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Mario Bros. Military: The Revival

Started by MarioGamer, September 23, 2007, 10:18:58 PM

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Kuro Tsuwamono

"You idiot," boomed out Kuro's voice from thin air. But the voice did not cast from Kuro himself, who, still covered in shadow, zoomed backwards without a leaping motion. He would phase through the dagger and into the clone of Mariogamer. It would then be apparent that this was a clone as well, but a more complex one. He was not solid, of course, but the constructs of his form ate through the energy composing Mariogamers clone.

"Don't assume I will use such low class techniques as you have attempted," spoke the booming voice. "I see the error of your visor. It cannot understand what it cannot comprehend. It is not omniscient, and neither are you. Or if you are, tell me what technique I just used. And better yet, tell me where I am speaking from. Well idiot? Hah." On that final syllable, the Kuro-clone vanished, and a chilling pulse could be felt throughout the entire room.

"Do not trust the darkness. As cliche as that sounds, I too must learn distrust for the unknown. But what if your soul is literal darkness? Can you trust yourself?" As the booming voice ended, the "bats" would vanish within the darks threshold. In their place would appear Kuro, his passive gaze watching over his opponent as eerie as ever. "It is the real me this time. Attack."


Shizure watched as all this happened. He was confounded on how the man used his own blood as a metallic substance to form a runic shape, one that seemed to either be for attack or defense. He guessed more likely at defense or effect due to his knowledge of runes. However, this one was completely new to him. 'I'll have to look into this later...' he thought to himself.

He spoke a few words and the black and white symbols began to fly around him and melt together and rip apart as they passed each other. Each piece began to take on a gray color and contained fragments of all the wholes, but they continued to move until they had molded into a seemingly solid bubble around him.

Inside the spheric "bubble", Shiz held up his left hand and bit his thumb. They blood flowed slowly and he made a very small symbol on the ground beneath his feet. After he finished he mumbled a word and a small flash of purple light followed, but nothing visible happened. "There." He now closed his eyes and focused onto the substance around him. He focused on vision.

On the outside, a clump of the substance making the "bubble" formed and began to take shape of an eye. It finished quite quickly, and allowed him to see as if it was his own eye. "Elements." With this word, the sphere flashed red, blue, white, and brown and then regained its gray color. The in front of the sphere a ball of fire formed followed by a ball of water, wind, and earth. The four balls lined up, so if to connect the dots it would form a square, and began to spin rapidly. Then from the space in between shot streams of each element at Pax.
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.

Pax Romana

(I think you got a bit mixed up or, probably, I explained it a bit abstractly. I meant to cause the two "inks" to flow like threads and then form into the seal on the "bubble of seals." It'll just take a longer time to make contact, we'll say -- your next turn.)

Pax continued his work with the earth below, but he did something quite strange, so pay attention. The earth below Shizure began to weaken, and the same effect applied to a decent-sized point of dirt about ten feet away from Pax. The two points connected with a line of void -- apparently the dirt/metal/clay had been eroded away by some strange force.

[1st point = point near Pax, 2nd point = Shizure's point]
Suddenly, with a quick flash of a mana solution created a strange void in the shape of a cone, with the first point acting as its vertex and it expanding out about ten feet from that. This void quickly pulled both supernatural and natural elements into it -- and since it also existed in the tunnel, it shot back at Shizure -- however, somehow changed. The streams now had been corrupted to self-destruct with all supernatural matter on Shizure's bubble. They would destroy themselves while destroying parts of Shizure's bubble (kinda like matter-antimatter.)


"Very well then!"  The voice of a very confident MarioGamer could be heard from within the room.  Footsteps could be heard, but MarioGamers power level could not be sensed.  The sound of a warp pipe opening could be heard echoing through the room.

The pipe itself grew out of the wall on the other end of the room.  The opening faced Kuro.  A bright light could be seen on the other side.  It grew brighter and brighter.  Then, the light emerged from the pipe in the form of a glowing, metalic disk.  The disk flew at Kuro at an incredible Speed.  As the disk headed towards Kuro, the sound of a second pipe opening could be heard in the room.  This new pipe came out from the wall behind Kuro, and, as the first pipe, opening faced kuro as well.  The disk stopped short of hitting Kuro and exploded no more then a few inches in front of him. 

The ground around Kuro began to show signs of foot steps.  They stopped just before the explosion and looks as if someone leaped into the air.  MarioGamer was still in the room, but for some reason could not be seen!

Moments later, MarioGamers image would reappear floating in the air a safe distance from the blast.  He had used a modified invisibility cloak, one that would hide is power level.  Of course, in order to do this, he had to sacrifice the ability to not take any damage while under its affects.  Still, it works well enough to hide him completely while in a battle such as this.  He was in his normal battle stance, ready for Kuros reaction. 

Kuro Tsuwamono

Kuro was still still standing in place; tired fatigue over his unshaven face. He indeed saw the light come from the warp pipe, but the light vanished as suddenly as it came. The disk did not go through.

"I am darkness... you can not play in my domain. I see without seeing. Hear without hearing. I become just to be, the darkness is me." Kuro knew where Mariogamer was within the darkness, and while he was still underneath the cloak, two giant dark claws surrounded him and held him down. However, this did not hold down his body. These ethereal claws held down his soul. A bad movement and his soul would rip.

Kuro smirked within the darkness, and a shining blue, sleeveless vest of spirit energy was garbed around Mariogamer...


MarioGamer was taken off guard by this action.  He knew he was in serious trouble and would have to rely on a technique he had not used in quite some time.  From behind his jacket, a blue light began to glow.  It was not a light that seemed threatening in any way, but more of a peaceful light.  The glow from this light grew stronger.  Then, the shape of the blade MarioGamer carried on his back began to reveal itself. 

Soul Calibur, the blade of heros, began to send its pure, holy energy through MarioGamers body and Soul.  The energy from the blade cut through the claws that were holding MarioGamer down.  MarioGamers soul was then removed from his body and soul calibur vanished. 

The spirits of the heroes that resided within Soul Calibur used their own energy to strike at the darkness that seemed to grip MarioGamers soul at that moment.  The blades power exhausted began to rest in a holy realm as MarioGamer's body, still alive, fell to the ground.  The body got up, now acting on pure instincts to defend itself as his soul recovered. 


I'm signing up!
Race:Kitsune (demon fox)
Powers:He has the ability to control and generate fire, ice, wind, light, and darkness. IN other words, the elements.
Bio:Not much is known about Trilo's past. He was a typical kitsune except for his powers with the elements. His parents were killed during a war against the Specters of Indifference, creatures only seen at night. They sucked out the attention of people. This left them as empty shells, indifferent to the world, as good as dead. He managed to escape from the Specters by accidentally stumbling into the Mushroom Kingdom, his new home.


Hey Trilo, welcome aboard :).  I'll add your name to the list.  As you can see, there are a couple of RP matches going on.  If you would like, you can spar with another one of our members until the dust settles. 


Zan grins and walks up to Trilo. "if you want-i'll spar you. Two elementalists fighting should be interesting"


Okay then, but it'll be my first fight.

OOC//Seriously, I've never done an RP before except for that Pokemon one.


Is Zan still here?


(just to let you know-i don't rp like the rest of the people here...but now that i think about it i really should get shiz to help me with that)

"alright lets go" *my hand moves underneath my cloak and i jump at you, and i land a little in front of you, and my katana flashes out as i slash at you*


Trilo easily blocked the slash with a barrier of ice. He then fired off several blasts of fire.


*water elemental energy apears in the path of your fire* "not bad" *flames ignite on my sword as i spin slash at you*


Trilo dodged out of the way of the flaming blade and blew hard, firing a beam of light.