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RP Launch pad thread!

Started by NJNETSFAN15, September 29, 2007, 01:33:55 PM

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Ok,ok.I really want to start an RP and I have some ideas.Tell me wich ones you like best:

Street Fighter
Racing:Beetle Adventure Racing,Wave Race,or Mario Kart
Animal Crossing
Smash Bros.
Mario Strikers Charged.

Wich one would you like best?



Animal Crossing. there's not enough Town RPs on this board. >_>; Actually, does anybody think they could make a Majora's Mask (LoZ) town RP?


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 20, 2007, 05:43:36 PM
Animal Crossing. there's not enough Town RPs on this board. >_>; Actually, does anybody think they could make a Majora's Mask (LoZ) town RP?

Maybe you could...?>_>

I've narrowed it down:

Street Fighter
Racing:Beetle Adventure Racing,Wave Race,or Mario Kart
Animal Crossing
Smash Bros.


Nah. I'm not too good at making RPs. '<.<



I wouldn't mind a town-based Mario Kart (A racing town, with several tracks around town, since I agree with DH2 when he says that we need more town roleplays.) or a Super Smash roleplay.


Ok.I defanitally will be making a Smash Bros. RP.

I want to also make a town RP but i'm not sure what I should do?

Should I make an original town RP where anything goes,or based off of a series?


Like I said before, go with MM for the town!


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 20, 2007, 06:16:56 PM
Like I said before, go with MM for the town!

I'm not familiar with MM,so,no.Sorry.



The land of Konoha... A place where ninja are the norm for everyone. People train and learn from elders, as well as protect their village. However... There is one group of ninja that are different.

They are Atkasuki, and their only goal is to obtain ultimate power through collecting the 9 demons that were put into 9 unfortunate souls throughout the land.

This is the story of those souls, along with everyone else's that were touched by them, and those who were touched by one other person..a child whose destiny was made to change the world as shinobi knew it..a child with green eyes...


13 years have passed since Kyubbi, the fox demon, attacked the Hidden Village of Leaf and was sealed inside a young boy. His name was Uzumaki Naruto.

Since then, people shunned him, treating him like a monster and labeling him an outcast. Despite this, Naruto continued to live there, entering into the Ninja Academy and training to become a ninja.

This is where our story begins... On the day of the tests... What will your story be? Will your lives be touched?...

Only time will tell...


Usual rules
Love's allowed. Nothing over PG-13
Please try to be as literate as possible
Have fun!


There are 9 demons that have been sealed into 9 separate people. If you wish to have a demon, PM me so I can give you its abilites.

If you have a demon, using it will grant you more power, speed, etc. Depending on the demon, you may or may not get much. However, for the ones that have 6 or more tails, using 4 will allow the demon to take you over.

Using all of them will be allowed, but only for a very short amount of time, and not until much later in the RP.

[Thanks to my girlfriend for all the demons! ^^]

One-Tailed Tanuki (Shukaku) [Taken by Gaara]
Two-Tailed Cat
Three-Tailed Turtle
Four-Tailed Rooster
Five-Tailed Dog
Six-Tailed Weasel
Seven-Tailed Badger
Eight-Tailed Snake
Nine-Tailed Fox (Kyubbi) [Taken by Naruto]

To Join:

Pre-set Characters:

You can be any character that appears in the very beginning of the anime. PM me if you wanna be someone. And pre-set characters with no demon can't have a demon.

You can be multiple pre-set characters.

I'm taking control of Itachi and Sasuke, as well as any other characters that aren't taken and the main enemies.


Create as many as you like. Your own Kekkei Genkai is allowed, but don't go too far.

Here's the sheet:

Name [Clan name before your real name]
Age [12 or 13]
Element [Wind, Fire, Electricity, Water, Heal ((Go ahead and combine two if you'd like, but the first one is your diminant element))
Kekkei Genkai [If you're part of a clan, it's theirs. If it's your own custom clan, create your own {Please give an explanation if it's custom so I know what it can do}]
Appearance [Optional]
Bio [Optional]

Here's mine:

Name: Uchiha Ryan
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Element: ???
Kekkei Genkai: Wind Sharingan [Him only]

A mysterious Sharingan. Only one person knows exactly what this can do..and what it's meant to do...

Appearance: Ryan has a strong build, and a somewhat sad yet happy expression on his face usually. He has Sasuke-like hair, but just a dark brown, and has emerald green eyes. He wears a black t-shirt with the symbol for the Uchiha clan on the back, except any of the red part is green, and he wears tan-white shorts that extend down to his knees.

Bio: Ryan's an outcast, like Naruto, because he tends to think the wind is calling to him. Most of the town has labeled him as insane, and try not to go near him. Besides that, his past is completely unknown..

Would anyone wanna join this? XD
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


^^Seeing how I despise Naruto,I wouldn't join,though it is well planed like your other RP's.


I would join as Shikamaru Nara.


Really? Sweet! XD Then maybe you can help me if I'm stuck in a part about him. I really don't know that much about Naruto. I've only watched a couple episodes XD All I know is stuff I've role-played in that was canon to the plot exactly.

I'll have the RP up soon ^^
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Yeah, everything I know about it I learned from a marathon and a friend.