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Mario Bros. Military: The Revival

Started by MarioGamer, September 23, 2007, 10:18:58 PM

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"Wow... we have a bright leader... wow... I do need to work on those."  Shadow said rubbing his head.


"He is using the Power Stars in battle.

Tao Atlas

Quote from: MarioGamer on October 05, 2007, 11:58:10 PM
MarioGamer was expecting just such an attack.  The moment Ryou would have touched MarioGamer's back, something strange would have happened.  The spirits of the heroes that resided in the blade would immediately begin resisting Ryou's pull, but this of course was not needed.  MarioGamer had already formulated a plan for just such a tactic.  Within mere seconds of Ryou approaching MarioGamer, MarioGamers body turned into pure star and light energy, moving at the same speeds that Ryous body was able to move at.  His body maintained the shape of his previous form, only now he was glowing with so much energy that you could no longer make out his facial features other then his two glowing red eyes. 

All 150 power stars began to surround MarioGamer, their energy being given to him.  He used their power to travel beyond light speed at will, no longer relying on his Ki energy alone to move him.  By doing this, he was able to dodge Ryou's attack.  He quickly turned around and with the power of the stars kicked Ryou out of the orbit of the planet.  He then bolted after him. 

Ryou prefered fair matches, but when his foes angered him to this point, his only goal became wiping them from existence. This was easier done than said, and Ryou had already accomplished the feat. How, one might ask after seeing MG's attack? Easily.

"Within mere seconds". This was the key sentence that killed MG. Moving at twice light speed, an instant for MG or his blade and energy, was two hours for Ryou. This meant that long before his blade or his energy began to react, MG was already dead. He had failed to speed himself up in time, despite having a chance.

Kuro Tsuwamono

Wow. Such immense god moding. From both of you.

I know Ryou isn't going to listen to me, due to ignorance; but MG: learn from this.


A giant penis flopped into the arena. He willed the fights bullpoop to never exist, and there: it never existed. The fight started over, and both opponents penipowers of god moding were absorbed into the giant penis, making him larger.


See? I can god mod too. :)


Like I've said earlier, irony kills. Too bad Hyper's an advocate of "LULZ GOIN PAST SPEED UV LITE MAKEZ U GO BAAAAAAK!" =)

Pax Romana

"Damn guys, I can do nothing but thank you. You just seem to love causing chaos, however, I try to stray from excessive abuse of "light-speed." Not a good idea to mess with relativity, unless of course, you want chaos. Pax roared.

Pax had waited for the chaos to brew a bit from the conflicting energies -- the rays didn't simply dissipate into the darkness without a fight, instead they attempted to corrupt it and or simply negate it in standard canceling reaction. Under most circumstances, canceling would usually disarm both users of their energies, and technically, it had done it in this case - but it gave Pax another weapon to use. Within a few centiseconds, Pax would quickly decompose the planar barriers that interweaved on the points of negation, while warping in a catalyzing agent that would first off, speed up the reaction, and secondly, increase the amount of conflicting energies within the flux. These fluxes of conflicting energies continued to grow as more planar energies were poured into and the shadow energies were forced into the flux by the force over the other fluid energies. However, that wasn't all of it.

Suddenly, a spark of chaos pushed the fluxes to the edge . . . suddenly timespace snapped as all the vector space within 2 meters of each point suddenly imploded inward and formed a chaotic flux of temporal energies. The energies radiated out of the imploded points like a geyser, spraying directly upward as more space was crunched into a tiny point, eventually, Shiz might be pulled towards it.

Encouraged by this chaotic swamp of energies, prismatic waves began to flood out of the implosion points - and, they literally flooded out in extreme amounts. Imagine about, two fire hoses spraying out these waves in two directions for each point.

And, there wasn't much prismatic light truly by Pax. The prismatic energy is semi-sentient, so must of it was ordered to avoid Cziri, and any of the prismatic energy that he willed to come by him was absorbed into the "blade" of liquid metal.

Speaking of blades, Pax would simply lift this blade to block the shadow scraper. Hopefully, Shiz enjoys light - cause even more is going to flood out of the blades reacting. This reaction would ne be catalyzed as much, though.

Tao Atlas

(Yeah, Kuro? You're a Cleo. You've got no right to insult other peoples RP'ing. I can explain what I do and to me, thats what counts. On the other hand, MG's rules were specifically "One on one" between me and him, auto voiding your action.

EDIT: Typo <_<;)


I see that my fight with Tao won't matter since he godmods to win no matter what.  The only reason why I godmodded was simply to beat Tao, since that is the only way to combat a godmodder.  But now I see it doesn't matter what I do, Tao won't admit defeat even if it came to the point where everyone else around him know he has been beaten.   As I had said in my post, I was expecting Tao to pull of this bs attack, so MarioGamer had prepared himself for it BEFORE Tao had attacked him.  Even Tao managed to get around that, MarioGamers Soul Calibur abilities make him very resistant to that kind of kill, not to say that it is impossible, but very difficult and you will need to do more then "Touch my back and take my soul out."  So, with that said, I am not going to fight Tao anymore.  He is a flamer, a godmodder, and a sore loser.

As far as the story goes, I will leave off with MarioGamer watching the battle with Pax and Shizure and had just gone SS2 (since he had that convo with Shiz).  If anyone (other then tao) has any objections to that, feel free to ask and I will change them if need be.


Hey Hyper...

Somebody told me
that you got a boyfriend
that looks like a girlfriend.

... ninny.

Tao Atlas

(How was I beaten? o.0 All you had to do was go ethereal yourself and you could've fought at the same speed xD Geez, I blatantly stated that two hours for me would be an instant for you and you still say a few seconds, and expect not to die? xD)


Quote from: Tao Atlas on October 06, 2007, 02:07:40 PM
(How was I beaten? o.0 All you had to do was go ethereal yourself and you could've fought at the same speed xD Geez, I blatantly stated that two hours for me would be an instant for you and you still say a few seconds, and expect not to die? xD)

I didn't state it clearly, I was just saying that you would not admit to being hit or attacked or beaten should those events happen.  However, there are ways to go beyond speed of light other then "ethereal" form.  My Power Star form is very similiar to that.  It doesn't really matter anyway, it was a godmodding fight and would have never ended.

Kuro Tsuwamono

Quote from: Tao Atlas on October 06, 2007, 01:57:38 PM
(Yeah, Kuro? You're a Cleo. You've got no right to insult other peoples RP'ing. I can explain what I do and to me, thats what counts. On the other hand, MG's rules were specifically "One on one" between me and him, auto voiding your action.

EDIT: Typo <_<;)

((If only you knew what you were talking about.

Quote from: WowWow. Such immense god moding. From both of you.

I know Ryou isn't going to listen to me, due to ignorance; but MG: learn from this.


A giant penis flopped into the arena. He willed the fights bullpoop to never exist, and there: it never existed. The fight started over, and both opponents penipowers of god moding were absorbed into the giant penis, making him larger.


See? I can god mod too.

The character is a living penis. See, I did it as a joke: to counter your god moding. Now, I'm not being serious when I god mod, but you are. Your molecules couldn't go that fast, no super energy of yours will change that. You would rip through the air and create fission just by walking. Not even, you would stand and your moving molecules going faster than the SoL would strike against another molecule, and bang.

And if you went that fast, it wouldn't seem like time was slowed to two hours, it would seem like it was going backwards (but not actual going backwards, it's just perception).

And you're not a gaian. Because even the Gaians don't care about the lower munching rules that much, Mrs. Vexic. ))

Sol Zero the Warrior

Sol had merely stood by a good distance out of the way, watching the number of fights taking progress before him. He sighed while still watching Shiz and Pax fight with a grin growing on his face. "I guess this is better than just sitting by and doing nothing, though I would love to be in a fight right now myself." Sol then pulled a knife out of his coat pocket and spun it in his right hand, as he did out of habit when he was bored.

Sol then decided to take a small patch of soil on the ground, and using a small purple plastic pail and shovel to plant a seed.

Edit: Sorry typos and spelling errors. XP


A small cloud would quickly form above the patch of soil in which the seed had been placed. The cloud would let out a few small claps of thunder, but nothing very intimidating. The cloud had no reason to be, it was, after all only a cloud.

The rain drops that would fall from it would not be very intimidating either. Water in small bodies like that weren't very dangerous, at least not to human sized things. These ones wouldn't be very scary, they were just water.

They would however, being to drip directly onto the soil that had been planted prior, a small bud growing rapidly from the soil. It didn't take long before the bud began to sprout, growing into a large sphere, purple flowers blooming at the base of the plant. Finally growing to roughly the size of large pizza, it stopped completely, as did the rain.

And then, with little notice, the plant would pop, as a small, stuffed monkey of about a foot rolled out, grinning happily. From the open hole in the plant, thousands of thin, purple, semi-transparent ribbons of life energy would flood forth, spreading everywhere, sinking into things, a few into the monkey himself. He smiled happily, and looked at the military standing before him....

It'd been quite some time...

*Note, edited the words "Life Energy." into my post, sorry.


((Okay. I'm gonna post as soon as I can. I've been gone for the last few days but I've read and acknowledged all of your posts. Including the new guy. :) Just repeating: I will post A.S.A.P :)  ))
Creator of The Brotherhood of Zeranthia. Join the fight! Pm me for link.