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Dynasty Warriors: Re-uniting the Land

Started by Dr.Hobo2, January 26, 2008, 06:39:13 PM

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"Oh...thanks then." Zuo Cai said finishing the chicken. "That's...oddly nice...But nice none the less."

Ooc// Oh, right, you can join.


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Ooc// Well, Hobo, and TL did something..I forget, and now we're in a restauraunt.

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Ooc// Nothing much has really happened. Zuo Cai and Furue stopped two bases from attacking each other and are now in a restaurant area of the main base.


Vlad walked into the cafeteria. He noticed Fugue across the room. He walked up to him. "Whats on the menu?" Vlad was feeling oddly friendly. It must be the low lighting. He thought to himself.


Fugue shrugged. "I don't know. I just ordered chicken because I was too lazy to decide."


The waitress came "You can pay whenever you're ready." She said, as she put a tray on the table.

"Fugue? You ready?"

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"Wait guys!" Vlad said with a smile, though no one could see it under his mask. "Have a pint with me!"

He gestured for the waitress. "We'll have 4 beers and a triple burger for me, make it snappy!"


Hm...And I thought that I was going to be the weirdo with the cursed deck and all but these two sure take the cake! "Alright, sure. I could go for a drink." He said.


"Make it 3." Treble said. "I don't drink." He said.

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"Fine, I'll have a drink," said Fugue.

Why are all these people being so nice? Something doesn't seem right.


Trble didn't know why he was feeling generous. Maybe he takes after his father. He was always giving money away, And he offered free martial arts lessons.

The waitress came and set the beer on the table.

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The waitress came back with the 4 drinks. "Your food will be right out, sir." She said, looking at Vlad.

"K, toots." He replied. "I call pinkie's drink."

He began slurping down his beer. "So, what's everyone 'ere for?"


"Ah. Well...cheers." He said picking up the glass and taking a drink. "I'm here because..." Should I tell them about Zuo Ci...Nah, maybe later. "Well...I think that peace is just a real nice thing."