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Dynasty Warriors: Re-uniting the Land

Started by Dr.Hobo2, January 26, 2008, 06:39:13 PM

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"No, you can't," he said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go."

With that, he walked away towards the base.


Zuo Cai thought about fugue's comment for a few moments but shrugged it off and also went back to the base but in a different direction.


Once in his quarters at the base, Fugue raised a hand and concentrated. A fireball burst into existence above his palm.

Ah, so he was right after all, thought Fugue. He extinguished the flame and let his hand fall limp. I can use musou. And he was right about it taking up energy as well.


Zuo Cai got to his room and decided to meditate and focus his musou so he was ready for another attack.


Vlad pulled his scythe out of one of the Archers head. He returned to his room.

He didn't like his room, it had a mirror in it. He cracked with the butt of his scythe. It made a large, shattering noise.


Ic//Treble walked back into his room. He layed down on his bed, and fell asleep.

Spongebob does not approve


Name: Christos
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Weapon 1: Mystic Gloves -- The gloves he are wearing give him magical/mage powers. He uses them for illusions and tricks and when he is not gambling he is pulling rabbits out of his hat. Either way, all his success are in the gloves. He calls them the Mystic Gloves.
Weapon 2: Grappling Hook
Background info: Orphan all his life, was found at the door steps of an orphanage back in Wan as an infant. He found magical gloves oneday when out on the streets. Some stranger just gave them to him, without an explanation or asking for money. Christos was surprised, but he took the gloves and soon tapped into their magic. He became a gambler and won millions thanks to the help from his gloves. Now he wants to do more with himself, since he is so successful. He is great with tricks and riddles, and is mostly a joker.
Appearance: Spiky black hair with a top hat (like Slash) over it. Wears a black trenchcoat over a white shirt and jeans. Wears white gloves and sunglasses. Always keeps a deck of cards, dice, and some poker chips in his pocket since he is such an intense gambler.
Land are from: Wan

((So, am I already part of your group or do I need to find you guys first?))



((Well, where exactly is everyone now? Guess I can be a last minute/back up recruit you brought in or something.))


Ooc// Right now, everyone's at the base in their own rooms waiting for their next assignment right now.

Ic// Zuo Cai opened his eyes feeling that his musou had peaked finally. He walked around the room checking some things, if you were there to look at him, you could say he almost had a dim glow around him presumably from the musou.


Christos appeared outside the base, smoking rising from the spot he appeared from. This must be the place, Christos thought with a smirk, adjusting his top hat. He tapped on the entrance, allowing his mystical gloves to echo his knocking, making it sound as if he was punching at the door.


Zuo Cai heard a knocking but it wasn't exactly from his door. So he walked out of his room which was conveniently located near the entrance of the base. He opened a little slide on the door so he could see who was outside. "What's the secret password?" He said through the little hole.


I wasn't informed about a password, Christos thought. "This is The Uniters base, correct? I got an anonymous call... Did you need some more recruits?" Christos asked, holding the card he had written directions on up so Zuo Cai could see it.


"Yes, this is the Uniters of the Land." He said opening the door. "And don't worry about the password, that was just a little joke."


"Perfect," Christos replied with a grin, stepping inside. "I'll take it to finding my room." He snapped his fingers and was gone in a flash of smoke.