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Nsider Underground *Semi-Literate RP* (The more members, the merrier!)

Started by Wolfpika, February 06, 2008, 01:57:24 PM

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I'm working on a big big RP based on a Fan Fic that me and a friend wrote for a while at the old forums before he left for some reason. But however it was really well thought out, and really popular, and people said that it should be an RP more than a FF. Well, I am carrying that dream on, and now everybody can relive that dream(sort of lol). So let me give the run down on what the Nsider Underground setting. Also remember

No Spamming

No Flamming


No killing other people's players unless they give the ok
No humor(JK)

You can't start RPing until I say so

You may only have two characters

You just can't start off where we are, you gotta make an entrance into the story

Be realistic, you just can't dodge every attack and still be miraculously alive after crashing without losing some HP

Have Fun!

....Entry Log: Number 79, Date: February 06, 2697, Time: 1:05 P.M.

This is the 198th time I've tried to write this entry, but I couldn't do it before because I was afraid of getting caught. The year is 2697 and I have sent this message from the future for a special reason. Why? Well, let's start with the fact that, THE WORLD IS IN CHAOS! EVERYTHING IS RUNNING AMOK, MONSTERS, no not monsters, VILLAINS are destroying and killing survivors such as myself. What happened was is that 10 years ago. Nintendo, the game company is still thriving with Sony in their shadow. Microsoft, Namco, Capcom,  Square Enix, and other numerous companies didn't care what their stock was, but they liked to choose sides most of the time. Nintendo was about to release a mind bending reality game console that could virtually transmit the entire molecular system of a human and rebuild it into the character that the player designed it online through the improved Internet on a base site called the Nintendo Planet. There, people will be able to interact with other players online. People viewed this on the Nsider Forums. At the launch however, disaster struck. A real live, breathing, Ratchet was killing innocent people. In minutes, everybody was dead at the launch expo. People were warned to run away, to countries, off the planet. Only a few million escaped. The rest of the 97% of the people were left on Earth. 95% were killed by Ratchet, Sly Cooper, and Jak. 1% was the now the ruling evil empire of Sony. 0.9% are the other game companies, hiding, taking the occupation of bounty hunters, rebellions, and allies of Sony. The last 0.1% are made of up survivors, people who have declared their duty to restore Earth to peace, defeat the great Emperor Lou Sony, and will fight the enemy through a power achieved from the molecular structure system and travel to the Nsider Forums to defeat Sony in which our war is called, "The NSider Underground. My name can't be revealed, but I'm known as Wolf."

You have received this transmission, will you join the fight? Will you ally yourself with Sony? Will you only kill if payed? Or do you even care about it at all?

Please enter your character. A screen pops up and you see a body figure, to the left are several fill blanks with a category next to them.




Species(Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, Capcom, Sega, or Square Enix related only!):

Alliance(Nintendo, Sony, or Mercenary):


Weapon 1(Can have only one element added.):

Weapon 2:

*Hand Weapon(Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Magic, Metal Glove, etc.):


*'s mean Optional FYI.

Summary of what's happening now: The interrogation is finished. The clone disappeared, Sly joined us as a mercenary, Jak and Ratchet are somewhere unknown, and we're continuing on with our missions.


Mission Board

Wolf's Mission Status

Interrogating the prisoners along with Tabuu.

Felldoh's Mission Status

Defeat Lou in a Guitar Battle. Metalhead will be his companion and helper.

Boa's Mission Status

There seems to be a disturbance in Starshine City in the state of AC(a.k.a, animal crossing), people are being robbed of their stuff every night. Investigate it and capture the thief.

Current Status: Boa might have a trail....

Squall's Mission Status

Squall is went over to the Metroid Board to stop the bounty hunters from killing each other in a Star wars war.

Current Status: Squall has almost arrived

Redox's Mission Status

Destroy the Chatters and their Chat bubbles

Status: They...they morphed?

Tabuu's Mission Status

Interrogating the Prisoners.

Profile Stats


HP: 125/139
Vehicles:Arwing that was using has just been destroyed.




Leaf(Hector the Axe)
Weapon 1- Dagger
All other aspects unknown.


Name:Wolf (Wolfpika)



Species:Red Pikachu


Appearance:A red pikachu with yellow cheeks and crimson fur. His teeth are replaced with wolf-like fangs.

Weapon 1: A sharp double bladed sword with two wolf heads in the middle for the handle.

Weapon 2:Bow made from wolf fur and arrows with the head as a wolf fang, that delivers literally shocking pain.

Hand Weapon: A wolf shaped blaster that shoots fireballs

Background:This is the guy that sent the transmission. He is one of the remaining Nintendo Alliance Survivors.

Name: Xacherai Hiro(X_Hero)

Age: 16-17

Gender: Male

Species: Multi-tailed gray fox(StarFox)

Alliance: Nintendo

Appearance: Brown hair, markings on his arms, legs, and right side of his face, black muffler, light blue open front shirt, green cargo pants, and metal boots fir to his back paws.

Weapon 1: Very large sword, a bit larger than himself.

Weapon 2: A second sword that's slightly smaller than the first, it comes out of the center of the first sword.

Hand Weapon: A larger version of a Star Fox blaster

Background: Waking up, with selective amnesia, in a lab that had been abandoned for almost a year, he seeks the truth of who he truly is.

Name: Cal A.K.A Felldoh(Felldoh's Wrath)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Zangoose.

Appearance: Normal Zangoose when transformed.

Weapon 1: Claws.
Weapon 2: A sword.
Hand weapon: Metal glove.

Alliance: Nintendo

Background: He was an Nsider in 2007. Advanced technoligy in 2046 allowed him to time travel and to rejuvinate. He was living in a peaceful time before the disaster. When it came, he was hiding underground with a lot of other people. He decided to try and stop the disaster. He is now a lone wolf, roaming the desolate empty streets. A member of Nsider Underground, he prefers to work alone.

Name: Edward Elric(LightningSword) Dead

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Alliance: None, as of now.

On Earth:

Weapon 1: His right arm, which is mechanical.

Hand Weapon: Revolver

Anywhere else:

Weapon 1: Automail Sword, used by his right arm and alchemy.

Weapon 2: Alchemy

Hand Weapon: Revolver

Background: Edward Elric hails from the land of Amestris, but came over to Earth in order to save his younger brother, Alphonse. After a few crazy events, Ed had to close the portal (or "Gate") that allowed people to cross between the parallel worlds - permanently. However, Al snuck his way into the other side of the Gate, so now the two live together in Germany. (From the series, "Full Metal Alchemist".)

Name: Tuppy


Gender: Male

Species: Animal Crossing Human

Alliance: Nintendo

Appearance: Round face, viking helmet, short, Gamecube shirt

Weapon 1(Can have only one element added.): Slingshot (Fire)

Weapon 2: Golden Shovel

Background: Travels the world, helping people in need, recently settled down in small village.

Name: Squall (JNeedforSpeed2014)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Square Enix

Alliance: Nintendo

Weapon 1: Gunblade Fire.

Weapon 2: Magic= Fire, Ice, Thunder

Background: Squall never knew his father. His mother died when he was born. He was then put in an orphanage. He now resides at Balamb Garden.

Name: Boa (Birdie of Aces)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Dog [Nintendo]

Alliance: Nintendo

Appearance: A blue dog with a guitar on his back. Resembles K.K Slider from Animal Crossing.

Weapon 1: Acoustic Guitar. When strummed, notes come shooting out like razors. The harder the song is to play, the stronger the attack. A song like TTFAF would do major damage.

Weapon 2: Howling. Boa can screech so loud that it has been known to break glass and screw up machinery. It hurts his throat to do and he prefers to only use it if in extreme trouble.

Hand Weapon(Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Magic, Metal Glove, etc.): Boa carries around a pocket knife. But he also has enhanced sharp claws and fangs.

Background: Was a mutt all his life when a Nintendo worker took him in. While the Nintendo worker was experimenting, he accidenly zapped Boa with some sort of virtual reality machinery. It gave Boa the special powers and enhancements he has today. The zap gave him human qualities, since it hit the Nintendo worker as well. The effects killed Boa's owner, but Boa gained his humanly powers. Now Boa can stand up and speak English. Now he is dedicated to giving his owner payback for all he sacrificed for him. First thing is first -- Saving Nintendo and restoring the world to how it once was.

Name: Redox (RedSox)

*Age: 21


Species: Human

Alliance: Nintendo

Appearance: Tall (6' 2") Human, hooded cloak (Always wears hood down unless on stealth missions. Semi-long hair. (More than crew cut, less than shoulder length)

Weapon 1: Huge sword (Like Ike's)

Weapon 2: Regular sword.

*Hand Weapon: Their called knuckles.

Background: Was frozen in ice since the Middle Ages. Was a famous mercenary leader.

Name: Tabuu (Real name on forum, Ridley)

Gender: Male

Species: Nintendo

Alliance: Nintendo

Appearence: A glowing guy. If you have been on the smash boards, you should know who he is. Just look up final boss in SSBB in youtube if you want to see him.

Weapon 1: I have an array of natural weapons. No need for it.

Weapon 2: Same as above.

Hand Weapon: ...Yeah you know the answer.

Background: I am the final boss and main antagonist of the smash brothers series. I was controlling master hand at one point and almost killed him off. I am able to do an array of attacks which I will keep for a surprise for now. (If you really must know the go to youtube and see the fight.) I have come from the dephts of the subspace to help out in the time of need.

Name: Nolan

*Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species(Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, Capcom, Sega, or Square Enix related only!): Human (Metroid)

Alliance(Nintendo, Sony, or Mercenary): Nintendo

Appearance: Blue jeans, black shirt, a brown jacket over it. Blue eyes, black hair, and a scouter over his right eye.

Weapon 1(Can have only one element added.): A Paralyzer/Whip. Think like ZSS's weapon in SSBB.

Weapon 2: Not a weapon, exactly, but he has a scouter over his right eye. It can detect life signs and scan enemies. It can give him information about enemies as well, programmed with the data on various creatures.

*Hand Weapon(Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Magic, Metal Glove, etc.):  He has a knife for emergency situations.

Background: Nolan was in the same city as the launch expo when the disaster struck. He managed to escape, and fled to the Nsider Underground.


Name- HTA/Deussel(Hector the Axe)
Age- 45
Gender- Male
Species- Intelligent Systems
Alliance- Sony

Weapon 1- A broad axe
Weapon 2- Spear
Hand Weapon- Light Rune

Reluctant leader of Sony's Handheld division.
Loyal and powerful, yet unsure over the reasoning behind this war.
Honorable to the end, and a tactition beyond compare.

Name: Dimentiono(Dr.Hobo2)

Age: ???

Gender: ???

Species: Nintendo

Alliance: Sony


Weapon 1: Chaos Blade
The blade was made from the destruction of the Chaos Heart. Dimentiono received it from Dimentio, his deceaded brother. The Chaos Blade can cut through almost anything and if he chooses, he can make the blade obliterate whatever he slices it with but this drains his energy quickly. The blade is very similar looking to the Sleeping Lion (from KH2) but the end is a Grey heart.

Weapon 2: His magic abilities. (This includes creating spiked crystals, teleporting, creating clones of himself, and his most powerful is creating a translucent yellow cube around someone and then making an explosion inside of it)

Background: His older brother, Dimentio, almost succeeded in destroying all dimentions and worlds so he could create his own. However, Mario and co stopped him before he could do so. Now Dimentiono has been given the Chaos Blade--which was created when the Chaos Heart was destroyed--from his brother who wanted him to get rid of the company that stopped him, Nintendo, so that he and Dimentiono would be an unstoppable force. Now Dimentiono has joined Sony but his true intentions are not yet known.

Name: Belinda Koboi.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Alliance: Sony
Appearance: All black jumpsuit. Brown eyes, black hair. Could be considered pretty only in a dangerous way
Weapon 1: A ten inch knife.
Weapon 2: A device that resembles a DS, but actually also performs the functions of phone, camera, radio, and computer. With it, she can hack into nearly any computer. It also has a stun laser. She has a large database of creatures and characters from many companies, which she uses to create enemies.
Hand Weapon: Belinda uses three types of magic. The first is shielding, which allows her to vibrate out of the visible spectrum, so she is only seen as a slight shimmer in the air. The second is healing, but this has a limit. The final is a type of hypnotism.
Background: Belinda worked for Nintendo until the disaster. She was rendered comatose for a year. When she woke, she blamed the company, and turned to Sony. She is a genius with an IQ of 200, building many inventions. She vows revenge on Nintendo.


Log Entries

After the

The Battle against
Aparoid Army=SH**!
Jak, Ratchet, Sly Cooper, OH MY!
After the

Enemies Encountered


A reptile monster with the ability to sprout spikes from it's body. It was created when a UFO crashed into the sea, where its fuel sank to the bottom of the ocean and re-awakened the hibernating dinosaur after it inhaled the radioactive waste pouring out of it. Togera was one of the many creations of Sony's General, Dimentio.


An insect-like creature that was destroyed by the Star Fox Team many years ago. However, Sony was able to steal their data on Earth from the ruins of the Nintendo Company, and were able to transport them to the Underground.


Ratchet is a mechanic on the blackwater planet Veldin. He dreams of leaving his planet and setting off on an adventure. He works on a home-made starship, although he knows there is no hope of it working without a robotic ignition system which he does not have. When a robot named Clank crash-lands on his home, they are forced to team up to defeat the evil Chairman Drek.


Wow, now THIS sounds like a good idea! I'm in! ;D

Name: Xacherai Hiro

Age: 16-17

Gender: Male

Species: Multi-tailed gray fox ((Is it all right? I made this character myself, and I usually associate him with Nintendo.))

Alliance: Nintendo

Appearance: Brown hair, markings on his arms, legs, and right side of his face, black muffler, light blue open front shirt, green cargo pants, and metal boots fit to his back paws.

Weapon 1: Very large sword, a bit larger than himself.

Weapon 2: A second sword that's slightly smaller than the first, it comes out of the center of the first sword.

Hand Weapon: A larger version of a Star Fox blaster

Background: Waking up, with selective amnesia, in a lab that had been abandoned for almost a year, he seeks the truth of who he truly is.



I'll give it a shot. :P

Name: Cal AKA Felldoh

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Zangoose. (Kinda vague on what you mean by "Species")

Appearance: Normal Zangoose when transformed. And my pokemon trainer in my sig when not.

Weapon 1: Claws.
Weapon 2: A sword.
Hand weapon: Metal glove.

Alliance: Nintendo

Background: He was an Nsider in 2007. Advanced technoligy in 2046 allowed him to time travel and to rejuvinate. He was living in a peaceful time before the disaster. When it came, he was hiding underground with a lot of other people. He decided to try and stop the disaster. He is now a lone wolf, roaming the desolate empty streets. A member of Nsider Underground, he prefers to work alone.

I have a question. Do we travel from planet nintendo to Earth? Or are we just on earth.

Spongebob does not approve


Planet Nintendo to Earth. And your first sentence reminded me one of Wanda Sykes stand up comedy shows, where she talks about marriage and instead of looking people in the eye saying, "I do", they should say, "Uh, I'll give it a shot."


Spongebob does not approve



Also, everybody use OC// and IC// to switch between posting and RPing.

I will start the official storyline when Felidoh's wrath posts again so he and I can start it off.


Spongebob does not approve



After sending the transmission signal, he turned towards his friend Felidoh and asked

"Do you think it's going to work?"


ooc// Felldoh ;)

Ic// "We can only hope for the best." He replied.

Spongebob does not approve


ooc// sorry!


Wolf sighed as he turned his DS Dashboard on his WCS(Watch Communications System) and spoke,

"Log into Nintendo Planet, Code Member Wolf, Password Nsider Underground." Wolf waited as a blue light emitted from his WCS and surrounded him and Felldoh.

They were transported to a cyber-world city where other users were transporting to other cities and towns.

"Well let's get to work."