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Halo 3 vs. CoD4 vs. The Orange Box

Started by Yoshi_R, February 09, 2008, 10:33:13 AM

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I am planning to get myself a XBox360 soon but I can't decided between these two game. Can you help me out.

I know CoD4 has plenty of great online play so that's why I want it.
All my friends have Halo 3 so I know I have someone  to play with.
The Orange Box is gonna be updated with great new features and is like 5 games in one box :P

So yes someone help me out because I am only getting one.


If your going to get The Orange Box get it for PC. That leaves Halo vs. CoD4, and CoD4 is much better, it has a superior campaign and the multiplayer is much better than Halo 3.



Everybody says cod4 but it really just depends on the gamplay you like. The multi-player for both are extremly fun addicting and action packed, if you like more realistic type of gamplay than go for cod4, if you like more supernatural gameplay than get halo3. Both the storylines arent that long but call of duty 4 has some awe spiring scenes that make you just gasp at how realistic it is. But if your a halo fan that has kept with the series, you might want to get it because it is still such a great game with extroidanary graphics, the online play and muliplayer is great, one thing in online play it really beats cod4 at is that more than one person can play at a time.  ;)


Get COD4 it's an amazing game but Halo 3 is pretty good but COD4 is alot more intense and it has a better storyline than Halo will ever hav


The Orange Box. It has 5 games for the price of one. The 5 games are also some of the best games I've ever played. It will last a lot longer than Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4 (Single play adventure wise, of course).