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Lucario, my great father

Started by DededeCloneChris, January 18, 2008, 02:24:43 PM

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Hello, I'm Riolu, I'm the son and I rather tell you that I'm the son of my unique father, Lucario, yes, the aura master as everyone says about him.

I'm always trying to be like my father is, mastering the technique of the Aura Sphere he always tries to teach me, is hard, but I know I eventually master it one day.

I have a lot of friends out there, and my best friends of all of them are Combusken, the son of Blaziken, my father's best friend, Treecko, a Pokémon with many brothers and sisters and finally, Marshtomp, the son of a Swampert, he is always happy, that's because everyone like him, including me of course.

Every day, me and friends are having adventures around the forest where we live, half of them result in punishment because our fathers told us to not go there, but we always go there anyway.

But this day was a special one....

Because my father was going to investigate some odd inciddent by the surroundings, so me and the others were going to one interesting adventure, climb Mt. Coronet, the most tallest mountain in all Sinnoh.

"It looks pretty tall to is ok to climb this?" Asked Marshtomp, shaking.

"Don't worry, it looks easy to climb, besides, there is a path just towards the peak!" I said while I was pointing to a path going all the way up.

"See Marshtomp? Is ok, but we should hurry or our dads will get mad at us" Said Combusken. Now waiting a floor above for us.

"Alright, let's go!" Said Treecko, running to the path, with me and Marshtomp following.

We made it to 1/3 of the mountain and we were already exausted.

"How.......about we should..........return now?" Asked Combusken, tired.

"What are you talking about? The summit is in our sight! Maybe we will be the first Pokémons to made it to the summit! Don't you want to be famous?" I said.

"Yeah, being famous as the first Pokémons who disobbeyed their dads by climbing this mountain" Said Treecko.

"Come on, I'm not tired yet! See you there!" Said Marshtomp while he was running to the top.

"Wait for me!" I said.

"*Sigh* Is never the easy way right?" Said Treecko, now running again.

"Is not!" Said Combusken, laughing at this remark.Now with his forces back to him.

And so we finally made it to the summit, god, that was a pretty sight from there, we could see all the Sinnoh region from there! We even could see many Pokémon from afar without them noticing us. But more strange yet, there was 2 statues of the 2 legendary Pokémon who is said they were the Pokémons who created the Sinnoh region.

"It is........wonderful how those 2 created Sinnoh right?" Said Treecko.

"I wonder if we could make a region like them?" Marshtomp asked.

"Not even a chance for sure" Combusken said while he was laughing again, and everyone else was laughing too, even me.

"Look, there is a higher point over there, let's go!" I said, pointing to a cliff which was more taller than the main summit itself.

"But..........that cliff is not also taller.....but is also the only point where is a direct fall to the woods...........we could..........die if we fall from there.........." Said Marshtomp, shaking.

"Don't be a chicken, let's go!" I said.

"Riolu is right, we're careful you know" Combusken said.

"O-o-ok, but just 10 second got it?" Asked Treecko.

"Yes, only 10 seconds, I promise" I said.

Then we got to the top of the cliff, now the sight was more incredible than before! It was amazing!

"Now THIS is a point of view!" Treecko said, amazed by the view.

"Umm, Riolu, you should stay out of the peak of the cliff, who knows if it will get apart" Marshtomp said.

"You're overxagerating, it will not fall if I stand here" I said. Very sure of the words I have said.

But I was wrong........

The cliff was indeed falling apart! Luckily my friends got off the peak, but unfortunanely, I didn't make it.........

"RIOLU!!!!" They said to me, while I was getting more and more closer to the woods.

"(This is it? I'm gonna die now? But..........I want to stay with my father...........and my friends.....................I think this is a good bye to everyone.............father...........I'm sorry if I was a nuisance to you.............farewell..........)" I thought, closing my eyes to receive my horrible fate.............I was crying..........I was sad.........every second I was getting more closer to the floor........I was scared..........then..........everything was dark.................................

Yes, I thought I was in the heaven, but my father wasn't there with me.........but.....I opened my eyes...........and there was my father, carring me in his shoulders.

"Father? Is that you?" I asked.

"Riolu, are you alright? Thank god you're fine" He said, I sworn he was sad by the way he said those words to me.

"........Sorry if I have dissobeyed you" I said, I was ready to get hit by his hands.

".......................................The only thing is that you're fine, that's all I want to hear from you"

I was amazed by what my father have told me, he was very worried about me, I smiled and closed my eyes, but before I was going to close them, I saw a tear running through the eye of my father.

"(Did he was going to cry for me?...........Dad, you're amazing, I know now)" I said, while he was carring me in the sunset.

The next day, my friends were all alright.

"Yeah, I got punished too, my dad was furious about what have happened yesterday" Said Combusken.

"My brothers and sisters were worried, fortunanely I didn't get punished" Treecko said.

"Well...........about my dad.........well.....he was proud of me" Said Marshtomp.

"What? No way! Why?" Asked Combusken, impressed by what Marshtomp have just told to them.

"Well, he said, "I'm so proud of you, you're getting more brave as I am! Well done son!" then he started laughing, but of course he was worried about all of you too" Marshtomp said.

"...............Your dad is creepy, you know that? Riolu, what about you? What did you dad told you about yesterday?" Asked Treecko.

"Wait a minute, didn't I was falling to the woods yesterday? I asked.

"Almost, but we saw your dad, apparently he catched you in a very fast speed, we got a big relief about that" Said Combusken.

"Wow...........well, my dad told me the only thing that only matters is my safety to him..........but here between us, he was about to cry for me"

"Then your dad sure loves you so much, I'm jealous because my dad will never be like that to me" Said Combusken, a little jealous.

"Soooo, let's forget about yesterday and play tag! Marshtomp, you have it!" Said Treecko, running away to hide.

"Hey! Not fair! Come back here!" Marshtomp said, while he was smiling.

"Wait for me!" Said Combusken.

Just then, I saw my father in the top of a tree, watching me, then he smiled, leaned to the tree and closed his eyes. I was, or I'm still, happy. Now the only thing that is left is if my father will participate in the Brawl tournament, I'll ask him in the night. He'll sure participate.


Wow. That one was good! And on an unrelated note, your new sig and avatar look better.


That was a very good fanfic i really like it, its very unique i havent seen anyone like it ! Great job!
