuro Tsuwamono had appeared behind MarioGamer, not uttering a single word. Whatever of his face that could be seen from the shadows were blank. The previously mentioned dagger was in his right hand, veryLa close to his body. It only took a small effort to thrust it into the spine...

A voice could be heard coming from above Kuro.  "Overused..yeah, probably.  But then again, I'm not a very original guy.  I can also tell that you lack the same originality.  How many times has a shadow technique been used like that?  Way too many for me to count!"  For a moment, it seems as if there are two MarioGamers, the one above Kuro and the one with the dagger thrust into his spine.  The body that Kuro attacked suddenly vanishes.  A third voice could be heard coming from the opposite end of the room.  "Like I said, I'm not a very original guy.  That clone technique I picked up after battling a warrior named SageRyu in NSider.  A very basic technique, but it succeeds in dividing my energy reading."  The MarioGamer above Kuro begins to fade away as it reveals itself to be a recently made after-image. 

The visor that MarioGamer wears across his eyes appears normal at first glance.  However, it has proven to be a useful tool for MarioGamer, as he has used it to analyze and copy opponents moves when needed.  Just as he has analyzed SageRyus clone techniques in the past, he has now analyzed a few of Kuro's attack patterns.

The orb that previously was avoided so easily is now seen coming back towards Kuro.  After analyzing Kuros energy signature from his first attack, MarioGamer now has a target to lock on to.  The orb opens into 3 dagger like objects he nicknames his "bats."  These bats fly at kuro, slicing his flesh easily with each impact.  By this point, MarioGamer's energy reading has completely disappeared from the room.  The sound of a warp-pipe leaving could be heard.

Pax Romana

Pax could've blocked off warping out if he wished to, but Shizure's evasion of the attack allowed him to transform the failed mass into something else. And he didn't want the fight to end this quickly, he had some rust to brush off his style.

Pax quickly redefined the spheroid to allow it to last a little bit longer, and to break down any rules in particular. He wanted to create a simple mass that was essentially a ball of pure chaos and disorder that was oddly stable. The little warp that Shizure made out made a little rift in dimensions, from which the chaos mass drained a bit of matter from. The spheroid was no longer isolated with a simple shield off from the rest of reality, now it was perhaps, like a chaos "fireball," but Pax would rather describe it as a sun of chaos.

Pax would gradually generate more strength, fortitude, and willpower from this strange star. He seemed to be basking in the rays it was emitting -- making him much more powerful. He could absorb these rays quite well as he formed them into prismatic rays -- they were an element he was comfortable using and he was also proficient at absorbing the natural shape they took light(photons.)

Shizure would gradually be hit by tiny rays that would scramble the layers of his epidermis, as well as disrupt nerve signals with strange emotions and data forced into them. This would be quite hard to dodge and block, but the damage was minor at this point.

Meanwhile, near Pax, dirty was being sprayed around as blobs of liquid metal were lifted out of the earth by a magnetic force. This metal appeared to be gradually turning black as it absorbed the rays of the chaos star ridiculously fast.


"Again, I admire your use of spells and tactics. However, my body is a giant encryption." He motioned to the massive amounts of runes that cover every space of his body below his neck. "Those rays are simply being re-written and stored." Underneath his clock, the rune nearest his heart was glowing as it constantly worked to keep the energy from turning negatively against the host.

Shizure outstretched both his arms in the direction of his enemy and opened his hands. The one rune, the same on each hand, began to glow. Then, after a second an enormous lightning bolt shot at Pax, or more specifically at the blobs he was forming.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.

Pax Romana

Pax commented, "Ah, well, then may share some of my characteristics. Good parries so far, and to be fair, I will try not to kill you in this spar, for you survived a decently lethal attack, and you shall extend the same deal to me. If  we do happen to inflict a lethal wound on the other, one of us shall revive the other."

Pax had some ways of dealing with this sorts of people, but he would rather avoid that kind of stuff for the time being. He wasn't quite sure if they would be proper to use against his target, and would rather exhaust the simpler ways to deplete Shizure.

There was one little thing about these rays, though. You can't exactly decrypt, modify their code, and store them that quickly. The first reason was that they were prismatic, essentially a physical form of emotion with a few psionic attributes - this added a bit of time to the decryption process, not too much of a ridiculous amount. The second reason to this would be that, these were prismatic rays of disorder - their outside code was a flux, and their quintessence was somewhat of a flux, but it had a stable part (however, it was considering damaged and was quite unusual in most realms and planes, but found ways to exist.) This would make them quite difficult to reprogram, and somewhat of a chore to decrypt the code in the first place. However, for some strange reason, this was not occuring - the rays were appearing to make the outside code pretty easy to decrypt, and were accepting reprogramming of the outside layer and seemed rather normal, actually. In most cases, reprogramming that outside layer was enough -- but not for one aware of the hidden and slighly more absolute signatures and skilled at using them. (I'll help you out a bit. I told you a good bit of what he was planning, but you have to find a way to transmit that information to your character without breaking OOC barriers. Regardless, you will still have quite a bit of it stored even if you began to block it quite soon.)

Pax scanned the charge of the lightning bolt with his strange eye, and reversed the mass of highly ionized/magnetized metal charge's to match the lightning bolt's charge. That would cause the double charges to repel each. To assist, a slight blaze of manafire slightly toasted out a bit of magic elements within the lighting bolt, so that it would not overpower the physical counter.


"What a strange eye you hold...Your magic slightly resembles science. A wonderful mix. And like me, you refuse to give up. I.." He stopped and his eyes widened. He felt the rune begin to pulsate and shift a bit. The rune itself was being modified by these rays. "Damn.." He muttered under his breath. He moved his hand to the space near his heart and began to manually modify the rune. This took around a minute, far too much time to waste, but it was needed. When he was done, he felt the slight pulsation but in a more controlled manner this time. "So many things I've yet to comprehend."' The rune was now taking only small amounts of energy from the rays and discarding the rest. He couldn't afford to waste his energy on such a thing.

"Anyways." He rose his hands in the air and began tracing symbols in the air as he had done before, but this time with both hands. The difference was that the right hand's markings were in black and the left in white. He continued to trace markings at an extreme speed until he was encased in a near-sphere of black and white symbols melding. But, he did nothing after this point.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.

Pax Romana

Pax wasn't truly focused on the rays hitting Shizure -- they were a nice touch, but they weren't exactly meant to hurt him. The rays touched by the rune suddenly became quite unstable as they were threatened to be discarded -- resulting in a few small explosions. However, these explosions weren't truly visible, they were doing minor damage to cells, and a little bit of disruption to his web of runes. Of course, these little explosions were causing a few rays to bounce off course, protecting Shizure momentarily.

"I'll try something a bit different. Hmm," Pax replied confidently. He bit his tongue and cupped his hand to his mouth, as a strange red-hot substance with the luster of a metal flowed at a gentle rate into his scarred hand. This would be his strange blood, a slight bit from his cells, but mainly from the fluid protecting his body. And yes, it was quite metallic, and quite hot - allowing for quick reactions to provide resources to Pax.

Meanwhile, intricate motions of the magnetized molten metal below were cutting up the grass and plants and lifting the oils and chlorophyll (the blood) into his other hand. Pax looked towards his opponent, and blinked - at that moment, threads of the two fluids weaved together, propelling towards Shizure, as they flattened into the runic shape. This rune, too was a fluctuating one, but only the position of the four arms and semi-circle were alternating around a helix shape. This rune was a more direct application of Pax's will, and intended corrupt the other seals - or at least scan them so Pax would have appropriate information.