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Started by Allegretto, February 02, 2008, 10:52:50 AM

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Which Guitar hero do you like the most ?

Guitar hero 1
Guitar hero 2
Guitar hero rock the 80's
Guitar hero 3


Just wonderin...I personally like Legends of rock....The King of all Guitar hero games


Guitar hero 3 is the king of them all.  ;D

Spongebob does not approve


I like 3 but I haven't played 2 in so long and I want to so bad


Guitar Hero 3. It's the only guitar hero game i have. I have played guitar hero 1 and 2 though.


I like the song list of GH2 more than other games.
As for every other aspect. I vote GH3

major tom

GH3 is the best.

GH2 would be better if the controller wasn't so small and all the songs weren't half-assed covers.


3. More master tracks, and just a better song list overall. Plus guitar battles.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


hm Seems alot of people like Gh3 the most, awesome, it is the king of all guitar games, I was just playing rockband, its fun but its really complicated, and going on from what Kazooie-Banjo said Guitar battles are another reason why GH3 owns!