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Ray#1's MP2 multiplayer tips and tricks guide {56K warning I guess}

Started by Ray#1, September 28, 2007, 06:13:44 PM

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I made this thread on the Nintendo forums on August 24th, 2006... so this whole thing is kinda old, and because of that I don't know if some of these tricks have made an appearance on other websites, so bear with me if you've seen some of these before... on top of that, I was too lazy to completely rewrite this thing... so expect some lame jokes and fragmented sentences from when I was younger :P
Also, keep in mind I made this to bring a new life to the multiplayer of MP2. I actually find MP2's multiplayer enjoyable, from either doing these tricks I have compiled or playing with people who know how to play and aren't pessimistic about the game. Now, onto the actual guide:

First off, I'd like to start with the techniques that I've discovered. Some of the ideas I got from sites like M2K2 and just checked to see if I could do something similar (like the L jump).

Quick grapple

As the name implies, this allows you to grapple and swing away quicker. All you got to do is look up at the node and jump right before you press L. When done correctly, you will instantly swing away and not sit through the animation of the grapple beam catching on...then straightening out, then you take off. For this, it's almost instant take-off. Difficulty: ** (timing)

L jump

For this you don't need to lock onto an opponent to perform this move. All you got to do is hold down L and double jump to the side you want to go (note: does not work jumping forward or backward). Difficulty: * (I don't see why this can be hard...unless you've had some horrifying "L" button incident...)


Side-hopper Station
lots of tricks, lots of space, lots of fun :)

Quick Way To The Top

Do you find it annoying how you've got to slowly make your way to the top through the hallways and cannons? Want to find a quicker, slightly more dangerous way? Well this trick is for you. You know the guardrail surrounding the outside portion of the stage? Well, jump on the guardrail near the entrance to the inside of the station, and make sure you don't fall off. Now, jump onto the small ledge of the entrance. Now try jumping up. Not working? This is where L jumping helps. Just simply have the wall of the ledge to you side, and hold down L. while holding down L just double jump, pushing towards the wall. You should make it onto the top and now you can easily make your way to the very top of the stage. This trick takes some work but can be really helpful. Difficulty: **** (only because of possible suicides)

Standing on guardrail

Standing on small ledge

At the top of the tunnel

Annihilator Beam, The Useful Tool of death :O

Tired of your friends screen watching and avoiding you? Well annihilator come in handy in this case, especially when they keep on dodging. But what about when they're on the other side and you can't get close enough to lock on? Or maybe you can't see them? Well this trick is helpful; say your friend keeps on launching himself across the stage every time you attempt to approach him, causing an incredible amount of annoyance. Well there is an easy solution to this, simply shoot annihilator shots at him. They usually reach far enough and will home in. But what about if he's on the very top of the stage and you're outside? Well, you can do the L lock trick, but he may just run away. So what you can do is simply fire at the top and there you go! Simple and easy and allows you to get a few shots in. Difficulty: ** (If you find shooting hard...then u shouldn't be playing)

Shooting across stage

Shooting at the top of the stage

The Grate Escape (cheesy name, I know)

Being bothered by annoying followers? Are you running around trying to escape to get health? Or are you just trying to fake out your follower to blow him up? Or are you and your follower too lazy to press the X button and start rolling? Either way, this is a useful and easy trick. When you are on top of the entire stage and you are entering inside from the top, aim down at the area you are about to fall into and fire a missile. The grate will blow up, and it'll allow you to escape easily, or instead of running, step back and wait for you opponent to fall through... THEN BLAST HIM!!!! Difficulty: ** (timing with the missile may be hard)

You can't see me!!!

Want to find a spot where your opponent can know where you are, but can't get to you because he might die? Well here's a perfect trick. You know the outside walls that you smash into after you are launched out of an outside cannon? Well now you get to go behind it. Much like the "quick way to the top" trick, jump on the small ledge near the wall. You'll notice a small, long, narrow ledge that is behind the wall. Now... here's the dangerous part. Jump to it, and beware, there is a very small area that you can stand on. If you got a stable hold and didn't fall to your death, turn on your dark visor (so u can see the floor easier) and L-lock looking down facing the wall's back. Slowly make your way to be right next to it. Congrats, now the only way you can be hit is if your opponent jumps on the same ledge, or jumps on top of the wall (which can be done by jumping on the barrier near the outside cannon then jumping to and on top of the wall). Other than that, laugh at your friend while they try time and time again killing themselves trying to get to you (mind you, I have yet to find out how to get back to the stage... so this is mostly used to just get your opponent aggravated). Difficulty: ***** (this is a hard trick to do, with the major likeliness that you'll die from suicide)

View of long narrow ledge

Standing on ledge

Views of person on ledge and in front of wall

Spider Complex
A place with something in the middle I like to call "The BBBT"

WEEEEE!!! I'm flying!!

You know of the Big Brass Ball Thingy (BBBT) in the very middle of the room? Ever wanted to make use of it to launch from one side of it to the other side? Or maybe just mess around and get your opponents mad? Very simple solution: attach yourself onto the BBBT and roll to the top and never let go of the R button. You'll notice that the morph ball is slightly hanging onto the spider ball track part of it. Charge up your boost and continue holding forward. Now simply release your boost (keep pushing forward!!!). You'll fly all the way to the other side of the BBBT and land far away from pursuing enemies. This also works on the 2 other spider-ball tracks near one of the cannons, allowing you to just boost back and forth between the 2. Difficulty: **

Hanging on edge charging boost

Flying through air from boost

There are some other trick for this but they are just simple jumping tricks... no need to post in this...

Shooting gallery
a turret... near an acid pool... near grapple nodes... let the games begin!

Grappling galore!

There is one, and only one, reason why I like this level... the grapple nodes. Quick grappling can be easily used in this for it's full potential, and there is another thing that you can do with the grapple nodes: overpower turret noobs! All you need to do is attach yourself onto the grapple node that's in the same room as the turret, and then face the turret while swinging. Now you may ask "what's the point of this?" The turret can hit us anyway! Well yes, it still can, but it's a heck of a lot harder for it to hit you on the grapple node than when you're walking around. The turret shot explosion isn't large enough to hit the one on the node if they are facing the turret and the shot hits a wall, so you can fire at will without worries. But there is actually one spot... the turret shooting the grapple node itself (or he can simply hit you... but it's hard to time the shots). The explosion from the node is actually close enough to you so you will get hit... with a damaging 75 energy taken off... so watch out!!

Shooting at turret
Another good strategy is using the grapple beam + the dark beam + missiles! All you need to do is charge up your dark beam while swinging; jump off into the direction of your opponent, lock-on in mid-air, and fire the dark beam when you're closest to him. Once he's frozen, use the good old dark beam missile combo. You could have collected the super missiles while grappling and would cause a massive amount of damage to your foe. Your opponent will either die before being breaking free, or he'll have very little health when he manages to get away. Difficulty **1/2ish

Crossfire Chaos

to be honest... I couldn't find anything in which you can do in here... there isn't that much to do... my best suggestion is to give it your all and go crazy... have fun :)


The "move I couldn't find a name for" move

This move is somewhat complex... because you must hold, tap and aim for this to work, which can be kind of annoying for every time you pull it off. Basically, all you need to do it activate and hold the gravity boost while underwater, aim down at your opponent while still holding down B, lock on (so now your holding down B and L) and fire... kind of hard... but it can be quite useful. Difficulty: ***1/2 (I sprained my fingers trying to pull this off once)


I'm king of the world!!

When I looked at the walls and pillars on this stage, I had wanted to climb them and jump around up there so badly... well... now I can. The half of the stage with the large structure in the middle is surrounded by walls that are pretty easy to climb upon, simply jump on a low wall and make your way to the top of the walls. You can now jump all around the entire half of this level, but watch out for enemies using missiles; they can easily knock you off the stage. When you come in contact with one of the pillars going from the middle structure to the wall, simply jump around it to get by (Note: you may want to hold L for this because you may fall off because you turned too much in mid-air).

View of low wall

On top of the wall that circles the stage

Now for the other half of this level...

When you face towards the other side of the level (the one with the large structure in the middle), follow the wall nearby to your right. When you get to the end of the wall, you'll notice a small little ledge about halfway from the top of the wall to the bottom. Jump on top of it and make your way to the top of the wall (take note that this will not work for the left side of the course, for some reason you can't jump on the small ledge on that wall). Now you can essentially go anywhere of this half. Want to go on one of the three pillars? You can! Want to go on the circular structure in the middle? You can! Want to go on top of the 2 large statues on this half? Well... you can't sorry :). Difficulty: **** (there is the ever present threat that you'll fall of from yourself or others)

View of the small ledge you can jump on

On small ledge

On the wall

Standing on pillar

well, that's it for this guide. Hopefully this can bring some sort-of enjoyment when it comes to playing MP2's multiplayer.


Quote from: Ray#1 on September 28, 2007, 06:13:44 PM
I made this thread on the Nintendo forums on August 24th, 2006... so this whole thing is kinda old, and because of that I don't know if some of these tricks have made an appearance on other websites, so bear with me if you've seen some of these before... on top of that, I was too lazy to completely rewrite this thing... so expect some lame jokes and fragmented sentences from when I was younger :P
Also, keep in mind I made this to bring a new life to the multiplayer of MP2. I actually find MP2's multiplayer enjoyable, from either doing these tricks I have compiled or playing with people who know how to play and aren't pessimistic about the game. Now, onto the actual guide:

First off, I'd like to start with the techniques that I've discovered. Some of the ideas I got from sites like M2K2 and just checked to see if I could do something similar (like the L jump).

Quick grapple

As the name implies, this allows you to grapple and swing away quicker. All you got to do is look up at the node and jump right before you press L. When done correctly, you will instantly swing away and not sit through the animation of the grapple beam catching on...then straightening out, then you take off. For this, it's almost instant take-off. Difficulty: ** (timing)

L jump

For this you don't need to lock onto an opponent to perform this move. All you got to do is hold down L and double jump to the side you want to go (note: does not work jumping forward or backward). Difficulty: * (I don't see why this can be hard...unless you've had some horrifying "L" button incident...)


Side-hopper Station
lots of tricks, lots of space, lots of fun :)

Quick Way To The Top

Do you find it annoying how you've got to slowly make your way to the top through the hallways and cannons? Want to find a quicker, slightly more dangerous way? Well this trick is for you. You know the guardrail surrounding the outside portion of the stage? Well, jump on the guardrail near the entrance to the inside of the station, and make sure you don't fall off. Now, jump onto the small ledge of the entrance. Now try jumping up. Not working? This is where L jumping helps. Just simply have the wall of the ledge to you side, and hold down L. while holding down L just double jump, pushing towards the wall. You should make it onto the top and now you can easily make your way to the very top of the stage. This trick takes some work but can be really helpful. Difficulty: **** (only because of possible suicides)

Standing on guardrail

Standing on small ledge

At the top of the tunnel

Annihilator Beam, The Useful Tool of death :O

Tired of your friends screen watching and avoiding you? Well annihilator come in handy in this case, especially when they keep on dodging. But what about when they're on the other side and you can't get close enough to lock on? Or maybe you can't see them? Well this trick is helpful; say your friend keeps on launching himself across the stage every time you attempt to approach him, causing an incredible amount of annoyance. Well there is an easy solution to this, simply shoot annihilator shots at him. They usually reach far enough and will home in. But what about if he's on the very top of the stage and you're outside? Well, you can do the L lock trick, but he may just run away. So what you can do is simply fire at the top and there you go! Simple and easy and allows you to get a few shots in. Difficulty: ** (If you find shooting hard...then u shouldn't be playing)

Shooting across stage

Shooting at the top of the stage

The Grate Escape (cheesy name, I know)

Being bothered by annoying followers? Are you running around trying to escape to get health? Or are you just trying to fake out your follower to blow him up? Or are you and your follower too lazy to press the X button and start rolling? Either way, this is a useful and easy trick. When you are on top of the entire stage and you are entering inside from the top, aim down at the area you are about to fall into and fire a missile. The grate will blow up, and it'll allow you to escape easily, or instead of running, step back and wait for you opponent to fall through... THEN BLAST HIM!!!! Difficulty: ** (timing with the missile may be hard)

You can't see me!!!

Want to find a spot where your opponent can know where you are, but can't get to you because he might die? Well here's a perfect trick. You know the outside walls that you smash into after you are launched out of an outside cannon? Well now you get to go behind it. Much like the "quick way to the top" trick, jump on the small ledge near the wall. You'll notice a small, long, narrow ledge that is behind the wall. Now... here's the dangerous part. Jump to it, and beware, there is a very small area that you can stand on. If you got a stable hold and didn't fall to your death, turn on your dark visor (so u can see the floor easier) and L-lock looking down facing the wall's back. Slowly make your way to be right next to it. Congrats, now the only way you can be hit is if your opponent jumps on the same ledge, or jumps on top of the wall (which can be done by jumping on the barrier near the outside cannon then jumping to and on top of the wall). Other than that, laugh at your friend while they try time and time again killing themselves trying to get to you (mind you, I have yet to find out how to get back to the stage... so this is mostly used to just get your opponent aggravated). Difficulty: ***** (this is a hard trick to do, with the major likeliness that you'll die from suicide)

View of long narrow ledge

Standing on ledge

Views of person on ledge and in front of wall

Spider Complex
A place with something in the middle I like to call "The BBBT"

WEEEEE!!! I'm flying!!

You know of the Big Brass Ball Thingy (BBBT) in the very middle of the room? Ever wanted to make use of it to launch from one side of it to the other side? Or maybe just mess around and get your opponents mad? Very simple solution: attach yourself onto the BBBT and roll to the top and never let go of the R button. You'll notice that the morph ball is slightly hanging onto the spider ball track part of it. Charge up your boost and continue holding forward. Now simply release your boost (keep pushing forward!!!). You'll fly all the way to the other side of the BBBT and land far away from pursuing enemies. This also works on the 2 other spider-ball tracks near one of the cannons, allowing you to just boost back and forth between the 2. Difficulty: **

Hanging on edge charging boost

Flying through air from boost

There are some other trick for this but they are just simple jumping tricks... no need to post in this...

Shooting gallery
a turret... near an acid pool... near grapple nodes... let the games begin!

Grappling galore!

There is one, and only one, reason why I like this level... the grapple nodes. Quick grappling can be easily used in this for it's full potential, and there is another thing that you can do with the grapple nodes: overpower turret noobs! All you need to do is attach yourself onto the grapple node that's in the same room as the turret, and then face the turret while swinging. Now you may ask "what's the point of this?" The turret can hit us anyway! Well yes, it still can, but it's a heck of a lot harder for it to hit you on the grapple node than when you're walking around. The turret shot explosion isn't large enough to hit the one on the node if they are facing the turret and the shot hits a wall, so you can fire at will without worries. But there is actually one spot... the turret shooting the grapple node itself (or he can simply hit you... but it's hard to time the shots). The explosion from the node is actually close enough to you so you will get hit... with a damaging 75 energy taken off... so watch out!!

Shooting at turret
Another good strategy is using the grapple beam + the dark beam + missiles! All you need to do is charge up your dark beam while swinging; jump off into the direction of your opponent, lock-on in mid-air, and fire the dark beam when you're closest to him. Once he's frozen, use the good old dark beam missile combo. You could have collected the super missiles while grappling and would cause a massive amount of damage to your foe. Your opponent will either die before being breaking free, or he'll have very little health when he manages to get away. Difficulty **1/2ish

Crossfire Chaos

to be honest... I couldn't find anything in which you can do in here... there isn't that much to do... my best suggestion is to give it your all and go crazy... have fun :)


The "move I couldn't find a name for" move

This move is somewhat complex... because you must hold, tap and aim for this to work, which can be kind of annoying for every time you pull it off. Basically, all you need to do it activate and hold the gravity boost while underwater, aim down at your opponent while still holding down B, lock on (so now your holding down B and L) and fire... kind of hard... but it can be quite useful. Difficulty: ***1/2 (I sprained my fingers trying to pull this off once)


I'm king of the world!!

When I looked at the walls and pillars on this stage, I had wanted to climb them and jump around up there so badly... well... now I can. The half of the stage with the large structure in the middle is surrounded by walls that are pretty easy to climb upon, simply jump on a low wall and make your way to the top of the walls. You can now jump all around the entire half of this level, but watch out for enemies using missiles; they can easily knock you off the stage. When you come in contact with one of the pillars going from the middle structure to the wall, simply jump around it to get by (Note: you may want to hold L for this because you may fall off because you turned too much in mid-air).

View of low wall

On top of the wall that circles the stage

Now for the other half of this level...

When you face towards the other side of the level (the one with the large structure in the middle), follow the wall nearby to your right. When you get to the end of the wall, you'll notice a small little ledge about halfway from the top of the wall to the bottom. Jump on top of it and make your way to the top of the wall (take note that this will not work for the left side of the course, for some reason you can't jump on the small ledge on that wall). Now you can essentially go anywhere of this half. Want to go on one of the three pillars? You can! Want to go on the circular structure in the middle? You can! Want to go on top of the 2 large statues on this half? Well... you can't sorry :). Difficulty: **** (there is the ever present threat that you'll fall of from yourself or others)

View of the small ledge you can jump on

On small ledge

On the wall

Standing on pillar

well, that's it for this guide. Hopefully this can bring some sort-of enjoyment when it comes to playing MP2's multiplayer.

very nice guide to mp2 multy
but i will not need it