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Nsider Underground *Semi-Literate RP* (The more members, the merrier!)

Started by Wolfpika, February 06, 2008, 01:57:24 PM

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Name: Boa

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Dog [Nintendo]

Alliance: Nintendo

Appearance: A blue dog with a guitar on his back. Resembles K.K Slider from Animal Crossing.

Weapon 1: Acoustic Guitar. When strummed, notes come shooting out like razors. The harder the song is to play, the stronger the attack. A song like TTFAF would do major damage.

Weapon 2: Howling. Boa can screech so loud that it has been known to break glass and screw up machinery. It hurts his throat to do and he prefers to only use it if in extreme trouble.

Hand Weapon(Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Magic, Metal Glove, etc.): Boa carries around a pocket knife. But he also has enhanced sharp claws and fangs.

Background: Was a mutt all his life when a Nintendo worker took him in. While the Nintendo worker was experimenting, he accidenly zapped Boa with some sort of virtual reality machinery. It gave Boa the special powers and enhancements he has today. The zap gave him human qualities, since it hit the Nintendo worker as well. The effects killed Boa's owner, but Boa gained his humanly powers. Now Boa can stand up and speak English. Now he is dedicated to giving his owner payback for all he sacrificed for him. First thing is first -- Saving Nintendo and restoring the world to how it once was.


"Well first of all, this is the Underground, our main base of operations. Here, we are planning attacks to Sony here, before we actually do it on Earth. The main reason if even we had a good strategy, our scientists are trying to figure out how Sony used our technology to bring their creations to life. If we could harness this portal, we could attack in our battle forms."

"But for now, we still need to clear the spammers here, there are still more that are airborne. And-hang on a second."

His WSC was beeping, again. He took his stylus, and saw a another user had received the transmission.

"Yes, it's reaching people!" He granted access and a blue dog with an acoustic guitar appeared right beside them.

ooc//note, BoA, you can rp now.


Ed scratched his head in pain as he woke up from his fall from the sky. "How the hell did I wind up here? One minute I'm writing a novel like Alfons recommended before he died, and the next..." He stared down at his right arm and left leg, and was shocked to find them back to their original composition. What the hell... Amestris? He slowly got up. "Hey!" He shouted. "Anyone out here?!"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Wolf began to hear shouting from a mile away.

Looks like the other guy woke up, well, better to transport him here than have him stranded.

Wolf pressed another couple keys on his Dashboard and a blue light was seen in the middle of the prairie that Edward fell in.


Ed stared at the light that appeared seemingly out of nowhere quizzically. Then he smirked. "I sure hope I can get some answers by doing this!" With that, he jumped into the light.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Once again, Edward appeared right next to Wolf.

"Alright, you are all here because you received a transmission in your time. That was sent from me. I'm a part of a group which we call 'The Nsider Underground', the last remaining survivors that vowed to fight Sony and restore peace to Planet Earth. I am glad that you have arrived, but first we must get to work. First, I need to give you your Underground Equipment."

Wolf waved his hand and a black case appeared and opened up to the three users.

"First, these are your Watch Communcations System or WCS for short. This tells time, allows you to communicate with your party, and can be used to summon vehicles or users in case of need. Now, if you look at this feature that looks like a DS, it will pull up your Dashboard. You can access your Party Mailbox, or PM for short, to view messages received. The Dashboard can also be used to pull up a GPS, Internet, Party Information, and Party Items. Now, also, you each get one metallic piece of rope, one Underground Access Card, and 2000 NU Coins to buy upgrades and items. We clear?"


Edward rubbed his head in disappointment. "Yeah, that makes almost no sense to me. If you can tell me where I am and who you are, that'd be just fine."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Wolf slapped Edward and said,


ooc//Sorry about slapping your character, thought it would be funny lol


Ed rubbed his face. "That only answers one of my questions, but whatever." He then smirked in disbelief. "What am I talking about? First I get transported to some weird world and then I have to take orders from a talking mouse?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


(( These devices remind me of one of my old fan fics xD ))

Boa just took his items silently, figuring he was in a dream. 'What a strange place...' Boa thought, looking around. Not everything had sunken in quite yet.


((You're talking about the PMing system, no?))

Ed took the items presented and sighed. "Not to mention my automail is back to normal, and there are talking animals..." he thought out loud. He then turned to the only human there, Squall. "Hey, do you know anything much about all this?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Felldoh headed off to take care of the flood.

Ooc// Is there anyone in my location?

Spongebob does not approve


"Sorry guys, but you don't understand. My name is Wolf, I am one of the last survivors that is not a Mercenary or on Sony's side. We are trying to plan attacks and create technology to attack Sony. I am one of the main Generals here, and my friend-"

"Beep Beep!" His WSC was beeping, somebody was calling in.

"Hang on." Wolf took out his stylus and pressed the "Answer Call" button. A holographic video screen appeared. It was his friend, Felldoh.

"Felldoh! What's going on?"


ooc//If there's any questions about missions or people in your area during the RP,  just contact me on your WSC or summon some backup using your Dashboard.


Ic// "Just calling in to see if there's anyone near my location. I hate to admit it, but I'm gonna need help." He replied.

Spongebob does not approve