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A look at Endless Ocean

Started by thunderhero4, February 07, 2008, 04:22:41 PM

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Hey! I just got Endless Ocean yesturday! It was the LAST copy! (its only 30 bucks! :O) here is my review of the game!

Story: There is very little story, very little AT ALL, but alas, there is a storyline, it focuses around your shipmate Kate and her "emo-ish" behavior...


Gameplay (controls, playing, ect.): This game is alot of fun! Alot more than I thought it would be! You can explore the ENTIRE Monoa Lai Ocean and even go to the underwater caves and deepest parts of the ocean (where its pitch black, the sharks down there scared the crap out of me!)

The controls are smooth, very smooth and are easy to remember after a little bit of practice! The way you examine fish could be a little bit cooler than it is, but its nothing bad...


Graphics: I honestly never knew underwater could look so real on a video game, or on a Wii game if a video game! The water looks real, some of the best light effects I have ever seen, the fish (especially the big ones) look really nice...the only thing I could question was a Polar Bear that found his way onto my ship...he was kind of blocky...


Replayability: Hmm...this is very questionable...the game is so big you may not need to know ths for a while, but i would say its pretty good...there are fish that can only be found at night, or some only during certain you will be playing this game alot to find everything (phew, good luck!) So replayability is good!


Any problems: This game is very slow at first, there is alot of tutorial at the beginning, so it is very old at first...and it doesnt get much faster unless you follow the Storyline's there is a lack of intense gameplay, but it isnt that bad...

also, when you go diving, wherever you park your boat, you can only go about a mile away from it before you have to move it to another spot....

And taking underwater pics can be annoying sometimes...

Thats it!

More notes: You have an email thingy that you get Emails from regularly! These can be requests for a pic of a certain fish, or to dive with a person wh doesnt dive often!

And besides fish, there are also random objects you can find and pick up under the entire sea! These go in a collection you have!

Plus, you get a free aquarium to swim in and enjoy your discovered fish!

Overall: I give this game a 4.5/5, but remember that its not for a gamer who only likes fast paced intense games!

Oh, and FTM, you can listen to your MP3 songs during gameplay...Through the fire and flames and dreams of absolution made exploring the ocean bottom alot less freaky!


Sounds like a good game for a Water Level loving freak like yourself Thunder but dosent sound like my kind of game since you know i hate water lvls....Still good review!


Sounds.....amazing.....Too bad I don't have any MP3s on my SD card lol.

Spongebob does not approve


Quote from: Felldohs_wrath on February 07, 2008, 05:55:43 PM
Sounds.....amazing.....Too bad I don't have any MP3s on my SD card lol.
1 gig SD cards are only 15 bucks now! :O