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Super smash brothers story!

Started by AdamSakuru, February 07, 2008, 05:08:39 PM

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Hey Everyone, my name's Adam Muhieddine. I do a new anime style called Sakuru anime (sakuru=Circle), I'd like to do something different than everyone else who wants to be in the anime industry usually does and I have a story about myself, my best friend, the Mario brothers and Kirby I draw about, it's called Super smash bros, (Yeah, based on the game, but I have my original storyline to it, and someday, I'd like to make manga's (maybe anime?) for nintendo. So here's the story to it....

15 years ago, the earth was terrorized by a colossal airship known as the C.I.S! The ships power thirsty leader, known as the vile Emporer Kroaken, like many others, wanted world domination. He had a clever plan to acheive this. He was going to get all his scientists to create something he called the perfect human. It would look like a human but it's body legiments would be ovals/circles and it's eyes would be lines. It would be like a human and age, but it would be stronger and faster than normal. Also, it could be able to copy an enemies technique and save it in it's head for keeps. If it was created sucesfully he would then clone it and when the time came, attack the world with his super soldiers. So, everything did go as planned, but when the day came he was to clone it, a mysterious mechanical dragoon appreaed and destroyed the ship, the leader escaped, promising to rebuild what was lost someday.... As for the 2 year old prototype, it fell out of the ship before the big BOOM and landed into a forest below. It was there that an old man was passing by and saw this baby child (who he thought was a mutant or a freak because of his appearence) and decided to take him in, he gave him the name Adam Sakuru(So this is my version of me). This man was lo-wang, a ninja arts teacher, he was practicing a ninja way called the shadow warrior, it was a ninja way that wanted to prove that there are more to ninja's than meets the eye. The meaning of being a ninja has lost it's meaning (has been degraded to such things as weapons, darkness, shadow, energy attacks, summons, acrobatics, headbands, freaky powers and such...), so these kind of ninja are more of brawlers, fair fighters and honourable, friendly people. They wouldn't use stealth unless it was completley necassary... Anyways, Adam was trained in the shadow warrior ways for 15 years, and is now 17, he finished his training and was told he was free to explore the world.

Since Lo-wangs dojo is inside the herb forest, Adam has to get out of there first. So Asa Adam's leaving he encounters another person who attacks him, the 2 battle but stop and the other person explains that his name is Fred, he is from the nearby ninja village of Tule. The villages sacred power emerald was stolen and he was accused of taking it and now every one in the village is trying to kill him, especially the strongest ninja in the village, Zain. Fred thought Adam was a hired assasin, the two become friends and Adam helps Fred fight off his pursiuers, and battled Zain and defeated him. The two traveled toegther and soon reached the mushroom kingdom. The place is in chaos, the princess has once again been kidnapped and bowser has a lot more forces to use against the Mario brothers and Kirby (who crash landed on earth and stayed in the kingdom) and they needed help! Adam and Fred offer help, they go to save the princess and after being sucsessful, they all decide to become a team and stay together and defend the mushroom kingdo from evil, they are known as the Super Smash Bros,!

However, This event was not supposed to happen, thus resluting in the space time continuim malfunctioning.  Portals to other worlds open up (SEGA world and CAPCOM world) and when the evils of the other worlds find out about this, and start making there own evil plots, it's up to the smash bros, to stop all and any chaos from getting out of control!

Anybody wanna let me know about anything, conact me! I'll replay As soon as possible...
Super smash bros, GO!!!

My deviant art:
"Time to earn our reputation!"
-Adam Sakuru


Hm, that's pretty interesting. :O

But there wasn't really much of an ending to it. :(


I didn't put the ending beause let's just say "Hypothetically" I got famous later on. Then everyone would know the ending to this story! So, I just gave you the story of how Adam, Fred, Mario, Luigi and Kirby get together as the smash brothers!
"Time to earn our reputation!"
-Adam Sakuru


Hm that was a good story, pretty short but still very nice good job AdamSakuru ;)