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Dynasty Warriors: Re-uniting the Land

Started by Dr.Hobo2, January 26, 2008, 06:39:13 PM

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A long time ago, long before even your grand parrents were born, the land of Dorano was divided into three great kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wan. Liu Bei, the calm and collected one, ruled the land of Wei. Cao Cao, the ambitious one, ruled the land of Shu. And Yuan Shao, the powerful one, ruled the land of Wan. During their time of ruling, they had fought many battles against each other to either gain or protect their land.(Otherwise known as The Great War) Eventually, the three kingdoms reached a stalemate. This is when a great, fourth, force came out from hiding. The leader of this powerful army was Lu Bu. He could take out an entire army with only him and his weapon, The Halibird Pike. His name was soon feared by everyone in the land of Dorano. Eventually, he had almost completely taken over all the lands.

The three leaders of the once great kingdoms realized that this power was not normal. They sent in a spy and found out that Lu Bu had the legendary item, the Musou Rage Medallion. Now musou was a power within that only a select few could harness. The only ones who can use the power of musou are ones whose parents also could use musou. The people who could use musou were known as a Dynasty Warrior. Using musou grants great powers and abilities to the user but it has its limit of use before having to be charged back up. However, the Musou Rage Medallion gave its user unlimited musou use and this explained the power that Lu Bu had.

The three leaders set aside their differences and came together to take down Lu Bu. Together, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei, and Cao Cao and their remaining troops threw one final attack against Lu Bu. They were successful in defeating him and they quickly hid the Musou Rage Medallion somewhere so nobody would ever abuse the power of the Musou Rage Medallion ever again.

After defeating the deity Lu Bu, they made a peace treaty between the three lands, finally uniting them into one nation. But a long time has passed and leadership passed from generation to generation. Eventually, the peace was broken and the three lands violently broke into war. This war lasted even longer that The Great War. Even more generations had passed as the war continued. The current three leaders are now Liu Si, Cao Pi, and Yuan Sun. Again, after a while, like the Great War, the war reached a stalemate...But not for long...

You are now in a small army who call themselves The Uniters of the Land. The point of this group is to try to bring together the three kingdoms again. None of the three rulers are very open to the idea of bringing peace back. So what will you do to bring back the peace?

1) No G-modding.
2)No killing other characters (unless you have permission from the one who created the character.)
3)Put out of character speech either in (()) or use Ooc// before out of character talking.
4)Have fun! :D

Weapon 1: this can be anything from a sword to a magical staff or whatever your imagination can come up with
Weapon 2:* please limit this to simple things i.e. bow and arrow or throwing stars
Background info:*
Land are from: Wei, Shu, Wan, or unknown

*~these are optional

My Character:
Name: Zuo Cai
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Weapon 1: The Cursed Cards (Five cards that each have an element embedded into it)
Background info: He is the decendant of the well renowned strategist, Zuo Ci. Even to this day, he uses the same exact weapon that Zuo Ci used, the Cursed Cards. The reason it's called this is because once one weilds the cards can never use another weapon for the rest of his life. However, they are very powerful with the user able to manipulate their movements. Even though they may just seem like red, oversized cards with the symbol of its respective element on it, they are as sharp as a sword. He joined The Uniters of the Land because he saw it in a vision sent from his ancestor, Zuo Ci.
Appearance: He looks like this but younger and with a smaller hat.
Land are from: Unknown




Name: Fugue
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Weapon 1: A katana, colored black and red.
Weapon 2: A set of throwing knives, dipped in poison.
Background info: Fugue is a sarcastic, clever, and confident young man who enjoys inflicting pain. He often starts battles just for the fun of it. He grew up with a dead mother and an abusive father. This caused him to adopt a rather malevolent nature, but he still wishes the lands to be at peace.
Land are from: Wei

Semi-copyrighted characters FTW!  ::)


Ooc// Whoops. I forgot about that. DX I'll go put that in now. >_>;



Ooc// lol...anyways...

Ic// Zuo Cai walked around the main (and only) base of The Uniters of the Land which was located at the point where the three kingdoms met. He sighed as he looked at the meager size of this 'army' if you could call it that. "Zuo Ci...why have you told me to come here?" he said up into the sky, talking to himself and then looking that the five cards that he held in his hand.


Ooc// I just realized... Your character's name is actually understandable! *looks back at "Mephistopheles" and "Dimentiono."* O_o

Ic// Fugue strolled around the base, quite bored. After a few moments, he noticed Zuo Kai, but otherwise ignored him.


Ooc// Oh no! I must change that now! :P j/k

Ic// Zuo Cai decided to just practice around with controlling the cards. He practiced some simple movements of the card like sending them out in a straight line and then swinging them around like a sword.


OOC// NO! Dear Lord, No! The only name I can remember you having that was easy enough to type was "Monlithos" and considering he comically drowned... Well, I think you can see where I'm going. All the normal named characters died.

IC// Fugue continued walking. Nothing to do, he thought. He continued on in silence.


Ooc// lulz...does this mean that Lanbar and Tanbar will have to die? They haver pretty simple names...:O

Ic// A soldier came running up to Zui Cai. "Sir! There are two small squadrants of opposing forces not far from the camp that are going to attack each other!"

"And...You want me to do something about it?" Zuo Cai said bringing the cards back into his hand.

"Well...The point of The Uniters of the Land is to...unite the land and that can't really happen if they're fighting... And the leader has ordered you and someone named Fugue to go and stop those forces!...So...Get going!" He said going over to Fugue to explain the situation.

"Alright, if I have to." He said walking off in the direction of the two opposing bases.


OOC// Oh yeah... I forgot about the clones-- Er, twins.

IC// As the man explained, Fugue closed his eyes, relaxing. "And you want me to do what, exactly?" he asked. "So two groups are fighting. Eventually, they'll kill each other and life will go on."

He didn't wait for a response, but walked on towards the two opposing bases.


The soldier tried to say something but couldn't think of anything but shrugged and continued giving orders since he saw Fugue leaving too.

Zuo Cai looked back and saw Fugue. He stopped and let him catch up. "'re Fugue?...It seems that they've only sent us two to the battle field."


"Yes," responded Fugue. "It does. Now this could get interesting."


"True...Well, there come the two bases." He saw the two bases, one of them was an attack base with catapults and archer towers while the other base was a defence base with brick walls and other reinforcing materials. He also noticed that the attack base had a yellow flag while the defence base had a green flag. "Hm...Wan and Wei seems to be the two forces."