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A lesson on your forum.

Started by Genius, February 04, 2008, 12:55:55 AM

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If you clicked on this thread, it's likely either because you are in charge of a forum, are thinking of starting one, or because you saw my name and knew you just had to read.

This thread is targeted at the first two.  The third group is, of course, encouraged to read. 

Now, to the point.  Let me get one statement across that will pull together everything here.

Nobody cares.

Got that?  That is the most important thing to remember as you read this post. 

Once in a while, you may have horrible thoughts of making your own forum.  These thoughts may stem from dissatisfaction with forums you currently visit, the will to run your own forum, or more commonly, the delusional belief that you can somehow do everything better than anyone else possibly could.

Let me tell you that these thoughts are not natural, and there is absolutely no reason to act on them.  Contrary to your insane beliefs, being able to open an admin control panel and create ranks doesn't make you capable of running a forum.

No, being able to make boards doesn't, either.

...No, neither does the ability to add emotes.

Okay, we've got that out of the way.  Good.  Now, let me get to another point.  More words of wisdom that you'll want to remember though the rest of this reading.  Keep it right there by "Nobody cares".

Your forum sucks.

If by some unfortunate chance, you do give into temptation, everything is not okay from there.  If you've created your own forum, the best thing you can do is come to your senses and end it.  Forever.  Unfortunately, most people would rather believe that their forum can somehow become successful.

That's where those important words I've told you really ring true.  "Your forum sucks", and "nobody cares".

If you've made your own forum, you're probably thinking of advertising it everywhere you go.  Unfortunately for you, this often tends to include places I visit.  I assure you, advertising your forum will never turn out well.  You can post a link everywhere, but no matter what, people simply won't care.  No matter how much you try and force people to visit, they won't care.


Because your forum sucks.  That's the other absolute truth we've been touching on.  No matter what you do, your forum will always suck.  As you come to realize this, you will undoubtedly try adding even more ranks and boards in the hope that people won't notice just how absolutely pitiful your forum actually is.  This will do you no good.

Some people will take another route, though.  Instead of acknowledging how much their forum sucks, they will choose denial, and instead just insist that the members are too picky.  Of course, these members are usually non-existent in general, and you're still wrong either way. 

Neither of those methods of handling your forum's state are particularly good, but if you had any sense, it never would have gotten to that.  You would take my advice and shut it down before it ever gets there. 

Now, you're probably asking why your forum sucks.  There's a simple answer to that, of course.  That's our next point.  More important words to remember, but these may apply to more than just forums.

You're a moron.

Yes, it's true.  You'll undoubtedly try and tell me that I'm wrong, making a fool of yourself in the process, but it's an inescapable truth.  If you've gotten to this point in forum creation, there's very little doubt about it.  You're a moron. 

First important note on this.  Your atrocious grammar has no place in board descriptions. 

Or names. 

Or announcements.

Or posts. 

Or the internet at all, for that matter. 

If you're too stupid to type out a proper sentence, you're not fit to be running a forum.  Simple.  Of course, the morons that choose to run said forums do no believe in this rule.  Take my advice.  If you can't type a proper sentence, don't create a forum.  Better yet, just kill yourself.  You'd be doing us all a favor. 

Of course, that's just the tip of the iceberg.  There's much more on why you're a moron.  Probably too much to get into here, but I'll cover the more important parts.  Next.

If you insist that you're not a moron when told otherwise by many people, you're a moron.  No doubt about it.  In the course of running your forum, you will undoubtedly face this situation.  By this time, it doesn't really matter what I say.  You will simply deny it, then probably threaten to shut the forum down.  This would, of course, be a good thing.  However, you won't actually do it.  You will simply whine until you believe nobody cares anymore, when they didn't care in the first place.

You will likely continue this until your miserable five-member forum eventually collapses in on itself.  At this rate, a gifted few may find the sense to give up.  Unfortunately, many (read: gcf) will continue to create one failure after another.  This will begin and endless cycle that will cement your fate as a pathetic moron with absolutely no hope in life. 

Okay, let's see what we've got so far.  Your forum sucks, nobody cares about it, and you're a moron.  Hold those words close to your heart forever.

Now, I'll touch on the other side of this a bit.  Amazingly, some people are capable of creating decent forums.  You're not one of them, but they're out there.  That brings us to our next point, for those few hopefuls out there.

If you must make a forum, do it right.

I'm sure most of you will never understand any of this, but it must be said.  Some of you may have a tiny bit of hope at creating a forum.  Probably not, but for those few who do, take my advice.  It's the only way you'll ever have a chance. 

If you look at 95% of the forums created by Nsiders, you see crap.  Plain and simple.  This is, of course, the wrong way.  For the most part, these people do every single thing wrong.  They leave no room for success.  It doesn't have to be this way.  It probably will, but there's an alternative. 

One very important thing to remember.

Invisionfree sucks.

Got it?  Invisionfree is for worthless throwaway forums.  Consider something for a second, if you will.  I know that quite a few of you are a tiny bit slow, so those people may want to give it more than a second.  If you're too stupid and/or lazy to create a real forum, how can you honestly expect it to be successful?

If you make an Invisionfree forum, chances are, you probably just did so because you had a random urge to create a forum.  There is probably absolutely no substance behind the thought.  All that's going on in your simple mind is that you want to run something.  If this is the best you can manage, you're not fit to run a forum.  Simple.

There are two reasons people turn to Invisionfree.  One was just covered; that they're simply too lazy to put any real work into creating a forum.  What's the other?

Morons that live under the belief that they can run a forum without the smallest bit of web knowledge whatsoever.  If installing forum software is too complicated for you, there's absolutely no chance you'll be able to handle regular maintenance of said forum.  In this case, you should simply give up before you hurt yourself.  Go back to first grade.

Okay, that one is covered.  Invisionfree sucks.  What else?

Running a forum requires more than just the ability to maintain the software.

Okay, so you know how to use the Admin CP.  My, aren't you special.  You probably think that you're totally ready to run a forum of your own. 

You aren't.

You've overlooked the fact that you need to be a fit leader.  Chances are, you're probably not.  Of course, most of this was covered in our "you're a moron" section, but let's go over it anyway.  You are likely a worthless crash-and-burn leader that would manage to drive any community into the ground in under a week.  Unless you know otherwise for you, you're better off not taking the risk. 

If you can't efficiently handle all the happens of your forum, whatever they may be, you shouldn't be running it.  You probably suck far too much for your position, and as I've suggested before, you should shut down your forum as soon as possible. 

Okay, that's out of the way.  I think all the basic points have been covered.  After reading this, I hope that everyone has a better understanding of running a forum, and all the reasons why you shouldn't do it.  I'm looking out for your best interests here.

To review, nobody will care about your forum, no matter how much advertising you do.  Why?  Because your forum sucks.  Why does your forum suck?  Because you're a moron.  Remember that, and you should be fine. 

And of course, for those that have pressed farther, remember that Invisionfree sucks, and that being a leader involves more than you think.

If you think this applies to you, it probably does.  If you think this doesn't apply to you, it probably does.  If you're VaatixGanon, this does not apply to you, but you're free to take it to heart anyway. 

This concludes our lesson.

Tell that to Silver.  ::)

Also, you make me want to start a forum. :(


I'm proud to say that I read all of that.

Also, I can definitely attest to pretty much everything you said. As I'm sure you know quite well, I'm part of the administration of a forum that's got too many problems to count.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


This place sucks more than most small forums I have been to.


Quote from: TOM_RIDDLE on February 04, 2008, 02:12:24 AM
This place sucks more than most small forums I have been to.

When you say small, I'm guessing you mean forums with hardly anyone there as in a estimated 50-100 people? Also if I may add, if this place sucks then why might I ask are you doing here? Doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me. If your referring to the spammers for the reason this place sucks, if I'm correct they have been banned. Either way, i find this thread very useful.


this is why you dont deserve S.I.T.!

for the record, invisionfree is not a BAD place...its a good place to start before you move to something bigger. i use invisionfree as of right now, and i'm transferring to something much better soon. and yes, its more than making boards, ranks, and smileys. i know that.

No, my froum does not suck. its just not very active yet. i haven had it for very long. i'm fine with that. and, you dont see me going around posting topics like "CLICK THIS NAO!" and the message says "GO TO MY FORUM NAO GOGOGO!"

Also, YOU'RE a moron for making this thread. the MORON part is why no one wants you to have one i've talked to at least...

I do not have "atrocious grammar," the only one who does would probably be kilroy.

"nobody cares." Pfft. tell that to the members and staff of small forums like mine and WIIGAMER24's, etc. Nobody cares about YOU.

A conclusion i will make is: My forum doesn't have Genius in it. That makes it better than here in a way. bye.

I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.



That must have took awhile to type......

Antways, i'm not gonna make a forum... and I never will...

Not because of what you said, because I just wanna go to one forum....

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!

Commander Awesome

Quote from: KAOS on February 04, 2008, 04:45:46 AM
this is why you dont deserve S.I.T.!

for the record, invisionfree is not a BAD place...its a good place to start before you move to something bigger. i use invisionfree as of right now, and i'm transferring to something much better soon. and yes, its more than making boards, ranks, and smileys. i know that.

No, my froum does not suck. its just not very active yet. i haven had it for very long. i'm fine with that. and, you dont see me going around posting topics like "CLICK THIS NAO!" and the message says "GO TO MY FORUM NAO GOGOGO!"

Also, YOU'RE a moron for making this thread. the MORON part is why no one wants you to have one i've talked to at least...

I do not have "atrocious grammar," the only one who does would probably be kilroy.

"nobody cares." Pfft. tell that to the members and staff of small forums like mine and WIIGAMER24's, etc. Nobody cares about YOU.

A conclusion i will make is: My forum doesn't have Genius in it. That makes it better than here in a way. bye.

This post is hillarious.
Do more.


Oh, okay.
Sorry for wasting all of your time with this forum. ^______^
Even though this clearly wasn't aimed at me, it makes me laugh if I construe it in that manner.

The Seventh

Quote from: KAOS on February 04, 2008, 04:45:46 AM
this is why you dont deserve S.I.T.!

for the record, invisionfree is not a BAD place...its a good place to start before you move to something bigger. i use invisionfree as of right now, and i'm transferring to something much better soon. and yes, its more than making boards, ranks, and smileys. i know that.

No, my froum does not suck. its just not very active yet. i haven had it for very long. i'm fine with that. and, you dont see me going around posting topics like "CLICK THIS NAO!" and the message says "GO TO MY FORUM NAO GOGOGO!"

Also, YOU'RE a moron for making this thread. the MORON part is why no one wants you to have one i've talked to at least...

I do not have "atrocious grammar," the only one who does would probably be kilroy.

"nobody cares." Pfft. tell that to the members and staff of small forums like mine and WIIGAMER24's, etc. Nobody cares about YOU.

A conclusion i will make is: My forum doesn't have Genius in it. That makes it better than here in a way. bye.

Before I exactly respond to KAOS, and I'd like to tell you why I came to this thread...  because it interested me due to the title (sorry, but it's a curiosity I have for stuff that might help me learn SOMETHING).

Now, in response to KAOS, he is right.  He doesn't force people to go there!  Trust me, I'm a MOD there, and seen what he does.  He's even gone to serious legnths to make the forum's skin look better (yes, he did), and he doesn't have atrocious grammar.  His forum truly hasn't been there for long, and isn't very active.

In conclusion, I have to agree with you KAOS, you do have an idea of what you're doing.


On the contrary, KAOS, this is a great thread and totally deserving of SIT.

It's true...unless you are going out with some crusading purpose with a bunch of people backing you and an already-strong following, chances are some random forum will never make it and just crash and burn.  I gave into the temptation once and learned my lesson.  Twice, actually.  I mean, the closest I got with lots of help was Camp Epic, and that was only for a week and only a somewhat partial not really success.
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


Quote from: Zovistograt on February 04, 2008, 06:42:59 AM
On the contrary, KAOS, this is a great thread and totally deserving of SIT.

It's true...unless you are going out with some crusading purpose with a bunch of people backing you and an already-strong following, chances are some random forum will never make it and just crash and burn.  I gave into the temptation once and learned my lesson.  Twice, actually.  I mean, the closest I got with lots of help was Camp Epic, and that was only for a week and only a somewhat partial not really success.
This is about OTHER forums, not THIS forum, so it TRULY has NOTHING to do with S.I.T.


Quote from: Shujinco on February 04, 2008, 06:45:27 AM
Quote from: Zovistograt on February 04, 2008, 06:42:59 AM
On the contrary, KAOS, this is a great thread and totally deserving of SIT.

It's true...unless you are going out with some crusading purpose with a bunch of people backing you and an already-strong following, chances are some random forum will never make it and just crash and burn.  I gave into the temptation once and learned my lesson.  Twice, actually.  I mean, the closest I got with lots of help was Camp Epic, and that was only for a week and only a somewhat partial not really success.
This is about OTHER forums, not THIS forum, so it TRULY has NOTHING to do with S.I.T.
No, I'm just saying that KAOS is wrong in saying that he shouldn't have SIT because of his correct opinion on other forums.
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


Quote from: Zovistograt on February 04, 2008, 06:49:19 AM
Quote from: Shujinco on February 04, 2008, 06:45:27 AM
Quote from: Zovistograt on February 04, 2008, 06:42:59 AM
On the contrary, KAOS, this is a great thread and totally deserving of SIT.

It's true...unless you are going out with some crusading purpose with a bunch of people backing you and an already-strong following, chances are some random forum will never make it and just crash and burn.  I gave into the temptation once and learned my lesson.  Twice, actually.  I mean, the closest I got with lots of help was Camp Epic, and that was only for a week and only a somewhat partial not really success.
This is about OTHER forums, not THIS forum, so it TRULY has NOTHING to do with S.I.T.
No, I'm just saying that KAOS is wrong in saying that he shouldn't have SIT because of his correct opinion on other forums.
LOL, i don't believe he should have it either.

Although, I get what your saying now, so yeah.

But I still hate him. >:(


Quote from: Shujinco on February 04, 2008, 06:51:55 AM
Quote from: Zovistograt on February 04, 2008, 06:49:19 AM
Quote from: Shujinco on February 04, 2008, 06:45:27 AM
Quote from: Zovistograt on February 04, 2008, 06:42:59 AM
On the contrary, KAOS, this is a great thread and totally deserving of SIT.

It's true...unless you are going out with some crusading purpose with a bunch of people backing you and an already-strong following, chances are some random forum will never make it and just crash and burn.  I gave into the temptation once and learned my lesson.  Twice, actually.  I mean, the closest I got with lots of help was Camp Epic, and that was only for a week and only a somewhat partial not really success.
This is about OTHER forums, not THIS forum, so it TRULY has NOTHING to do with S.I.T.
No, I'm just saying that KAOS is wrong in saying that he shouldn't have SIT because of his correct opinion on other forums.
LOL, i don't believe he should have it either.

Although, I get what your saying now, so yeah.

But I still hate him. >:(
The thing is, though, that even though he says things bluntly, he's usually right.
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)