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Alot of mini-games a wario-ware smooth moves review

Started by Allegretto, February 06, 2008, 09:56:14 PM

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Game: Wario-Ware Smooth Moves
Console: Wii

Storyline: The storyline in Smooth moves is well not so complex. Wario finds a temple and heads inside, he eventually finds the Wii mote on the ground. He picks it up and of course a boulder starts to roll after him. You have to basically do diffrent mini-games do escape from the temple. After this you do many diffrent storylines. None are that explained but the mini-games do get more difficult with each story you un-lock. Near the end you can un-lock another quest/storyline where you get to use the Nun-chuk for diffrent sorts of Mini-games, there are many diffrent forms to choose from which give you diffrent choices for mini=games. It is also very short you can easily beat it in an hour or 2.

I give it a hmmm 3/5

The controls in Smooth moves are amazing, it really makes you get active with the many diffrent mini-games there are to choose from. Some controls are more simple than others but there are many diffrent forms to choose from. Such as the Umbrella which makes you hold the wii mote straight up, and a more complex one the elephant which makes you hold the Wii mote straight from your nose. Many of these mini-games controlls work much better than i could have hoped, some are a little shaky and can get frustrating but overall its great Gameplay!


The multiplayer is outstanding in this game, many players can play at a time, and there are many diffrent multiplayer game modes to choose from, this is where the game really stands out. Smooth moves is a great game to be played at party's or just with your friends, there's so many mini-games to do you'll be entertained for hours on end!



The graphics in Smooth moves isent anything to brag about. They are not that good, it seems the creators wanted it to be more of a fun game than a beutiful graphical game. There are many games for the gamcube that have better graphics than this. Graphics is still not somthing to complain about since it is still a very fun game with great controls.


most of the Music in this game is very catchy, and the tune that sounds when you first start a mini-game is very cheery  ;). Some of the mini-games have very good music that is easy to follow along with. There is not much music in this game but the music that does sound is very nice and fun to listen to.


Well the difficulty in Smooth moves really depends on how good you are at using the wii-remote. Some mini-games can be very difficult and frustrating, but many are just to easy that barley any effort is needed. Still for most of these you must concentrate very well and not flinch for an instant. The main storyline is simple to beat, the last quest you must do can be more difficult but not by much. There are three diffrent difficulty's you can choose from to do mini-games on after you unlock them. Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. The higher the level the more difficult the mini-game.


This game can easily entertain you for weeks. The story line may not take so long but there are over 200 mini-games to unlock and play. Many you can play over and over without getting bored at all

The replay value on this game is very good, its a very fun game.


Storyline: 3/5
Gameplay/controls: 4.5/5
Graphics 3/5
Music 4/5
Difficulty: 3.5/5
Replay: 5/5

                               Overall This game is very fun, it has many mini-games to unlock and play and will not bore you quickly I give it a 4/5  ;)